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Thresher Supplement Changes to V3.

Addendum 2

By now its somewhat too late to be re-editing the entire 220something page main supplement as a single
entity, it became too unwieldy to continually keep adding things too so I am releasing a selection of
smaller additions that can help in your running of the Rival company.
This is just an elaboration on some areas that I have found lacking, in the V3.0 supplement, the SLA MRB,
online resources and as feedback from playtesters, GM’s who found fault in some areas or needed more
info to fill out some areas.
The same rules apply here as they did in the main volume, toss it if you dont like it, nerf it if its too
powerful, add extra 0’s to prices if its too cheap and use your imagination. Its not possible to make
everyone happy, if I could do that do you think I’d be working for free?
As it is most of the Thresher stuff is pretty portable into anyone’s current WoP without upsetting any
preconceived ideas, I have made very, very sure of that in most cases.
This file contains some new ideas and updates for the new Contract Directory rule changes and skill
updates, if you haven't bought the book already go out and grab it as there are a lot of things in it that are
well worth the read. For reasons that are obvious I won’t be reproducing in any way the details in the
Contract Directory material.

Changes to Training Packages & New Training package

Planet of Origin racial skills
New Planet -Fane
Hand to hand weapon modification
Suggested trade value of Shaktar weapons
Firearm Modifications
Non-Standard Ammunition
Modifying the TH M450 'Behemoth' APC
Vehicle maintaince costs
Suggested Vehicle repair costs
Remote Drone Vehicle operations
Changes to Training Packages
The contract directory has a lot of new skills in it which where relevant to some of the Thresher training
packages and hadn't been invented at the time of the original supplement, the existing ones I have added to
the source book are still valid. Or you can ignore these changes and use the standard ones that where
originally used.
Indicates a change to basic edition Thresher source material- optional

Close Combat Specialist

Infiltration and extermination, they will never see you coming and won’t know it’s too late by the time
you’re gone. You remove the problems where the infantry can’t go and where normal folk fear to tread.

Evaluate Opponent
Any one H2H Combat Skill
Biofeedback (Conc)
The character may select any one “signature move” type to their list of skills

Specialty Company Supplied Equipment:

A melee weapon of the users choice

The Thresher Sapper is a jack-of-all-trades but he deals primarily with destruction of enemy assets, defense
of their own and repair of basic equipment.

Computer use
Demolitions Disposal
Engineering –Covert (INT)

Specialty Company Supplied Equipment:

Level 1 Neural Computer uplink jacks (Optional), advanced toolkit and an electronics toolkit.
Field Recon
The quiet side of Thresher, unique individuals capable of infiltrating enemy organizations from the inside
and wrecking havoc with as little as a pen stroke or a phone call. Even the people you work for have rarely
met you and can barely remember what you looked like. But as long as you keep the information flowing,
the misinformation clogging up the works and keeping low so that Cloak doesn’t cotton onto you, they will
reward you most impressively. Not that the SLA militia receiving shipments of Doobries instead of ammo
never ceases to have its own rewards.

Willpower (COOL)
Rival company info

Specialty Company Supplied Equipment:

Rank10 false ID, Rank 5 false ID and a long range encrypted burst transmission radio

New Package- Marine

What are ya, some kind of half-ass astronaut?

The Thresher Marine is a lesser known and possibly just as feared infantry soldier who has more emphasis
on their training made towards space combat. Boarding actions, repelling pirates and more often than not
they are the first into the breech for any large-scale military operation. They like to think that they are the
elite of the Thresher infantry, (its wise not to argue with them), discipline, honour and morale are
exceedingly good.

Blade 1H
Pilot Powersuit
Zero-Gee maneuvers (DEX)
Evaluate opponent

Specialty Company Supplied Equipment:

Level 1 Neural Powersuit Control jacks (Optional). TH.0V1 Vacuum Suit
Planet of Origin, where a character grew up

With the Thresher source material being what it is with a few more detailed planets with different
environments and cultures I was thinking off adding some racial skills to add a bit of background.
Backgrounds and upbringing are very important to a character personality, even their language, slang and
customs will vary quite considerably. Most of these are only really relevant to Human characters but a
Shaktar or Wraith raised on a world different to their racial homelands and full of different species.

