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Calucag, Andy Bryan L.

ME – 3E

March 2022 – No. 6

Device Wired, Wireless or Both

1. Thermometer 1. Both
2. Monitor 2. Wired
3. Mouse 3. Wired
4. WIFI Router 4. Wired
5. Cellphone 5. Wireless
6. Television 6. Wired
7. Console 7. Wired
8. Controller 8. Wireless
9. Lamp 9. Wired
10. Tablet 10. Wireless
11. Printer 11. Wired
12. CPU 12. Wired
13. Keyboard 13. Wired

Bandwidth Matters Light, Medium, or High

1. Reading Online News 1. Light
2. Checking the Weather 2. Light
3. Online Gaming 3. High
4. Checking the social media 4. Medium
5. Emailing Regularly 5. Light
6. A vlogger uploading videos to her channel daily 6. High

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