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You Need to Travelling More Often!

Imam asy-Syafi’i said that, “Leave your country and live a foreign life (in a foreign
country).” During last semester’s holiday in July, I took a great chance to stay in English
course in Pare with my friends. But because she cancelled her plan to study there, so I had to
go alone. Even I was afraid to go, I finally made up to go outside trying new experiences and
meet new people make me know how really I am and can change my mindset.
In the sunny Sunday, at 01.00 pm to be exact, my father drop off me to Pare by motorcycle.
Need three hours for us to reach Pare. Even though the sun was so hot at that time, but I
enjoyed my journey. However, closer to Pare, I become nervous, worry, and afraid. My mind
full of my own negative thoughts that maked me want to skip this moment. I wish, I can jump
to the time when I have finished the course in Pare.
After three hours that I feel too fast, I arrived in the office of my course. My father waited for
me in front of the office, then I entered the office. The office is big and beautiful, dominated
by yellow and green. Collected some data and did registration, my legs trembled with fear.
People around me looked have someone to talk with. Whilst I’m not. After all finished, my
father drops off me to the dormitory.
The office and my dormitory evidently rather far, maybe it’s about three kilometers. Building
with three floors and a quite large parking lot filled with lots of bicycles becomes my home
for a month ahead. After saying goodbye to my father, I come into my dormitory and met my
roommate, they are three girls hooded who looked introvert but also looked kind, I was so
happy at that time because finally, I have friends! My room was on the third floor, so we have
to climb two stairs, my friends helped me to bring my suitcase when I got hard to climb stairs
at the same time I brought a heavy suitcase. We get to know each other.
In the night, we went out for bought meals and water by bikes that we rented before. I do love
that moment because the atmosphere of Pare in the night was very beautiful. Pare was very
crowded, especially in the place around Riverside cafe. Many people who go out by bike or
just walk enjoying the night with their friends, and many beautiful cafes around there. I
enjoyed my first night in Pare, so happy. The rest of the days at Pare made it easy for me, I
didn't feel that I was studying there, but I felt like going on vacation there because the
atmosphere was very pleasant. This pleasant atmosphere is also influenced by friends around
me. My roommates and classmates are very kind to me, they make me accept myself and my
personality. They are great people, they have great mindsets and personalities, they make me
motivated to be like them in my own way. So, after from Pare, I want to try going to other
new places and I want to meet new people and learn something new from them. And now, I
become understand, I should not believe with my negative thoughts. I was afraid too much
about something that hasn’t happen, but evidently it does not really happen. Even, the
moment that I feared is the moment that I want to repeat again. I am grateful to have passed
it. This moment made me understand about how I really am and changed some of my old

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