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Table of contents
Gestion des affaires................................................................................................................................. 1 
Open .................................................................................................................................................... 1 
Close .................................................................................................................................................... 2 
Project properties .msa ........................................................................................................................ 3 
Interface graphique.................................................................................................................................. 5 
Toolbar ................................................................................................................................................. 5 
Manage tabs and views ....................................................................................................................... 6 
Commands and shortcut keys ............................................................................................................. 7 
Display management ......................................................................................................................... 10 
Pointer peripheral............................................................................................................................... 11 
Exit command .................................................................................................................................... 12 
Préférences ........................................................................................................................................... 13 
Preferences : Overview...................................................................................................................... 13 
Preferences : Display options ............................................................................................................ 15 
Préférences : Langue......................................................................................................................... 17 
Preferences : Units ............................................................................................................................ 18 
Preferences : Directories .................................................................................................................. 19 
Utilitaires ................................................................................................................................................ 21 
Check project ..................................................................................................................................... 21 
Retrieve project .................................................................................................................................. 22 
Aide au dessin ....................................................................................................................................... 23 
Drawing help : Selection .................................................................................................................... 23 
Drawing help : Object snap ................................................................................................................ 25 
Drawing help : polar snap .................................................................................................................. 29 
Mode orthogonal ................................................................................................................................ 30 
Orthogoval mode ............................................................................................................................ 30 
Orthogonal snap : Angle................................................................................................................. 31 
Orthogonal mode : Direction .......................................................................................................... 32 
Orthogonal mode : display the vector ............................................................................................ 33 
Orthogonal snap : display text ........................................................................................................ 34 
Vues....................................................................................................................................................... 35 
Zooms ................................................................................................................................................ 35 
Pan ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 
Z coefficient ........................................................................................................................................ 40 
Redraw ............................................................................................................................................... 41 
Full screen ......................................................................................................................................... 42 
Fenêtres ancrables ............................................................................................................................ 43 
Docked windows : Customized commands.................................................................................... 43 
Gérer les calques .................................................................................................................................. 47 
Layer manager ................................................................................................................................... 47 
Activate all layers ............................................................................................................................... 52 
Isolate layer ........................................................................................................................................ 53 
Deactivate the layer ........................................................................................................................... 54 

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Freeze a layer .................................................................................................................................... 55 

Options en contexte profil ...................................................................................................................... 57 
Display dimensions ............................................................................................................................ 57 
Display cut/fill sections ....................................................................................................................... 58 
Display geological layers ................................................................................................................... 59 
Display depression layer hatching ..................................................................................................... 60 
Refresh hatching ................................................................................................................................ 61 
Dashboard ......................................................................................................................................... 62 
Section properties .............................................................................................................................. 63 
Propriétés/Préférences du profil en long ........................................................................................... 64 
Longitudinal section........................................................................................................................ 64 
Longitudinal section : Lines ............................................................................................................ 67 
Longitudinal section : geological layers.......................................................................................... 69 
Longitudinal section : dimensions .................................................................................................. 70 
Longitudinal section : Automatic field ............................................................................................. 72 
Longitudinal section : Networks ..................................................................................................... 73 
Longitudinal section : Title .............................................................................................................. 74 
Longitudinal section : detailing ....................................................................................................... 75 
Longitudinal section : vertical/horizontal grid ................................................................................. 76 
Propriétés/Préférences du profil en travers ....................................................................................... 78 
Cross-section ................................................................................................................................. 78 
Cross section : Lines ...................................................................................................................... 80 
Cross section : geological layers.................................................................................................... 81 
Cross -section : dimensions ........................................................................................................... 82 
Cross section : automatic field ....................................................................................................... 83 
Cross section : networks ................................................................................................................ 84 
Cross-section : title ......................................................................................................................... 85 
Cross section : vertical /horizontal grid .......................................................................................... 86 
Fenêtre .................................................................................................................................................. 89 
Cascade ............................................................................................................................................. 89 
Multiple views ..................................................................................................................................... 90 
New window ....................................................................................................................................... 92 

Gestion des affaires


Menu File - Open

Command OUVR

This command allows the opening of an already created project.

File extension
The extension of a project file is .MSA.

Allows a preview of worked modules in the project. The selected module will be automatically opened
when the project is opened. By default it is the module CAD that will be opened.

At the side of the preview you will find the creation details and the modifications to the project.
Procedure :
1. Select the project to be opened.
2. Select the desired opening module.
3. Click on OPEN to have access to the project.

Mensura Viewer - Overview


Menu File - Close

Command FERM

This command closes a project without necessarily leaving the software.

At the close of the project you must confirm or not any modifications in the dialog box. (below).

Saving choices
If no modifications have been made to the project, choosing Yes or No will have no effect.

If changes have been made and you wish to save them : choose Yes.

If changes have been made and you don’t wish to save them : choose No.

. It isn’t possible to recover a modification (even by automatic backup) if you choose No

Gestion des affaires

Project properties .msa

Menu File - Properties


This command displays the properties of a project :

- file access path

- size of project
- base file model
- creation version

In addition to the name of the project you can also add a description.

Interface graphique


Menu Edit - Tool bar

The tool bar displays the icons that execute the commands.

A tool tip displays the name of the command when the pointer device is positioned on the icon.

The tool bars are associated with each skill mode. You must configure the tool bars mode by mode.
The position of the tool bars is memorised by the software and conserved from one study to another

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Manage tabs and views

The display system of different views is managed through the tabs situated at the bottom of the view.
Each view corresponds to the tab

When you access the module, it is displayed in a different view, and therefore a new tab appears at
the bottom of the page.

Tab order
You can change the tab order by drag-and-drop. the order is saved for the project.

A preview is generated when your cursor turns into cross-hair

Interface graphique

Commands and shortcut keys

Shortcut keys
Several keys are used as a shortcut:

F1 on-line help

F2 Activates or deactivates nodal 2D snap

F3 Activarsz or deactivates 3D nodal snap

F4 Activates or deactivates object snap

Activates or deactivates the direct selection outside

Ctrl + F5

F5 Scrolls the cross section in the ascending order

Shift + F5 Scrolls cross section in the descending order

F6 Goes to the first cross section

Shift + F6 Goes to the last cross section

F8 Activates or deactivates ortho snap

F9 Activates the clockwise ot counter clockwise mode

F10 Activates or deactivates the polar snap

Toggle segment to arc and inversely when inputting

a polyline

Serves a a coordinates separatir, following the

Space configuration. This key can also validate and repeat
the command.

