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1. ประเภทคำถาม Reading

1.1 Topic/ Main Idea

Topic/ Title คือ ั ขอ รือขื่อเรื่อง าเกี่ย ของกับอะไร มักเปนคำที่ปรากฏซ้ำในบทค าม

ลัก ณะคำถาม

What is the main topic of this passage? / Which of the following is the best title for this

Spanking is a poor way to shape a child's behavior. For one thing, the spanking will
result in feelings of anger and frustration. The child, then, will not learn anything positive from
the punishment. In addition, the spanking may actually lead to more aggressive behavior.
Having learned that hitting is okay, the child may attack smaller children. Finally, the spanking
teaches children to hide certain actions from their parents. Once out of their parent's sight,
children may feel they can get away with the bad behavior.

a. Bad behavior b. Spanking c. Anger d. Frustration


Main Idea มักอยูในรูปของประโยคเพื่อบอก าเรื่องนี้เกี่ย ของกับอะไร

ลัก ณะคำถาม What does the passage mainly discuss?/ What is the main ides of this passage?
ตำแ นงของ Main Idea

1. ตอนตนของยอ นา
Anxiety frequently expresses itself in two types of behavior known as
obsessions and compulsions. Obsession are recurring thoughts that a person
cannot seem to get out of mind. Compulsion, on the other hand, are recurring
activities that a person must perform to avoid anxiety.
2. ตอนทายของยอ นา
Costs were low that year and the output high. There was a good person for
each job and the market remained firm. There were no losses from fire. All in
all, it was the best year in history of the company
3. ตอนกลางของประโยค

For many years, I suffered from severe anxiety every time I took an exam. Hours
before the exam, my heart would begin pounding, my legs would shake, and
sometimes I would become physically unable to move. Last year, I was
referred to a specialist and finally found a way to control my anxiety—
breathing exercises. It seems so simple, but by doing just a few breathings
exercises a couple of hours before an exam, I gradually got my anxiety under
control. The exercises help slow my heart rate and make me feel less anxious.

4. ไมมีประโยค ั เรื่อง

Do you wear glasses? Make sure your glasses fit well. The earpieces
should be at eye level. Don’t try to adjust the earpieces yourself. Take your
glasses for adjustment to the place you brought them. Keep your glasses in a
case when you’re not wearing them.

ิธีการจับประเด็น Main Idea

1. คำที่ปรากฏซ้ำ ๆ
2. Paragraph ไมยา มากอาจอานทั้ง มดเลย รือ อานเพียง 1 ประโยคแรก แต ำ รับ Paragraph ที่
ยา ๆ อาน 2-3 ประโยคแรก และ 1 ประโยค ุดทาย ของทุก ๆ Paragraph
3. บางขอถายาก อานจะตองอานทั้ง paragraph

Exercise 1

1. A good place to flirt is while waiting in line, says Sara McCormack Hoffman. Hoffman,
who teaches a class on the joy of flirting at the Open University of Minneapolis, says
there are better and worse places to flirt. Another good place is in a store or shop,
where you can talk about merchandise. Hoffman says the worst places include bars,
where there are high-pressure situations with loud music and alcohol, and the things
you can say may go unheard or unremembered.

a. Waiting in Line b. Flirting
c. Therapy d. Minneapolis

Main Idea:
a. Waiting in line is a good environment for flirting.
b. In Minneapolis, there is an Open University.
c. There are good and bad places for flirting, according to one therapist.
d. Sara McCormack Hoffman is a marriage and family therapist in Minneapolis.

2. Cocaine is regarded today as a major social evil and as a medical problem of vast
proportions. Only a century ago, however, cocaine was believed to be a harmless
stimulant and cure-all. Highly respectable scientists such as psychoanalyst Sigmund
Freund experimented with cocaine. The original 1886 formula for Coca-Cola was
advertised not only as a refreshing beverage, but as a medicine to “cure all nervous
affliction—Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Melancholy, etc.”
a. Cocaine b. Coca-Cola
b. Sigmund Freud d. Cure-all

Main Idea

a. Cure-alls were popular a century ago.

b. Sigmund Freud experimented with cocaine.
c. Cocaine was believed to be a harmless stimulant and cure-all.
d. Cocaine is regarded today as a major social evil and as a huge medical

ลัก ณะตั เลือกที่ผิด

1. Too broad
2. Too narrow
3. Not mentioned

ตั อยางขอ อบ

Passage 1 (GAT 64)

Today, people in urban areas yearn for natural green space. In a condominium that has
limited space, having a beautifully decorated balcony is what people look for to help them
relax and get closer to nature. Here are some suggestions.

Start by checking the position of the drains and check if your balcony is lower than the
room area. Why? Because if you know where the drain is, you know where you should place
your plants. Normally, plants should be placed opposite a drain to prevent them from
obstructing the waterway and to protect your room from being flooded.

