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BABY CARE a A diaper pin 1 baby food 10 (baby) wipes 17 pacifier 19 child-care center 2 bib 11 baby powder 18 teethingring 20 child-care worker 3 bottle 12 training pants 21 rocking chair 4 nipple 13 ointment E nurse 5 formula Ae H read to 6 (liquid) vitamins ci bathe 22 cubby 14 baby shampoo . B change the baby’s diaper 15 cotton swab | play with 7 disposable diaper 16 baby lotion 23 toys 8 cloth diaper A. What are you doing? A. Do.we need anything from the store? Yen —(A.C=ll 79.15.17, 16 B. { Le ang| ths baby, B. Yes. We need some more z m8] ing. £ In your opinion, which are better: cloth diapers or disposable diapers? Why? Tell about baby products in your country.

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