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The first jewel of the yellow dragon

Chapter 1:

The twelve levels of the heart:

V. M. Lakhsmi has said that the heart of man must be conquered. There are many
brothers and sisters who have gone about enriching and ennobling their hearts;
becoming men and women full of love, full of charity, full of comprehension; that’s
right but it is not all.

The majority begins to store information and that’s where the problem is. They must
use the information to correct themselves; adding to what we are lacking and taking
from what is in excess.

There are two fundamental aspects that have to do with the heart; remember that the
V. M. Samael left us his teachings which were given in stages and it could be that you
won’t know how to interpret this but the teachings of the master that will be given to
the gnostic people, those who will continue into the age of aquarius, is going to be of
an incredible transcendency but no one else will be giving it. It will be given by the V.
M. Samael who inspires instructors, that is only logical!

At any given moment a person can be inspired by a teaching but for this, one must
apply logic. If the teachings collide or are in a bit of contrast with what the V. M.
Samael has said . . . then no.

When the V. M. Samael was revealing the pistis sophia, he spoke to us in terms found
in the essene gospels, in the hebrew bible and in the super-dynamic mental
teachings; this is the form that the master utilizes (not that was utilized) to give the

teachings on a scale or in other words; they are octaves he gives to the same

So, there are twelve levels that we have in the heart. If we speak from the medical
point of view, an anatomical level, the heart has a systole and a diastole movement; a
white area and a black area. In one we find the blood that has already been cleansed
and is going to leave. In the other we find the blood which has come back into the
heart full of a quantity of monoxides. It might seem that this has nothing to do with
certain states we could be in.

A person in the external world could wake up disgusted, bored and says, “Today I
really feel upset”. He goes to the corner and drinks a double whisky, some rum and
that makes his blood boil and this takes the boredom away or he goes somewhere
where he is treated well and that’s how he spends his life. We, Gnostics, don’t do
that. So, when we feel those moments of sadness; those moments of antagonism
when one doesn’t care a dot about anything. . .

What do we have to do? We must go and do some deep breathing, pranayamas;

walk around on the ground barefoot, no shoes, on the earth; a peristaltic energy is
discharged through the feet and then the brain clears up its thinking; there’s mental
lucidity and some good deep breathing . . . then that blood full of a series of toxins
from that long and great trip it made from the heart passing through the veins, through
the arteries, until it comes back into the heart and brings with it those very heavy
substances, that when they get into the heart, they cause nostalgia, sadness, nervous
imbalance, anger. Then it is necessary for us to be up to doing exercises so that the
lungs can have the sufficient amount of oxygen in order to do a better job with the

When the brain has little irrigation, little oxygen, the person feels heavy; he walks
slowly and he can hardly think. Then he needs to do a lot of deep breathing.

I have sugar in my blood . . . do you know what one of the problems is I have now? I
have low cholesterol. Have you ever heard of something like that? Usually a person
with diabetes has high cholesterol and the triglycerides go up and that’s where the
coma in diabetics comes from. Do you know why? Because if there is something
that for me is sacred, it is the devotion I have; it is my deep breathing exercises; then,
the day I feel something strange, whatever … In the liver, then I have my treatment.
But you cannot let the liver get sick.

Life must be taken care of. One attributes everything to the ego and that’s true. If
you have an ulcer and you’re always angry; well then, cure yourself of the ulcer!
How? At the least the first step in the cure of the ulcer is zero emotions, a healthy life,
good breathing, good books to read, good healthy conversations, soft classical music
so that the stomach can begin to collaborate with the cure of the sickness.

The day we learn what is said in the gnostic mass; “Purify my internal glands where
the rhythm of my life exists”, since those glands are nothing more than our entire
endocrine system, but for this, one needs to dedicate oneself to the understanding that
what we eat is part of life. We should not only eat to live but also eat to cure

First: The first rule to have one’s heart toned up is good breathing.

Some might say that deep breathing has to do with the lungs but if the lungs don’t
clean the blood, the heart is impeded. Good breathing is what we call ‘prana’.