Enter Validates the command or input

Escape Exits the current command

Shift + Cancels the polyline peak input (equivalent to right

Escape click undo)

F or C Closes a polyline outlie

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Ctrl + H Activates or deactivates the group selection

Keyboard shortcuts
The keyboard shortcuts are also available. You can use those provided by the software by default,
accessible with the the down arrow after the launch of the command or the parameters in the file
CMDALIAS.mca situated in the directory Cmd of installation :

ZG Zoom all

ZF Zoom window

ZA Zoom in

ZR Zoom out

Z Zoom real time

G Pan

Toggle curve for polyline


Toggle segment for polyline


R Redraw

Configure the file Cmdalias.mca

The cmdalias.mca file found in the CMD installation directory allows the customizing of keyboard
commands. You can edit and modify them with the help of a text editor of the wordpad type.

A line preceded by the # will be a commentary, the command, the shortcut and the description will be
separated by tabulations. :

##Alias draw commands

Software User's
shortcut shortcut

point p point

segment l segment

pl po polyline

a3p ar arc par 3 points

circle centre
ccr ce

Interface graphique

ctext te text

hc h hatching

csymtal tu slope symbol

bloc b create block

bloc i insert block

mes m series of blocks

rbh rt rectangle

etiq et label

csymtal ta draw slope

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Display management

The software uses the Windows display management system with the fundamental layers of GUI
(Graphical user Interface) for the management of graphical displays.

The minimum screen zone display must be (800x600) pixels. You can change the display in the
system control panel, “display” icon.

The number of colors depends on the type of graphics card and the type of monitor. It is
recommended to use the minimum range of colors 16bits. You can modify the number of colors in the
system control panel, “display” icon.

Interface graphique

Pointer peripheral

The software uses the pointer devices of the “Microsoft Windows” system. By default this is the

The mouse is a relative pointer device totally adapted to the Windows interface.

Left mouse button

You can use the left mouse button to start a command “Menu or Toolbar” but also to select an object
on the screen. The confirmation of a task is completed by pressing the “Enter” key or by the function
“Finish” available in the contextual menu accessible by pressing the right mouse button.

Right mouse button

Pressing the right mouse button allows the restart of the last function used, make sure that you are on
the command line. The right mouse button used in a command activates and displays the contextual
menu. (see the contextual menu section of this manual).

Digitizer Tablet
You can configure and use a digitising tablet in the software.

In this case you have more than just a mouse pointing system. You can use the digitising tablet to
select the commands from the menus and toolbar or seize data from paper plans. (digitalisation).

Using the keys of the digitizer tablet

The software uses 4 cursor buttons to select and manipulate objects.

Attribution of the keys

Key “1” allows the selection, the manipulation and confirmation in certain cases
Kay “2” allows a 2D snap (F2)
Key “3” allows a 3D snap (F3)
Key “4” activates the contextual menu or the recall of the last command

Digitalize a plan
You can use the digitizer tablet to digitize a paper plan, for that you need to shift the plan on the tablet
(see plan shift section )

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Exit command

Key Escape

The Escape key allows you to directly exit the command. It is also posislbe to exit the command by
launchgin another one.

. If you are running the transparent command, likes zooming, you might need to press Escape key
several times to go back to the command line.


Preferences : Overview

Menu File - Preferences

Command PREF

This tab manages the parameters as the automatic backup, Escape key action, cut/fill colours in the
sections, etc.

General procedure

Automatic backup
This zone allows the setting of the automatic backup with a given time interval.

. The automatic backup isn’t an automatic save but the retrieval of a project in case of an
unexpected exit from the software

Open project
Displays an opening preview through the intermediary of a dialog box Open

Spacebar action
The spacebar can be used for confirming commands (like the Enter key) and repeat the last command
(right mouse button)

This option allows to save compressed MSA file. Those files take less disk space.

This zone manages the line thickness by default at printing

Right click
This zone determines the action outside the command by the right click of the mouse

Advanced options button

The advanced options deal with image processing for the page layouts and printing.
You can choose between
- Standard 1 Mode = Direct / Direct
- Standard 2 Mode = Direct / BitBlt3
- Pixel Mode = Bitblt1 / SetPixel

Mensura Viewer - Overview

- BitBlt Mode = BitBlt1 / BitBlt3

Print mode
Different modes allow you to adjust the processing of the image contents in order to send it to the
printer device. You have three options:
- Direct : the processing is done by Mensura and sent directly to the printer device .
- BitBlt : this mode adds a post-processing stage using Windows BitBltde.
- SetPixel : this mode adds a post-processing stage using Windows SetPixel

. Warning :The SetPixel mode processes image pixel by pixel. With the high resolution images it
may take a long time.

Meaning of the " / " between the modes ( ex : direct / BitBlt3)

Each mode contains 2 image processing options that may differ..
- the mode before " / " is the mode applied to the images with a non-transparent background
- the mode after " / " is the mode applied to the images with a transparent background

For example : For the Pixel mode, there are two different options
- BitBlt 1 mode
- SetPixel mode

This menas, that for the images with a non-transparent background the BitBit option shall be applied.
For the images with the transparent background it shall be a SetPixel option.

Rotation mode (display/print)

This mode is applied to the images that have been rotated. The rotation can be applied either to the
image directly or to the to the page layout which displays this image. When the image has been turned
it takes supplementary calculations to display and print it :
- Rapid/Rapid : This modes prioritizes speed to image display and printing.
- Quality/Quality : this mode prioritizes quality in image display and printing . This mode can prolong
the time for the page layout display and printing.
- Speed/Quality [recommended] : This mode optimises to the maximum the display speed when the
rotated image is displayed, all by taking into consideration the final printing quality.

Interpolation mode (re-dimensioning)

This mode is activated for the final quality of the printed images, when the latter have been rotated in
Quality mode. It works on image pixels :
- None (rapid) : no post- processing is done
- Bi-linear : a bi-linear post-processing is applied to the image pixels, improving the final quality of the
image has been turned.
- Bi-cubic (Quality) : a bi-cubic post-processing is applied to the image pixels. The final quality of the
image after printing is prioritized. However that might necessitate additional calculation time during
printing and elongate the printing time.


Preferences : Display options

Menu File - Preferences

Command PREF

This tab manages the display options such as module colours

General procedure

This zone allows the customizing of the colour of the graphic zone in each module.

Click on module to be able to customize each module.

This parameter allows the shading of the text display and displays it as a rectangle of a certain screen
size optimising the speed of displacement during zooms

Ticking this option allows the display of the scroll box at the edge of the graphic zone.