Your choice of plant is important. Balconies are limited by being long and narrow and unable
to support anything too heavy. The balcony is also a place where natural light gets into the
room. If you grow too many plants there, they can block the light, making your room dark.
You should create a garden that fits the size of your balcony, and not use plants that are too
high or broad. Don't put too many decorations in the garden either. Keep it simple and plain,
because simplicity is beautiful and best.

What is the best title for the passage?

1. Urban Green 2. Minimalism Today 3. Garden Decorations

4. Drains and Waterways 5. Natural Light and Your Room

1.2 Inference

Inference รื อ การอนุ ม าน คื อ การ รุ ป ประเด็ น ออกมา มั ก ไมปรากฏตรงตั ตองนำ topic

sentence รือประเด็นใน ิ่งที่โจทยใ มา ิเคราะ และ รุป ิ่งที่นาจะเปนไปได

ลัก ณะคำถาม

It can be inferred/ concluded from the passage that______/ The passage implied that______

Which of the following can be inferred/ concluded from the passage?


ตั อยาง

Increasing your reading comprehension is an essential job skill. The amount of your
on-the-job reading increases throughout your career. Besides a mountain of memos,
professional journals, letter, forms, manuals, annual reports, legal documents and cods, you
will be reading community items, newspapers and magazines. The employee who reads
quickly, has the ability to concentrate, and comprehends accurately has an advantage over
an employee who dislikes reading or has difficulty concentrating or comprehending.

It is likely that employees who have been improving their reading skills get ahead more
quickly than employees who don’t develop their reading skills.

ลัก ณะคำตอบทีม่ ักผิด

1. Not mentioned
2. Mentioned but wrong
3. Exaggerating

Exercise 1

1. Several different bison species have lived on the North American continent since the
Ice Age; today only two exists. The wood bison is the larger of the two, and is now found
mostly in western Canada. Better known in the United States is the Plains bison, or buffalo.
At on time, herd of these animals could be sighted almost everywhere from the Appalachian
Mountains in the East to the Rocky Mountain in the West.

The author implies that several types of bison___________.

1. Live outside the United States and Canada

2. are well adapted to swampy terrain

3. existed before the Ice Age

4. have been killed or died out

2. No More Tear, a shampoo that does not sting the eyes, was formulated for babies.
Realizing that gentleness might appeal to adults as well, Johnson & Johnson marketers
launched a promotional campaign featuring mothers and babies washing their hair together.
When a healthy share of the adult female shampoo market came its way, the company added
former pro football quarterback Fan Tarkenton as a thinning-hair spokesperson. Apparently
gentle hair treatment appealed to middle-aged men, too, and the company captured part of
still another market segment. Such repositioning—the conscious effort to change customer’s
perceptions of a product appeals to other market segment.

1. The passage implies that No More Tears is really_______.

a. a superior hair cleaner b. a gentle shampoo c. overly priced


2. Repositioning is probably often used to_______.

a. switch a product’s market segment from one group to another.

b. increase a product’s share of an already established market segment

c. add a new market segment to a product’s already established market segment.

ตั อยางขอ อบ

GAT 60

The way we live in America is changing. We're moving away from the nuclear family
model of the postwar era and rediscovering the old custom of several generations living under
one roof. In the decades of prosperity that followed the Second World War, the single-family
suburban home came to symbolize the American dream. Each nuclear family was supposed
to be an island unto itself. In many towns and cities, zoning laws actually made multi-family
living illegal. Similar laws also banned the use of a home for business. The family was limited
to the sphere of consumption; production was supposed to take place in factories and offices
far, far away from domestic happiness. Many of these outdated laws still exist, but it’s high
time we scrapped them to reflect our changing habits. In an age of low wages, high housing
costs and increased single parenthood. it makes sense for extended families to share houses
- and to use them for commercial purposes, be that teleworking, or using the premises as a
base for a start-up, or renting out a room on the Airbnb website. Allowing homes to meet

flexible modern needs is one badly-needed piece of the policy mix that car revitalize America's
middle class.

In the last two sentences. the author implies that ___.

1. teleworking or working from home using modern technology to stay in touch is ideal
for single parents

2. start-ups and rental companies are typically based in spacious homes

3. the latest trend in living arrangements will likely be short-lived

4. the middle class and the economy will likely benefit from the use of a home for

5. the middle-income segment in the housing market seems to be doing well


1.3 Purpose/ Tone

Purpose คือ จุดประ งค รือจุดมุง มายของผูเขียน การที่เราจะรูจุด รือประ งคไดนั้นเราตองรู

ประเด็น ำคัญของเรื่อง รือก็คือ Main Idea นั่นเอง

To inform To persuade To entertain

Analyze Argue against Amuse
Classify Convince Captivate

Discuss Criticize Delight

Establish Inspire Frighten
Explain Prove Interest

ลัก ณะคำถาม

What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?

