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Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences

Antipolo, City


I. Semantic Relations
A. What is the sense relation between each pair of words listed below?
Choose the letter of the best answer. (2pts each)

A. Antonym B. Synonymy C. Polysemy D. Homonymy

E. Homophones F. Homographs G. Metonymy H. Hyponymy

1. damp/moist:
2. deep/shallow:
3. furniture/table:
4. married/single:
5. move/run:
6. peace/piece:
7. bark/bark
8. take/steal:
9. spoon/cutlery:
10. lamb/lamb:

B. Simple Recall

Directions: INTERPRET the meaning of the following sentences and identify

the kind of FIGURES OF SPEECH used. (5pts each)

His organization is keeping the brake on pay rises.

He has a good head for business.

Her house is like a prison.

Never in a billion years will he admit defeat.

II. Pragmatics (Types of Presupposition)

Directions: Put a check inside the box.

The sentences in A presuppose the sentence B. Determine the type of presupposition.
existential factive lexical structural counterfactual
A: The fair boy shook his
head. B: There is a boy
who is fair.
A: I stopped eating meat. B:
I used to eat meat
A: What movie did you end
up watching last friday? B:
The addressee watched a
movie last friday.
A: I wish I wouldn't have
eaten these delicious fries
with extra ketchup, now I
have to get changed. B:
The speaker has eaten
these delicious fries with
extra ketchup.
A: If I would not have eaten
so much over the holidays I
would still fit my favorite
jeans. B: The speaker has
eaten so much over the
A: Alex knew that Chris
didn't call. B: Chris didn't
A: It was in the opera that I
have lost my glasses. B: I
have lost my glasses

III. Directions: Answer the following briefly but comprehensively.

1. Discuss semantics.
2. Discuss pragmatics.
3. Discuss the differences and similarities of semantics and pragmatics.

Prepared by:

Reñer G. Aquino, LPT

College Instructor 6

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