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Activity 9 Direction:

Explain each questions, before you begin writing, read the passage carefully
and plan what you will say. Your essay should be as well organized and as
carefully written as you can make it. Read carefully, reflect on and record your
responses to the following questions.

1. Give some example of role of government in business.

Government as entrepreneur the remarkable expansion of the Filipino populace

from humble beginnings attests to the government's entrepreneurial role. Due to
the fact that private investors are only motivated by their own financial gain, they
are not motivated to develop goods and services for the general public or for
social causes that provide relatively lower returns. However, the government is
not hesitant to take them on as a social entrepreneur.

2. What is environmental issues of corporation?

To assess how its operations are affecting the environment, a company can conduct a green
audit. For instance, this might entail calculating its carbon footprint. Climate change, pollution,
sustainability, and waste reduction are the four major environmental challenges that are most
likely to have an impact on a business operations. Long-term modifications to weather patterns
are referred to as climate change. Scientists contend that the burning of fossil fuels and the
clearing of forests by commercial activities both contribute to global warming. The term
pollution typically refers to the presence of dangerous chemicals in the air or water. Water
pollution has an impact on the animals and plants that inhabit seas and rivers, while air
pollution can result in a variety of health-related problems. Business operations could
potentially be disruptive.

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