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It is fair to say that you’d be selling yourself short as a Feng Shui practitioner trying to read

behavior of 9 Stars into your floor plan, however otherwise treating from 9 Star Ki derived
Luoshu the same way as would be prescribed for Feng Shui. Not even mentioning the
numerous Star combinations, if you’d ask the on average 9 Ki Divination practitioner to give
you sum up of attributes to any single Star, chances are you’d hear tens of associations,
whereas we have seen the average Feng Shui study program to still equip students with only
up to 4 or 6 properties each Star, which would seem a missed opportunity. The more in our
working with health and fate of students and clients, it is imperative to be confidently
working from no less than a full toolbox.

That’s why as a school we go through great lengths showing you the crux of 9 Ki, not just
during live class or through our one-on-one distance learning private teaching, but by
publishing extensive articles on our website and blog, while we strongly believe that any
teacher or consultant in metaphysics should yet take up formal training in 9 Ki, if not Nine
Star Ki Astrology, then most certainly 9 Star Ki Divination. This is because 9 Ki has always
functioned as a fully autonomous system, by itself unrelated to Feng Shui, that serious
students and professionals cannot do without.

Yet, you will only find rudimentary references in your average literature, so that – at least, as
far as I can tell – we have been the only school to date, to cover 9 Stars and Luoshu
Divination through formal training by its full range.

It takes your actually sitting with Luoshu, screening Stars and Palaces enough times on a
wide string of events, to soon help you let go of the notion as if Luoshu would be a two-
dimensional surface containing just meaningless numbers. As you can imagine gazing down
onto Luoshu from a bird’s eye view, it could appear as just a raft drifting on the ocean.

On the contrary, as you’re reading one Star, soon your attention would be pulled to another
Star, yet another Star, until by endless cross-referencing between Stars, you will be reading
Luoshu layer by layer by layer, as a dynamically swirling entity, as your raft reaches deeper
into the water with each take.

Luoshu is a book that can close off on you like an Oyster, whereas, if you take two steps back
to take in no position and no preference and instead let the Stars tell you their story, rather
than imposing your brain sproutings upon Luoshu too eagerly, Luoshu will be opening up for
you like a novel and give you its full story.

As we’d undoubtedly be able to transmit the subject even more vividly during our 4-day
master class “9 Star Ki Divination – personal and news events” than we may have been able
to in just this blog post, I still hope that you will greatly benefit from reading 9 Stars and
Luoshu along the principle of In Prison – Out of In Prison.

I would be only eager to hear your own observations to this respect or to hear your questions.

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