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Body Alchemy

Workout 5
Difficulty: Expert

(No Equipment needed)

5 Minute Round
Set a time for 5 minutes and complete each exercise as
many time as instructed. Pace yourself and rest as
needed. See how many times you can cycle through the
exercises. Next time, try to beat your record.

6 Inch Flutter Kicks

(30 reps)

V Ups
(8 reps)

Pike Toe Touches

(8 reps)

Alternating Crunches
(12 reps)

Repeat this circuit as many times as

possible for 5 minutes.

(Rest as needed)

Repeat each exercise one after another and then rest
and repeat the circuit as many times as instructed

Crunch Opposite Arm/Leg

(12 reps)

Crunch Tick Tocks

(12 reps)

Pike Toe Touches

(10 reps)

(Rest 30-60 seconds)

Repeat x3


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