3D Mouse
Ticking this option allows the display of the scroll box at the edge of the graphic zone.

Advanced options

Design duration limit : manages the full display time during the zoom

Sensitivity : manages the dynamic zoom factors

Design shading : hide the objects inferior to the size informed during the zoom

Direction X in place of Y : Reverse the orientation of X and Y

Reverse the color : allows the modification of the display colour if this is a colour close to the
configured background colour

Line drawing
Manages the type of segments and polylines juncture. All the available options are in the scroll down

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Display hatching
Two modes presented below allow managing the hatching priority display :

- Draw with other objects : this is the standard mode, the hatchings are displayed according to the
layer where they were drawn

- Draw before other objects : this mode displays hatchings behind all other objects whatever the layer
they have been inserted to. This way, your hatchings never mask other drawing objects (polylines,
symbols, etc)

Display terrain surfaces (Optimization of the triangulated surfaces)

Mensura has got two methods to display the triangulation of the natural terrain. By default, Mensura
uses the OGL method

When the number of the terrain points is greater than a certain number, we recommend you to use
another method (Mode GDI).

You can load the display method in the display preferences – "Advanced Options ", we add the group
"Display terrain surfaces" .
- Display with GDI
- Display with OpenGL from ___ points

Display terrain surfaces (Optimizing triangulated surface display)

Mensura has 2 methods for displaying the DTM triangulation. By default Mensura uses the OGL

When the number of the terrain points is greater than certain value it is advisable to use another
method (Mode GDI).

You can change the display methods in the display preferences – "Advances options ", you add the
group "Display terrain surfaces".
- Display with GDI
- Display with OpenGL from ___ points


Préférences : Langue

Menu Fichier - Préférences

Commande PREF

This tab selects the language parameters used in Mensura

General procedure

User's language
Choose your language.

Drawing and arrangement context

The language chosen in this list allows the activation of specific options according to the country for
the drawing detail (particularly for the longitudinal sections of the linear project)

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Preferences : Units

Menu File - Preferences

Command PREF

This tab manages the different units used in the project as well as the corresponding symbols

General procedure

Display column
This column manages the precision of the screen displays.

The box U allows the display of the suffix of the screen display

Result column
This column manages the precision of the displays in the result listings.

The box U allows the display of the suffix of the screen display

Allows the configuration of each sign units.


Preferences : Directories

Menu File - Preferences

Command PREF

This tab allows the management of the placement of directories and files. You can scroll through and
select the directories that you wish to use.

General procedure

This box allows the management of the default file at the time of opening of a file.

This box allows the management of the “Models” files.

The software saves the project environment parameters in the model file.

At the opening of a project the software lists the available model files available in the configured

This box allows the management of the placement of directories and the measurement database files,
different databases and the symbol library.

This box allows the management of directory placement of texture files of the visualisation and 3D

3D Objet
This box allows the management of directory placements and 3D object files of the visualisation and
3D view.


Check project

Menu File - Utilities - Check project

Command VV

This function checks the project integrity.

General procedure
When you launch the funciton the following window appears

Validating this window without checking any option: control of the project in its integrity.

Choosing the option Correct errors, the control is done on all objects in the mensura project.

Choosing the option Authorize deletion of non-recoverable objects, any pox objects will be deleted.

These options can be combined, and it is advise to check all of them.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Retrieve project

Menu File - Retrieve Project


This function allows you to open a Mensura project, forcing the software to contril the project before
opening different project views.

When you launch this function you can select a project you are to retrieve via Windows Explorer.

Once you have retrieved the project and can modify it, the project is opened. We suggest using the
Save As command.

Aide au dessin

Drawing help : Selection

Menu File - Drawing help

The Selection tab manages selection modes, cursor size and handle appearance

General procedure

Activate direct selection outisde command (Ctrl+F5)

This option selects the objects outside command via the window ot by clikcing in order to obtain the
properties or options available for this object. When the option is deactivatd, you cursor is represented
by an arrow (windows arrow). When it is activated, the cursor is a pointer representing a target.

Activate the selection S-PDF : image + vector

This option is applied to images and polylines inserted with a PDF file. When this option is activated it
allows you to manipulate you rimage and the polylines like a unique entity

This option is also activated and deactivated with the button, situated in the bottom right
window of the application

Use object groups (ctrl+H)

This option, when activated, selects object groups

This option is activated and deactivated with the button, situated in the bottom right window
of the application

Selection cursor size

Vous pouvez contrôler la taille du curseur de sélection à l’aide d’un curseur de réglage.

Direct selection handles

The selection handles allow you to select objects outside the command. They are displayed by the
small coloured squares after you have directly selected the object on the screen. The called command
uses selection state.

Handle size
It is possible to control the size of the handles by the cursor setter. You have access to a control
managing the colour of the handles.

Information on the selected objects

Mensura Viewer - Overview

The software displays a tooltip on an object and keeps the cursor close to the object for several
seconds and also shows the information on the status bar

. The tooltip is available at any moment by pressing the CTRL key and positioning on an object

Display properties by a double click

It is possible to display drawing type object properties by double clicking on the object when you are
outside command mode. It is also possible with professional type objects (created with specific
functions in different modules).

Aide au dessin

Drawing help : Object snap

Menu File - Drawing help

These options allow the automatic snap for certain obejct zones (extremities, middle, intersection…)
whilst drawing.

General procedure

Snap marker
These options allow the management of the display of automatic snapping by the appearance of a
symbol given in the snapping modes.

At each automatic snap the software displays a symbol allowing the recognition of the type of snap.
The color and the size can be changed.

In command, it is activated by F4.

Outside command it is also activated by F4.

Snap distance
Automatic mode
Detection of distance of objects at the time of selection outside command.

Manual mode
Detection of distance of the zones of snapping at the time of draw commands.

. These options are available during drawing by a right click of OSNAP 2D lower right and Options

Additional snap modes

Point : snaps the points

Extremity : Snaps object extremities (segments, polyline sides, arcs).

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Middle : Snaps the middle of the object (segments, polyline sides, arcs).

Center : Snaps the center of the circle

Quadrant : Snaps one of the four quandrants of the circle

Insertion point : Snaps the insertion point of the text or a block

Near : Snaps anywhere on the object

Aide au dessin

Intersection : Snaps at the intersection of two objects

Perpendicular : Inputs a point perpendicular to the object

Tangent : Inputs a point tangent to the circle

Extension : Inputs a point as an extenstion of the segment

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Block point : Allows the snapping of objects contained in the blocks. Snapping “block point” must be
activated as the different modes of snapping (point, extremity, middle) to be able to snap the drawn
objects. This function is useful in the case of a drawing attached as an external reference.