One day a while ago, one of the masters said, (one of the Masters who was with
Manu rescuing the people from Atlantice) that in the lunar chain there was a race of
people who’s key to incarnation and if they wanted to be rescued was the pranic


At sunrise or at 5:00am; facing the east, stand with your feet 25 cm apart and raise
your arms up to the shoulder and at the same time take half of an inhalation imagining
that the energy coming from the earth (telurgic energy) penetrates through the bottom
of the feet converting it into the golden yellow colour and this energy rises up through
the knees.

Finish raising the arms and inhaling imagining that the pranic energy enters through
the nostrils being changed into light with the colour of the blue sky and inundates our
organism. Exhale with two counts lowering the arms up to the shoulders and finish
exhaling by lowering the arms to the sides completely.

Repeat this exercise 30 times.

Sitting comfortably pronounce the mantram ‘m’ (the letter ‘m’) 30 times and then
vocalize the mantram ‘INRI’ 30 times. Then meditate integrating yourself with your
true being.

The Colombians have an almanac called ‘almanaque bristol’; there they mention that
the morning star is Jupiter, for example and every month the morning star changes;
one month it’s Venus, then Mars, etc. The star that comes out at sunrise could be
Venus; it could be Jupiter; it could be Saturn, etc. This is in accordance with which
one’s turn it is to be the morning star; then, this star we call the morning star, is like
the coming of the Avatar who comes to prepare the coming of the Maitreya. The
morning star is the one who comes to prepare the coming out of the Sun; the morning
star is the one that comes to stimulate all the atoms of life that there are on the planet,
the plants, the animals and the people.

We should get up to receive the harmony of the sunrise; the star that gives the
morning harmony is the one that stimulates the birds to sing, the plants to receive the
morning with happiness. Everyone who gets up at that time will have a different life
that day.

Second: Good food, good mastication, good salivation.

Many people say, “I have a pain in my heart” and these are neuralgias due to the
overload of gasses and when the liver is affected, it puts pressure on the diaphragm
and the first thing that we feel is that the heart is affected with fever, bringing on that
heavy feeling, such as when there is a heart attack, a stroke, or an embolism, etc.

Third: Don’t permit your digestive system to be filled with gas. (Flatulence).

The proliferation of gasses causes the brain to have less expansion in its workings
because gases cause calcification.

Fourth: All illnesses in the colon are forced upward carrying toxins to the heart and
to the brain.

People say, “But I’ve been in Gnosis for 40 years and I haven’t been able to do
anything.” These are people who have dedicated themselves to meditation, to
vocalization but they have had very little interest in their own organism and that’s one
of the greatest keys of not being able to do anything since when the body is sick, ‘the
tower’ is in bad shape and therefore, the heart is the organ that gets all the problems.

Fifth: Noises

The heart is the receptive part to noises and not the ears. When one listens to rock
music, you hear the pum, pum, pum and it’s the heart that is listening to this. This
noise is hardening the walls of the heart damaging the elasticity the heart should have
because those poundings the emotional system is receiving, are being passed without
the digestive area to the heart.

Noises are some of the things that are killing humanity. It is necessary for all of us to
understand at these moments the necessity to go out into the countryside; not to live
there but at least, once a week go out for a walk in the country.

It is important for us to have places where we can submerge our bodies in crystalline
waters, pure water; when the body enters a pond (not a pool) of running water, that
pressure the waters form against the body, is the best way to relax the muscles. One
submerges one’s body in a pond or a stream and comes out with a yen to rest, to
take a reparative nap; it causes us to have an appetite and our circulation is better,
etc. Brothers and sisters, this is a marvellous way to better our cardio-vascular

Sixth: All medicine elaborated with synthetic products tend to exchange the problem
for another.

This is to say that these drugs take away the pain and give the person another one.
This is for the gnostic people; now, one cannot fall into fanaticism. Venerable Master
Samael has taught us equilibrium but this does not give us a norm. The norm is given
to us by our common sense. But, these drugs take away our toothache but the next
day we have an acidy stomach. Then, we take medicine for the acidy stomach for the
tight bowels and the next day we wake up with an inflamed colon, etc., etc., and so
we are exchanging one problem for another.

We are talking about the heart; how are we going to prepare the heart to be Gnostic
students. It is important to know who the enemies are and we are going to take
advantage of our doctors and besides this, we can call on some super-simple
systems. Don’t let yourself get constipated. What is the mother of constipation?
Eating bread made with refined flour, white rice and combining foods badly.