Exercise 1

Identify what purpose of each item is. I (Inform), P(Persuade) and E (Entertainment)

____________1. I don’t see how knitting got the reputation of being relaxing. How can anyone
relax knowing it will take two and a half years to complete a project? Some claim that listening
to TV while knitting a sweater is pleasant, but how good can it be to know that by the time
you finish the sweater, the person for whom you were making it is another size? And how
relaxed can you be after losing a stitch and then poking an awkward needle through dozens
of fallen loops only to discover that you missed a stitch twenty-five loops ago? I’ll try knitting

only when I’m already relaxed enough to tolerate the aggravation. Now I find it more restful
to mow the lawn.

____________2. At the beginning of the twentieth century, school administrators in Paris

wanted to relieve overcrowding by removing youngsters who did not have the capacity to
benefit from academic education. They called in the psychologist Alfred Binet and asked him
to devise a test to identify those children. The test that Binet developed was the precursor of
a wide variety of tests that try to assign intelligence a numerical score. Binet’s approach
focused on finding children who were least likely to benefit from an education. Today,
intelligence testing is also used to identify children with special strengths who can benefit
from a richer teaching program.

____________3. Do you want to add years to your life and feel better? Here are a few tips.
First, to decrease your chance of a heart attack, eat a handful of nuts each day. Also, to ease
the effects of arthritis, be sure to include some citrus, such as orange juice in your diet. Finally,
exercise on a regular basis.

____________4. The moment the words were out of my mouth, I wished I could take them
back. I didn't mean to hurt Keith's feelings. He is such a nice person, and he certainly doesn't
deserve to be treated so poorly. I guess the stress from my job has been more than I can
handle. Instead of taking my problems out on him, I need to deal directly with the people
who create the stress. If only I didn't care so much what people thought of me at work, then
this would not have happened.

____________5. Alonzo winked at his mother's shocked gaze and with a smile he said, "sausage
and pepperoni pizza for breakfast makes perfect sense. Allow me to demonstrate. You have
your tomato. Tomato is technically a fruit. You have your cheese. Cheese is a dairy product.
You have your crust… necessary carbs for quick energy in the morning. And don't forget the
sausage and the pepperoni… my protein. If you think about it, it is just like bacon and eggs,
toast, and orange juice." Still smiling, he added, "really, it is… well, almost." "Why are you
looking at me that way?"

Tone/ Attitude คือ น้ำเ ียง รือทัศนคติของผู แตง การที่เราจะ ามารถ าน้ำเ ียง รือทัศนคติได เรา
จำเปนจะตองเขาใจประเด็น ำคัญที่ปรากฎ รือก็คือ Main Idea นั่นเอง

โดยทั่วไปแบงออกเปน 3 มวด ลัก ๆ คือ Positive, Negative, Neutral


amused cheerful encouraging humorous

enthusiastic excited hopeful playful

light-hearted optimistic sympathetic thoughtful


arrogant ashamed critical cynical

depressed disappointed hostile indignant

ironic mocking pessimistic regretful


sarcastic tragic outraged unfavorable



authoritative curious indifferent informative

judgmental matter-of-fact nostalgic objective

subjective tolerant equivocal factual


The tone of the passage could best be described as________.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct answer of each item given.

1. The moment the words were out of my mouth, I wished I could take them back. I didn't
mean to hurt Keith's feelings. He is such a nice person, and he certainly doesn't deserve to be
treated so poorly. I guess the stress from my job has been more than I can handle. Instead of
taking my problems out on him, I need to deal directly with the people who create the stress.
If only I didn't care so much what people thought of me at work, then this would not have

a. funny b. regretful c. admiring d. unfavorable


2. Alonzo winked at his mother's shocked gaze and with a smile he said, "sausage and
pepperoni pizza for breakfast makes perfect sense. Allow me to demonstrate. You have your
tomato. Tomato is technically a fruit. You have your cheese. Cheese is a dairy product. You
have your crust… necessary carbs for quick energy in the morning. And don't forget the sausage
and the pepperoni… my protein. If you think about it, it is just like bacon and eggs, toast, and
orange juice." Still smiling, he added, "really, it is… well, almost." "Why are you looking at me
that way?"

a. Funny/humorous b. Sad c. Insulting d. nostalgic

3. Whether you are starting or continuing on the academic road to success, there are a series
of markers that will help keep you on the path. First, you must believe. Believe in yourself,
believe in others, and believe in the process of life. You are here for a purpose. Second, keep
an open mind. Be aware of things that are working and things that are not. Be willing to make
changes. Third, know when you need help and be willing to ask for it. There are many people
who can assist you; be specific when you ask for help. Fourth, use your resources: people,
books, nature, experiences, events, travel-that which is seen and that which is unseen. Fifth,
remember who you are and why you are here. Remind yourself what it is that you want to
accomplish. Sixth, balance your life. There is a weariness that occurs when life's energies are
out of harmony. Body, mind, and spirit need nurturing on a daily basis. Lastly, remember that
storms never last. Which word best describes the author's attitude towards continuing on the
"academic road to success"?

a. optimistic b. neutral c. pessimistic d. outraged


1.4 Reference

มักจะเปนคำถาม Pronoun ที่ปรากฏใชแทนคำวาอะไร วิธีการคือใ นอง ๆ อานประโยคดาน นาและลองเดา

โดยใช ลักการไวยากรณ เชน It จะตองแทนคำที่เปนเอกพจนเปนตน


The word “________” in line_________refers to__________.

