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Escuela de Ingeniería / School of Engineering

COMP 315 - Análisis y Diseño de Estructuras de Datos y Algoritmos

COMP 315 - Analysis and Design of Data Structures and Algorithms

Tipo de curso / Course type

C-Conferencia con laboratorio integrado / C-Lecture with Lab

Modalidad(es) / Modality

Presencial / Traditional

Nivel del curso / Course level

Subgraduado / Undergraduate


Tres horas-crédito. Tres horas de clase/laboratorio por semana. Este curso es una introducción a dos problemas fundamentales en
ingeniería de computadoras: estructuras de datos y diseño de algoritmos. Tópicos incluyen diseño de algoritmos eficientes, tipos de datos
abstractos como listas enlazadas, colas, pilas, árboles binarios, análisis de complejidad, ordenamiento, búsqueda y algoritmos recursivos.


Three credit-hours. Three hours of lecture/laboratory per week. This course is an introduction to two fundamental topics in computer
engineering: data structures and algorithm design. Topics include design of efficient algorithms, abstract data types such as linked lists,
queues, stacks, binary trees, complexity analysis, sorting, searching, and recursive algorithms.

Requisitos (cursos) / Requisites (courses)

CPEN 358, ENGI 223

Co-requisitos (cursos) / Co-requisites (courses)


Créditos / Credits

Objetivos específicos / Specific objectives

1. Apply basic concepts related to object-oriented programming such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
2. Explain and apply basic concepts related to linked lists.
3. Explain and apply basic concepts related to binary trees.
4. Explain and apply basic concepts related to hashing tables.
5. Explain concepts related to queue theory and computer applications.
6. Design and implement algorithms related to linked lists, binary trees, hashing tables, queues, and stacks for solving real-world problems.
7. Describe concepts related to recursion techniques.
8. Apply recursion concept to develop algorithms for solving real-world problems.
9. Apply the big Oh notation for complexity analysis.
10. Identify and distinguish between the best, average, and worst execution scenarios.
11. Explain the functionality of some sorting algorithms such as shell, radix, quick, insertion, selection, and bubble sort.

Contenido / Content
1. Object-oriented programming concepts.
2. Information storage and retrieval techniques such as linked lists and trees.
3. Queue theory and computer engineering applications.
4. Recursion concepts.
5. Sorting algorithms.
6. Hashing techniques.

Horas contacto (incluyendo horas examen) / Contact hours (including test hours)

Presencial /

*Política de horas crédito: Por cada crédito el estudiante dedicará un mínimo de dos (2) horas adicionales en actividades requeridas para
lograr los objetivos del curso, incluyendo las horas en contacto con el profesor.

Metodología y actividades / Methodology and activities

D/I = Dentro del salón / Inside classroom
F/O = Fuera del salón / Outside classroom

Conferencias / Lecture Presencial: D/I

Laboratorios / Laboratories Presencial: D/I
Ejercicios o solución de problemas / Exercises or problem solving Presencial: D/I
Proyectos, investigaciones / Projects, research Presencial: D/I
Simulaciones / Simulations Presencial: D/I

Sistema de notas / Grading system

Sistema Estándar (A, B, C, D, F) / Standard System (A, B, C, D, F)

Texto sugerido / Suggested text

Carrano, F. (2014). Data Structures and Abstractions with JAVA. 4th ed. Prentice Hall.

Referencias bibliográficas / Bibliography

1. Weiss, M. A. (2007). Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java. 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley.
2. Goodrich, M., & Tamassia, R. (2005). Data Structures and Algortihms in Java. John Wiley & Sons.
3. Lafore, R. (2002). Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. 2nd ed. Sams Publishing.
4. Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., & Stein, C. (2001)..Introduction to Algorithms. 2nd ed. The MIT Press.

Aportación del curso al componente profesional / Contribution of the course to the professional component

Engineering design: 20%.

Engineering science: 80%.

Relación con los objetivos del programa / Relation of the course to the program objectives

A. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

C. Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
K. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Evaluación del estudiante / Student evaluation

Presencial Híbrido En línea Acelerado

Qty Porciento Qty Porciento Qty Porciento Qty Porciento

parciales / Partial 2 40%
Examen final /
1 40%
Final Exam
Trabajo final / Final
1 20%

Totales 4 100%

Tipo de prontuario / Syllabus type


Fecha de aprobación en la Escuela / Approval date at the School

March 05, 2020

Fecha en que comenzará a ofrecerse / Date on which it will begin to offer

August 01, 2020

Fecha de recibo en Oficina de Asuntos Académicos / Date of arrival at Academic Affairs Office

March 05, 2020

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