Contour point : Allows the snapping of contours calculated in the module “contours”. Combined with
other modes of snapping it will be possible to snap itself on the calculated contour..

PDF points : Snaps objects vectored from the PDF. You need to activate the PDF snap as well
as other snap modes (point, extremity, middle) to be able to snap PDF objects.

All : This option activates all snaps

None : This option deactivates all snaps

2D Snap : This option selects 2D or 3D snaps

Close : This option exits the dialogue box

Aide au dessin

Drawing help : polar snap

Menu File - Drawing help

This option activates the polar construction mode defining alignment trajectories for the vectors pf the
polyline segments

General procedure

Activate polar snap (F10)

This option permits the permanent activation of the polar snapping at the time of drawing.

In command mode it is activated by the key F10.

Out of command mode it is also activated by key F10

Polar snap angle

This option allows the automatic fixing of snap angles whilst drawing. To increase the draw facility by
giving more automatic snap angles it is sufficient to enter an extra angle and to click on .

Polar angle measurement
This option allows choosing whether the polar snap must be completed in an “absolute” manner by the
relationship with the system of coordinates or if it must be “relative to the last segment” inputted.

Activate snapping
This option allows choosing whether the polar snap is always completed automatically at the time of
drawing or only on the activation of the “Shift” key.

Display polar snap vector

This option allows the display of the polar snap vector, referenced to the snap angle.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Mode orthogonal

Orthogoval mode


Active orthogonal mode

This construction mode draws following 2 orthogonal-norm directions. These directions are set with
the button right click
By default, it is set accoding to GCS

The options are available by clicking on the ORTHO button. They allow to:
- Modify the anlge following the angle value
- Modify the anlge following the direction
- Display the directional vector
- Display the text

Aide au dessin

Orthogonal snap : Angle


This function changes the orientation of the orthogonal snap. By default, this snap follows the
directions of the system of coordinates. When this command is launched, the software is waiting for
another angle value:

The inputted angle direction depends on the preference settings, clockwise or counter clockwise.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Orthogonal mode : Direction


This function changes the orientation of the orthogonal snap. By default, this snap follows the
directions of the system of coordinates. When the command is launched the software defines a new
reference direction by clickin gon the 2 points of the plan.

That means that the software is waiting for the first point of the direction.

Then click on the second direction point

Aide au dessin

Orthogonal mode : display the vector


This function displays the directional vector, when orthogonal mode is activated. This vector appears
as a dotted line, prolonging the segment you are creating.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Orthogonal snap : display text


This function display the text in the bubble. When ORTHO mode is activated, the information bubble
contains the length and the angle of the segment you are creating.

The value of the angle is defined between the direction X, and the segment you are creating The value
of the angle also depends on the measurement direction, which is defined in preferences..



Menu View

Global zoom
This command shows the screen display in the current window for the whole project. This option gives
a general view of the project after a zoom on part of the drawing. The display is automatically adapted
to view all the elements present in the view

View before zoom all

View after Zoom all

Zoom out
This command displays a reduction of the screen zone.

The reference point of the reduction is always situated at the center of the working window.

View before zoom

Mensura Viewer - Overview

View after zoom

Zoom in
This command displays and enlarges a screen zone.

The reference point of the enlargement is always situated at the center of the working window..

View before zoom

View after zoom


Tablet zoom
The Tablet Zoom command can automatically bring the limits of the graphic window back to those of
the digitilizer table.

Zoom fenêtre
This command displays a screen zone by two points forming the diagonal of a rectangle enclosing the
zone concerned. The specified drawing zone is enlarged on the screen.

. This function does not change the size of objects, only the visual aspect.

Define zone

View before zoom window

Previous zoom
This command restores the previous view.
The software saves all the zooms in the memory and is able to restore them.

. The state of the elements defined in the drawing cannot be modified by the function "Previous
zoom", in case you have deleted or modified the objects "Previous zoom" displays them in their
current state.

. Previous Zoom is a transparent command, you can use it to overlap into another.

Real time Zoom

This command displays a cursor in the form of a magnifying glass and zooms dynamically on the

Mensura Viewer - Overview

. If you have a wheel on your mouse turning the wheel corresponds to this command.

Scale zoom
This function zooms on the view in real time through the drag-and-drop function of the mouse left
button on the 3D scene. The cursor starts looking like this:

This function moves along the view in real rime by drag-and-drop with the left mouse button on the 3D
scene. Off control the command can be used by drag-and-drop with the wheel buttton on the 3D
scenee. The cursor looks like that :

Rotation mode
This function moves along the orbit by drag-and-drop with the louse left button on the 3D scene. Off
control the command can be used by drag-and-drop with the wheel buttton on the 3D scenee. The
cursor looks like that:



Menu View - Pan

Command G

This command allows the displacement of the view in the current window by translation only.

. This function does not modify the size nor the coordinates of the objects, only the visual aspect.

Procedure :
1. Hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor to move the plane.
2. Press Escape to exit the command

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Z coefficient

Menu View - Z Coefficient

Command COEFFZ

This function distorts the scale connection between the axis of abscissas X and the ordinate Z axis.

. This command is only available in the visualisation of the longitudinal section or cross section

Correspondence table

Coefficient Z = 1 no distortion

Coefficient Z < 1 Smaller scale on Z axis Flattened view

Coefficient Z > 1 Bigger scale on Z axis Compressed view

Procedure :
1. Input the coefficient of distortion and confirm with ENTER.
2. Modify the distortion by relaunching the command



Menu View - Redraw

Command R

This command refreshes the display in the active window. Objects and entities virtually erased at the
time of manipulation will reappear.

. This command is a transparent command which can be launched at any moment

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Full screen

Menu View - Full screen

Command FS

This command allows you to enlarge the working surface by deleting all graphical zones which do not
correspond to the working space.

Procedure :
1. Launch the command to see the full screen.
2. Press Escape outside command to have a classical display


Fenêtres ancrables

Docked windows : Customized commands

Menu Views - Docked windows - Customized commands


Customize your commands

The personalised commands allow the creation of
personalised tool palettes that can be used in all
MENSURA projects. The command palette allows
the creation and organization of work method and
especially the graphic chart. The navigation tabs
give access to the pallet contents by the simple

The customized commands are organized as

navigation tabs which automatically open and
close the palettes. Besides, pallet tabs are
grouped in a window which can be floating, hidden
or docked.

