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Name : Salwa Febrina Triani

Nim : 2020030036

Class : 1 CMPB

The Good Way In Welcoming Guest

1. It forms the first impression and welcoming a guest is just like going on the first date. If you
are not presentable like if your dress is not ironed and your mouth stinks, then you will
definitely not get the second date. The same goes for the guests if they don’t like the way you
present yourself, they might look for other options next time. No matter how much we curse
the judgemental world but its human nature to judge an unknown person from the time they
meet them.
2. The next best and the most effortless thing with great results we can do is smile while
greeting. The smile is the only thing in these that will make him feel comfortable and will act
as an icebreaker, that too such an icebreaker that the most introvert person would also
respond to it. Greet them with a smile and they’ll feel as if they are between people known to
3. Make Eye Contact – Eye contact produces feelings of caring, trustworthiness, and likability.
4. When a guest arrives leave all your work and greet them while offering to assist them. This
will induce a feeling of being wanted and they will feel comfortable. You may inquire (in a
polite way) about their bookings and see to it that their rooms are allocated as soon as
possible. Offer to show them around, help them in taking the luggage to their rooms.
5. Listening the guest is part of the welcome rule. When a guest arrives at check-in or has any
need from the hotel staff, employees are obliged to listen to them carefully with correct body
6. When the guest is at the reception to check-in, and if the check-in process takes time, the
receptionist can offer a free bottle of water, or a coffee in a restaurant (if you have it in your
hotel). Offering complimentary beverage is of great importance because you show that you
care about the guests and their stay at your property. This is also great practice of the
welcoming hotel guests.  
7. When the guest arrives we usually ask for their bookings and their documents. The time
between they giving their documents and allotting their room is the time you need to utilize
in creating a relationship with the guest. You can ask them about how their travel was, add
few good facts about the place they are coming from. These things give them a home like
feeling. You can further inform them about all the amenities you offer and could ask them for
any special requirements.
8. A positive attitude will make guests feel enthusiastic despite a long way travel. This will
make them this travel actually worth their money.
9. Do not forget to thank the guests who stayed at your hotel. Thank them for that your property
is their first choice to stay. Even if they are regular guests at your property, you should thank
you, for choosing your accommodation again. 

Sentences That Always Being Used In Welcoming Guest.

1. Hello, welcome to [name of your hotel].
2. How can I help you today?
3. “It’s My Pleasure…” / “I Am Happy To…”
4. “Thank You…” / “We Appreciate…”
5. “Is There Anything Else…”
6. “We’re Looking Forward To Having You Again As Our Guest”
7.  “ Please allow me to find out this for you”
8.  “how may I help you sir/mam?”or “may I assist you sir/mam?”
9. “morning/afternoon welcome to …”

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