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Fișe de lucru la limba engleză pentru elevi de clasa a VI a, L1

Tasksheets for the 6th grade students ( L1 ) : Present Simple


Unit 1 Everyday life

1. How often do you do this ? Tick the activities !

Activity Always Sometimes Never

Clean your
Walk the dog
Do the dishes
Make cakes
Water the plants
Play on the
Spend time with
your family

2. Match the two columns :

1.smell got
3.shoot off
4.jump down it
6.leave someone

a. High and dry

b. By ear
c. Someone’s throat
d. One’s mouth
e. Your tongue
f. A rat

Eg. 1f

3. Answer the questions :

What time do you usually get up during the week ?

Do you have breakfast ?

How do you go to school ?

What time do you start classes ?

When do you leave school ?

What time do you have dinner ?

What do you usually do in the evenings ?

Do you sometimes go to bed late ?

4.Choose the correct verb :

A. music on her way to highschool.

a.writes b.listens

B. I am so tired around 10 p.m. I ..........asleep instantly.

a.fall b. get

C. Dad ..........the shopping at the weekend.

a.does b. goes

D. They usually ........ for the bus here in the morning.

a. walk b. wait

E. Mom always .......the table for special occasions .

a. sets b. makes

4. Put the words in the correct box :

A course honey a favour a change a complaint better

A look at something a meeting a party a baby a report

The housework lunch the ironing

Make Eg.honey
Have Eg. a look at smth.
Do Eg. a course

6.Arrange the words in the correct order .

a. doesn’t /every/Mom /vacuum/carpets/Saturday/the

b. shopping/When/ the/they/do/usually/ do ?

c. waters/grandpa/the/His/plants/their/in/garden/twice a week

d. the/feeds/dog/your/in/family/Who?

e. do/I/once/dusting/a/week/the

7.Put the prepositions in brackets in the right place .

Model : I sometimes go to the drama club in the morning.

a. I always go on Saturday evening. (out )

b. I like to go a walk in the forest a river . ( for, along )
c .Dad gets work before the rush hour. (to )
d. He is a brilliant doctor and works a private hospital. ( in )
e .She usually gets home her mom. (before )

8. Fill in the table with information about your daily routine.

Time Monday Friday Saturday

8.00 I have a cup of I have the English I can sleep late.
milk coffee. class.

9. Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verbs in the box.

Read study play listen

Watch meet walk go have

Eg. My neighbour doesn’t walk to work.

1.You ……………………..lunch at the office.

2.We ………………………….novels at school.

3.My sister………………………….movies with me.

4.They …………………………..volleyball on the beach.

5.Alexia…………………………….Italian at school.

6.She…………………………….to CDs on the tram.

7.My cousins …………………..skateboarding.

8.I……………………………………my relatives at the weekend in the mountains.

10. Circle the correct prepositions then complete the sentences with the
prepositions in the box.

Add to/with dream about /on worry about/ in agree about/for

Argue with/on wait for/ under joke about/on

With about on to in of

a. She wants to get rid …..all the ugly things in her life.
b. Kids enjoy participating …… English drama festivals.
c. When I am bored I sometimes quarrel … cousin, Maya.
d. He is a great person to have in the team. You can always depend ….him.
e. We are looking forward ….seeing you in the mountains next Friday.
f. Students in the 8th grade always worry …….. exams in June.

Unit 2 My interests
1. Match 1-7 with a- g.

 1 make a. cartoons
 2.go to b.voluntary work
 c. cartoons
 4. do d. a language
 5.draw e. a drama club
 6. learn f. to ski
 7.cook g. dinner

2. Read the sentences. Then write the words.

Lazy adventurous friendly generous talkative


1.They are going around the world in a submarine . ………………………….

2.I am always chatting on the phone on Sunday morning. ……………………

3.My kid brother lies on the bed and plays computer games. My grandma does all
the housework. …………………………

4. It is my birthday. You don’t need to pay at the restaurant. I am buying lunch and
chocolate cakes for everybody. …………………………

5. Let ‘s go swimming in the pool this morning. Then we make a barbecue for our
guests .After that we go camping on the mountain. …………………………
6.Nice to meet you ! Would you like to join us for a cup of milk coffee on the
bank of the river ? …………………………..

3. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

a. ……. we…..(have ) Chemistry on Monday ?

Yes, we ………
b. She ………..(like ) drawing medieval castles on rocks.
c. I……………..( not go ) to the gym during the winter holiday.
d. …….your sister …….(play )the piano ?
e. My deskmate always ……….(walk ) to school.
f. You …………..(sometimes /arrive )late for classes on Monday
mornings .
g. He …………( not do ) voluntary work on Friday afternoon.

4. Complete the sentences for you. Use the adverbs of frequency in the box.

Usually hardly ever sometimes never often always

a. My parents …… spend a week in the mountains in summer.

b. I ………. buy expensive trainers.

c. My friends and I …….. listen to good music.
d. I ……….. do my tasks on time.
e. My family ………… go to the seaside in Bulgaria or Greece.
f. I ………… watch movies on Saturday morning.

