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Name: Meghna Rai Roll Number: 101903033 Section: G2

Professional Communication (UHU003)

Assignment 1

Q2. a) Give a detailed description and the significance of the communication process
that Malini Verma uses in her dealings with the candidates and the employees.

Ms. Malini Verma makes extensive use of non-verbal communication cues when she is
dealing with future prospective clients and employees. She is able to read a person and his or
her mannerisms correctly, and can then decipher if the person would be the right candidate or
customer for her corporation or not. This ability of hers is quite advantageous in the long run.

Many words can be said through the actions one performs, and so it is crucial to make sure
that one can process the information that is being conveyed through the non-verbal
communication cues. When Ms. Verma looks at a potential employees' eyes, she is trying to
figure out if the candidate is interested, sincere, and attentive. If the candidate was to avoid
eye contact then that would show that he or she is insecure, insincere or untrustworthy.
Another essential aspect that Ms. Verma notices during an interview is the candidate's
posture. Various body postures can convey different meanings. For example, if someone is
leaning back and has a slumped posture, this shows their disinterest and lack of enthusiasm.
However, if a candidate is sitting upright or is leaning towards the speaker, then this shows
that they are paying attention and are interested.

When Ms. Malini Verma is dealing with her clients or future customers, she analyses their
body posture and figures out whether they are in the responsive, reflective, fugitive, or
combative state to decide when is the right time to close the deal. A good salesperson can
analyse the facial expressions, hand movements, and body posture, and decide if the prospect
is engaged or not and then accordingly modify their pitch, which is precisely what Ms.
Verma does.

Apart from all of this, there are a lot of other signs- the gestures one makes, the way a person
is dressed, the tone of your voice, your facial expressions- which convey a great deal beyond
the words that are being spoken. It is imperative for Ms. Verma to correctly judge the entire
situation at hand and then and only then come to a conclusion because her incorrect judgment
of the non-verbal cues can affect not only her but also the success of the entire corporation.

Q2. b) Do you think that training the employees (in marketing and sales) about the use
of non -verbal communication would be beneficial for Charisma Corporation? Justify.

I believe that training the employees of Charisma Corporation about the use of non-verbal
communication will be extremely beneficial and will help them achieve the organization's
annual sales goal.

When a salesperson tries to sell a product to a prospective customer, then at that moment, his
non-verbal communication skills and ability to understand the customer is just as important
as the sales pitch he or she is making. Being able to understand non-verbal cues will help
Name: Meghna Rai Roll Number: 101903033 Section: G2

them figure out if the customer is eager or impatient or annoyed and will also help them
understand their customer and their needs better.

If the employee of Charisma Corporation can correctly interpret the body language of the
customer, then he or she will be able to customize the pitch accordingly and eventually
successfully close the deal. The body's posture, facial expression, and positioning of arms and
legs can easily help the employee figure out if the customer is a combative, fugitive,
reflective, or responsive state. For example, open and relaxed hands are a positive sign and
show that the customer might be interested. On the other hand, if the buyer's facial expression
is showing disinterest and his arms and legs are crossed, then this shows that the prospect is
shut off to the idea or the product and communicates a negative feeling.

Only if the employee is able to pick up these signals and correctly analyse the non-verbal
cues will he be able to have a chance at making a sale. A salesperson could have the best
pitch and product; however, if he is unable to understand his customer, through their verbal
and non-verbal cues, then it can negatively impact his chance of making a sale and can also
have a negative impact on the organization.

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