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Name: Ananya Ahmed

Summary: A long way home

Resuming the Search

When Saroo decided to resume his search for his hometown, he had to
face some challenges that made his search difficult. After moving out his
friend’s house, he started his search from the very beginning. First, he
started to trace in his mind the places he visited and tried to figure out how
far a train could go in 12 to 15 hours and from that estimate, he wanted to
know how many trains from that train station traveled that distance. So, he
decided to trace the train tracks from Howrah Station until he discovers
where he began. Then he started to search for one after another place by
using Google Earth. Soon it became his obsession because it was taking
all his time without getting any information. So, he decided to take it
positively as a challenge. In 2010, he begins a relationship with a woman
named Lisa and she seemed to understand how important the search was
for Saroo, though she also recognized that he’s obsessed. Also, he didn’t
tell many people about his search, especially his mum and dad. He didn’t
want them to think he’s unhappy with his life they gave him. Through the
Google Earth, he continued his searching for states by states, months after
months until he found his desired place. Finally, one night in March, he
found it that change everything.

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