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A Campaign for Anima: Tactics

Written by
Lachlan “Raith” Conley
Free Agent 005
It was like the ringing of some great bell.

It was felt everywhere by everyone, those closest found them selves completely
paralysed as the vibrations rippled through their bodies, man and beast stood still
and looked for the source of the noise, even the tides changed as the sound spread

Five great pillars of black fell from the sky striking across the face of the world,
their impact scarred the land as they drove into the soil, each pillar stood taller than
the highest trees and glowed with an inner light revealing hundreds of dimly
glimmering runes.

Dark whispers claim they are old magic, older than the oldest myths and legends,
beyond perhaps the War of God and the ages since, from a time where the world
was known by another name and mankind had had worked lost wonders.

Across the world powers both vast and subtle mobilise to control the pillars, to
unlock their secrets or to prevent others from doing the same. In the absence of
knowledge can the purpose of these objects still be divined?

And in the shadows others stir, curious for answers of their own.
The Basics:
The following is a campaign and system for Anima: Tactics that forgoes the use of a map but is
designed to give the feeling of an ongoing adventure without it becoming just another

“Dark is the Fallen Sky” will run once a month on the 4th Saturday and following Sunday from April
24th until the end of November. To play in the Campaign you will require at least 150 levels worth of
Anima characters but to completely participate each player can have up to 400 Levels.

These 400 levels are a “pool” each a player will be able to draw from and field teams in a range of
different battle sizes. Unlike the previous campaign there will be no increase in the number of
available characters, though changes to the available pool may occur.

To participate in the campaign there is a $5 registration fee which will be put towards the prizes.
Please send an email of your intent to participate in this campaign to, there
is no cut off date for entry into the Campaign and anyone is welcome to start playing at any of the
events days. While there will be an official weekend each Month additional matches can be scheduled.

First Place will receive a Gift Voucher for Mind Games, a copy of the special advantage card Dragons
Blood, as well as a copy of the limited edition Khaine miniature.
Additional prizes may be offered.

Campaign Rules and Structure.

As this is an ongoing campaign there are some additional rules that will be added to the basic Anima:
Tactics game in order to maintain continuity through the event.

“Dark is the Fallen Sky” will run using the rules as presented in the Anima: Tactics rulebook for Saga
1 and 2 (Awakening and Rise) and may include errata taken from the Anima forums at

400 Levels:
At the beginning of this campaign each player is assigned 400 levels to spend on his
organisation/faction. These levels represent a pool of characters and not all will participate in the
various matches of the campaign.

The basic rules of this selection are as standard, each player will receive 40 additional points (10% of
400 levels) to select his available advantage cards (Subject to Organisational Advantages). They will
also choose two Organisational advantages, when eligible to use an Organisational Advantage in a
match it will be selected from these options.

At the beginning of the campaign a player has the choice of allocating all his points or reserving some
for later use (This is mostly in order to allow new players to Anima to participate without needing a full
400 points) after all the available points have been spent changes to the points can be made through
Exploration rewards only

The End Game:

In “Dark is the Fallen Sky” teams are seeking to learn about these massive Black Pillars, to use them,
to destroy them, or to find out their secrets. They may also be participating simply to prevent others
from realising one of these objectives. Each player will randomly roll for a Mission Goal, this Mission
defines how a particular Player may win the Campaign. Information on the specific missions is found
in the section Ultimate Goal.

Searching for answers as to the purpose of the Black Pillars or to deny others that information will take
place in a series of matches. There are three levels of matches each known as an Encounter level, the
higher the encounter level the larger the match.
Each match will reward a number of Exploration points, these points can be used to claim additional
benefits for your side or to further your groups agenda in relation to the Pillars. All participants in a
match whether victor or not will receive Exploration points as even in defeat one can still find some

It is possible at any Encounter level to find an “Influence Reward”. This reward may relate to the
players ultimate mission or offers a significant advantage that can be played when a match has been
declared. This reward replaces any Exploration Points gained from a match.

