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The “Men’s Health” magazine is targeted towards men who are seeking a
more healthy lifestyle. The man in the front page is representing what most
people would call a “Beach body”. This is an assumption of how a beach
body would look like. However men have different perspectives of their
“Beach body”. For instance some may just want a slim and toned body
rather than one with muscles like the one portrayed here. The size of the
man’s picture is used to focus the attention of the audience onto his body.
This is effective in catching the reader's attention as most men seek a body
like his. The text “See results in 10 days” is trying to persuade the audience
to try their workout program and how they can see results in a short period
of time. This makes it seem as if the workout will get you shredded in such a
small time. This convinces men to try the program and gives them a sense of
hope that they can see results in just 10 days. The “Burn fat fast with chilli”
is also trying to convince the audience to try this method of fat loss. This is
effective as it’s highlighted in a different color than the rest of the magazine.
As well as the word “Fast” suggests it’s an easy and quick way to do it
rather than the hard diet and workouts. “Land your dream job, Fighter pilot?
Fashion photographer?” This is an assumption as everyone's dream job is
different from the stereotypical jobs such as fighter pilots. The mention of
them hiring and the page number “Get hired today, p53” makes it tempting
for the audience to turn to that page to get their dream job. This is because it
asks a question about the audience's dream job and gives them the solution
for it, which is that they are hiring as mentioned on page 53.

2. One global issue mentioned here is about misconceptions and false

statements in the world. For example, it may be a common misconception
that the man in the magazine is the ideal “Beach body” which may not be
true of some men. See results in 10 days gives false hopes to the men that
they can get a “Beach body” in just 10 days which is ridiculous. “ Burn Fat
Fast with chilli'' is also a misconception to people trying to lose weight. As
you can’t lose weight just by eating something simple as a chilli. This will
disappoint some people when they go ahead and try this method. Overall the
texts and visuals in the magazines assume that it's one size fits all and it will
work for everyone. Which is not true at all. There are common
misconceptions in this world which lead to assumptions and stereotypes with
different genders, races, ethnicities, etc...

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