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Potemkin (1925)
Film Journal 3 | Film 100
Tyranny, no matter
how powerful and
influential, may
crumble in the
hands of those who
choose to resist The film Battleship Potemkin (1925) the mutiny of
Russian sailors against their authorities. The filmed
showed how resistance and collective action can
bring about uprisings against tyrannical rules and
authoritarianism. The film also showed how one’s
death is not wasted if it was dedicated to fight
against oppression.
1 It's a mammoth effort to work on goals
and to actually ship them smoothly while
on a remote work setup. It makes it more

2 Have regular check-ins with the team to

recognize milestones and achievements.
If you're looking for an incredible way to
boost team morale, this is it.
Keep communication
lines open

1 To stay connected, it is important each team member has

the tools designated for a specific communication need.

2 For instance, there is Slack for instant messages, Zoom

for virtual meetings, Confluence for internal wiki and
company resources, and Figma for project collaboration
and brainstorming.
Have meals together

Host a virtual lunch hour where

everyone can log in and savor It's no secret how food easily
their meals together. For your brings people together. Share
colleagues living out the recipes, kitchen hacks, and
pandemic by themselves, it's a perhaps your latest cooking
good way to make them feel adventures and misadventures.
they're not alone.
Recreate office
coffee runs

1 2 3
This can be done as a group Set a convenient time. No Here are some questions to get the ball
or by pairs. Make your cup need for an agenda. Keep it rolling: “What made you smile this
of coffee prior to the casual and talk about week?”, “What TV show are you
scheduled time and start anything under the sun. currently watching?” or “What are you
chatting away. doing this weekend?”
Share heartwarming
and fun discoveries

1 As everyone's glued to the internet, it's easy

to lay a hand on something that inspires or
elicits a giggle. Every now and then, share it
with your colleagues to break the monotony
of work.

2 Pass around videos, jokes, good news, the

latest buzz on social media, and more.
Constantly check
in on each other

1 See how everyone is doing. Schedule a

team check in at the start of every new
week. It will surely set the tone and
positive mindset for the coming days.

2 Share experiences on how life is at home

and what's keeping everyone busy once
work is done for the day.

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