To begin a match one person must make a challenge. To do this they declare what Encounter level
they are aiming for and the points they wish to operate at, this is an indication of the resources their
group is bringing into play. Encounter Level 1 is called a Skirmish, Encounter Level 2 is a Clash and
Encounter Level 3 a Confrontation.

Before a person can issue a challenge they must make sure they meet the requirements to activate that
level of conflict. Each level has a minimum team size, this team must be drawn from your pool of
characters and will be built just like a normal Anima team though advantage cards must also be drawn
from your available pool and any Organisational advantage must also match your selected options if
the size of the match allows for their use.

The following information describes the requirements of the three types of Encounter levels:

Level 1: Skirmish
The first area of play is a Skirmish battle, it represents the various groups initial scouting while
maintaining a low profile, at this level there is little chance that any losses will effect your teams
overall ability to participate in other matches. It is however the level of encounter that provides the
smallest rewards of Exploration points. Teams at this level may still discover “Influence rewards” such
as Truthful Rumours allowing you to stymie another efforts, Ancient Books or maps revealing some
information that can aid you.

Team Size: To engage in a battle at this level you must have a party size ranging between 140
and 175 levels.

Winner: The winner of a match at this level receives +50 Exploration Points

Level 2: Clash
At this level your group is attempting to stake a large claim in their mission such as attempting to
hobble an opposing sides movement or steal information from a source. Influence rewards may allow
you to take information from another or temporarily inhibit another personality in some way.

Team Size: To engage in a battle at this level you must have a party size ranging between 190
and 220 levels.

Winner: The winner of a match at this level receives +100 Exploration Points

Level 3: Confrontation
This Encounter level represents the deployment of most of a particular group’s resources. It is a
significant gamble as many characters will take to the field and risk injury. The rewards are just as
significant, pain can be inflicted on others, advantages won or denied. Influence rewards can be found
and even special locations captured.

Team Size: To engage in a battle at this level you must have a party size of 250 to 300 points.

Winner: The winner of a match at this level receives +100 Exploration Points.
All Encounter Levels
At all levels of Encounter the following benefits and restrictions come into play.
Opponents: Your opponent must also deploy a force inside the range for the encounter equal
to or less than the Challengers. An opponent may select a smaller force than the challenger.
If they do, they receive 1 extra Exploration point per point difference should they win the

Participants: All the players in an Encounter receive a number of Exploration Points equal to
their Victory Point total.

Every match is played on a table 4’ by 4’ or 4’ x 3’ depending on availability of space. Once a suitable
space is found both participants must see if there are any special Scenario rules in place during the

Both Players through a d10 with the Challenged person deciding which result to keep on a 6+ the team
is fighting under specific orders, on a 5 or less they are simply out to defeat any opponents using a
standard Clash game (Rulebook page 39).

It is possible to modify the number rolled on the dice. If a player has in their team a person with the
Initiative ability they may choose to add 1 or subtract 1 from their roll (Maximum +/- 1). It the team
being fielded has any injured characters (See Injured rules) they must subtract 1 from their roll.
(Maximum -2)

If a specific scenario is in order, the Challenger rolls on one of the following tables that equates to the
proposed encounter level. This is an unmodified d10 roll.

Specific scenarios may ask that one side or the other sets up in a particular fashion or completes a
particular task.