In line________, what does the word “_________” refer to?


GAT 63

Your choice of plant is important. Balconies are limited by being long and narrow and
unable to support anything too heavy. The balcony is also a place where natural light gets
into the room. If you grow too many plants there, they can block the light, making your room
dark. You should create a garden that fits the size of your balcony, and not use plants that
are too high or broad. Don't put too many decorations in the garden either. Keep it simple
and plain, because simplicity is beautiful and best.

The word “it” in the last sentence refers to __________.

1. light 2. room 3. garden 4. balcony 5. waterway


1.5 Details

มักถามเกี่ย กับ รายละเอีย ดยอยของ Passage ิธ ีการคือใ นองๆ จำ keyword ที่ป รากฏในโจทยและ
scanning าคำตอบ


Samun 63

Less than a year ago, the world’s leading climate scientists issued a warning that we
are running out of time to avert the worst effects of global warming, at a meeting in which
some scientists were reported to be in tears. Temperatures are continuing to rise and the
effects are already punishing, particularly in poorer parts of the world. But the increase of
more than 1.5 degrees Celsius would lead, scientists warn, to food scarcity and water stress
for hundreds of millions more people. Heart-related deaths. forest fires and mass
displacements by flooding become far more likely in this scenario, while for species including
coral the consequence would be extinction.

Based on the paragraph, which of the following would NOT be an effect of global warming?

1.Philippines flooding 2. Amazon forest fires

3. Indonesia’s coral die-off 4. Food shortage In South Africa

5. Poor nutritional health in India


1.6 Miscellaneous Questions

1.6.1 Source of Information

ตั อยางแ ลงที่มาของขอมูล

Newspaper Magazine, Encyclopedia

Textbook Brochure Scientific or Medical Journal

1.6.2 Essay Organization Style


1. Chronological Order
2. Steps in Process
3. Cause and Effect
4. Comparison or Contrast
5. Classification


Based on the responses, the researchers identified four categories of Facebook users:
relationship builders, town criers, selfies and window shoppers. Relationship builders and
selfies tend to post pictures, videos and text updates on their Facebook.

While relationship builders post and use additional Facebook features primarily to
further strengthen the relationships they have beyond the virtual world, selfies are more
focused on getting more attention, likes and comments.

On the other hand, town criers and window shoppers both feel a sense of social obligation
to be on Facebook and mostly unconcerned in posting stories or other information about
themselves. Town criers tend to post out information, sharing news stories and posting events.
On the other hand, window shoppers were more likely to be onlookers that prefer watching
what other people do.

The researchers noted that Facebook users may see themselves in more than one of the
categories. For example, many people have the tendency to identify themselves as both
selfies and relationship builders. However, users can identify more with one category than the
others. (Samun 61)

What is the organization pattern of this article?

(1) Classification

(2) Cause and effect

(3) Steps in a process


(4) Chronological order

(5) Problem and solution

2. Practice Lesson

2.1 Reading Strategies


ใ นอง ๆ ใชทัก ะ skimming แล กลับไปทำโจทยรอบเดีย

คำ ัพทที่ตองรู
Poetry บทก ี, ก ีนิพนธ Stanza บท

Verse รอยกรอง Prose รอยแก

ำ รับ reading ประเภทนี้ลัก ณะคำถามมักจะมีการเรียงกัน โดยเฉลี่ย stanza ละ 1 ขอ ดังนั้นนอง

ๆ ค รอานจบ stanza ใ กลับมาทำโจทยของ Stanza นั้นทันที

ใ นอง ๆ ใชทัก ะ skimming แล กลับไปทำโจทย

Movie Review, Editorial และ Article

1. อานคำถามกอน เพราะ ามารถทำใ เราแพลนถูก าเราจะมีแผนการอานอยางไร และบางขอเรา
อาจ ามารถที่จะตอบไดเลยที่ไมตองอาน Passage

2. ิเคราะ คำถาม าค รมีลำดับทำอยางไร โดยปกติคำถามใน reading คำตอบมักจะเรียงขอกัน

ยกเ นบางกรณีที่อาจเอาคำถามประเภทที่ตองอานเรื่องทั้ง มดมาไ ขอตน ๆ เชน คำถามประเภท Main
idea, Title/ Topic, Tone/ Purpose ถาเจอขอลัก ณะนี้ขึ้นตน อยาพึ่งทำ ทำขออื่นกอน

