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Self-preparation before asking:

-------> We should feel calm and relaxed in a realm and quite environment with no phone calls, music,

TV on or PC as nothing would distract us while we concentrate and gather our thoughts.

-------> We should NOT feel angry, anxious, disappointed, stressed or even extremely happy about what
we want to know or how things will turn out.

-------> We should NOT pose a question RIGHT AFTER a heavy argument, separation, divorce,
bankruptcy, death, suicide, imprisonment, marriage, getting fired or legal argument reviews.
-------> We should NOT pose a question about (our or their) pregnancies, grave illness and forthcoming
It would be more thoughtful asking about the progress of any therapy involved and suggest giving
priority to medical remedies or health experts.
-------> We should not pose any questions under the influence of psychoactive substances or alcohol
or when unfit due to injury, fatigue, medication, sickness or other similar causes.

How do I pose a question?

I, (name), being birth of…will…

1) You should avoid words that may include a negative sense of meaning while posing
your question e.g. “not”, “no”, “don’t”, “doesn’t”, “didn’t”, “never”, “none”, “nowhere”,
“nothing”, “anything”, “no one”, “ever”, “cannot”, “will not”.

Doesn’t he love me anymore? -----> Does he have feelings for me?

Will we ever get together with Nick? -----> Will I, being birth of…get together with Nick?
Will I ever meet Cathy again? -----> Will I, being birth of…meet with Cathy?
Will they ever give me an answer about my previous interview? -----> Will they give me
feedback about the job?
Will anyone buy the property in sale? -----> Will I, being birth of…sell this property?
Why can’t I sell my business? -----> Will I, being birth of… sell my business?
Will I ever get married? -----> Will I, being birth of, get married in my lifetime?
2) You should avoid questions with negative sense, expressions and feelings.

Will I break up with Jane? ---> Will my relationship with Jane last?
Will I have a car accident? ---> Will I be safe while driving during this particular travel?
Will I be rejected to the Master in Science I chose to join? ---> Will I pass the course?
Will my business declare bankruptcy? ---> Will my business pull through this crisis?
Will the bank reject the loan petition as they did before? ---> Will the loan be approved?
How long will be in the same rank in my job? ---> Will I be/get promoted?
Will my house be sold in auction being performed? ---> Will I save my house from debts due?

3) You should avoid questions that involve two options, two parts or two separate
questions in one question.

E.g. Will my daughter (1st question) be successful in her exams OR (2nd question) shall we
finance her studies abroad?
Does Nick want me OR Mary?
Shall I work in Athens OR should I look for a job in Thessaloniki?
Should I ask for a divorce OR give my marriage another chance?
If my business partner finds out that I misuse our financial status, will he spare me OR end up in
Court of Justice?
Will I win this argument in civil Court OR my legal expenses will surpass the amount of
4) You should avoid questions that you already know the answers.

- I am aware and fully informed by doctors and health experts that a relative of mine suffers
from cancer and his lifetime due is 3 – 5 months.
---> There’s no point in asking if his lifetime is going to be extended for two more years.

- My landlord has asked me to leave the house I live in while handing me over a lawsuit with a
6months period limit as a firm deadline to be met.
---> There is no sense in asking if I have enough time to pack my stuff and leave the house.

- My valid visa of work and residence has expired. Will I be deported?

---> In case of daily routine checking or showing up in public services, your accountant or
your job officer will find out about it.

5) All questions posed should be based on common sense.

- The couple had a fight, he has packed his things and left the house.
She is asking if they are going to get married next year.
---> It would be better asking if you are going to get back together or whether the argument
is going to be settled.

- He is beating her to death every day, gets all the money out of her and spends it with his
friends messing around.
She is asking if he loves her.

- In my last interview, An unpleasant dispute occured which ended up in a fight with the
company’s manager about the salary offered. Nevertheless, I had been fully informed about
it before the meeting.
He asks if he is going to get the job.
---> No, you won’t get that job.
6) Questions posed should be specific and not general.

---------> What will happen with Nick?

What do I really want to know?

- Will I be in a relationship with Nick?

- Will Nick come back?
- Will Nick get in touch with me?
- Will I marry Nick?
- Will I get back with Nick?
- Will Nick get back with me?
- Will I get into bed with Nick?
- Will Nick ask me out?
- Will Nick reveal his feelings to me?
- Will I break up with Nick?
- Will I get a divorce from Nick?

---------> Will be job improve?

What do I really want to know?

- Will I be full of customers?

- Will it be successful?
- Will I make profit out of it?
- Will I find a partner?
- Will it endure?
- Are my partners compatible?
- Are my partners trustworthy?
- Will my co-operations be smooth?
- Will I make the deal that I am after?
- Will I surpass the hinders and difficulties that came up?
- Will I adjust to my new job post?
- Will I set up the job or professional activity that I want?
- Will I make it established?
- Will I re-compensate?
- Will I be over professional competition?

7) You should name the person for whom you spread the deck.
All interpretators do not know you in person.
We are not being present when you spread your decks.

We do not know the whole story and as not being witnessed,

we count on you for the right feedback given to us.

Make it easy for us and then you may help yourselves while interpretating the cards
according to the numbered position they show up.

8) You should call the persons after the figures shown in cards according to age,
natural figure and colors or features of character beforehand.

All interpretators do not know you in person.

We are not being present when you spread your decks.

We do not know the whole story and as not being witnessed,

we count on you for the right info given to us.

Make it easy for us and then you may help yourselves while interpretating the cards
according to the numbered placed they show up.

The final form of question should be:


I want you to tell me and show me, Cathy being birth of Jane, if I am going to
have sex with John, being birth of Mary.

This spread is being under my name, Cathy, being birth of Jane.

I call myself after Urmiaa and John is being called after Dare.”

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