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Movie Suggester
By: Haylee Bell, Marilyn Kathka, David Baker and Eduardo

After you finish watching a movie do you feel empty with nothing to
do? This project aims to solve this problem by suggesting a similar
movie to you, so you have something else to watch.

Data Set: justwatch by victor-soeiro (dataset (

This data was compiled by Victor Soeiro over many years of web scraping. The set he compiled is
distributed through github and kaggle for research purposes.

The data from this dataset was scraped from various streaming platforms such as amazon, apple
tv, crunchyroll, darkmatter, disney, funimation, hbo, hulu, netflix, paramount, rakuten viki, and starz.

The information included in the dataset from the movies/tv shows are the title, type, description,
release year, age_certification, runtime, genres, production countries, seasons, imdb id, imdb
score, imdb votes, imdb popularity and imdb score.

In this project we will predict which movies a user will be most likely to enjoy depending on the last
movie he watched. To do this we will be using imdb score, release year, and runtime as predictors
to find which movie the user should watch next.

Data Preparation
The data initially came separated in different files depending on what streaming service they were
scraped from. What we did first was compile them into one file so the data is easier to manage. We
titled this file raw_titles.csv and can be found here: raw_titles.csv

This file contains 31393 different movies/tv shows.

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In [ ]:  import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_csv("

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

RangeIndex: 31393 entries, 0 to 31392

Data columns (total 15 columns):

# Column Non-Null Count Dtype

--- ------ -------------- -----

0 id 31393 non-null object

1 title 31392 non-null object

2 type 31393 non-null object

3 description 31092 non-null object

4 release_year 31393 non-null int64

5 age_certification 15518 non-null object

6 runtime 31393 non-null int64

7 genres 31393 non-null object

8 production_countries 31393 non-null object

9 seasons 9780 non-null float64

10 imdb_id 28481 non-null object

11 imdb_score 27762 non-null float64

12 imdb_votes 27717 non-null float64

13 tmdb_popularity 30499 non-null float64

14 tmdb_score 27312 non-null float64

dtypes: float64(5), int64(2), object(8)

memory usage: 3.6+ MB

Since we're creating a movie suggester and not a movie/tv show suggester we will be only be
keeping entries with type MOVIE.

This reduced our working dataset from 31392 entries to 21613 entries.

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In [ ]:  df = df[df['type']=='MOVIE']

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

Int64Index: 21613 entries, 1 to 31392

Data columns (total 15 columns):

# Column Non-Null Count Dtype

--- ------ -------------- -----

0 id 21613 non-null object

1 title 21612 non-null object

2 type 21613 non-null object

3 description 21492 non-null object

4 release_year 21613 non-null int64

5 age_certification 8781 non-null object

6 runtime 21613 non-null int64

7 genres 21613 non-null object

8 production_countries 21613 non-null object

9 seasons 0 non-null float64

10 imdb_id 19704 non-null object

11 imdb_score 19289 non-null float64

12 imdb_votes 19246 non-null float64

13 tmdb_popularity 21045 non-null float64

14 tmdb_score 18967 non-null float64

dtypes: float64(5), int64(2), object(8)

memory usage: 2.6+ MB

Out[8]: release_year runtime seasons imdb_score imdb_votes tmdb_popularity tm

count 21613.000000 21613.000000 0.0 19289.000000 1.924600e+04 21045.000000 189

mean 2002.105770 92.807847 NaN 6.017093 2.815906e+04 12.891558

std 25.191473 29.174765 NaN 1.249080 1.101489e+05 58.056661

min 1901.000000 0.000000 NaN 1.100000 5.000000e+00 0.000011

25% 1997.000000 80.000000 NaN 5.300000 2.250000e+02 1.737000

50% 2014.000000 93.000000 NaN 6.100000 1.164500e+03 3.933000

75% 2019.000000 107.000000 NaN 6.900000 7.992500e+03 9.657000

max 2022.000000 549.000000 NaN 9.900000 2.555504e+06 4447.894000

Data Exploration / Visualization

Average IMDB Score by Genre

Through our first experimentation with data exploration and visualization we grouped our data by
genre and found out each genres average IMDB score. Through this experiment we found that the
Lowest Rated Genre was Horror and Highest Rated Genre was Documentation.
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In [ ]:  # Get dataframe grouped by genre, and displaying each genres average imdb sco
single_category = df[df['genres'].str.count("'") == 2].groupby('genres')['imd

# Display data
print('\nLowest Rated Genre:', single_category.idxmin(), 'Score:', single_cat
print('Highest Rated Genre:', single_category.idxmax(), 'Score:', single_cate

# Graph data, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), edgecolor='blue')
plt.title("Average IMDB Scores per Genre")
plt.ylabel("Average Score")


['action'] 4.899180

['animation'] 6.574359

['comedy'] 6.027032

['crime'] 5.816667

['documentation'] 6.905603

['drama'] 6.317478

['family'] 5.595745

['fantasy'] 5.492857

['history'] 6.150000

['horror'] 4.217564

['music'] 6.812500

['romance'] 5.886792

['scifi'] 4.400000

['sport'] 5.600000

['thriller'] 5.186730

['war'] 6.000000

['western'] 5.705914

Name: imdb_score, dtype: float64

Lowest Rated Genre: ['horror'] Score: 4.217563739376771

Highest Rated Genre: ['documentation'] Score: 6.9056030389363725

Out[9]: Text(0, 0.5, 'Average Score')

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Average IMDB Score by Year

In our second experiment we will group our data by release year and find out each release year's
average IMDB score. Through this experiment we found that the Lowest Rated Release Year was
1935 and Highest Rated Release Year was 1926. Through our graph we can see the in the
beginning of the 20th century movies typically were rated higher than they currently are.

