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How do you Find the average of an object with out using the Average Function and by

using only sum,average,max,min?

Use Sum() and  Count() function like Sum() / Count() you will get your average value.
is there any other repository domains rather than universe,security,doccument?
yes, by default we have only three domains i.e. universe, Security and document however we can have more
than one universe and document domain  in a repository but only one security domain.

What is diference between datamart and datawarehouse?

1.Data marts, simply defined, are smaller data warehouses that can function independently or can be
interconnected to form a global integrated DW (data warehouse)
2. Subject oriented, integrated, non-volatile, time variant and historical data is called as data
warehouse. And a sub set of data warehouse is called as data mart
clearly explain the difference between union and group
1. take  two tables t1 and t2.
in t1 we have columnss like a,b,c,d. and t2 has a,d,e,f.
so union means t1 union t2 i.e getting result from both tables i.e a,b,c,d,e.,f
where as group performs on a indiviual column in a particular table.
2. If a table has 2 columns Gender and Name
Gender      Name
Male         Tom
Male         James
Male         Harry
Female     Jenny
Female     Fern
Tom, James and Harry belong to Group Male.
3. union operation can be performed on basic cubes, remote cubes, ods objects, master data objects,infosets. i.e
u can form union operation simultaneously on cubes, ods, master data objects, infosets. Multi provider does
union operation.union operation can be performed on multi dimensional oblects.
                 But join operation is performed only on master data objects and Ods objects which are 2
dimensional. Infosets perform join operation.

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