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From the very beganing of civilization, status is the social rank of a person. Mainly, status create
oppurtunities for a person so that they could take the full advantage from the group or socity.

For instance we can say Our ancestores started clan base working system in that one or a group
of people can specelized in perticuler work so that they can done it faster. After some times
kings and other ruler dived people based working status to rule on people.

Now days people are ego centric.Now days status means rewards, self image, how much one
money or power.

Status Tzelationships: Adrianja dostava

Status relationships:

Status relationships Actually refferes how a perticuler person taking advantage from his status.
It show reeciving previlage and participating in group work. Through status, one can relate to
another worker or ruling on them.

Status symbol :

Status symbol is those staff which directly helps to a man to show up his status. It can be
various things. In society it could be having a Gold plated needle to having a island and in
corporate sector it could be different rank which may show on shoulder or dress code.

Source of status:

There are several kinds of source of status. It can be job, skills, ability, salary etc. To illustrate
we may say in Bangladeshi university there is very popular a source of status is seniority. A
student who are admitted first they become senior and junior must obey them.

Significance of status:

Status is the most significant in Organisational Behaviour. Because mainly a worker do his job
to earn societies values or status. It’s the most influencing thing in a maslow's hierarchy of
needs theory. He told that Esteem needs are the need for self-esteem and respect, with self-
respect being slightly more important than gaining respect and admiration from others.

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