Unless a scenario specifies otherwise the match is conducted according to the standard rules of Anima
from how many pieces of terrain are deployed to whom selects which side of the table to deploy on etc.
Skirmish Scenario’s
D10 Area Special Rule
1-2 Great Plains Match Type: Clash
Special: Terrain for this location can only be places within 8 inches of the left and right
table edges leaving a clear space straight down the middle, no buildings or ruins over 2”
tall can not be used as terrain..
Reward: This Scenario rewards Exploration Points.
3 Duel Match Type: Special
Setup: 2’ x 2’ table, full terrain., 4” x 20” deployment range,
Special: The Challenger selects a single figure of up to 50 levels from their team to
fight in a duel. The opponent selects a single figure of equal value from their entire
pool. Both characters may have a single advantage card attached worth no more than
+10 levels. Leader Class figures can’t be selected for this duel. If the opponent cannot
match the level of the Challenger they may play a figure up to 5 points higher in level
with the usual reward for an uneven fight if the Challenger wins.
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
4-5 Village of Cornes Match Type: Clash
Special: Terrain for this match should be clustered in the centre of the table, using
buildings where available.
Reward: This Scenario rewards Exploration Points but if the “Change of Orders”
Exploration reward is bought by the victor it only costs half the usual Points.
6 On the road to Match Type: Ambush
Special: When this Scenario occurs the opponent forgoes fielding their usual forces and
Archangel instead selects 5 Empire Agents, these agents are on patrol in the area and have
surprised the Challenger thinking they are highwaymen (The Agents are the ambushing
side). Each Agent has abilities totalling 20 additional levels 4 out of the Five Agents
must have the same abilities with the last being a unique leader.
Reward: The Scenario only rewards Exploration Points to the Challenger but any
character killed during play does not make Injury checks afterwards.
7-8 Ruins of Americh Match Type: Clash
Setup: Use the Ambush Scenario’s deployment
Special: The Challenger for this scenario is the “ambusher”. Their opponent can not
play Equipment type Advantage Cards during this match. On target for the ambush is
needed in this match, aside from the setup it functions as a normal Clash scenario.
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
9-10 Blessings and Match Type: Clash
Setup: Use Nodes map
Guidance Special: The Challenger places five Node Markers, unlike in a normal Match these are
not fought over and instead represent sacred places. The player with this goal must
move a character to these points and pay 1 AP to “pray” at the location. If they succeed
the game ends immediately and the Challenge gain +100 Victory Points
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
Clash Scenario’s
D10 Area Special Rule
1 Lost Ruins Match Type: Exploration
Special: Any Summoned creatures used during this Match gain a +2 to their Stability
checks to remain in play and gain +1 to attack and Defense.
Reward: The Scenario only rewards Exploration Points.
2-3 Albidion Match Type: Any
Special: Whenever a character uses an ability with the Magic descriptor that characters
opponent may deploy a single Church Agent worth 40 points onto the table. This Agent
is an Inquisitor type, only one agent may be on the table at any time and they do not
count for the purposes of Victory Points.
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
4-5 The road to the Match Type: Clash
Special: After the match is fought the victor may choose to automatically reselect any
Great University Plot or Power type advantage cards he has by trading in ones he possesses to acquire
and equal level in other Plot or Power advantage cards to a maximum of 30 levels
Reward: The Scenario only rewards Exploration Points.
6 Challenge Match Type: Special
Setup: 2’ x 2’ table, full terrain., 4” x 20” deployment range,
Special: The Challenger selects a single figure of up to 70 levels from their team to
fight in a duel. The opponent selects a single figure of equal value from their entire
pool. Both characters may have a single advantage card attached worth no more than
+10 levels. If the opponent cannot match the level of the Challenger they may play a
figure up to 5 points higher in level with the usual reward for an uneven fight if the
Challenger wins. If they can only play a lower character the figure gains +1 Attack for
