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If Trees Could Talk

If trees could talk

What would they say?
Would they wish for only the sun, Would some trees not allow
And never want a rainy day? Other trees to sway,
And exclude and shame them
Would they talk about Because they did not bloom anyway?
The merits of a strong breeze
That carries the pollen Would some trees figure out,
To make the fruit trees? How to take the best soil
Get all the good nutrients
What would they say about the seeds And not think about the turmoil?
That is food for some ants
Would they extend their roots and canopy I mean the chaos that is bound
So other trees could not plant? To happen in an affluent tree city,
Pitting the haves against the have nots
Would powerful trees change Since they would not have empathy or pity.
The rules of the game
So that only some seeds could plant, What about trees that are the roundest
Only welcoming those with rich names? And some are not so attractive at all.
Would they be given drugs
Would the color green So their seeds and leaves could fall?
Be the law of the land
And those with leaves of red, gold, or brown Would trees have a problem,
Unwelcome by the green elite leaf clan? With the color of another tree’s bark?
Would they not allow
Some off-color trees in their tree park?
What would they say about the grandest
Wisest and the tallest of them all? And what would they do,
Would the other trees be happy? When it came to planting season,
Or jealous and plot its downfall? Would the “in” trees talk about the “out”
Or would that be tree treason?
Would they talk about a lightning strike,
Or flood to even the score, If trees could talk
By removing the tallest trees I wonder what trees would say
So they would not exist anymore? About how people treat people,
In cruel, mean, unfair, and unkind ways!

R.R. Lamourelle 5/4/05

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