ทำกอน Reference Vocabulary Detail

คอยมาทำ (ถามีเวลา) Main idea/ Title Inference Miscellaneous Question

3. เริ่มอาน Passage ไปทีละ Paragraph เจอคำตอบใ รีบกลับมาตอบทันที

4. ขอไ นรู ึกใชเ ลานาน ขามไปกอน


Practice ตัวอยางขอสอบ
Ads (Samun 60)


→ biloba

= Injection
- round


- '


years run ,

1. Which of the following phrases gives the most credibility to the product?

1. Clear choice 2. Healthy looking skin

3. Toll-free phone call 4. Stop acne in two easy steps

5. Dermatologist recommended
advantage ron't
Vrirurnion ,
disadvantage roof
2. What is the main benefit of this product?

1. Soften skin 2. Treat pimples groins
O -

3. Reduce age spots 4. Get rid of dry skin

5. Prevent skin diseases

3. What is a condition for ordering this product?
1. Be 18 or older
O 2. Consult the doctor

3. Test your skin type 4. Try a product sample

5. Use under parental supervision

4. Which of the following is NOT a selling point of this product?

Vrioni niwa
1. It is easy to buy.
O 2. It uses active ingredients. r
✓ r
3. It prevents new acne breakouts. 4. It has gone through clinical testing.

5. It is recommended by dermatologists. ✓

5. What should you do if you are interested in this product? monodist;

1. Go to see a doctor 2. Call the company


3. Order it at the pharmacy 4. Buy it at one of their stores

5. Consult a health professional online


Joke (Samun 62)

(1) One dark night a fire started inside the local chemical plant and in the blink of an
eye it exploded into massive flames. When the firefighters appeared on the scene, the
chemical company president rushed to the fireman in charge and said, "All our secret formulas
are in the vault in the center of the plant. I will give 50,000 pounds to the crew that brings
them out intact."

(2) But the roaring flames held the firefighters off. As the situation became desperate,
the president shouted out that the offer was now 200,000 pounds to the firefighters who
could bring out the company's secret files. But still the firefighters could not get through.

(3) From the distance, a lone siren was heard, and another fire truck came into sight.
To everyone's amazement, that little run-down fire engine roared right past all the newer
sleek engines that were parked outside the plant. Without even slowing down it drove straight
into the middle of the inferno.

(4) Outside, the other firemen watched as some old firefighters jumped off right in the
middle of the fire and fought it back on all sides. It was a performance and effort never seen
before. Within a short time, the old timers had extinguished the fire and had saved the secret
formulas. The grateful chemical company president walked over to personally thank each of
the brave firefighters.

(5) The local TV station caught the thank you on film and asked their chief, "What are
you going to do with all that money?" Well," said Paddy, the 70-year-old fire chief, "the first
thing we're gonna do is fix the brakes on that bloody fire truck."

6. What do we learn from the first paragraph?

1. There was a fire in an English suburb

2. A chemical company exploded at night.

3. Secret chemical formulas were lost in a fire.

4. A chemical plant caught on fire at night.

5. The firefighters arrived too late to put out the fire.

7. What can be inferred from the second paragraph?

1. The chemical formulas were more valuable than the money offered.

2. The firefighters waited for more money before fighting the fire.

3. The severe fire flames could not discourage the firefighters.

4. The president of the chemical company is kind-hearted.

5. The firefighters did not have enough equipment to fight the fire.

8. What is NOT true according to the third paragraph?

1. An old fire truck was driven into the fire.

2. There were fire engines parked outside the plant.

3. Everyone was surprised at seeing an old fire truck.

4. The old fire truck slowed down as it approached the fire.

5. The old fire truck and firefighters came from the distance.

9. Which of these statements is TRUE according to the story?

1. Old firefighters are braver than young ones.

2. Money can cause people to risk their lives.

3. The brakes of the old fire truck did not work.

4. Only the 70 – year old firefighter survived and got the money.

5. The file of the secret chemical formulas was partially damaged.

10. What would be the best title of this story?

1. The Devastating Fire

2. The Old Fire Truck 3. The Brave Firefighters

4. The President on Fire 5. The Television Tells All

Poem (Samun 63)

(1) The wolf howls in the darkness,

She lets the wind carry her cries.

Her silhouette on a hilltop,

The moon reflected in her eyes.


(2) The agony she carries, the pain.

At her feet, the lifeless cub she bore.

In the animal kingdom it's the circle of life,

Nothing less and nothing more.

(3) The moon casts down its sympathy,

As it blankets around her rabid soul.

Nature defenseless against man,

An innocent life that man stole.

(4) As her howl travels,

The hunter stops dead still.

For the hunted often holds revenge,

An angry mother, ready to kill.

(5) Her silhouette no longer rests under the moon,

It runs through the old forest trees.

Her legs swin, much faster than the hunter.