Seventh: What do we need to have harmony with number ‘7’? This is related to
the norms of life. Good relaxation:

From good relaxation we can have good meditation. Observation: a simple course in
human relations teaches one to observe oneself. One sees a politician and he’s
being insulted by another one and you see him smile.
It would seem that this man had no Ego. The majority of the politicians observe
themselves. The observation obeys the three dimensional parts entirely.

If I am speaking here with you and I don’t observe myself, I grab the chalk, I break it
into pieces and I am doing any amount of mannerisms which would make you think
that I am a person totally asleep consciously.

One observes oneself to know what gestures one is making. If a person says to us,
“Listen stupid” and one makes an ugly gesture, then you are not observing yourself.
You let your bad taste show.

Self-observation belongs to the astral plane because this is the vehicle where this
happens in its order; the vital body is simply life established in an organism. Self-
observation belongs to the astral body in order to know what we are thinking; what we
are doing and how I am proceeding. That’s why the objective conscience is the first
seat of the order of the worlds which begins in the Astral Body.

Inspiration: This belongs to the Mind. An inspired mind is a creative mind, open,
dynamic, etc. A poet in order to write his poetry needs to be inspired; the musician
needs to be inspired to compose and play his music; this means that each one is
inspired in order to appreciate his own presentation.

Devotion: This belongs to the causal body. We are talking about conscious devotion.
We have our devotion to pray, to meditate, and to self-observe ourselves. That
devotion is something that belongs to the soul, the causal world.

Contemplation: This belongs to the divine conscience, to the part called Buddhi; it is
the intuitional world. It is the most beautiful part within the structure of our septuple
organism within this septuple world.

And lastly, Adoration: This belongs to the world of the internal being where one adores
him and pays homage with that deserving tribute to the internal being. This is the
order which should exist in a person who is living that magisterial art of the awakening
of the conscience.

Let’s go back again: we observe ourselves here on earth; self-observing ourselves in

order to be able to transmit the conscience we have here to the conscience we have
on the astral plane. We could be conscious here and be unconscious on the astral
plane. We could be conscious on the astral plane and be unconscious here. Then,
there is a dis-coordination in what the observation and the self-observation is.

This means that at any moment we must be inspired to self-observe ourselves

correctly; this is self-observation and one feels that small happiness. Isn’t that right?
Here, we have encountered our conscience that was not being exercised at that

Eighth: Good music.

This is not the only music you are going to listen to when you meditate; for example,
Beethoven, Bach, Schubert or Liszt, since listening to classical music gets tiring, then
some of the Colombian rhythms like Bambuco, or Joropo, a samba or folk music, this
is not a sin one feels stimulated, happy when one listens to folk music; when one
hears the guitars and the harps, the flute; that music from the great cultures that have
existed. These things, makes one happy and are stimulating.

Then, one should listen to good music every day, for a time, classical music and then
some folk music; that’s very pretty and this shows that we are men and women who
live a happy, joyful life and we vibrate with the notes that sustain the universe in
equilibrium. These things are very interesting so that we can enrich those values in
our hearts.

Ninth: Good prayer and good meditation

Before we can learn to meditate, we must first learn to relax and before learning
something else, we have to learn how to concentrate (but we won’t get into that).
There is simply a transition between prayer and meditation. That is to say, I get
relaxed; I begin to pray, not with words but with sentiments, to my Divine Mother, to
my Internal Father, to my Internal Christ, so that they illuminate me; so that they guide
me; so that they protect me; so that they concede the grace for me to reach my
objective and then I permit that little sleep which is going to appear, but I’m not going
to begin to snore but be carried into listlessness that appears between that prayer and
the meditation; that is the result of the Meditation.

Anyone can become an athlete in meditation if you learn to follow the sequence of the
steps. This doesn’t mean to come in, sit down, and do it! “I am going to meditate!”
The Venerable Master Samael says, “Sit in a comfortable chair, put the mind in blank
and enter into meditation,” but he is the master of the synthesis and he is giving in
practically ten words what we need a thousand to explain. So then, we must
understand that the Gnostic message must be amplified with comprehension for the

First there is prayer and after that mediation because after one begins to meditate,
then, there is no prayer; that’s logical. One must first pray and then meditate.

