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Tesorero, Mary Ann


Laboratory Activity 5: Neighbor Joining Tree

Phylogenetic tree using Neighbor Joining Tree of genus Rastrelliger and Thunnus albacares
as an outgroup

Interpretation :
Above figure was an evolutionary history of genus Rastrelliger that is
conducted in MEGA11 software. Using the Neighbor-Joining approach, the
evolutionary history was determined. Ideal tree were featured . Next to the branches
is a percentage of the replicate trees where the associated taxa clustered during the
bootstrap test (500 repetitions). The tree is scaled, and the branch lengths
correspond to the evolutionary distances that were utilized to infer the phylogenetic
tree. The Kimura 2-parameter technique was used to calculate the evolutionary
distances, which are expressed in terms of the number of base substitutions per site.
Ten nucleotide sequences was used to be subject of this activity. 3 sequences per
species of Rastrelliger were presented by their cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI)
gene. The species enlisted were Rastrelliger branchystoma, Rastrelliger faughni,
and Rastrelliger kanagurta. Out of 12 species of Rastrelliger listed in FishBase there
were only 3 species that have record in Genbank.This activity also used the species
Thunnus albacares as an outgroup. Thunnus is a species listed in the same family of
Rastrelliger. Both genus are from the family of Scombridae. 1st+2nd+3rd+Noncoding
codon locations were included. Less than 5% of alignment gaps, missing data, and
unclear bases were permitted at any place with less than 95 percent site
coverage.There were a total of 544 positions in the final dataset.

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