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The Observational Gait Scale Can Help Determine the GMFCS Level in Children With
Cerebral Palsy
Karina A. Zapata, DPT, PhD; Charter L. Rushing, PT, ScD; Mauricio R. Delgado, MD; Chanhee Jo, PhD
Scottish Rite for Children, Dallas, Texas.

Purpose: To evaluate the association between the Observational Gait Scale (OGS) and the Gross Motor Function
Classification System (GMFCS) in walking children with cerebral palsy (CP).
Methods: The charts of 512 children with CP GMFCS levels I to IV were reviewed for the OGS score and GMFCS level at
their initial visit.
Results: The OGS score decreased with increasing GMFCS levels. The average OGS for GMFCS level I was 13.1 (2.8), level
II was 11.3 (2.7), level III was 7.7 (2.7), and level IV was 6.1 (2.0). A significant negative relationship was seen between the
OGS and the GMFCS. In particular, each GMFCS level was different across all levels in a pairwise comparison. In addition,
multivariate modeling analysis confirmed that the association between the OGS and the GMFCS was still valid, after
adjusting for age and gender.
Conclusions: The OGS is a quick tool to rate gait and help confirm a child’s GMFCS level. (Pediatr Phys Ther
Key words: CP, Gross Motor Function Classification System, OGS

INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE for subscores 1 to 4 and poor reliability for subscores 5 to
The Observational Gait Scale (OGS) is commonly used in 6. Only subscores 1 to 4 were assessed for validity com-
clinic as an attempt to objectively rate gait in children with cere- pared with 3-dimensional gait analysis. Interrater reliability
bral palsy (CP). The OGS evolved from the Physician’s Rating was provided for subscores 1 to 7, but not for the total
Scale as a simple, low-technology tool to examine gait in 2 mean.3 We have used a modified version of the OGS con-
dimensions.1 Common reasons for performing the OGS include sisting of 7 subscores and a total score of 19 points (Figure 1).
assessing for changes before and after botulinum neurotoxin Our subscores differ from Boyd’s in that the version used in this
type A injections, serial casting, orthotic use, surgery, and as part study does not assess “timing of heel rise” or “change” and has a
of yearly follow-up visits. “speed of gait” subscore. In our clinical experience, the “change”
Several variations of the OGS exist. The OGS developed subscore is open to varying interpretation, and should be cap-
at our institution and published by Boyd has 8 subscores to tured by the other gait parameters. A third published version of
evaluate gait parameters in the following order: knee position the OGS consists of 24 subscores and a total score that was not
in midstance, initial foot contact, foot contact at midstance, reported.4,5
timing of heel rise, hindfoot at midstance, base of support, The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)
assistive devices, and whether there has been a change.2 is a 5-level functional classification that differentiates children
Lower OGS scores indicate more gait deviations. Boyd’s OGS and youth with CP according to their current gross motor abili-
version was found to have acceptable interrater reliability ties and limitations, and need for assistive technology including
(weighted kappa [wk] range 0.43-0.86) and intrarater relia- wheeled mobility.6 Those with GMFCS level I can generally walk
bility (wk range 0.53-0.91) and validity (wk range 0.38-0.94) without restrictions but tend to have some limitations in more
challenging situations. Those classified as level V are usually
very limited in their ability to move themselves about, even with
0898-5669/110/3401-0023 assistive technology.
Pediatric Physical Therapy In the past, the GMFCS has been found to be mildly
Copyright © 2021 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American related to gait speed, stride length, and cadence.7 How-
Physical Therapy Association
ever, we are unaware of any studies that have evaluated
Correspondence: Karina A. Zapata, DPT, PhD, Scottish Rite for Children, whether the OGS can assist in assigning the GMFCS level
2222 Welborn St, Dallas, TX75219 ( according to pairwise comparisons and post hoc analysis. We
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. aimed to evaluate the association between the OGS and the
DOI: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000851 GMFCS in walking children with CP according to Spearman