Window position
Floating window : In floating window mode the
personalised command window reoccupies temporally the work zone. Positioning the mouse on the
window tab is sufficient to open the window

Docked window : In docked window mode the personalised command window is permanently

Command pallet management : You have a tool bar available that manages the personalised pallet

Save pallet
The button exports and saves pallets you are currently using. The dialog box allows you to save
the pallet file in the database directory or personal directory.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

You can save your pallet in the Personal directory.
The access path is the following :

C:\Documents and Settings\Name of the personal directory\Application


You can also save within the Database directory.

The path is the following :

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\GeoMENSURA\MENSURA\8.0\Bases


Load pallet
The button loads a pallet of customized commands. The dialogue box loads saved pallets in the
personal directory or database directory.

Personal directory
The access path is the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\Name of the personal directory\Application



Database directory
The access path is the following:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\GeoMENSURA\MENSURA\8.0\Bases

Replace existing commands
Box ticked : The selected pallet replaces the pallet you are using.
Box unticked : The selected pallet is added to the pallets already loaded within MENSURA.

Create a pallet
The customized command window a fenêtre de commandes personnalisées est donc organisée sous
la forme de volets de navigation qui se nomment également des palettes.

Create a new pallet

In order to create a new pallet you need to place the mouse under
the existing pallet and do the right click to display the contextual
menu or use icon.
Enter the name of the pallet using the menu "Add pallet""

Delete a pallet
In order to delete a pallet, you need to place the mouse on the
existing pallet and do the right click to display contextual menu.
Go to "Delete pallet", your pallet will automatically be deleted.

Rename pallet
In order to rename your pallet, you need to place the mouse on the existing pallet and do the right
click to display contextual menu.
Select "Rename pallet" in the menu. You can enter a new name.

Reorganize pallet order (Move up or down the list)

To reorganize the pallet display order, you have 2 commands available through the contextual menu.

Display text
When you created a customized command, you see a shortcut in the form of an icon. The name of the
customized command is also displayed.
"Display text" option displays or hides the text describing the command.

The contextual menu used to crate a pallet which also allos you to add a commnd
1. Position the cursor on the pallet in question
2. Mouse right click "Add a command"
3. Select the object in the graphic window
Un objet vectoriel (polyligne, point, arc, cercle, ellipse)
Un objet graphique (bloc, motif de hachure, texte, symbole de talus)
Un objet cotation (cotation, pente, mesure)

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Procedure : Add a command from the selected element directly on the screen.
1. Click the object directly on the screen
2. Mouse right click -> contextual menu -> new customized command
3. In the dialogue box input the name for the new command and select the pallet you need.

Define the pallet by default

This command defines the customized commands that are displayed by default when the project
is opened

When you activate "load the customized command pallet" the two scroll-down lists are deactivated and
you can choose between :
- the default customized command file
- the directory where the file can be found

If the option "load the cusomized command file" is not activated, no customized command shall be

Procedure : Add a command from the selected element directly on the screen
1. To load the customized commands automatically, when the project is opened, tick the option
"load customized command file"
2. In the first scroll-down list, select the command file to load by default.
3. In the second scroll-down list, select the directory where the file can be found.

Gérer les calques

Layer manager

Menu Views - Layers - Manage

Command CALQUE

The layer manager organizes and sorts the drawing objects by layer. The layers allow you to control
the object display, such as :
- the order of the drawing of the objects contained within
- the default colour of the obejcts
- line type
- point numbering

Each view (or module) has its own layer manager. They are called "functional layers"

Window description
The layer manager is a window divided into 2 parts.
- the left part displays all project layers (organized in a layer group)
- the left part displays the list of layers of the current view (the view where the command has been

Layer group
The layer group sorts out the left part of the window and gives a better layer. A group of layers is
created when the user opens a module for the first time. The application creates associated funcitonal
layers automatically. This is also true when the user imports the DWG file format.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Modify the dialogue box dimension

You can modify the dimensions in the dialogue box simply by stretching one of the sides. It is also
possilbe to modify the inner boxes by moving the central splitter. mensura also remembers the
position of the dilaogue box when you close it.

Dialogue box tools

this button defines a new layer group. You can directly enter a new name for the group

this button adds new layers to your group. To crate a layer, first select its place in a tree
structure and click on this button.

This button deletes only the layer groups or layers which were added manually. The layers and
free groups are displayed in blue ICONS, the layers created and automatically managed by Mensura
are displayed in grey ICONS. The cannot be deleted.

Button which adds the layer in the view.

Button which removes the layer from the view.

Button which sorts layers of the view in the alphabetical order

Button which moves the layer one step up the list

Button which moves the layer one step down the list

Button which puts the layer at the top of the list..

Button which puts the layer at the bottom of the list.

Gérer les calques

Use the contextual menu inside the dialogue box

A contextual menu (displayed at the right click) also suggests the creation and modification commands
for groups and layer names. the contents of the contextual menu is adapted depending on the quality
of the group or the layer.

State of the layers of the view

Button indicating the current layer.

Button indicating that the layer is active (the activated layer is visible in the view)

Button indicating the layer is deactivated (the deactivated layer is not visible in the view)
Button indicating the layer is frozen in the viewer (the objects in a frozen layer are not displayed in
the viewer)

Button indicating the layer is unlocked (an unlocked layer in view authorises modification and
creation of objects in the layer).

Button indicating the layer is locked (a locked layer in view does not allow modification and
creation of objects in the layer).

Button indicating the layer is active while printed.

Button indicating the layer is inactive while printed..

Button indicating layer state (active, froern or deactivated) in the new Page Setup frame.

Layer manager
Layer : Change group
You have the possibility of moving a layer CAD from an existing group to another group by DRAG and

Add a layer to the view

You have 3 methods to add layers to the view :
1. You can select the layer in the left window and use Red arrow button
2. You can select the layer in the left window and leave it by DRAG and DROP in the right
3. You can select the layer in the left window and in the contextual menu use the option “Add
layer to view”.

Remove layer from the view

You can remove a layer from the view by selecting the layer in the right window and by using the
button “Green Arrow"

Delete a layer

In the left window of the layer management select the layer to delete then select the icon .A
message of confirmation asks you to confirm or not the deletion of the layer. You can use the SHIFT
and CTRL keys to create a selected set. The layer “0” may not be deleted but the current layer may be

Set layer as current

Mensura Viewer - Overview

You have 3 methods to set the layer as current.

First method

Select the layer in the right window and use .