His cries carry through the breeze.


11. What is described in the first stanza?

1. A wolf howling on the top of the hill

2. A wolf singing a very sweet song on the hill

3. A female wolf enjoying the beauty of the moon

4. A black wolf looking at the sky in the windy night

5. A wolf howling sitting silently on the top of the hill

12. What do we learn about the wolf in the second stanza?

1. She's going to die soon of a natural cause.

2. She's in pain after giving birth to her cub.

3. She's sorrowful because of her cub's death.

4. She cannot cope with her pack's sudden death.

5. She understands more deeply about life and death.

13. What has the man taken in the third stanza?

1. The wolf's life 2. The cub's life

3. The wolf's innocence 4. The man's own life

5. The moon's sympathy


14. What is implied at the end of the poem?

1. The angry wolf kills the hunter.

2. The hunter runs after the wolf and kills it.

3. The wolf returns to her den to mourn her cub.

4. The hunter drops dead hearing the wolf’s howl.

5. The wolf can no longer be seen because of the lack of moonlight.

15. What would be the best title for this poem?

1. Man's Nature 2. Merciful Killing

3. Mother's Revenge 4. Mother Takes All 5. Moonlight Serenade


Movie Review (Samun 62)

An exercise in stiffness and rigidity, "The Little Stranger" is a handsomely executed,

but crushingly dull period horror story

The story unfolds in post-WWII England. Domhnall Gleeson stars as Dr. Faraday, who
is summoned to Hundreds Hall, the crumbling mansion that was a symbol of excellence in
the English countryside when Faraday visited the mansion as a child and his mother worked
there as a housemaid. The home is now the living quarters of Angela Ayres (Charlotte
Rampling) and her two children, Caroline (Ruth Wilson) and Roderick (Will Poulter). Roderick is
a veteran of the Royal Air Force but injuries left him badly burned and with a knee injury.
While Faraday's treating Roderick's crippled leg, he finds himself falling for Caroline and
fancying himself a savior for this aristocratic family fallen on poverty. However, he's not really
in love with Caroline as much as the prospect of gaining ownership of Hundreds Hall by
marrying her, and when she starts to express desires of her own, he tells her she's being

The Little Stranger" is a well-intentioned horror movie; but it's not truly one until
about two-thirds of the way through its running time. Up until then it's a wandering drama
and a listless thriller.

Adapted from the 2009 novel by Sarah Waters, “The Little Stranger” is puzzling, a
film made for no one. It won't please genre fans and is too timid to attract serious drama
fans. And that's before the revelations that unfold in its final moments, which take the film
from bland to absurd.

16. Why does Faraday come to Hundreds Hall?

1. To visit his mother

2. To treat Roderick's injury

3. To renovate the neglected mansion

4. To save the Ayres' family from disaster

5. To renew a romantic relationship with Caroline

17. According to the review, which of the following statements is TRUE?

1. The Ayres family are snobbish.

2. Caroline falls madly in love with Faraday.

3. Roderick was injured because of the plane crash.

4. Hundreds Hall looks different from when Faraday last saw it.

5. Faraday cannot marry Caroline because she is an aristocrat.

18. Which word best describes Faraday?

1. Aggressive 2. Cooperative

3. Opportunistic 4. Trustworthy 5. Demanding

19. What type of movie is The Little Stranger" intended to be?

1. Horror 2. Drama

3. Family 4. Romance 5. Thriller


20. How does the reviewer feel about this movie?

1. Curious 2. Reserved

3. Inspired 4. Thrilled 5. Dissatisfied

News (Samun 63)

(BBC)—The cabinet has announced a ban on the production, import, and sale of
electronic cigarettes, saying they pose a risk to health.

An executive order had been approved banning products because of their impact on
young people, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said. It is not clear if the order will also
prohibit the use of vaping equipment.

India has more than 100 million adult smokers, making it a huge potential market for
e-cigarette companies.

Vaping—which involves inhaling a mix typically made of nicotine, water, solvents and
flavors—is seen as an alternative to smoking which can help you quit, but its impact on health
is still not fully known.

The ban will include jail terms of up to three years for offenders. Traditional tobacco
products are not affected.

“This means the production, manufacturing, import and export, sale, distribution and
advertising related to e-cigarettes are banned”, Ms. Sitharaman told a news conference. She

said evidence from the US and India suggested some young people saw vaping as a “style

India is the world’s second-largest consumer of tobacco products after China, and
more than 900,000 people die in the country each year from tobacco-related illnesses.

Proponents of vaping say it helps people stop smoking and that banning it would
encourage ex-smokers to pick up the habit again. But India’s health ministry, which proposed
the ban, says it is in the public interest to ensure vaping doesn’t become an “epidemic”
among young people.

India’s ban came a day after New York became the second US state to prohibit the
use of flavored e-cigarettes. Critics of vaping say flavors appeal particularly to children and risk
them becoming addicted to nicotine.

