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Half Prepped Zero Baked

Hey all! Cricket here!

After a number of comments on the main blog about it being less about just Cape on Cape, and
more about me being in the limelight, I thought it’d be best if I separate “Cricket” stuff into its
own little blog. So here’s Bug on Stage!

So for anyone new, I joined up with ECD after my miserable solo act. I was running as a
Vigilante for the last month or so, actually trying to save people and stuff (instead of using my
powers to get some pretty sweet Cape on Cape action!). It was kinda dumb that I didn’t go to
them sooner, as it means now people know I’m a hero! Acting officially and all now, it means
people should hopefully stop seeing me as a Villain, and instead see me as a Hero!

So I’ve joined up with the new team going into Little Panama, Bullet Dodgers! Not the best
name, but Central (the guys that run the ECD) picked it, so not much we can do. Hopefully we
get something cooler, but I guess it doesn’t matter, if we’re good at our job (and therefore

Anyway, the previous team (The Dozers) were caught purposely causing collateral damage, so
that’s only gone and generated a whole bunch of bad rep with Little Panama for the ECD, so
that kinda sucks. Hoping some of the other guys Reps kinda help smooth things over, and that
we can start putting some trust back in the ECD (or if not them, then just us.)

But enough backstory, let's get into the actual post! Half Baked in the Morning! Me (Cricket),
Sovereign and Deliverance had an interview about our new posting and positioning! Some of
you likely heard it this morning, but if you missed it, you… didn’t really miss anything great.

It went… ok, I think. I Sucked at it, but it went alright for the other two. Weasel, John and Nick
were nice, but I really freaked out. Like, super freaked out. I haven’t done any public speaking in
Years, and I’m pretty sure not wanting to do any more caused me to trigger to get my powers.
Deliverance was super relaxed and on top of it, doing most of the talking, and when she wasn’t
Sovereign was pretty solid. Between the two of them they (thankfully) did most of the talking,
and I only needed to answer like, two questions. (Which I kinda screwed up real bad.)

We briefly covered a few key things, like how we joined and if we’re looking forward to working
in Little Panama (I know I am, given I kinda live there). Talked about Blue Mage and
Magnificent, and how they’re like, our main target (even with their low casualty rates they
cause). Looking into them from within the ECD, turns out they’ve actually done a lot more
damage than you’d think. I can’t give too many details (yet), but turns out it’s something like
over $12 billion in damages! And that’s on top of all those Doomsday plots they keep pulling off!
Go Figure.

We did get to have a bit of new news! We announced how there isn’t a Troll Hunt this year, but
they’re gassing the sewers. I got to admit, I’ve got some mixed feelings about this. I know I’ve
gone in as a camera crew a few times in the past, but it was Never fun. And actually fighting in
some of those tunnels… Gross. Photos will never portray the smell properly, and neither can my
words. The Hero in me is glad, the Photographer isn’t.

Oh, yeah! If people haven’t heard, Odd Summer officially started Yesterday (as of this post).
Now I know a few people are going to ask “but what about the Music Scene”. While we’ve
tracked them a little here in the past, there’s been no sightings of them for Three Years now.
Three. CENTRAL has declared them dead, and I’m inclined to believe. I’ve seen nothing, and
checking their records (as little as I have), they’ve had no reportings either. So if I get any posts
asking if we’ll deal with them, I’m deleting it! Because they’re DEAD!

Anyway, when it finished I just kinda… poofed. I dunno, I was kinda hoping to get an autograph
from the hosts or something while there, but I just… left. Guess I really wanted to be out of
there. Still, it was nice when I got back to my little den. Oh well.. I say maybe next time, but I
really, REALLY don’t want to be next time.

Anyway, that’s it for now!


| some pretty sweet Cape on Cape action!

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