Pediatric Physical Therapy The Observational Gait Scale and GMFCS 23

Copyright © 2021 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
first author, and statistician reviewed the data of each participant
to ensure accuracy. Data from the exported files were confirmed
for accuracy through comparison with the childhood motor
disorders database and the child’s medical record. Twenty-one
children were excluded due to missing recorded OGS scores
or GMFCS levels, resulting in a total of 512 participants for
inclusion in the study. Ethical approval was obtained from the
hospital and university institutional review boards. Participants’
caregivers provided written informed consent and participants
older than 10 years also provided assent for study participation.
Children’s OGS score and GMFCS level were both recorded
at the same initial clinic visit at baseline, prior to any interven-
tion. Each child was instructed to walk barefoot with the knees
in view back and forth along a 6-m walkway at least 6 times
at a self-selected speed. A physical therapist (PT) viewed the
child’s gait 3 times in the frontal plane and 3 times in the lat-
eral plane. Children with bilateral involvement will have 2 OGS
scores reflecting their left and right sides. When there were 2
OGS total scores, the lower OGS total score was included for
data analysis. The same PT was involved in rating both the OGS
and GMFCS level. Each child’s GMFCS level was determined by
the treating physician who consulted with the multidisciplinary
study team, including the PT, family, and medical team. All OGS
scores and GMFCS levels used in this study were recorded from
the same initial clinic visit at 1 visit at 1 time point.
Each child’s OGS score was determined by any of 8 PTs
trained in neuromuscular evaluation. Since we did not for-
mally establish interrater reliability for the OGS, we reviewed
the OGS total scores for each PT tester to evaluate whether
scores were similar across testers after reviewing the exported
data. After matching for the GMFCS level and type of CP, we
used a subgroup of 9 participants to compare 8 testers. All
OGS scores across testers were within a similar range with no
significant differences between OGS scores across the testers
(P = .69).

Fig. 1. Observational Gait Scale. Statistical Analysis

Means and standard deviations were used to describe
continuous variables and a Student’s t test to compare those vari-
ables. Spearman correlations along with box plots were used to
Participants examine the relationship between the OGS scores (total and sub
The study design is a single-center retrospective study of scores) and GMFCS levels. A 1-way analysis of variance was used
data collected and entered into a clinical database with a remote to assess for differences in OGS total scores across GMFCS levels,
intent to use the data over time. Patients and caregivers pro- followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons. We ran multivariate
vided a blanket assent and consent for use of their information regression analyses where OGS was the dependent variable and
in the database. A research coordinator entered clinical data the covariates were age, gender, body mass index, and GMFCS.
obtained from a childhood movement disorder clinic at a tertiary Statistical significance was set at a P value less than .05. Statis-
care hospital into this institution’s movement disorder database tical analyses were performed using SAS/STAT version 9.4 (SAS
following each clinic visit. Entered data included participants’ Institute, Cary, North Carolina) and IBM SPSS 26 Software (IBM
names, date of birth, date seen, gender, height, weight, diag- Corp, Armonk, New York).
nosis, type of CP, GMFCS level, and OGS scores. A research
coordinator extracted previously entered data from a consecu-
tive series of 533 walking participants with CP (GMFCS levels
I-IV) presenting to the specialty clinic who had either GMFCS RESULTS
levels or OGS scores recorded between 1997 and 2016. After Participants averaged 4 years 7 months (1-18 years)
data were exported from the database, the research coordinator, (Table 1). The most common type of CP was bilateral (65%)

