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A. Please write (X) for the correct answers below!

1. How old is your grandfather?

a. Seventy two
b. Seventy
c. Twenty
d. Seven two

2. What date is your birthday?

a. Ten
b. Eight
c. Zero Eight
d. Zero

3. What number is your address?

a. Forty four
b. Thirty
c. Forty five
d. Thirty five

Created by Ega Bekti

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4. How old are you?

a. Fifteen
b. Fifty five
c. One five
d. Five

5. How much floors in this apartment? It’s …

a. Ninety three
b. Nine
c. Nine three
d. Thirty nine

6. My sister is age is …
a. Zero two
b. Twenty
c. Twelve
d. Zero

Created by Ega Bekti

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7. I live in the … floor

a. Thirty
b. Thirty nine
c. Three nine
d. Three

8. How old is this building?

a. Fifty
b. Five
c. Five zero
d. Fifteen

9. A: What is the number?

B: It’s …
a. Sixty
b. Sixty six
c. Six six
d. Six

Created by Ega Bekti

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10. What number is that?

a. Twelve
b. Thirteen
c. Twenty
d. One two

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Which one is the odd? ____________.

2. Which one is the even? ____________.

3. Which one is the odd? ____________.

4. Which one is the odd? ____________.

5. Which one is the even? ____________.

6. Which one is the even? ____________.

7. Which one is the odd? ____________.

8. Which one is the even? ____________.

9. Which one is the odd? ____________.

Created by Ega Bekti

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10. Which one is the even? ____________.

Created by Ega Bekti

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