the Match.
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
7-8 The Dark Forest Match Type: Clash
Special: At the beginning of each Maintenance phase roll a dice for every character in
the match on a 9+ that character suffers from Seal level 1
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
9 Grand Melee Match Type: Clash
Setup: After rolling this Scenario two additional players are needed. Each player
selects a full 200 point army and all four players deploy one to each table edge of a 4’ x
4’ table. Only the initial Challenger and Opponent deploy terrain.
Special: No Characters need roll for Injury following this match
Reward: This Scenario gives the choice of Exploration or Inspiration Reward for the
10 The Fairy Woods Match Type: Control
Special: After the match concludes the player may select one of the following
additional rewards.
“Scry” You may learn for far along an opponent is towards achieving their Ultimate
“Gift of Life” Remove all Downed States from your character Pool
Reward: The Scenario only rewards Exploration Points
Confrontation Scenario’s
D10 Area Special Rule
1 The Wake Match Type: Ambush
Special: Summons used in this match gain +2 Attack and automatically pass stability
checks. Any abilities with the Magic Descriptor gain +1 to attack or increase their
effect by 1 or reduce their difficulty by 1.
Characters killed in this match increase their chance of becoming “Downed” by 1 point.
Reward: The Scenario rewards either Exploration Points or an Influence Reward
2 Neo-Abomination Match Type: Clash
Special: The challenged person selects a single figure from his pool to represent a
Wandering encounter. That character then gains a number of additional abilities.
Subtract the characters level from 300 and divide by 50 rounding off. That number is
then doubled and added to the characters Life Points, in addition the character gains a
number of Free Attacks and Free Dodges per turn equal to the generated number
(i.e.Alastor costs 80 points, 300 minus 80 equal 220, divide thing by 50 and we get 4.4
which become 4, Neo-Alastor has +8 life points for a total of 26 and gains 4 Free
Attacks and 4 Free Dodges each round)
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
3 Lightless Halls Match Type: Nodes
Special: No attack or effect can be directed at a target outside of a character’s Zone of
Reward: The Scenario only rewards Exploration Points
4-5 Paradise Match Type: Clash
Special: At the beginning of each Maintenance phase each Character in the match must
succeed at a Effect 16 check or gain Paralyse level 1. Each maintenance phase all Light
characters in this match gain the choice of either the Shield and Protection Status effects
for the round..
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
6 Stronghold Match Type: Nodes
Special: If the Challenger win this match and managed to hold on to 3 or more node
locations at the end of the Match they have captured this location. All Exploration
Rewards have their cost reduced by 50 (minimum cost 25). Whenever the Strongholds
holder is challenged in the future for a Confrontation match the challenger may choose
to attack this location rather than rolling for a random Scenario. IF they win the match
they may keep or discard the location.
If this location is held by a player and it is rolled randomly in another match they are not
participating in the result is ignored and a normal Clash takes place.
Reward: The Scenario only rewards Exploration Points
7-8 Unholy Atmosphere Match Type: Clash
Special: At the beginning of each Maintenance phase each Character in the match must
succeed at a Effect 14 check or gain Doom level 1. Each maintenance phase all Dark
characters in this match gain the choice of either the Shield and Protection Status effects
for the round..
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
9 Come, the Match Type: Control
Special: The objective at the centre of the map can be activated to do this a character
Apocalypse must spend 2 AP. Once active at the beginning of each Maintenance phase each
Character within 8” of the middle point must pass a Effect 16 check or gain Berserk
level 1. The effect can also be deactivated by a non-berserk character spending 2 AP.
To activate/deactivate the object the character must be within 2” of the objective.
Reward: This Scenario gives an Inspiration Reward.
10 Destined Conflict Match Type: Exploration
Special: Both sides receive 1 extra Gnosis point per turn.
Reward: The Scenario only rewards Exploration Points