21. What is this news mainly about?

1. Banning of e-cigarettes in India 2. Exploring the e-cigarette marketplace in India

3. Examining reasons for vaping e-cigarettes in India

4. Revealing the number of e-cigarette consumers in India

5. Investigating the impact of e-cigarette vaping in India


22. Which of the following is TRUE about the ban in India?

1. All tobacco products will no longer be sold.

2. The ban focuses only on the sale of e-cigarettes.

3. India is the first place to ban the use of e-cigarettes.

4. The order strictly prohibits the use of vaping equipment.

5. Offenders will be imprisoned for as much as three years.

23. According to the News, which words indicate how some young people view the use of e-

1. Style statement 2. Youth epidemic

3. Huge potential market 4. Proponents of vaping

5. Alternative to smoking

24. According to vaping proponents, what is the adverse effect of the e-cigarette ban?

1. The market for e-cigarette companies cannot expand.

2. It will be more difficult for smokers to quit smoking.

3. Vaping will become an epidemic among young people

4. The number of tobacco smokers in India will steadily decrease.

5. The number of people dying from tobacco-related illness will decrease.


25. According to the news, what component in e-cigarettes is more likely to attract children
to vaping?

1. Water 2. Nicotine

3. Solvents 4. Flavors 5. Tobacco

Editorial (Samun 64)

(1) It's unclear at this point exactly how much death and damage have been inflicted
in Nicaragua and Honduras by Hurricane Iota, the second major storm to strike the region in
as many weeks. But it will be considerable ---- winds raging at 1 5 5 mph stripped roofs from
buildings and blew other structures apart as rain drenched land already sodden from a
previous powerful storm, Hurricane Eta.

( 2 ) The region was troubled enough before the hurricanes arrived. Rural communities in
Honduras and its western neighbor Guatemala have been suffering from five years of drought,
and the soaking they received from these storms won't magically end that scourge. The
drought has been made worse by climate change, the same force that scientists believe is
fueling stronger and more volatile tropical storm systems.

( 3 ) lota is a case in point. It emerged as a tropical depression early Friday and grew
into a tropical storm later in the day. By midnight Saturday, it was a Category 1 hurricane, the
weakest on the scale; on Monday morning it reached Category 5 status with winds topping
160 mph before weakening slightly as it hit the Nicaraguan coast.

( 4 ) The drought had already led to significant human migration from the region as
impoverished and starving people dependent on the agrarian economy had little left to keep
them in place. With violent gangs wielding significant power in sections of Honduras and
Guatemala, migrants flowed north through Mexico to the U.S., adding to the humanitarian
crisis at the border that has waxed and waned for several years. Then came the COVID-1 9
pandemic to undermine already-weak economies.

( 5 ) The hurricanes will only make these situations worse. It has long been apparent
that the best approach for combating migration from Central America is to help stabilize the
governments, disrupt the gangs and build a local and inclusive economy sufficient to support
the people who live there. However, that has proved to be a difficult task, exacerbated by
what seems to be endemic corruption. The region is likely to see more migration as damage
from the hurricanes makes a difficult region in which to live yet more uninhabitable.

26. What is the writer's main purpose in paragraph (1)?

1. To locate the cities affected by two hurricanes.

2. To provide detailed statistics about Hurricane Iota.

3. To explain how tropical storms become raging hurricanes.

4. To describe the nature of hurricanes and their destructive capability.

5. To highlight the destruction in Nicaragua and Honduras caused by recent hurricanes.


27 . Based on paragraph (2 ) , which of the following was a prior cause of trouble in Honduras
and Guatemala?

1. Flood 2. Dryness 3. Depression 4. Tropical storm 5. Neighboring country

28. Which paragraph describes Hurricane Iota's development path?

1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (5)

29. What is paragraph (4) mainly about?

1. The causes of drought 2. The reasons for human migration

3. A crisis on the US-Mexico border 4. Solutions to the problem of migration

5. The power of violent gangs in Honduras and Guatemala

30. What is the main point the writer makes in paragraph (5)?

1. Economic problems in Central America need to be tackled urgently.

2. There is no solution to the problem of migration from Central America.

3. Hurricane Iota has made Central America an unsuitable region to live in

4. Natural disasters are the main reasons for migration from Central America.

5. The hurricanes could make the Central America migration crisis even worse.

31. What is the writer's tone in the last paragraph?

1. Suspicious 2. Relaxing 3. Pessimistic 4. Demanding 5. Sympathetic


32. What would be the best title for this article?

1. 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season 2. Migration Trends in Central America

3. Impact of Hurricanes on Migration Crisis 4. Natural Disasters in Nicaragua and


5. Climate Change: Adaptation in Developing Countries

Article (Samun 64)

(1) A Japanese startup Vaak has successfully installed and tested a technology in local
convenience stores which cuts shoplifting losses by 77 percent.

