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Carmine Mastropierro Copywriting Audit template

Note: The master copywriting audit template can be applied to any campaign, simply adjust it as needed. The more
"Yes" columns highlighted, the better your copy will perform.
Place an "X" for Yes and "Z" for No to highlight columns. Fix everything with a "No."

Title Yes No Notes/Resources

Above the fold S
Other headline strategies: 1. Curiosity 2. Call out pain point 3. Promise solution 4. Specificity (numbers or %) 5. Simplicity (Anyone can use it) 6. Credibility/address skepticism 7. Time frame to achieve results of promise
Headline with promise, pain point, urgency, or bold claim. X
Subhead elaborating on the headline. X
Call to action button or link. X
Relevant image customers can relate to or a VSL. Z
Headlines, subheads, and page architecture
Headlines to break apart pages?
Subheads to provide more information?
Paragraphs and sentences are short and easy to read?
Images and visuals that help readers through the page
Varying sentence and paragraph length
Bold text, italics, and other graphical elements
Consistent tone of voice and personality
Essential copywriting axioms
Fascinating lead/hook in the introduction
Have you targeted the customer's pain points?
Have you answered their questions?
Have you preemptively addressed and overcome their objections?
Have you helped the customer imagine the outcome of using a product?
Have you created a unique concept around the campaign? Example: The Omega watch company brands themselves as the first watch taken to the moon because astronauts have worn Omega's during space missions.
Is there scarcity around the offer? Example: "24 Hours Left to Claim 25% Discount"
Is there urgency around the offer? Example: "5 Webinar Seats Left. Reserve Your Seat Now!"
Have you justified their emotion with logic?
Is future pacing used to promote them reading the copy?
SEO copywriting elements
Keywords researched and used on page? Use for ideas.
Fast page speed Use to find bottlenecks.
Browser caching
Gzip compression
Schema markup
OG data
Compressed images
Alt text of images optimized
Title tag with keyword
URL with keyword
Meta description with CTA and keyword
Product/service information
Features (Factual pieces of information)
Benefits (How the features improve the customer's life)
Pricing, available plans, and positioning (i.e. the product is an investment or better/cheaper than a common
alternative. Also consider charm pricing, e.g. $99 is better than $100.)
Proof that it works
Frequently asked questions answered
Address and overcome objections
Provide a guarantee (money back, satisfaction, warranty, etc.)
Unique value proposition
Social proof and authority
Logo bar
Case studies
Sourced statistics, data, etc.
Expert quotes
Clinical trials or experiments
Have you told a story about how the product was created?
Have you explained a customer's story?
Have you helped the customer visualize what life would be like with/without the product?
Copyediting and proofreading
Grammar and spelling Use a tool like to help.
Logical order of points
Technical jargon removed or explained
Consistent vocabulary level
Improve transitions between sentences, paragraphs, headers, etc.
Final proofread
Lead generation
Lead magnet available on page
Benefit(s) of the lead magnet
Pain points it will resolve
Call to action
The offer
Summary of the product's features and benefits
How it solves the customers' pain points
Unique value proposition
Social proof
How they can order it
What happens after they purchase it
Free bonuses with their original value
Call to action
P.S. summarizing offer, creating urgency, or similar.
Customer/market research
What are the customer demographics? Use Amazon reviews, Google reviews, website reviews, Reddit, case studies, market reports, and other resources to compile findings.
What are the customer psychographics? (Wants, needs, desires, beliefs, and feelings)
What are their hopes and dreams?
What are their victories and failures?
Short term and long term pain points
What external events or forces do they believe holds them back from success?
What is the market already using? What are customers thoughts/feelings about them?
What is their buying temperature? Cold = never engaged with your business, warm = have opted in or purchased tripwire, and hot = have previously converted. Educate cold traffic, lightly sell to warm traffic, and send high-ticket offers to hot traffic.
What questions do they have?
What objections would they have?
Why do they need your product?

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