Victory or Defeat:
The outcome of a match is determined using the victory point system on page 41 of the main rules in
determining results. In the event of a Draw neither side gain the bonus for Victory nor can they spend
any Exploration points or gain Influence
There are two different types of rewards for participating in a match, Exploration Point or Influence

The most common match reward is the Exploration Point. After each match without an “Influence”
reward as the goal both players receive a number of Exploration Points. These points represent the
group’s efforts to locate ancient myths and legends that might reveal some clue as to the pillar purposes
or they might be a group attempting to equip itself for a future engagement, recover from hostilities
quicker or aim political pressure at an opponent.

After a match the Victor (and only the Victor, regardless of challenger) may choose to either save their
Exploration Points for future use or spend them on Plot Advantages.

The following table lists the possible uses for Exploration points. These results may be purchased
more than once, but will only apply for a limited time (Usually the next match), if purchased more than
once each reward applies to a different character in your team or a different target. They do not stack.

Point Cost Plot Advantage Description

50 New Assignment You may rearrange the additional abilities of any Agent
Characters making sure to keep your total points within the 400
level limit
50 Acrobatic Training Select a character with 2 points of armour or less that character
gain +2” to its movement for the match and a +1 to Escape rolls.
50 A Good Nights For the next match only a single character gains Haste Level 1 for
Sleep a single turn of your choosing.
75 On Your Terms You may Add 1 additional piece of terrain to the table after all
other terrain has been placed.
100 The Old Inn You may augment your Pool of characters temporarily. Choose a
Wanderer, they join your pool above and beyond the 400 level
limit. However they will only participate in a single battle before
100 Mark of Mikael You may automatically succeed at a single “Downed” Check or
Automatically restore an already “Downed” character.
100 Market You may replace any Advantage Cards in your selected Pool with
others of equal value.
125 Planning Gain +1 to your Scenario, Initial Initiative, Terrain Placement and
Side Selection roll for a single match. This benefit does not count
once the Match begins.
150 Experimental A single character on your team has been blessed by a slight
Increase increase in abilities for your next match they receive a +1 to
Damage and Defence
150 Mark of Zamiel A single character gains +1 Damage for a single match, that
character must be a Dark unit.
150 Mark of Uriel A single character gains +2 Resistance for a single match, that
character must be a Light unit.
150 Blessing of A single character on your team has been blessed and gains +2
Protection Armour for a single match, If they already possess armour this
benefit is reduced to +!
150 Road to Anywhere You may cancel out a single Influence (Combat) Effect played
against you.
200 Enchantment A single character on you team has been temporarily granted a
blessing for a single round during your next match The character
gains +1 Attack, +1 Damage, +1” Walk/Run and a+1 to any
Effect based abilities.
200 Mark of Jedah A single character gains +2 effect for a single match to any Seal,
Blind or Paralyse abilities, that character must be a Dark unit.
200 It was only a After a single match all characters automatically succeed at their
Dream “Downed” checks
200 Unleashed Danger For your next match roll on the Confrontation Scenario chart this
is an automatic effect no roll to see if the scenario is needed is
made. This Scenario can be used at any level of encounter and if
an Influence Reward is the Scenario’s outcome it is rolled on the
Confrontation tables.
200 Mark of Azrael A single character gains +1 Damage, +1 Defence for a single
match. The Character must be a Light, Warrior
200 Mark of Abbadon A single character gains +2 Damage against Light Characters for
a single match. The Character must be a Dark, Warrior
200 False Alarm For your next match roll on the Skirmish Scenario chart this is an
automatic effect no roll to see if the scenario is needed is made.
This Scenario can be used at any level of encounter and if an
Influence Reward is the Scenario’s outcome it is rolled on the
Skirmish tables.
300 Seek New Horizons You may select rather than roll for a single Special Encounter
300 Mark of Gabriel Choose a Light, Mystic character, any Friendly units within that
characters Control Zone becomes immune to the effects of
negative states. This Mark lasts for a single match.
300 Mark of Erebus Choose a Dark, Mystic character, they gain +1 Attack when using
any special ability or increase its effect by +2. This Mark lasts for
a single match.
300 Change of Orders You may replace up to 100 levels worth of Characters from your
pool with different characters. Respecting your 400 point limit
and Organisation/Faction restrictions.
300 Lost Loggia For a single match you may give a character an additional
advantage card beyond the normal maximum limit, this additional
card must be an Equipment Card and must come from your usual
400 Mark of Eriol Choose a single character, so long as they remain in play during a
match each turn the opponents Gnosis pool is reduced by 1. This
Mark lasts for the duration of a single Encounter.
600 Betrayal With this reward you may take a Character that fall outside the
method you organise your pool (Faction/Organisation) and
include them as a betrayer. This character can be worth no more
than 50 levels and can not be a leader. Should the character ever
be “Downed” they have instead died and you must remove them
from your Pool and replace them with a different selection that
conforms to the usual rules
600 Final Mission You can only purchase this reward after completing a match in
accordance with your Ultimate Goal. It counts toward your
victory conditions. This reward can not have its cost reduced in
any way unless Using the Stronghold and attempting the Mission,
“That which should not exist”

The second type of reward is a result of playing in a special match that lists an “Influence” reward as its
outcome. There are three types of Influence rewards Combat, Trickery or Supernatural, the influence
rewards and what they do are further restricted by the Encounter Level the reward was won at.