(2) Dubbed Vaakeye, the system works with a store's surveillance cameras to catch
thievery that busy staffers might miss. Its developers trained the system by showing it more
than 100 hours of closed-circuit television footage that depicted honest shoppers as well as

(3) Vaak CEO Ryo Tanaka said the system identifies suspicious activity on the basis of
more than 100 aspects of shoppers' behavior, including gait, hand movements, facial
expressions and even clothing choices. Promotional videos show Vaakeye spotting a range of
suspicious activities, from “restless” behavior and "sneaking" to putting items into bags or

(4) If the system spots behavior it deems suspicious, it alerts store personnel via an
app. Then it's up to staffers to take action --- typically by approaching the potential shoplifters
and asking if they need help. The system doesn't actually label people as shoplifters; rather,
Tanaka said, it tells staffers to “please check these people --- they might steal things.”

(5) Chelsea Binns, an assistant professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New
York City, said the Vaakeye system “appears to show great promise for loss prevention.” But,
she added, retailers must weigh the costs and benefits of surveillance. “If regular customers
are afraid to enter stores because they don't like the idea of being tracked, this could
potentially hurt retail sales,” she said.

(6) Sven Dietrich, another John Jay professor, said deep learning algorithms tend to be
only as good as the data used to train them. He offered a hypothetical scenario in which
shoplifters in a training video wear blue jackets --- something that might lead to the conclusion
that anyone in a blue jacket is suspicious.

(7) Another criticism came from Jerome Williams, a professor and senior administrator
at Rutgers University's Newark campus. He has written extensively on race and retail
environments. He said that unless training data is carefully controlled, a theft-detection
algorithm might wind up unfairly targeting people of color, who are routinely stopped on
suspicion of shoplifting more often than white shoppers.

(8) Williams said black shoppers who felt they had been unfairly scrutinized in stores
previously might be more likely to appear nervous in subsequent shopping experiences --- a
potentially risky proposition if a system misidentifies anxiety as suspicious behavior. Still, he

praised Vaakeye's focus on body language. “I think it's a good approach,” he said. “You
shouldn't racially profile. You should behaviorally profile.”

(9) There is always an evil side to all technologies especially when it involves AI, as
often criticized. Technology has always been about adding convenience to and safeguarding
human lives, but what it turns into always depends on who uses it and for what purpose.

33. According to the article which of the following statements best describes Vaakeye?

1. A convenience store's surveillance camera to catch thieves

2. A device for differentiating honest shoppers from criminals

3. New technology for reducing shoplifting losses in convenience stores

4. A system installed to study shoppers' behavior in a convenience store

5. Al software developed by an established Japanese company to eliminate shoplifting

34. What do we learn from paragraph 2?

1. How the Vaakeye system is trained

2. Who developed the Vaakeye system

3. When Vaakeye takes pictures of shoplifters

4. How often the Vaakeye system has been trained


5. Why Vaakeye has to work with store's surveillance

35. What does Vaakeye do after spotting suspicious behavior?

1. Signal store staffers via an app

2. Approach the potential shoplifter

3. Trigger an alarm to scare the shoplifter

4. Instruct store personnel to call the police

5. Match the behavior with any of 100 aspects of shoppers' behavior

36. What is Chelsea Binns' view about the Vaakeye system?

1. It has a high cost of surveillance.

2. It could potentially lead to a drop in sales.

3. It is the most useful device for loss prevention.

4. It can be purchased after the calculation of profits.

5. It will encourage regular customers to shop at the store.

37. How does Sven Dietrich support his point about learning algorithms?

1. By appealing to an authority 2. By referring to a case study

3. By giving an imaginary example 4. By describing a personal experience

5. By providing the data used to train the algorithms


38. What is Jerome Williams most concerned about?

1. Training data not being carefully maintained

2. Criticizing black shoppers in the store

3. Involving body language in the training data

4. Treating white and black shoppers unequally

5. Discriminating between different types of shoplifters

39. What is the tone of the last paragraph?

1. Trivial 2. Cautionary 3. Supportive 4. Indifferent 5. Critical

40. What would be the best title for this article?

1. Eye of God or Devil

2. Save Convenience Stores

3. Should AI be Used to Catch Shoplifters?

4. Shoplifting: Huge Problem around the World

5. A Future of Millions of Eyes Spying on Us


เฉลย Practice ตัวอยางขอสอบ

1. 5 2. 2 3. 1 4. 1 5. 2 6. 4 7. 1 8. 4 9. 3 10. 3

11. 1 12. 3 13. 2 14. 1 15. 3 16. 2 17. 5 18. 3 19. 3 20. 1

21. 1 22. 5 23. 1 24. 3 25. 4 26. 5 27. 2 28. 3 29. 2 30.5

31. 3 32. 3 33. 1 34. 1 35. 1 36. 2 37. 3 38. 4 39. 2 40. 3

******************** Good luck ********************

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