5. Circle the correct words .

a. You don’t eat / aren’t eating dinner at the moment.

b. They aren’t watching /don’t watch TV today.
c. My uncle doesn’t work /isn’t working in a vet this year.
d. My sister goes/ is going to Spanish classes twice a week.
e. I wear /am wearing a new T-shirt right now.
f. Our Math teacher usually gives / is usually giving us much homework.
g. My cousin sometimes goes/ is sometimes going to the cinema with her

6. Order the words to make sentences.

a. enjoy /All the kids /presents /getting .


b. Jo /weekend/the/ at/ usually/ feels .


c. are /monasteries/ interested/castles/and/ visiting/My/ in /parents.


d. talking/ They /About /fashion /and /music/ are/ at /moment/ the .


e. hate/ at/the /seaside/swimming/They/ in/water/cold.


f. are/ at/ bad/ We / comics /drawing .


g. taking /love/ my / hundreds /of/ photos /I/ friends / of .


7. Look at the words below. Write them in the right column in the following
table : audience , open air, sing, rock, concert, musicians, play, compose,
fans, festival, band, orchestra, songwriter, write, club, contest, pop, dance,
classical, perform, Irish folk, tour,conductor, hip-hop, reggae, electronic
dance music

Musical Types of Actions People Places

occasions music

8. Discussion points. Ask your deskmate :

a. What’s your favourite band or singer ?

b. What’s your favourite type of music ?
c. How often do you listen to music ?
d. Do you usually buy music or download it from the Internet ?

Think of your favourite singer or band and continue the following sentences :

My favorite singer is born in ............

He/ She released the first album in............

He/ She had a hit single called

He/ She wrote the lyrics to..................

He/ She appeared in a movie .................

He/ She was awarded .......................

9. Role play.Take turns being a customer and a shop-assistant .Use the

following prompts :
In the Ladies’ Wear Department

Shop assistant : 0ffer help.

Customer : Tell the shop assist. that you are looking for a dress.
Shop assist. : Ask about the length and the size she takes.
Customer : Tell the length and the size. Express your preference for a long
red one.
Shop assist. : You have only in butterflies pattern.
Customer : Ask for one and for the way to the changing rooms.
Shop assist. : Give the customer directions for a changing room.
Customer : Express your wish to buy it.
Shop assist. : Offer a discount for the dress and then ask about the method
of payment.
Customer : Tell the shop assist. that you pay in cash .
Shop assist. : Offer to wrap the dress up for her and ask if she would like
anything else.

10. Think of your best friend. Answer the questions and make notes.

1. What’s your best friend’s name ?

2. What does she look like ?
3. How old is she ?
4. What is she like ?
5. How often do you see each other ?
6. What does she love doing ?
7. What do you usually talk about ?
8. What is she doing right now ?
Unit 3 Hobbies and Entertainment
1. Which free time activity…
a. Involves a lot of movement ? ……………………
b. Is about flowers and trees ?.........................
c. Can be done in a team ?............................
d. Is boring ?.....................
e. Can be done at home ?........................

2. Put the words in the correct column :

Card games football karate for a walk in a park on a trip in the

mountains out with friends to a professional make-up class
computer games some exercise photos a break shopping a
nap fishing camping


3. Connect the columns to make sentences .

I love cards with mom.

I bake photos of leaves and squirrels.
I play apple pies and muffins.
I enjoy white horses.
I like riding spending time in the mountains.
I take documentaries about aliens.
I watch riding my bike in a park.

4. Write the prepositions in the right place .

a. My sister and I are mad pop music. (about )
b. Mum isn’t really making lunch, but grandma loves it. (into )
c. I’m very keen watching SF movies.( on )
d. I’m a big fan travelling to exotic islands. (of )

e. My big sister is quite interested photography .( in )

5. Order the words to make sentences :

a. Can, I, the, quite, well, play, guitar.

Eg. I can play the guitar quite well.

b. drums, My, member, of, the ,band, plays, favourite , member ,the
c. My, loves,Latino,listening, to, dad, music
d. into, She, not, is, really, reggae
e. He ,music, stand ,can not ,classical
f. sometimes, I, go ,to, theatre, the, on, evenings, Friday

6. Complete the conversation as you wish.

A. There is a new film on at the cinema. It is called Avatar 2.

B. What’s it about ?
A. ……………………………………………………………………………

B. Who is starring in it ?
B. I like them. They are great actors.
A. ………………………………………………….
B. That sounds great !

7. Write about your favourite movie .

Topic This film is about
It is set in …………………………………………………………………….
Type It is a ………………………………………………………………..
Adjective It is very ……………………………………………………

8. Discussion points. Ask your deskmate.

a. Do you watch TV every evening ?

b. What channels do you watch ?
c. Have you got a favourite TV channel or programme ?
d. Do you watch more television at the weekend ?
e. What do you think about commercials ?
f. When are your favourite programmes on ?

9. Which sentence is true for you ? Tick.

a. I often spend free time with my family.

b. I like collecting old coins and pictures with movie stars.
c. I never play a team sport.
d. I sometimes buy expensive clothes.
e. I always go skating in winter.
f. I can’t play a musical instrument.
g. I like reading about Romanian monarchy .
h. I enjoy watching movies with good vampire characters.
i. Listening to good music makes me happy.

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