Second method

Select a layer you wish to make current in the right window and place your mouse on the and
click the mouse left button. Then MENSURA displays state icon .

Third method
To set layer as current, use the command "View --> Calque --> Set as current".

Freeze the layer

Place your mouse on the light bulb icon in the right window. Then Mensura displays .

Find the layer

Modify layer attributes

The lower part of the dialogue box is reserved for the layer parameters and attributes managing. To
access this zone use Details button that opens or closes this zone according to its state.
Pour accéder aux différentes possibilités de modifications, il faut au préalable sélectionner le calque
concerné dans l'une des deux fenêtres gauche ou droite. Vous avez alors accès aux différents
contrôles :

The “colour” button allows the selection or modification of the colour of a layer.
The “colour” button temporarily displays a new dialog box. At the base of this dialogue an option gives
access to an additional choice of colours.

Line type
The zone “Line type” allows the selection of a new type of line attached to the layer.

Scale and thickness

The “scale” zone allows you to fix the scale factor of the line representation.
The “Thickness” zone allows you to fix the thickness factor of the line used in printing.

Ordinary points and interpolated points

You have the possibility of personalising the display and the size of points in the viewer.

Point numbering
No number : The objects belonging to a layer are not numbered.
Manual numbering : For each point MENSURA asks for the input of a number. By default MENSURA
suggests the latest input “+1”
Automatic numbering : The numbering is automatic, you can in the case of “next number” give the
start marker , add a suffix or prefix to the number.

Gérer les calques

Manage the layer list

A list that you add to the module is also added to the existing layers in the same view

- Save layer list

This option saves the current list. You save the sorting order of the list and the state of layers
(active/inactive/free, etc) The name is inputted in the dialogue box below :

- Restore layer list

This option replaces the current list of the view with the list saved by default. When you launch this
command the following dialogue box opens:

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Activate all layers

Menu View - Layers - Activate all

Command ATC

This activates all the layers in the current window.

Procedure :
1. Once the command is launched, all the layers present in the scroll down menu are displayed
on the screen.

Gérer les calques

Isolate layer

Menu View - Layer - Isolate

Command IC

This command allows you to activate only the layer to which the object belongs.

All the other layers are frozen and the layer in question will automatically be the current one.

This command can also be called once the selection has been made outside command. AIn any case,
all layers of the selected objects are isolated simultaneously.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Deactivate the layer

Menu View - Layers - Deactivate

Command DC

This command deactivates (or freezes) a layer where you have chosen an entity on the screen.

. You can also freeze a layer by clicking on the lamp in front of the layer on the scroll down layer
menu or by a right click on the layer.

Procedure :
1. Select the entity belonging to the layer to deactivate.
2. All the layer entities are hidden and the layer is shaded grey in the layer scroll down menu.

Gérer les calques

Freeze a layer

Menu View - Layers - Freeze

Command GC

This function freeses one or several layers, by selecting objects directly on the plan/ The layer of the
object is therefore automatically and entirely frozen .

This command can be repeated and you can freeze different layers without relaunching it.
While the command is running, it is possible to go back pressinge "Shift + Escape"
This command can also be launched once the selection has been done outside command. In this
case, all layers are frozen simultaneously.

Options en contexte profil

Display dimensions

Menu Sections - Display dimensions

Command COTE

This function displays the frmae and the title block of the displayed section

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Display cut/fill sections

Menu Options - Display cut/fill sections


This function displays or hides the cut/fill sections between terrain and project lines. You decide upon
a colour used in the Cut/Fill sections in general preferences

Options en contexte profil

Display geological layers

Menu Options - Display geologicla layers


When the boring pits are entered into the DTM, it is possible to display or hide the hatchings of the
geological layers. The appearance of the geological layers is preset through boring database, in DTM

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Display depression layer hatching

Menu Options - Display depresison layer hatching


When 3D surfaces have structures (3D surface project module), it is possible to display or hide the
layer hatchings for the 3D surface structures. The appearance of the layers is configured in the
material database in the 3D surface Project mode.

Options en contexte profil

Refresh hatching

Menu Option - Refresh hatching


This function refreshes the hatching for the longitudinal section that you can configurer through the
Options - Properties - Hatching

Mensura Viewer - Overview


Menu Options - Dashboard


This function sets the dashboard when you are in the longitudinal section

General procedure
Display dashboard

Selects where the dashboard is displayed or hidden

List of options to display

Tick the options that you wish to display in the dashboard

You can display the text to the left of the data (like displayed below) or above the data

Display plan tooltip bubble

Select whether to select or hide the tooltip in the plan view

List of options to display

Tick the options that you wish to see in the tooltip

Display plan cursor

Select whether to display or hide the cursor in the plan view

Options en contexte profil

Section properties

Menu Options - Properties


This function gives access to one or several displayed sections (longitudinal or cross sections), when
you are in the Section context (the window is divided intwo parts)

Details on Longitudinal section properties

Details on Cross section propoerties

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Propriétés/Préférences du profil en long

Longitudinal section

Menu Options - Properties (Longitudinal section context)


This tab contains the general parameters of the displayed longitudinal section

General procedure

. Options available from the generated longitudinal sections through urban drainage, networks and
agricultural drainage modules

Elongate the terrain to the left/to the right

These options allow you to stretch the drawing of the terrain line of the longitudinal section beyong the
two end manholes.

Dimension origin :
This parameter modifies the origin of the distance dimensions.

Road centerline projection

This option, only available in the urban drainge, networks or agricultural drainage longitudinal section
recalculates the displayed longitudinal section displayed by projection on the linear project centerline.
The longitudinal section are superimposed, makin ga copy on the plan view using command Draw in

General procedure
1. Display desired urban drainage or networks longitudinal section
2. Using the function Options --> Properties, activate the projection option on the road alignment
and select desired road alignment
3. The longitudinal section is redrawn. You need to draw in CAD
4. Then display the road longitudinal section and draw it in CAD as well
5. A red circle allows you to superimpose the two sections easily on the plan view

Scale relation Z / X
The inputted scale relation in this case corresponds to the Z coefficient that can be displayed.

Options en contexte profil

Datum level
The datum level is automatically calculated depending on the dimension frame, so that the section
drawing is not overlapping with the title block. The plan value can be modified. The default button
allows you to recalculate the datum level.