Destarphas is very much the epitome of a Thresher homeworld, Killian is taught in schools and the
education system is very good. They also maintain a policy of compulsory military service for 16 year
olds. There is a native language spoken that still has strong ancestral roots dating back to when the planet
was settled 490 years ago- Tarpa is spoken mostly by older folks and is still part of the school curriculum.
There is also a longstanding background of farming and animal husbandry so characters may wish to take
Agriculture and Animal Handling as part of their hobby skills if they come from a family that grew up on
the land.

Bremen is similar in many respects to Destarphas, both have comparatively large populations of people.
The education system and military service is virtually the same as the ‘sister’ planet but they do speak a
different language, Bromany, which has roots in New Parisian and Orienta as the main cultural
background. Over 530 years the two races of humans have grown into a distinct physical appearance
(slightly Eurasian) making for a diverse and highly cultured society. Hobby skills could come from the fine
arts, cooking and swimming as the planet has much more water than land. Other secondary skills could
involve Sail- Boat and Aquaculture which is an offshoot of agriculture and involves the raising of marine
animals and plants for food.

L'ndnfr'll is a complex and peaceful planet which is so far out on the fringes of the galaxy that it has been
lucky enough to avoid being entangled in conflict. It is an allied world of Thresher and as such the ebon
and shaktar population dont use the same education system or have any standing army for military service.
Characters from L'ndnfr'll have a slightly different set of morals and most dont have any predilection for
hostility. Racial skills as a result are slightly different for ebons and shaktars who spend most of their time
as hunter-gatherers, farmers and religious study. Hobby skills can include things like Agriculture, Animal
handling, Biology, Religion, Woodworking, Blacksmithing and Metallurgy. The adoption of high
technology is starting to permeate the society slightly with new imports reaching the marketplace.
Optional Shaktar Racial skills-
Survival 2, Tracking 1, Climb 1, Any close combat skill 2, Running 1, Religion 1
Optional Ebon racial skills-
Literacy 1, Formulae 1, Mathematics 2, Survival 2, Religion 1, Tracking 1
ERY 10-14 Despair is a backward and miserable world that is slowly coming back to some semblance of
approaching civilisation and is an allied world of Thresher. Education standards are starting to improve but
most of the local population is still unable to read or write and has no standing army. Technologically they
are still slightly backwards having come from human settlers and mining crews 400 years ago that lost
touch with the rest of the universe. Getting around the planet itself is a hazardous affair at the best of times
as most of the population still bands together in small clans and most dont like each other much, then
theres the native swamp fauna and flora which isn't friendly either. Most know how to operate a boat of
some type, mechanical and repair skills are also common along with other basic survival skills related to
identifying plants, animals and cooking them.
Killian is still spoken by the population but some also speak shaktar due to some contact with space going
Optional Human racial skills-
Bargain 1, Detect 1, Survival 1, Navigation 2, Streetwise 2, Rifle 1

Spacers, some families have been plying trade routes for centuries in massive ion drive bulk cruisers,
hopping from one planet to another with a cargo of goods trying to make a living. Most even end up
bringing their partners and children along rather than stay away for years and come home to find them all
grown up. Others have even gotten to the point where they have no planet of origin and travel like gypsies
from one place to another and their entire family clan in tow, like the shaktars of the conflict war days.
Either to escape an enemy or finding that they can neither remember their homeworld or even if there is
one to go back to. Many sing sad songs of home that they dont know and have no living memory of but are
passed down from one generation to another so they have a past and heritage.
Pirate upbringings tend to be a harsh and dangerous period in a character’s life that will haunt them for the
rest of their days, born either out of escaped slaves, rapine or abducted in a raid. Many have enemies and
no one ever trusts a former pirate, especially their former kin who see the person as a mutineer or at best a
traitor to their family. They have long memories and a surprisingly long reach, nothing runs as red as a
family feud.
Optional Freetrader background-
Streetwise 2, Space Navigation 1, Pilot Ion Drive 1, Computer use 1, Zero Gee Maneuvers 1, Bargain 2
Optional Gypsy background-
Streetwise 2, Space Navigation 1, Singing 1, Bargain 1, Pilot Ion Drive 1, Mechanics Repair 2
Optional Pirate Background-
Unarmed 1, Zero Gee Maneuvers 1, Pistol 1, Streetwise 2, Pilot Ion Drive 1, Intimidate 2
Type: Disputed free world
Atmosphere: Clean-breathable air capable of supporting human life
Hydrosphere: 65% free surface water coverage
Gravity Mass: 1G
Temperature: -20 degrees Celsius to +45 degrees Celsius
Terrain: Rolling mountain ranges, tropical forests and vast grasslands
Population: est. 3,000,000 human
Function: Homeworld – Resource world
Length of day: 23 hours
Length of Year: 362 days
Major exports: Minerals, woodwork, animal products, gemstones and radioactives
Major imports: High tech items, foodstuffs, medical equipment
Spoken Languages: Fane, very few Killian speakers

