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GE11 (7302)

The Entrepreneurial Mind

1. Why do you think studying this subject is important?

Programs and subjects that are focused on entrepreneurship teach critical

life-skills to students and other individuals that will assist them in managing their
unpredictable future. Such strengths include problem-solving, creativity,
innovation and teamwork and building of character such as resilience and
integrity. These will also help the people and economy to arise and provide the
basic and complex needs in the society despite of the failures and hardships that
may happen.

2. As an ordinary student, how can you contribute to the betterment of the

economy, especially in these trying times?

As a student, I can contribute to the betterment of the economy by being

wise and responsible in managing my resources. I can also benefit the economy
by applying all of the several critical keys and aspects that I will learn as I
continue to persevere in excelling this particular subject that focuses mainly on
developing a person’s entrepreneurial mind. In general, I can contribute to the
future of the economy by undertaking the process of my development as a
rational being and applying the results of this process in the future as I partake in
the industry.

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