Round to
Datum level value can be rounded :
1 (ex: For a DL = 118.36 --> 118.00)
1.5 (ex: For a DL = 118.36 --> 118.50)
1.1 (ex: For a DL = 118.36 --> 118.30)

number of decimals
Choose the number of zeros to be displayed after the point (0 / 0.0 / 0.00)

Draw outline
Draws outline around the title block and the section

With outline

Without outline

Dimension scale
Displays the multiplication factor for all title block and section texts

Display cut/fill sections

Displays cut/fill sections between terrain and project line. Cut/Fill section colour can be set through
general preferences.

Display hatchings of the geological layers

When the boring pits have been inputted within the natural terrain (DTM module), it is possible to
display or hide the geological layers. The appearance of the geological layers is configured through
the boring database in DTM mode.

Display depression layers

When the 3D surfaces have structures (3D surface module), it is possible to display or hide the 3D
surface structural layer lines. .

Mensura Viewer - Overview

. This option has no impact upon the sections generated from the Terrain and Linear project

Display the layer hatchings (depression)

When the 3D surfaces have structures (3D surface module), it is possible to display or hide the 3D
surface structural layer lines. The appearance of the layers is configured through the material
database in 3D surface project mode.

. To access this option you need to activate the previous option (display depression layers) first.

Options en contexte profil

Longitudinal section : Lines

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinal section context)


This tab displyas different longitudinal section lines

General procedure

Drawn : draws the selected line. A line not drawn won’t be dimensioned
Dimensioned : displays the dimensions of the selected line
Cumulative : displays the accumulated distances for the selected line in the dimension line
Partial : displays the partial distances for the selected line in the dimension line

Line drawing
When a line is selected, the line type, the colour, weight or width are configurable in this zone.

The up and down arrows allow you to order the dimension lines.

Each of the options presented in this zone allow the customizing of each dimension line.

. The name of the dimension line can be changed without changing the names of the DTM created

Dimension all points which are not aligned

This option modifies the dimensions displayed in the title block. If value is equal to 0.0 cm, the
maximum amount of dimensions shall be displayed within the legibility limits (depending on the text
size). If the value is greater than zero, the number of dimensions displayed shall be inversely
proportional to the value.

Always dimension the points of the breaklines (for the terrain line only)
This option dimensions the breaklines which are crossing the alignment.

Put dimensions to each control station

This option displays dimensions for the selected line, of a control station placed on the horizontal
alignment or longitudinal section

Dimension every ___ (for road project lines only)

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Displays dimensions equidistantly from the longitudinal section .

Dimension chaining points

Displays dimensions at the longitudinal section chaining points.

Options en contexte profil

Longitudinal section : geological layers

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinla section context)


This tab manages the display (contents, size and position) of the geological layer data. The tab is
displayed only if the geological layers are inputted in the terrain module.

General procedure

For more information see Lines tab (Lines)

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Longitudinal section : dimensions

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinal section context)


Cet onglet gère la taille des lignes de cotations ainsi que les textes qu'elles contiennent. Vous
configurez également les types de cotations à afficher. Les types de cotations dépendent du module à
partir duquel le profil en long est généré.

General procedure

This zone manages the font style used, the dimension line text colour as well as their height.

Dimension lines
This zone manages the frame size of the title line as well as its height

Format du PR
Deals with display of the station on the dimension line with cumulated distances (meter-kilometer

With a space bar :

With a + key :

Order and options of the dimension lines

This zone selects and names different network display lines. Up and down arrows situated in the right
part of the dialog box manage display order for the lines within the frame.

Dimension line title

Each dimension line has got a default title which can be modified.

Use a line for control station numbers

Options en contexte profil

This option displays the control station numbers within the dimension line (by default all numbers are
displayed above the dimension frame).

Use a line for Project - Terrain spacing

This option displays the Project-terrain spacing values within the dimension line (by default, the
spacing is displayed within the project line)

Specificities of the Linear Project module

When you are working with Linear project module, the additional dimension line may be activated. It
allows you to display the lot limit depending on the intersection with the named polyline.
This dimension line appears when you validate the three following parameters :
- the polyline crosses the horizontal alignment
- the polyline is named and compliant with the following system : NANTES | ORVAULT -> the
vertical bar corresponds to the key combination Alt Gr + 6
- the intersection with CAD lines is activated.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Longitudinal section : Automatic field

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinal section context)


Thi stab manages the data display (contents, size and position) within the longitudinal section

General procedure

This zone manages the font style used, the title block text colour as well as their height.

Title block lines

The buttons Add and Delete allow the management of the displays of the different pre-configured data
in the title block

The top and bottom arrows serve to order the appearance of the data.

. Each line (including the empty lines) can be detailed and completed by the text data.

Options en contexte profil

Longitudinal section : Networks

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinla section context)


This tab displays the elements contained in other modules, like drainage conduit or dry networks.

General procedure

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Longitudinal section : Title

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinla section context)


This tab manages the title display and contents

General procedure

Frame title
By default you have 3 fields to insert in the 3 available sections :

- The project name

- The day and date
- The time

The automatic fields are coded by {$………}. You can add any text to these titles.

Text style
This zone allows the modification of font, size and text colour contained in the title

This zone manages the title position with reference to the frame.

To not see the title, untick Display title

Options en contexte profil

Longitudinal section : detailing

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinal section context)


This tab manages the longitudinal section detailing in Linear Project module

General procedure

Longitudinal section detailing

Here you activate or deactivate different display options contained in the tree, by ticking or unticking
corresponding boxes

These different options are configurable with the Detailed layout

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Longitudinal section : vertical/horizontal grid

Menu Options - Properties (longitudinla section context)


The tabs manage vertical and horizontal grids which give access to grid configuration options. This
grid is not available in the Canadian display context. This context is activated through preferences ->
language tab

General procedure

Main lines
Display main lines
This option activates or deactivates the display of the main grid lines.

This field inputs the spacing between the main lines.

Secondary lines
Display secondary lines
This option activates or deactivates the display of the grid secondary lines

This field inputs the spacing between the secondary lines.

Marker texts
Marker text is displayed next to the main lines and includes elevation (for horizontal lines) or the
station (for vertical lines) of the corresponding lines.

Display secondary texts

Displays the marker texts on the secondary lines.

Options en contexte profil

Configures the number of zeros after the comma for marker texts

Vertical grid options

Text position
Modifies the position of the marker texts, which are displayed either at the top, or at the bottom, or and
the top and at the bottom of the vertical grid.

Horizontal grid options

Upper Z / Lower Z
When the grid is not calculated automatically, it is possible to fix min and max elevation of the
horizontal grid. If the option calculate automatically is activated the values that you input are not
taken into consideration

Calculate automatically
This option allows you to calculate min and max elevation of the horizontal grid depending on the
section automatically

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Propriétés/Préférences du profil en travers


Menu Options - Properties (cross-section context)


Cet onglet contient les paramètres généraux des profils en travers.