Influence rewards are unique. You may only have one reward at a time. You may choose to hold onto
a reward until you wish to use it, it will only affect one match but unlike an Plot Advantage you may
deploy the Influence reward against opponents that you are not even facing.

The following tables lists the possible Influence Rewards that are awarded based on Encounter level,
you may choose which table Combat, Trickery, Supernatural a reward comes from but the reward itself
is determined by rolling a d10 and comparing the result to the table.

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Advice Cancel one Influence (Combat) Reward played against you.
4-6 Illusion of the For a match a single designated character may roll a special
Mirror Gnosis point on a single action once a round. This point is in
addition to the normal points gained.
7-9 Aura of Death Select a Character when they make an attack action they may
choose to spend extra AP on the attack beyond the normal
requirements. Each extra AP they spend give a +1 bonus to attack
0 Swift Attack Choose a character, that individual can perform the basic attack
action for 1 less AP, btu they also suffer a -1 to attack when they

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Final Attack For one turn you may give a single Warrior character a +5 bonus
to their attack rolls. At the end of the turn regardless of life points
the character is removed as a casualty and is automatically
4-6 Energy Break A single character you designate gains +2 Attack for each
additional enemy in base contact with it beyond a single opponent
for a match
7-9 Exodus Choose a single character, they gain the following ability for a
00 Exodus (Ki, Effect, Reactive)
Remove a Summon played inside the characters Control Zone.
Summons removed in this way do not count for Victory Points.
0 Seals of the Choose a single character, they gain the following ability for a
Dragon match
0000 Seals of the Dragon (Ki, Effect)
Gain, +2 Attack, Defence and Damage. Upkeep: 0
This ability can only be activate by the character during play they
may not start the match with the ability activated

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Command For a single match you may ignore the normal limit of playing a
Presence Leader class figure in an Encounter below 250 levels.
4-6 Azrael’s Blessing During a match you may select one of your Characters to receive
a +2 Attack and Defence modifier, your opponent also selects one
of their characters to gain this benefit. Characters selected must
be Light.
7-9 Absolute Power In your next battle a Single character of your choice can gain the
effects of an advantage card played in the battle that you acquired
this reward. This effect does not count towards the maximum
number of card you can have or attach.
0 War All characters in a match have their Life Points reduced to 5.

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Theft You may deny a player use of an Equipment Advantage Card
worth up to +10 levels for a single match. This ability is used
once the player has selected their team for a match.
4-6 Swindle Cancel the use of an Influence Reward in a Skirmish level
7-9 Surprise Attack You can play this reward to change a Non-scenario clash mission
into an Ambush Scenario where you are the ambusher.
0 Miraculous Escape You may ignore any influence effect levelled at an individual
character in a match

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Discredit For a single match you can deny a player access to a single
character worth no more than 60 levels who is not a Leader.
4-6 Toll An player of your choice must face their next match with 10
levels few than their opponent.
7-9 Subterfuge Select a Prowler, when they make a single attack from Hiding you
may use their Run statistic as the attack result rather than a d10
+attack + modifiers. This reward only works on a single blow.
0 Unexpected Select a character involved in a match and replace it with another
Problem character of your choice from that players pool of equal value.
You can only play this at the beginning of a match, just after the
sides have setup. If an equal level character is unavailable
nothing occurs.

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Prince of Thieves You may deny a player you are about to face the use of up to +20
levels worth of Equipment Advantage Cards for a single match.
This ability is used once the player has selected their team for a
match. However they may then select a Single Equipment
Advantage card (Worth up to +10 levels) of your’s to deny. You
must have at least one Equipment Advantage Card in your
selected team to use this Reward
4-6 Misfortune Select a single character involved in a match at the end of the first
turn that character gains Doom Level 2.
7-9 Distraction Select a character on your team, any character of the opposite
gender coming within 8” of the character must pass an effect 16
check or suffer Paralyse level 1
0 Manipulation Select two players to encounter each other, you select the level
they must battle at.