The humans of Fane face a very uncertain future, both SLA and Thresher are looking to sign trade
contracts with the inhabitants. For now the diplomatic parties are vying for the favour of the planet’s most
powerful chieftain for the contract and violence has been kept to a minimum and in the shadows. SLA
moves a fold-frigate into orbit, Thresher sends a heavy cruiser, sensing a severe threat to their holdings
SLA sends in a company of hardened Militia troops from Dante, Thresher sends in a platoon of heavy
assault troops and the level of tension increases exponentially.
While the suits argue it out, the citizens of Fane go about their lives as they have done as Bronze Age
nomads wandering the steppes and being very hospitable to offworlders. Most are oblivious to the events
that are unfolding around them so life for the friendly residents is going to take a turn for the worst
however the contract goes. If the chieftains sign the Three P’s with SLA, then Thresher will attack as they
want the resources and the planet is too close to their own trade routes for comfort, it could easily turn into
a war world in the blink of an eye.
The current inhabitants know not their origins but they do have an ability to adapt quickly to new things,
both the good and bad, being brought in by traders and the two rival companies. It is not uncommon to see
tribesmen running around with all sorts of firearms, mismatching clothing, still riding their Jakaka (a warm
blooded, four legged lizard-like creature) and living in their communal tents. Some even own SLA TV’s
even though there isn't a transmitter for 200,000 light years, but SLA are building one. How long it lasts
before Thresher gets around to breaking it is anyone’s guess. Just like no one is betting on how long the
wild and beautiful planet will stay in its peaceful state before the strip miners come and the shooting starts.
Optional Fane Human backgrounds
Archery 1, Tracking 2, Survival 1, Polearm 1, Running 1, Detect 1, Ride-Animal 2
Survival 2, Cooking 1, Detect 2, Tracking 1, Blade 1H 1, Ride- Animal 1
*Character will need to learn Killian if they are to be able to talk to offworlders

– Created by Ross Shilling

Hand to Hand weapon modification

Basically anything that SLA can do with a sharp pointy object Thresher can do a similar job to a melee
weapon. Whilst most of the energies are directed to powersuit, vehicles and firearms there are small sub-
companies that will be able to do the work, for a price of course. Usually a very hefty price so I won’t be
changing the costs detailed in the Contract Directory, however, anything involving a master shaktar
weaponsmith will have to be sent to L'ndnfr'll which is about as far anywhere as you can get. Then, you
have to convince a shaktar to make the damn thing or perform some god-awful deed or just dump a
massive amount of trade goods there. Needless to say this is bloody time consuming, takes ages on an Ion
Drive ship heading out there and usually more trouble than its worth in all honesty.
Suggested trade value of Shaktar weapons
When Michael and I detailed the shaktar racial weapons we didn't make any prices for them, mostly
because we figured it would be something GM’s could award out and revolve stories around rather than
just sell them on the open market. Regardless of how ‘standard’ a weapon from L’ndnfr’ll is they are all
handmade and each has their own peculiarities that make them unique.
Remember, if your character isn't a Shaktar then they cant really use the Lance or Bow because they are
only made for that species, anyone else fiddling about with one gets a flat
–6 penalty to use them. They are simply too big and not weighted properly for little folks even if they are
wearing armour.
With enough motivation shaktar smiths on L’ndnfr’ll might be able to be convinced to make a weapon
based on existing current designs, but none of them or shaktar racial weapons can be modified with
technological enhancements. They do however, accept glyphs.

