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revival or closure, which may be easily 9, 18 or 27 years after the fact.

Anyway, as
everything comes in 9’s, everything ‘returns’ in 9’s.

Therefore, by the time the chapter on the 9 Stars and Luoshu dynamic of In Prison – Out of
In Prison had made it to my 9 Star Ki Divination class book in 2004, it was slightly
mentioned there: “… Osama Bin Laden might just surface the next 7 Metal year of 2011”.
That’s no feat, as he was a Star 7 and we may easily note how people may be typically
captured and imprisoned – or even released from prison, or a predicament – when their 9 Ki
birth Star appears in the central Luoshu Palace.

It is no different for missing persons – or their perpetrators for that matter -, whom you might
just witness to be surfacing at certain 9 Ki times.

Want to learn 9 Stars and Luoshu as not you had seen before?

If 9 Stars are the players, Luoshu is the schedule That’s short for, you may yet importantly
boost your score in forecasting personal life progression and news events once you start
screening 9 Stars and Luoshu along the In Prison – Out of In Prison dynamic. We propose
this label, to stress a notable function of the central Palace in the Magic Square.

Furthermore, the name stays close to convention already in use for Flying Star Feng Shui that
says that the Mountain Dragon or the Water Dragon of the current 20-year Feng Shui Period
may be Locked In Heaven’s Heart for an Imprisoned chart.

In mind the distribution along eight 45 degrees directions of magnetic energies over our
planet, let’s involve some semantics.

So as in order to further position the In Prison – Out of In

Prison trend related to the central Palace, we may first review the Chinese character for
prison or prisoner.

In a way, the central Palace may be taken as a surrounding wall, or as something returning,
revolving, it can be a compound. The Luoshu center may denote prison, probably because by
extention the Chinese use the character 囗 [wéi] for ‘surround’, confinement or enclosure,
then the character for a person 人 [rén], so that, once conjoined these give 囚 [qiú] for
imprison, prisoner, convict.

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