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Protection Use this Reward to prevent a player from playing a Influence
(Combat) Reward or using an Exploration Point Advantage in a
4-6 Supernatural Pact Designate a character in a match, that character does not gain any
benefit from attached advantage cards.
7-9 Sacrifice When a character is targeted by a Negative State effect either
from an attack or Influence reward you may choose another
character in an active match to suffer the effect instead.
7-9 Protection Select a Character when they make an Dodge action they may
choose to spend extra AP on the roll beyond the normal
requirements. Each extra AP they spend give a +2 bonus to

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Disorient Use this ability after a Challenge has been issued, the Challenger
must select another player to Challenge instead
4-6 Curse Select a character from an opponent’s pool. The next time that
character is used in a match it starts play under suffering from
Seal Level 3. If you participate in a Encounter against the
targeted character’s player, they may choose to not select the
figure in which case the Curse vanishes after the match is
7-9 Teleportation When a special scenario is rolled you may select the Scenario
from those available rather than randomly roll. This can be used
on your own match or another’s.
0 Arcane Might When making a single attack with the Magic Descriptor you may
automatically declare the attack as having rolled a 10 with all the
benefits of a critical.

D10 Influence Name Description
1-3 Beyond Reality For a match a single Summon gains +2 to attack and +2 when
making Stability Checks.
4-6 Fascination Select a character in your opponents force with an attached
Equipment Advantage Card, that character receives a -1 to actions
taken including movement.
7-9 Berserker Select a character from an opponent’s pool. The next time that
character is used in a match it starts play under suffering from
Berserk Level 3. If you participate in a Encounter against the
targeted character’s player, they may choose to not select the
figure in which case the Berserk state vanishes after the match is
0 Holocaust After rolling a special scenario you may choose to destroy the
result and change the match back to a standard Clash
Special Rules:
Besides the match criteria, rewards and party construction there are several other rules for the

That’s it IT’S ON!

Most matches are fought within a pre-determined level range, however if both parties wish to pledge
more forces to a battle they may increase the maximum allowed level range by spending Exploration
Points on a 2 for 1 basis. However both sides must commit the same number of points. That is if both
teams decided they wanted to play a 250 level game rather than a 220 level game each player would
need to pay 60 Exploration points.

What an imposing sight!

If your entire team is painted (not just undercoated, and it’s only based on teams involved in matches,
not any in the greater pool) you gain a bonus +25 Exploration Points for participating in a match.

I… can… still… fight!

During the course of a match characters will be dealt horrible blows that would normally simple
remove them from the table. Whether the blow killed them, they surrendered or were simply knocked
out is usually irrelevant.

In a campaign attrition is a much more important issue. After a match has concluded each player must
make a roll to see how badly off their casualties actually are. Seeing as the characters in Anima are
powerful warriors who have stood at death’s door before, killing them permanently is rather difficult,
most simply just need some more time to recover.

For each “slain” character in a match there is a chance they have been severely wounded. For tougher
characters it is easy to avoid this problem. Any character with 16 or more Life Points must roll a d10,
on a roll of 1 they are injured. For characters with 15 or less hit points they will be injured on a d10
roll of 1 or 2.

If an injury is the result, the character is considered Downed and is in need of serious medical attention.
That character can still be selected to participate in a match but has a -1 modifier applied to all their
statistics from Attack to Walk/Run (Minimum of any statistic is 0), this penalty also affects any Effect
thresholds a characters powers might use.

To avoid this penalty you can choose the character to sit out a match, if they do this the character may
then re-roll their injury check, failure again means the “Downed” state persists and a successful check
indicates they are ready to battle once more.

It is possible for a character to participate in a battle injured and become even further injured if slain
again. In this case the injury modifiers stack up.

