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((((**Questions which are not taken from Geekinterview:

QTP Shared object repository (sor) – Page 3

what is a bo repository- Page 3

CMC and CCM – Page 3

Category and Folder Difference - Page 3

what are all difference between business objects 6.5 and XI R2 - Page 3

Fan trap chasm trap

How can we migrate BO 6.1 repository to a multi schema database? Page5

Universe CMS server Migration P6

product date sales – Page5

CMS Backup – Page 5
Business Objects Basic questions – Page5
How would I achieve Traffic Lighting in Business Objects P6
Impact of changing the Genaral Supervisor password in supervisor. P7
what is the Hardware & Software system requirement of installation of Business
objects xi R2 P7
What is Business Objects Auditor and what can you do by using Auditor?p7
What is the maximum possible number of tables in the repository p8
Filewotcher in BCA p8
Bsiness Ojects (supervisors) p8

1)How to send universe from Development to Production? Totoal 7 ques r there P 9

Can you add the Cascading promprts p9

how to do row level security in Supervisor??p9
What is the difference between user and versatile user in superviser product?p9
what is canned universe and canned reports in bo?p9

p10What is the difference between BO 6.5 Webi & Xir2 Webi?

What is the difference between BO 6.5 desktop intelligence & xir2 Desktop
What is meant by Report Bursting ?
What is Broad casting Agent?
What is file watcher? What is the use of it?
P10What is off-peak time?
Done till page 8 /9 may b
After page 5 I hv taken only IMP after page 16 may b

P11 What is Infoview in BO? and

What are the differences between BO 6.5 and BO XIR2?
what is zabo and where it is used p11
p12How do u migrate BOs Universes,users and user groups,and report from version
BO6.5 to XIR2?
what are the differences between BO's 5.x and 6.x p12
diffrence between ZABO and webip13
p14Is there any tool that can compare two Unvs / two Rpts , built using BO 5.1 / BO
6.5 ?
p14 Can someone please give some information on REPORT BURSTING and how to do
it in BCA as i have to split the report and send diff reports to diff people


What is a microcube?
when we run the report, data is extracted from database and it comes in the form of microcube, and
when it get displayed in the report is actually coming from microcube.

Can we overwrite the SQL query after creating the report

u can edit the sql query in the edit query panal...sql button is ther u can click it ..then u can modify
that ...then save ..after that run the query.

After overwriting the sql queries, select the option "Do not generate SQL before running" in SQL

[Go to Edit Query and On your left top you will see the SQL Icon. Click on it window will open along
with gray out.
If you want to read that OK or if you want to rewrite/do Change then you click on Custom SQL. and
then you can start change after finished click on apply/Generate then OK.

how can we add two universe?

In BO Designer, from File Menu -> Parameters -> Links tab on Universe Parameters box. Click Add
link to link the universe. The linking universe should be exported and imported from repository before

Linked universes are universes that share common components such as parameters, classes, objects, or joins.
When you link two universes, one universe has the role of a core universe, the other a derived universe. When
changes are made in the core universe, they are automatically propagated to the derived universes.
Things need to do:
we should resolve loops.
we should create contexts(previous contexts are not present in linked universe).
There are two ways:
1) At universe level we can link universe by parameters->Link option. The univese which is linked is
called as derived universe and we cant manipulate it.
2) Inculde Universe- Which is in same path Parameters->Link->Include universe. By using this
method we get a copy of universe and we can manipulate it and it will be easy to reduce the
conditions and indexes.

[The issue with Linked universes is that all the in the derived universe the contexts need to be defined and loops
need to be resoved as per the state of the universe once the universes are linked.

Designer is a software tool that allows you to create universes for Web Intelligence and Desktop
Intelligence users.
Designer provides a connection wizard which allows you to connect to your
database middle ware. You can create multiple connections with Designer, but
only one connection can be defined for each universe. This database
connection is saved with the universe.
A universe can represent the data needs of any specific application, system,
or group of users. We can add separate universe for each functional domain in an organisation

If you want to link marketing.uni with sales.uni, you must export the both universe by using export
option from File Menu. Then open any one universe sales.uni or marketing.uni. Then apply following

1. Open or select the universe to be linked to a kernel universe.

2. Select the Parameters command from the File menu.Universe Parameters dialog box is displayed.
3.Click the Links tab of the dialog box.
4.Click the Add Link button.dialog box appears from which you can select a universe.
5.Click the universe to be linked to your active universe, and then click the Open button. Universe
that you select is then displayed in the central pane of the Links tab.
6.Click the OK button. Components are displayed within the active window]

How to debug the universe in designer module - Tools>Integrity Check...

When to use local filter and when to use global Filter?

Report Filter hides the data which you are not interested to view in the document.
local filter would apply to just  a single block (table, cross tab or chart, specific Data Provider) within
your report. a global filter would apply to all blocks, all Data Providers in your report, so if you had
many tables the filter would apply to all of them. Local Filter is to single report to which it is create,
but a global filter is to all the reports which consists of that column. Local filter can be affect only
particular block only but global filter can be affect whole document.

Local filter works only single/current report. local filter's are created in a particular report where the
changes to be made.
If you want to use local filter in another report it didn't show their you need to create it again to use
Global filters are created in the universe level only and works globaly you can generate multi reports
with the samefilter. Its appier all the time when ever you open that universe.

[If you don't want to view particular report, you can apply global filter to all the blocks of a report.In
BO Reporting we do have Data Providers for each block of output. One report can have multiple Data
Providers. And even you can join common fields from different Data Providers. Local filters define at
report level whereas global filters are define at universe level.

Note : One Webi Doc have Multiple Reports it also called Tabs. but One reports does not have
Multiple Doc.]

What are the different types of Filters available in BUSINESS OBJECTS?

We can apply 4 types of filters to data providers when you build data providers using the java Report

predefined filters : (Query level Filters are reusable)these filters are created at the time of universe
creation and can be directly used at a report level.
custom filters: these are the filters which are created at the report level. there are two ways of
creating report level filters. one is before running a query... second one is after running a query.
(local,global)[ filters which are defined by the user on the query]

prompt firters: these are the dynamic filters which askes the user for the values and depending upon
these values, filters are applied.[ Dynamic filters, which display a question every time you refresh a

advanced filters: (subqueries and ranking)advanced filters consists of ways of restricting data view
using clauses like 'ranking'. for example, applying ranking for top 10 rows.. it will return only top 10

Multivalue and Syntax error

it occurs when ever u place one formula that returned by query/object/variablemore than one value
in a cell that output is one value only.

Soultion:1.Try creating a varialbe to select Distinct value of the Objects.If there are more than
onedistinct values, then insert the same as a new table.

2.If the error appears when you apply breaks, then try replacing the cell with the aggrigation of the
above field.
3. to avoid Multivalue error you have to use Min(), or Max() as per your requirement.

Syntax Error - Syntax error will occur when available improper formula used in the report.  so you
have to correct it first.

Solution: To avoild Syntax Error, pull the basic fields into the report and then the fields which are
based or calculated based on them.Finally, hide the unwanted fields.

4. You can get multiple values in a single cell but only when you have prompt on the object as InList. 
When you run the report, you have to select multiple values from the list of values, now in report use
UserResponse("Enter Object:"), which is message of prompt.

Now you will be able to see all the selected values in the single cell. You can use this feature when you want to
list all the values at the top of the report and breakdown in the table. So keep this cell out of the section.

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