24 Zapata et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2021 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1 increased (Table 2). Participants with GMFCS I with bilateral
Participant Characteristics (n = 512) CP demonstrated significantly lower OGS total scores compared
with participants with GMFCS I with unilateral CP (P < .01)
Parameters Mean (SD) Range
according to t tests, but these were not statistically significant
Age, y 4.6 (2.7) 1.3-18.0 for participants with GMFCS II with bilateral CP compared to
Gender participants with GMFCS II with unilateral CP (P = .15). Mul-
Girls 278 tivariate modeling analysis revealed that each GMFCS level was
Boys 234
Height, cm 105 (16) 77-171
different based on the OGS total score across all levels (P < .05)
Weight, kg 18.2 (8.0) 8.6-73.4 (Table 2).
BMI, kg/m2 16.2 (2.4) 11.3-34.1
Type of cerebral palsy
Bilateral 331 DISCUSSION
Unilateral 181
At our institution, we use the OGS as a tool to assess a child’s
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation. gait and response to treatment at this institution since it is quick,
convenient, and easy to learn. The OGS does not substantially
(Table 1). Participant distribution of GMFCS levels was GMFCS lengthen a child’s clinic visit or contribute to testing fatigue. The
I = 47%, GMFCS II = 28%, GMFCS III = 20%, and GMFCS OGS can be performed in any space without requiring any spe-
IV = 5%. cial equipment. Although 3-dimensional gait analysis is the gold
The OGS scores decreased as GMFCS levels increased standard for gait, it is unavailable and impractical for most clin-
(Table 2 and Figure 2). A significant negative relationship was ical settings.8 Components of the OGS have been found to be
seen between the OGS total scores and GMFCS levels according reliable and valid overall, but the reliability and validity of the
to a Spearman correlation (r = −0.61; P < .001). In partic- total score have not been reported.3 Not only does this study
ular, each GMFCS level was different based on the OGS total include OGS total score findings, but we also add to the evi-
score across all levels in a pairwise comparison (P < .001) dence supporting the validity of the OGS by finding that the
(Table 2). Each GMFCS level was different based on the OGS OGS total score and GMFCS levels measure related constructs
total score across all levels according to post hoc analysis (P < according to Spearman correlations.
.05) (Table 2). In addition, multivariate modeling analysis con- Occasionally, discussions arise about a child’s GMFCS level
firmed that the association between the OGS total score and the when it falls on the border of 2 GMFCS age bands and descrip-
GMFCS was still valid after adjusting for age and gender (P < tors. For example, it can be difficult to define whether a child
.001). In particular, the OGS total score did not differ according who just turned 4 years old (when the 4 to 6 age band starts) is
to gender, age, or body mass index. Furthermore, when the OGS GMFCS level I or II. The OGS may help establish the GMFCS
total score was compared across GMFCS levels according to 2 level by determining the average OGS total score according to
age groups (≤5 years old vs >5 years old), no significant dif- GMFCS level. Each GMFCS level showed significantly different
ferences were found according to t tests. Finally, when the 7 OGS total score means according to post hoc analysis, with
subscores of the OGS were compared across GMFCS levels, a OGS scores decreasing more than 50% from GMFCS I to IV.
weak to moderate negative association was seen (r = −0.14 Since we found that the OGS total score is moderately associ-
to −0.70; P < .01 for all subscores) according to Spearman ated with the GMFCS level, the distribution of the OGS within
correlations (Table 3). the GMFCS level can help confirm a child’s GMFCS level if there
A subgroup analysis of participants with bilateral CP is uncertainty.
(diparesis, quadriparesis) and unilateral CP (hemiparesis) also This study also provides expected OGS total scores based off
demonstrated that the OGS total score decreased as the GMFCS a child’s GMFCS level overall, by bilateral CP, and by unilateral

Observational Gait Scale Total Score Mean Across Gross Motor Function Classification System Levela

OGS Total Score

Overall Bilateral Unilateral
GMFCS Level n Mean (SD) Range n Mean (SD) Range n Mean (SD) Range

I 240 13.1 (2.8) 4-19 111 12.7 (2.9) 4-19 129 13.5 (2.6) 6-18
II 143 11.4 (2.7) 5-18 91 11.1 (2.7) 5-17 52 11.8 (2.7) 5-18
III 103 7.7 (2.7) 1-16 103 7.7 (2.7) 1-16
IV 26 6.1 (2.0) 2-9 26 6.1 (2.0) 2-9
P value <.001 <.001 <.001
Multiple comparisons
I vs II <.001 <.001 <.001
II vs III <.001 <.001
III vs IV .030 .031

Abbreviations: GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; OGS, Observational Gait Scale; SD, standard deviation.
a The lower total OGS score was included.

Pediatric Physical Therapy The Observational Gait Scale and GMFCS 25

Copyright © 2021 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
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Fig. 2. Box plot with actual values of OGS total scores across GMFCS levels. GMFCS indicates Gross Motor Function Classification System; OGS, Observational Gait Scale.

TABLE 3 level, and provides expected total OGS scores based off a child’s
Observational Gait Scale Subscore Associations Across Gross Motor GMFCS level. The OGS is a clinically useful tool to quickly and
Function Classification System Levels (n = 415) objectively rate a child’s gait.
OGS Subscore Spearman Correlation (r) P Value
The authors would like to acknowledge Deanna Carman
Initial foot contacta −0.19 <.001 and Blanch Carpenter for assisting in the development of the
Foot at midstancea −0.26 <.001
OGS, Debbie Baldwin and Jonathan VanPelt for assisting with
Knee position at midstancea −0.21 <.001
Base of supporta −0.48 <.001 the database, and Kim Kaipus, Stephanie Cone, Darla Kalb, Tony
Hindfoot at midstancea −0.14 <.01 Hageman, Carol Chambers, and Hun Epps for performing the
Speed of gaita −0.47 <.001 OGS.
Assistive devicea −0.70 <.001

Abbreviations: GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; OGS,

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26 Zapata et al Pediatric Physical Therapy

Copyright © 2021 Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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