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In [ ]:  # Get dataframe grouped by release year, and displaying each release year's a
single_year = df.groupby('release_year')['imdb_score'].mean().dropna()

# Display data
print('\nLowest Rated Year:', single_year.idxmin(), 'Score:', single_year.min
print('Highest Rated Year:', single_year.idxmax(), 'Score:', single_year.max(

# Graph data
plt.title("Average IMDB Scores per Release Year")
plt.ylabel("Average Score")


1912 5.800000

1914 5.600000

1915 6.083333

1916 7.050000

1917 6.233333


2018 5.840277

2019 5.951824

2020 5.839374

2021 5.834129

2022 6.262011

Name: imdb_score, Length: 110, dtype: float64

Lowest Rated Year: 1935 Score: 5.398701298701298

Highest Rated Year: 1926 Score: 7.1923076923076925

Out[10]: Text(0, 0.5, 'Average Score')

Average Movie Runtime by Year

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In [ ]:  # Get dataframe grouped by release year, and displaying each release year's a
runtime_year = df.groupby('release_year')['runtime'].mean().dropna()

# Display data
print('\nYear with Lowest Runtime:', runtime_year.idxmin(), 'Score:', runtime
print('Year with Highest Runtime:', runtime_year.idxmax(), 'Score:', runtime_

# Graph data
plt.title("Average Runtime (Minutes) per Release Year")
plt.ylabel("Average Runtime (Minutes)")


1901 2.000000

1902 8.000000

1903 2.000000

1904 21.000000

1906 8.000000


2018 94.189969

2019 93.790486

2020 89.566957

2021 92.355464

2022 92.461207

Name: runtime, Length: 116, dtype: float64

Year with Lowest Runtime: 1901 Score: 2.0

Year with Highest Runtime: 1916 Score: 138.8

Out[11]: Text(0, 0.5, 'Average Runtime (Minutes)')

Machine Learning
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In [ ]:  dfx = df[['imdb_score', 'title', 'release_year', 'runtime']].dropna()

predictors = ['imdb_score', 'release_year', 'runtime']
target = ['title']

X = dfx[predictors].values
y = dfx[target].values

# KNN can be slow, so get a random sample of the full data set
indexes = np.random.choice(y.size, size=10000)
X_mini = X[indexes]
y_mini = y[indexes]

# Split the data into training and test sets, and scale
scaler = StandardScaler()

# Unscaled version (note that scaling is only used on predictor variables)
X_train_raw, X_test_raw, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_mini, y_mini, t

# Scaled version
X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_raw)
X_test = scaler.transform(X_test_raw)

# Choose a random movie as the users choice
random_index = np.random.choice(dfx.shape[0])
print("Chosen Movie is:")
print("Title: " + str(dfx.iloc[random_index]['title']) +
" - IMDB Score: " + str(dfx.iloc[random_index]['imdb_score']) +
" - Release Year: " + str(dfx.iloc[random_index]['release_year']) +
" - Runtime: " + str(dfx.iloc[random_index]['runtime']))

# Find most similar movies to it
nn = NearestNeighbors(metric='cosine', n_neighbors=5).fit(X_train, y_train)
distances, indices = nn.kneighbors([[dfx.iloc[random_index]['imdb_score'],

# Display similar movies to the user
print("\nRecommended Movies based on choice:")
for i in range(0, 5):
print("Title: " + str(dfx.iloc[indices[0][i]]['title']) +
" - IMDB Score: " + str(dfx.iloc[indices[0][i]]['imdb_score']) +
" - Release Year: " + str(dfx.iloc[indices[0][i]]['release_year'])
" - Runtime: " + str(dfx.iloc[indices[0][i]]['runtime']) +
" - Distance: " + str(distances[0][i]))

Chosen Movie is:

Title: Expelled from Paradise - IMDB Score: 6.7 - Release Year: 2014 -
Runtime: 104

Recommended Movies based on choice:

Title: Masterminds - IMDB Score: 5.2 - Release Year: 1997 - Runtime: 1

06 - Distance: 0.00018512567902984056

Title: Paycheck - IMDB Score: 6.3 - Release Year: 2003 - Runtime: 119
- Distance: 0.00034925176931333013

Title: Sky Racket - IMDB Score: 4.8 - Release Year: 1937 - Runtime: 63

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- Distance: 0.00034925176931333013

Title: Alone - IMDB Score: 4.9 - Release Year: 2020 - Runtime: 92 - Di

stance: 0.00038670037313404126

Title: Visit to a Chief's Son - IMDB Score: 6.8 - Release Year: 1974 -
Runtime: 85 - Distance: 0.0004673107914404673

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