General procedure

Control station
. The scale management is not taken into account here because you are in a view phase.

The notion of "scale" exists only when printing sections

This value offsets the cross section to the right or to the left to move the view center.

Datum level
The datum level is calculated automatically for each section, depending on the dimension frame, so
that the section drawing does not overlap with title block. The value of the datum level can be
modified. The default button recalculates datum level by default.

Round to
Datum level plan can be rounded :
1 (ex: for DL de 118.36 --> 118.00)
1.5 (ex: for DL de 118.36 --> 118.50)
1.1 (ex: for DL de 118.36 --> 118.30)

Number of decimals
Choose the number of zeroes which will appear after the point (0 / 0.0 / 0.00)

Draw outline
Allows you to draw border around the title block and the section

With outline

Options en contexte profil

Without outline

Dimension scale
Puts the multiplication factor to all texts of the section and of the title block

Display cut/fill sections

Displays cut and fill sections between the terrain line and project line. The colour of the cut/fill sections
is configured via general preferences

Display hatchings of the geological layers

If the boring pits are entered onto DTM, it is possible to display or hide the geological layer hatchings.
Layer appearance can be configured through the boring database, in DTM mode.

Display depression layers

When the 3D surface possesses a structure (3D surface module) it is possible to display or hide 3D
surface structure layer lines.

. This option has no impact on the sections generated from the Terrain and Linear project module.

Display hatchings for depression layers

When the 3D surface possesses a structure (3D surface module) it is possible to display or hide 3D
surface structure layer lines. The appearance of the layers can be configured via material database in
the Project 3D surface module.

. This option is only accessible when the previous option (display depression layers) is not

Section title
Displays or hides sections title, that is, section number. It is displayed in the upper part of the section
and framed.

Alignment symbol size

Modifies the size of the symbol on the alignment in cross sections (min. value = 0.1).

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Cross section : Lines

Menu Options - Properties (cross section properties)


This tab manages the display of different cross-section lines

General procedure

Drawn : draws the selected line. A line not drawn won’t be dimensioned
Dimensioned : displays the dimensions of the selected line
Cumulative : displays the accumulated distances for the selected line in the dimension line
Partial : displays the partial distances for the selected line in the dimension line

Line drawing
When a line is selected, the line type, the colour, weight or width are configurable in this zone.

The up and down arrows allow you to order the dimension lines.

Each of the options presented in this zone allow the customizing of each dimension line.

. The name of the dimension line can be changed without changing the names of the DTM created

Dimension all non-aligned points

This option impants the dimensions displayed in the title block. For the 0.0 cm value, the max of
dimensions shall be displayed within the lisibilitylimit (depending on text size). For the positive value,
the dimensioning quantities is inversely proportioanl to the value.

Options en contexte profil

Cross section : geological layers

Menu Options - Properties (cross section context)


This tab manages the geological layers data display (contents, size and position). The tab is displayed
only if the geological layers are inputted in the terrain module

For more information see Lines tab (Lines)

General procedure

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Cross -section : dimensions

Menu Options - Properties (cross section context)


This tab manages the size of the dimension lines as well as the text contained within. You set the
dimension types to display as well. The dimension types depend upon the module where the cross
section is generated

General procedure

This zone manages the font size, text colour and dimension line height

Dimension lines
This zone manages the line heading frame size and its height

This zone selects and names different display lines for the networks.

Options en contexte profil

Cross section : automatic field

Menu Options - Properties (cross section context)


This tab manages the cross section title block data display (contents, size and position)

General procedure

This zone manages the font style used, the title block text colour as well as their height.

Title block lines

The buttons Add and Delete allow the management of the displays of the different pre-configured data
in the title block.

The top and bottom arrows serve to order the appearance of the data.

. Each line (including the empty lines) can be detailed and completed by the text data.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Cross section : networks

Menu Options - Properties (cross-section context)


This tab displays the elemtns contained in the other modules, like the urban drainge conduit or the dry

General procedure

Options en contexte profil

Cross-section : title

Menu Options - Properties (cross-section context)


This tab manages the title display and contents

General procedure

Frame title
By default you have 3 fields to insert in the 3 available sections :

- The project name

- The day and date
- The time

The automatic fields are coded by {$………}. You can add any text to these titles.

Text style
This zone allows the modification of font, size and text colour contained in the title

This zone manages the title position with reference to the frame.

To Hide title, untick Display title

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Cross section : vertical /horizontal grid

Menu Options - Properties (cross section context)


The vertical grid and the horizontal grid tabs give you access to the grid configuration options. This
grid is not available in the Canadian context. The display context is activated though preferences ->
language tab

General procedure

Main lines
Display main lines
This option activates or deactivates the display of main grid lines

This field allows you to input the spacing between the main lines

Secondary lines
Display secondary lines
This option activates or deactivates the display of the grid secondary lines

This field allows you to input the spacing between the secondary lines

Marker texts

Options en contexte profil

Marker texts are displayed near the main lines and are showing the elevation (for horizontal line) or
station (for vertical line) for the corresponding line

Display secondary texts

Displays marker texts on the secondary lines.

Configures the number of zeroes after the point for marker texts.

Vertical grid options

Text position
Modifies the position of the marker texts,n which are displayed either on the top, or on the bottom or
on the top and on the bottom of the vertical grid.

Horizontal grid options

Table : Grid upper Z / lower Z
When the grid is not calculated automatically, it is possible to fix minimum and maximum elevation of
the horizontal grid for each cross-section, by accessing the table. If the option calculate
automatically is activated, the inputted values are not taken into consideration.

Calculate automatically
This option automatically calculates min and max elevations of the horizontal grid depending on the



Menu Window - Cascade

This command displayes different opened windows in cascade.

. Click on ENLARGE to go back to initial view.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

Menu Window - Tile

This command displays different opened views in a tile mode.

. Click on ENLARGE to get the initial state of your windows.

Multiple views

Menu Window - Multiple views

Command VUES

This function divides the view into several windows:

General procedure


Procedure :
1. Sélectionner le type d'affichage.
2. Sélectionnez ensuite quelles vues (ou module) vous souhaitez afficher.

Mensura Viewer - Overview

New window

Menu Window - New window


This function duplicates the current window. Mensura displays a new tab for this new view. The layer
display may be different in this view.

. Mensura ne sauvegardera pas cette nouvelle vue, sauf si la vue d'origine a été fermée.



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