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On your resume, listing your skills, duties, and responsibilities won't do. Listing professional
achievements and accomplishments on a resume is the #1 key to making every employer want
to hire you. ... Most candidates only outline duties and responsibilities. Nov 17, 2021

An accomplishment describes anything positive that you have achieved, or something

you're proud of. It's usually something you developed, constructed, designed, sold, or
started. It's different from the tasks listed in a job description, which remains the same
regardless of who fills the position. An accomplishment is specific to your experience
and proves to the company that you're capable of handling the job. As a result, keep
your job summaries short and to-the-point, focusing instead on standout achievements.

Include specific examples of how your activities aided a scenario on your resume. It
might be an issue you solved, an improvement you made, or an award you won thanks
to your hard work. You may show how you performed in your role by including
accomplishments, accolades, and honours on your resume. You'll have a significant
advantage over your competitors.

When preparing your resume, you should highlight your essential job tasks without much detail about
the routines. Keep your job descriptions short and sweet, and attempt to focus on the achievements of
your daily job. To list accomplishments on your resume, follow these guidelines:

Make a list of your accomplishments

Think about your previous professional jobs and make a list of your accomplishments. Consider any
positive feedback you've got from your supervisors and teammates, problems you've solved, accolades
or awards you've won, and whether you've met or exceeded any goals.

How much did your team accomplish if you worked in a team? Because you were an important member
of the team, any team achievements are yours.

2. Concentrate on the most relevant achievements

Personalize which accomplishments to highlight on your resume depending on the job description.
Consider what the company is searching for, and feature the accomplishments that will impress them

To find relevant job requirements:

 Look for keywords in the job description

 Consider which of your accomplishments reflect these skills and pair them up
 List your most relevant accomplishments for each unique company and role

Related: What to Include in Your Resume Skills Section

3. Make use of action verbs

Using action verbs to start sentences adds dynamism to your resume by emphasizing the activity you
have performed. It is a succinct style of writing that captures the reader's interest.

For instance, "increased sales by 50%" or "developed a new file system" is engaging and to-the-point.
When creating your resume, try to avoid lengthy descriptions.

Related: 280 Resume Action Words for an Impactful Impression

4. Focus on outcomes by using numbers

It is helpful to use numbers to showcase the importance of your achievements. You can measure it with
figures if you've increased efficiency or productivity, met or exceeded your goals, increased sales, gained
readership, or improved test scores.

You may say something like, "Increased office productivity by 25%," "Exceeded my sales goal by 19%," or
"Saved the organization one million dollars through increasing productivity."

Personal accomplishments

Personal achievements are linked to your objectives and are largely the result of hard work. Including
your accomplishments on your resume is the best way to make your resume stand out. Your
achievements are a testament to your ability, skills, and determination to succeed in whatever you do.

Personal accomplishments can include a variety of things, such as

 Created and organized annual “Feed the Homeless” events within my community

 Raised $10,000 for cancer research through community fundraising efforts

 Graduated with honours and on the dean's list

 A leadership position in a club or organization

 Two articles published by the CBC, and one by the University of Toronto

 Sporting accomplishment

Professional accomplishments

Here is a list of professional accomplishments to list on a resume for different professions:

 You enhanced the company's revenue or sales.

 You saved money for the company.

 Identifying and resolving issues

 You introduced some new ideas or advancements.

 Procedures or systems that you created implemented or improved

 You worked on some unique projects.

 You've earned several industry accolades.

 Task-related honours you have received

 Promotions to managerial positions

 You got a lot of press for your company.

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