Tenth: One of the things which rescue the values of the heart is: Charity work well

There are some touches which are really beautiful, lovely, that are done to me but I
ask that you do them with any person . . . people bring me some cakes from el Valle,
Colombia . . . That is so nice!

This is not to say, “It’s just that I have nothing to serve with!” It’s a good thing to do if
you are going to eat two empanadas, wrap one up and you’ll find a mother with a little
one who doesn’t have any money to buy even one empanada and go up and give it to
her. Look, these are things that ennoble one, that softens one’s heart and these are
simple things. Some might say, “But, now I have to turn stupid giving any vagabond I
find along the way something.” No sir! These are people who don’t have what we
have in abundance.

I have seen people who gather up what others have left on the table (I feel distressed.
I don’t come out very well on the exams) and go out and give it to the old man who’s
outside since they won’t let him inside the restaurant because then the people won’t
come back.

Brothers and Sisters, these are things found in Christians; these are things found in
us. We must consider that this soul fighting within that physical body is the same as
the one found in us.

I write in ‘light in the darkness’ about the difference in the life existing in the little dog
who runs in front of a moving car to pick up a bit of bread and the life that developed
in the human part of Jesus. . .

That life is the same. One observes the life of a king and the life of a beggar and it’s
the same. Life doesn’t make any distinctions. The distinctions exist in the human part
and in the spiritual part. That’s the only difference there is.

What difference is there between that poor fellow who sleeps under bridges lying on
some smelly papers, filthy, who never takes a bath, who doesn’t have a father or a
mother, or friends and is only a victim of the scorn of everyone? This life is compared
to the life of a ‘person’ who spends his life behind a desk; in truth it is the same.

Eleventh: All of us are obligated and we all have the right to Christian dignity; also,
that in our homes there is an abundance of happiness, of music; also, there should be

gardens, flowers and where we pay homage and tribute to Mother Nature with our
sacred rites.

We plant because we want to see our homes filled with flowers and in our houses
there are pictures, paintings which are allusive to wisdom; we want our children and
our brothers and sisters to learn to greet people and say, “Good afternoon sir. How
are you? What do you need? How can I serve you?”

On occasion we look on these things with disdain because we don’t see the
transcendency of it. We think we are far beyond human relations. When a person
sees that we give a vital importance to his necessities, that person sees a guide in us;
he sees an apostle; he sees a friend even though you’ve never seen him before.

It is necessary for us to cultivate our interior wealth with good human relations so that
we know what answer to give a person. We must lead a straight and correct life so
that when a gnostic speaks, others take notice because he is a person who makes his
verb stand out within his creative larynx with culture. Gnosis is nothing more than the
culture from the Gods for the Gods.
Since we aspire to incarnate our Interior God, we have to learn how to live that
Gnostic Culture.

Twelfth: And for the last one, we need a general rule: that the rituals; the group
chants, chains and everything with the flavour of liturgy, be what we learn to live.

To live and feel the ritual; not to come in and see a man there on the Altar and say;
“Look who it is”, no sir! Behind that man there is a stone that is called the sacrificial
altar (Ara) and this is the Christ; so that this man and that woman who is the Isis, are
receiving a superior vibration from that stone on the Altar that is capable of
disseminating itself throughout all the congregation, in every part of the sanctuary so
that we have harmony when we leave there; we are covered with that superior
strength to continue facing this life for the rest of the week until we come back again
to a new ritual.

It is necessary that these small norms of life are made ‘blood and bone’ so that we
hear in the lumisials daily commentaries like: “Look here, brothers and sisters let’s do
breathing exercises!” Let’s teach our children, our wives, and our women, to breathe;
let us learn how to breathe because breathing is a science.

We are going to eat well. There is a great wealth of literature about aspects of
cooking about which food can be combined with which; there are men and women
who were born with the gift to cure. One can ask for orientation from these people so
that we are not always taking antacids, digestive chemical enzymes. One should drink
three glasses of papaya juice every day. They’re taking papaya to the
united.states . . . and they change it into pills like digestive enzymes.

Peace be with you.

V. M Lakhsmi

Monastery ‘Ra-Hoor-Khu’, Colombia, July 9th, 1994


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