Sh'krrk - Shaktar Hunting Lance

Skill- Polearm
Standard Damag Penetration Armour Damage Weight Cost
Sh’krrk e
5 7 2 12kgs $3500
Craft Sh’krrk Damag Penetration Armour Damage Weight Cost
+1 Hit e
6 8 2 10kgs $8500
Master Damag Penetration Armour Damage Weight Cost
Sh’krrk e
+2 Hit 7 9 4 10kgs $45000

Brk'rnt - Shaktar hunting bow

Skill- Archery
Standard Dam Pen AD Range Weight ROF Cost
Brk’rnt 5 7 2 30m 10kgs 1- $2000
Craft Brk’rnt Dam Pen AD Range Weight ROF Cost
+1 Hit 5 7 2 60m 12kgs 1- $8000
Master Brk’rnt Dam Pen AD Range Weight ROF Cost
+2 Hit 5 7 2 90m 12kgs 1- $40000
*User adds STR bonus to dam and pen for this weapon- see rules in TH source
Arrows come in one variety- $20 each

Grd'kll'r - Shaktar Hunting knife

Skill- Blade 1H
Standard Damag Penetration Armour Damage Weight Cost
Grd’kll’r e
5 1 1 2.5kg $450
Craft Grd’kll’r Damag Penetration Armour Damage Weight Cost
+1 Hit e
6 2 2 2.5kg $6500
Master Damag Penetration Armour Damage Weight Cost
Grd’kll’r e
+2 Hit 7 3 4 3kgs $55000

Firearms Modification
I'm familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you in the ass

One of the areas Thresher specializes in is the re-tooling of weapons too different caliber’s, mostly out of
necessity to use any available ammo when their supplies dry up. They dont make a lot of use of custom
weapons in their arsenals though as it makes it inefficient to maintain a large standing force with a
multitude of odds & sods. Thresher agents on the other hand can use whatever they can afford or deem to
spend their money on, for agents deep behind enemy lines it could be a lifesaver to carry a few spare parts
for enemy calibers. The DRAUG revolver is a prime example of Thresher weaponsmithing to make a
firearm as modular as it can be, however large automatic and semi-automatic weapons require a lot more
The re-chambering of a weapon is no easy task, the barrel has to be replaced completely, the recoil
recalibrated the bolt replaced and the magazine changed to accept a different shaped bullet. Note,
flamethrowers, gauss weapons, grenade launchers and mortars cannot be re-chambered.
There are five different types of projectile weapon that can be re-chambered and are defined by the
following characteristics-
Pistols- Semi automatic weapons that fire Pistol ammunition.
Submachineguns- Fully automatic weapons firing pistol ammo
Rifles- Semi and Fully automatic weapons firing Rifle ammo
Machineguns- Fully automatic weapons firing rifle ammo
Cannon- Large support machineguns and sniper rifles firing 13mm and larger ammo
Weapons can be re-chambered +/- 3.0mm from their original specifications.
Shotguns can be increased +/- 2 gauge- the smaller the gauge the larger the bore of the weapon.

Increments of +/- calibre are measured in 0.5mm stages rounded up.

Shotguns are measured in increments of +/- 1gauge
Weapon -0.5mm +0.5mm
Pistols $200 $500
Submachineguns $300 $600
Rifles $450 $900
Machineguns $600 $1000
Cannon $700 $1400
Shotgun –1 gauge $300
Shotgun +1 $600

Each +0.5mm or +1G increment, reduces ROF by 1 (to a minimum ROF 1)

Each –0.5mm or –1G decrease, increases ROF by 1 (if capable of automatic fire)

Magazines will be required for weapons chambering ammunition that differs from the original
specifications that it came with out of the factory.
Each magazine will cost $5 per 5 rounds and can only exceed the original factory issue magazine by 50%
in capacity.
Each ammo-bin type magazine costs $50 per 100 round capacity.

On a ‘double 1’ for weapons that have larger capacity’s the weapon will jam, requiring a difficult weapons
maintenance roll to clear.

Swapping out calibers, use weapon maintenance skill.

Pistol- 5minutes, Submachinegun- 10minutes, Rifle and Shotgun- 15minutes
Machineguns- 30minutes, Cannons- 60minutes

NB: Remember, barrel mounted accessories like silencers, flash suppressors and recoil baffling will have
to be bought separately for a weapon that can fit different caliber’s.
Rifle Carbines and Snub nosed Revolvers
Sometimes it isn't convenient to carry a full sized rifle in some conditions, long weapons get caught up on obstructions and can
be a hindrance to the owner getting out of vehicles. Revolvers with long barrels are more intimidating and somewhat more
accurate but can be unwieldy and hard to conceal. The disadvantage to having a shorter barrel is that it reduces its effective
range because the bullet has less barrel to keep it straight and develops less power because the propellant hasn't had time to
expand fully behind it.
For the urban sniper who rarely has visibility past 500m or the undercover agent looking to pack a compact weapon, the shorter
barrel is a viable option.

