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Toldanes, Lovely V. BSED 2-A

The Bible or the sacred writings - it is book where we filled our life, molded our
heart, mind, thoughts and action to what the message says. A book where you
understand the meaning of life in laughter, tears, challenges and hopes this
teaches you how to be strong in every trouble comes to your life. Because God is
sees you in of who you are and what you are, you really have to give time to God
by praying and surrenders all your worries and gratefulness. It influenced the
people especially we Christian believing that Jesus Christ came to save our souls
and sacrifice his life for our sin. God is always wanted us to be his side whenever
and wherever we are, we pray for the safety because knowing accident will be at
any time of the day. The journey of the Apostles of Jesus Christ is wonderfully
incredible walk of life because their will is to serve God and they do everything for
what is meant to be. Reading bible helps you to be independent and strong open
ups your mind to a situation where your faith measured. As catholic we have a
pictures and statues inside the church in order to see that there is God with us it
is fulfilling especially going to church with your family was always the warmest
love your received and feel the presence of Almighty God. With all the blessings
may it be painful it values you as a person living in the love of God.

Koran - The Koran or O'ran itis a holy scriptures of Muslim's where they put their
faith to Allah they serve him by worshipping his name. The Koran was originally
written by Muhammad. Where Archangel Gabriel told him to wrote it. The holy
scripture is written in Arabic language because Muhammad lived in Arabia where
the Koran can't be translated in English of the reason the message will be
misinterpret by readers/ believers. Arabian words don’t match the English
language. That is why Muslim really depending on Koran scripture where they
give respect Allah. Their worship time is 12am, 3am, 12 noon, 3pm and 6pm every
day. It influences the people for its loyalty and unconditional faith. The Kaaba
symbolizes the purity without pictures, statues and idols they've worshipped.
Even Muhammad doesn't have a picture in their church because itis the One and
Only God who created universe and the life of people. It is guiltily perfect the
unchanging power of God.
The lliad and Odyssey - an epic poem where the taught us the long journey of a
heroes it isa philosophical thought, critical attitude toward earlier views, the
detection of fluctuation and the unifying principle. The lliad and Odyssey has a
different opinion of intellect and nature of human experiences. Hence, the next
principle is that concerning the gaps in perception of understanding, realization
and recognition of wonder where fair description written. There seems to be little
of distinctly philosophical interest. Indeed, the very idea of philosophical content
in oral poetry seems priori unlikely. This view of Homeric poetry is not without
justification The morality of the story includes the description where Iliad
exemplifies the battle and Odyssey is heroic effort to go home. The moral is that
in this world life is not that fair. Indeed, this epic influenced the readers by being
faithful and be grateful because in life you should go through to the darkest times
where you see someone enjoying life with the fullest that you can think they are
richer than you and living an extravagant life.

Mahabharata – it is an epic story where Ramayana embodies the essence of our

nation's awareness, our unity and cultural history. This epic provides livid
collection of philosophy, poetry, fiction, sculpture, painting, folklore and other
kinds of creative collection of Indian poetry. Hence, it has been read, chanted,
acted out and transmit ted in tale from ancient and hoary past.

Canterbury Tales - a poem intended to preserved the text founded in the

influential manuscript which draw the pages from original description selection of
works to give the reader a sense and value of cultural, political and literary world.
This based on the famous Ellesmere manuscript which may read in English texts
that readers may love it and understand the message of a pilgrim’s journey
travelling London to Canterbury. A story where honesty and honor is given
importance of person.

Uncle Tom's Cabin - were more important than the creative merits. Its author's
capabilities as a supplier of Sunday-school fiction were not very impressive. She
had a ready command of broadly conceived melodrama, humor, and tragedy, and
she built her novel around these popular characteristics. Despite the intensity of
her feelings while writing, Mrs. Stowe displayed commendable restraint in not
making personal assaults on Southerners. Her story's villains are all Northern
outlaws. Her focus was on the unavoidable ills of slavery, the sale of Negro
families, and the brutality inextricably linked to the search and recapture of
runaway blacks.

The Divine Comedy - is a long narrative poem that began in 1308 and finished in
1320. It is largely regarded as the most important work of Italian literature and
one of the greatest works of all time. The poem's imaginative concepts of the
afterlife typify the medieval worldview as it emerged. And aided the
establishment of Tuscan language as the standardized Italian language. The Divine
comedy’s political outlook is Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso are the three

El Cid Campeador - it is translated as "Champion" in English where taught to be

hero in life. Who’s protecting the life that you have, everything you have been
through and fighting for your life. It influences for its immensely strength has
shown in the battle of life. You can be hero, main character of your story.

The Song of Roland - On the occasion of the twelfth centennial of the Battle of
Roncevaux, which inspired the Chanson d Roland, this edition offers the first
rigorous analysis of the complete work. Professor Brault's edition also integrates
the substantial scholarly work completed in the half- century after the publication
of the Bedier and Jenkins editions. The poem's central idea in this revised edition
is that of Christian hero.

According to the poet Turoldus, who wrote around 1100, during the First Crusade,
Roland, Charlem agne's nephew, had no flaws and performed great feats in battle
against the Saracens. The first chapter contrasts known historical facts concerning
the Battle of Roncevaux with the Roland legend, several variants of the poem, and
the Oxford translation. Christian sensibility and thought.

The Book of Death - In 1919 the distinguished scholar Walter Evans-Wentz visited
an Indian monastery, where he encountered the source of this famous volume.
Derived from Buddhist funerary text, offers instructions for preparing for death
and moving through the various stages of rebirth. The book has since developed
into a guide to attaining enlightenment: and assuring an auspicious journey
through the realms of the afterlife. Walter Evans Wentz, great scholar, visited an
Indian monastery in 1919 and discovered the source of this remarkable volume.
contains directions for preparing for death and traveling through the many stages
of reincarnation, and itis derived from a Buddhist burial literature. Since then, the
book has evolved into a guide to achieving enlightenment and ensuring an
auspicious voyage through the eternal regions.

The Book of Days - Robert Chambers' last book, The Book of Days, was also his
most detailed. was massive collection of brief, mostly factual bits that would
today be classified as "trivia," but was highly interesting trivia The formula has
been used numerous times. Itis thought that his overwork on this book hastened
his death.] was released in t WO enormous volumes, each over 840 pages long,
and was illustrated for its day, with etched illustrations linked to the essays. The
Book of Days: A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities Connection with the Calendar:
Including Anecdote, Biography, and History, Curiosities and Literature, and
Oddities of Human Life and Character is the full title. It's well indexed adds to its
usefulness as a reference.

The One Thousand and One nights or the Arabian Nights - The never ending
stories told by Shahrazad under King Shahrayar's death sentence are known as
One Thousand and One Nights ng Shahrayar, enraged by the discovery of his
wife's orgies, pledges to marry a virgin every night and her the next morning. To
stay alive, Shahrazad, his newest wife, creates web of each night, keeping the King
guessing until daylight, extending her life for another day. These captivating tales
of the real and supernatural, love and marriage, power and punishment, money
and poverty, and the countless trials and uncertainties of fate have been collected
from India, Persia, and across the vast Arab empire. ne Thousand and One Nights
is retold by Hanan al-Shaykh in a captivating new voice.

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