If a party contains a character with access to any ability that can recover Life Points without suffering
damage or other detrimental effects as a result, or the ability requires provocation to be activated such
as Deadmoon’s Lunatic Void the possibility of being Downed is reduced to only 1 on a d10 for
character with 15 or less life points and no roll is required for those with 16 or more Life Points.

Run for your lives!

It is possible to protect a character from having to make an Injury check or to simply deny your
opponent a complete and utter victory. Whenever a character is injured you can attempt to save them
some hurt. To do this you must declare that the figure is withdrawing and move them towards a table

The character can act as normal, they can attack others on their way if you wish. Once they have made
it to the edge of the table at the beginning of the following Recovery Phase you can choose to remove
them from the tabletop and their Life Points are frozen where they are. The Character counts its
damage towards Victory points as usual but because they were not killed they are worth less and they
avoid the Injury roll.
The only restriction on this manoeuvre is that you can not be in the Zone of Control of any enemy
model including Hidden characters, when the character is to be removed from the table. If they are in
this area they must flee elsewhere..

Ultimate Goal
The ultimate goal of the players groups participating in this campaign are varied, some seek the Pillars
as weapons others want to destroy them or deny them to the enemy. At the start of the campaign each
participant rolls on the following table. This determines their intent for the Pillars and what victory
conditions they require to meet in order to accomplish their mission.

When attempting to achieve one of the stages of your teams Ultimate Goal you must declare your
attempt when the conditions for the goal are reached. Participating in a match where such conditions
occur and are used prohibits you from achieving the Reward normally granted from the match. Instead
it gives you the opportunity to buy the Final Mission plot reward using accumulated Exploration points.

D10 Area Special Rule
1-2 Dark Avatar The pillars are a source of great power existing in the Wake as well as the real world
if only they can be harnessed by a single person. But to gain access requires much
effort and venturing through dangerous country to seek ways to tap this power…

You must participate and win four Scenario Encounters using the Ambush rules (The
full rules only) where you are being ambushed. Select a single character in order to win
the game they must be the target of the Ambush each time. You must then participate in
a Confrontation Scenario: “Come the Apocalypse”. The chosen character must be the
one to activate the Device and must survive that match only then will you see if your
efforts have worked or not.
3-4 We must not let Whatever the Pillars are or represent must not be allowed to fall into anyone’s
hands… Except maybe your own.
them succeed.
Your goal is to take away the successes of others. You may challenge a person who has
purchased a “Final Mission” reward. This match must be at Confrontation level and be
the Scenario “Destined Conflict”, “Paradise” or “Unholy Atmosphere”

Should you win the match you may purchase the “Final Mission” reward, five rewards
means your plans have succeeded.
6-6 That which should When the Pillars arrived the sound awoke something vast and terrible. Strange and
powerful beings walk the World on an unnamed mission their efforts are centred on a
not exist
single fortress…

You must participate and win five missions using the Confrontation Scenario “Neo-
Abomination”. If you possess control of the “Stronghold” location you may apply its
effects to the Final Mission reward despite the usual rule.
7-8 Within the Dark Whispered rumours say that deep within the Lightless Halls exists an ancient
fragment made from a similar material as the Pillars. Perhaps that will allow you to
control or destroy those objects.

You must participate in battles affected by the Confrontation Scenario: “Lightless

Halls” Only by winning those matches with Absolute Victory can you purchase the
Final Mission plot reward. After succeeding 5 victories your knowledge of the Halls is
thorough enough to track down its secrets and achieve your goals.
9-10 Nightmares The Pillars seem to be having a strange effect on the Wake causing it to break into the
real world with horrific effects. Creatures with dark and tainted souls are appearing
everywhere upsetting the balance of the world.

You must participate in Battles affected by the Confrontation Scenario: “Unholy

Atmosphere” If your team includes any Dark Characters they do not benefit from the
Bonus Shield or Protection states. You must win this encounter 5 times (And be able to
purchase the Final Mission reward) to achieve victory

This document is an independent work and the rules presented have no association with any official Anima Studios work.

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