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Jessica Comstock

Old Testament Survey

Tuesday, August 29th

Professor Sanchez

Genesis Book Summary

Genesis opens with God’s all-powerful authority: He created the universe in six days,

culminating with the first man and woman who, made in His image, received dominion over

creation. Although God’s work began flawlessly, Satan deceived Eve and Adam into disobeying

God, which severed their perfect relationship by separating the sinful from the Holy. As a just

Judge, God cursed creation with suffering and death, but also revealed His mercy with the

undeserved promise that Eve’s descendant (Jesus) will defeat evil. Sin escalated quickly to the

first murder (Abel’s death by Cain) and until humanity’s thoughts were “only evil continually.”

Grievingly, God condemned the world to destruction by flood, but mercifully offered the world a

second chance through Noah, because he faithfully walked with God. Instructing him to built an

ark, God saved Noah and his family from the judgement of a worldwide, months-long flood. He

then made a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy all flesh again until the universe’s

end. Generations later, God made a covenant with Abram, promising land and many nations

from innumerable descendants - all despite his wife Sarai’s barrenness. God miraculously opens

Sarah’s womb, in old age nonetheless, and Isaac is born. Testing Abraham, God directs him to

sacrifice his only, long-awaited, beloved son. Abraham carried it through until God provided a

ram as a sacrifice instead because of Abraham’s faithfulness. After Sarah’s death, God comforts

Isaac by miraculously providing him a caring wife: Rebekah. God blessed Isaac throughout his

life with much wealth and many children, including Esau and Jacob. After cheating eldest Esau
of his birthright and his blessing, Jacob fled from Esau to Laban; along the way God made the

covenant with Jacob as He did with Isaac and Abraham. Under Laban, Jacob experienced deceit

himself: Laban cheated Jacob out of Rachel as his first wife, 7+ years of his life, and many

wages. However, God blessed Jacob’s now-honest labor and provided him much wealth and

many children through Leah, Rachel, and their servants. Escaping Laban, Jacob then recognized

God’s faithfulness, wrestled with God in person, and finally followed God’s leading. God

renamed him Israel, again promising many nations and the land. From Jacob came 12 sons (the

12 tribes of Israel). Evious of young Joseph, his brothers sold him into Egyptian slavery, but God

lifted him out by granting success to his work. Successfully interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams,

Pharaoh recognized God’s power in him and placed him in charge of Egypt to prepare for the

coming famine. Forced to come to Egypt for food, his brothers came to Joseph, who broke down

with compassion, forgave them, and invited Israel’s household to come prosper in Egypt.

Overall, Genesis establishes God’s sole authority, perfect holiness, and incredible mercifulness;

His covenants also point to Jesus’ coming, that would restore humanity from its fall.

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