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The Noisy Closet Monster by Shy Perera

There’s a noisy closet monster in my closet

I’m scared, and I’m trembling
I covered my face with my bedsheets
In the night, in the night.

“Mommy, can you please close the closet door?” I said

“Daddy, can you please sit by me?” I said
But there was no answer
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster began to growl

Grrrrrrrrrrrr, Grrrrrrrrrrrr,
I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster began to snore

Zzzzzzzzz, hssssssss, Zzzzzzzzz, hssssssss,
I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t
In the night, in the night.

There’s a noisy closet monster in my closet

I’m scared, and I’m trembling
I covered my face with my bedsheets
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster began to groan

Aaaaaaaaaaha, Wuhuuuuuuu, Aaaaaaaaaaha
I wanted to run out of the room, but I couldn’t
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster began to move

Thuuuuummp, Rruuuuummp, Thuuuuummp
I closed my eyes and stayed still
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster jumped out

Baaaaaaang, Claaaaaaang, Baaaaaaang
I wanted to roll out of bed and hide, but I couldn’t
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster started licking my face

Slobbbbber, Slobbbbber, Slobbbbber
I wanted to stop him, but I couldn’t
In the night, in the night.
“Mommy, can you please open my room door?” I said
“Daddy, can you please put the light on?” I said
But there was no answer
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster on my bed started grunting

Oaaaaaaaah, Oaaaaaaaah, Oaaaaaaaah
I think I know that sound, I think I know that grunt
In the night, in the night.

Mommy opened the door and said, “What’s going on?”

Daddy put the light on and said, “What’s going on?”
I was surprised to see the noisy closet monster on my bed
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster was my pet piggy Rowdy

The noisy closet monster was my pet piggy Rowdy
I’m so happy that I don’t have a noisy closet monster anymore
In the night, in the night.

The noisy closet monster on my bed is my pet piggy Rowdy

The noisy closet monster on my bed is my pet piggy Rowdy
I’m so happy mommy is here, I’m so happy daddy is here
In the night, in the night.

Mommy laughed, Daddy laughed, and I laughed

Rowdy grunted and said Oink, Oink, Oink,
I’m so happy that I don’t have a noisy closet monster anymore
In the night, in the night.

To Mikey on this 26th, day of July 2020.........

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