Rifles can have their barrel length reduced by 50%, weight is reduced by 10% and range is reduced by 50%. Cost: 15% of
weapons original value
Revolvers can have their barrel length reduced by 60%, weight is reduced by 10% and range is reduced by 60%. Cost: 10% of
weapons original value

Accurised Assault Rifles

For some military’s it isn't viable to have a section or squad outfitted with a dedicated sniper rifle as it reduces the overall
firepower of the unit. A simpler and more cost effective solution is to use the standard assault rifle, (which uses the same
ammunition and magazines as the rest of the unit) and re-tool the weapon. The weapon’s ROF is lower with a 1 and 3 round
burst selector on the firing mechanism with a heavier and more accurate barrel.
They are not ‘true’ sniper rifles in the sense that they have an extreme range but can use normal sniper and assault rifle
attachments making them something of a hybrid. They are also popular with urban snipers who dont need the weapon to have
long ranges and heavy rounds and the added ROF can be a lifesaver if they are detected. More normally though a sniper team
will have a dedicated sniper rifle marksman and a spotter who is there to defend from infantry rushes and designate targets for
them. For this purpose the accurised rifle is perfect as a spotter’s weapon and still allows an infantry unit to defend themselves
with counter-sniper weapon.

Assault Rifles only-

50% longer barrel and new firing mechanism, adds 25% to weapons original weight
Increases weapons range by 5x normal, ROF becomes 1/3
Cost: 40% of original weapon price.
Bayonet mount
The standard Thresher field bayonet is no longer produced in large quantities, as the army doesn't fit them as standard on their
assault or battle rifles. It has been superceded by the J-BAR combat knife which isn't fitted to rifles either but some examples
still make their way into limited production runs for commanders wishing to outfit their troops. The T-BAR is a 230mm long,
triangular edged blade with a switch mechanism allowing it to be folded inside its housing when not in use. It is a vibro-type
weapon, which has excellent penetration qualities, but lacks in overall damage capabilities. Comes with 4000hr battery
Skill- Polearm
Cost: $200 fitted to Assault Rifle or Battle Rifle
Damage 2 Penetration 6 Armour Damage 1

A combination Waveform phase counter emitter and flash suppressor that comes in a variety of sizes to fit
Thresher firearms. Whilst it is a more complicated device than the primitive ‘baffle’ type silencer used by
other rival companies, the main advantage is that it has a far stronger tolerance for fully automatic fire and
ultra high velocity ammunition. With the added advantage that there is nothing to wear out or be burnt out
and is relatively compact. The waveform pulse will counter the initial muzzle blast of propellant but if the
bullet passes through the sound barrier there will be a sonic boom, (heavy weapons like cannon and
magnum rounds always break the sound barrier) unless subsonic rounds are used (-1DAM and –1PEN)
Flash suppression is 99% effective and the Waveform pulse is 99.7% effective at eliminating muzzle blast.
The WEFS is a permanent fixture to the weapon barrel and has an internal powersupply for 10,000 shots.

Weapon type Cost Weight

Pistol $10 200gm
Submachinegun $15 500gm
Rifle $20 700gm
Sniper Rifle $25 700gm
Cannon $40 2kg

Non-standard ammunition
Smile you son-of-a bitch!
For purposes of sanity it is recommended that GM’s only allow their PC’s to modify a weapon’s calibre to
existing ammunition types. Theoretically they could load and make their own ammo types with the
handloading kits but I will leave it up to GM’s to decide and give it stats.
The only exception is shotgun ammo, which I will detail here so they can use 12, 11, 9 and 8 gauge shells.
While Im here, someone suggested DU slugs for shotguns, (ebon season!) it’s a bad idea mostly because of
the mass of the projectile, which would probably cause the barrel pressure to rise to dangerous levels and
explode. However, its up to GM’s to pass this on or let them find out the hard way. Theres lots of other
things you can stick in shotgun shells but that will have to wait another day.

Type Dam Pen AD Cost per 10 Short Range

12G shot 7 3 5 $4 10m
12G slug 8 9 3 $5 15m
11G shot 8 4 6 $5 10m
11G slug 9 8 4 $6 15m
10G shot 9 4 7 $5 10m
10G slug 10 7 4 $6 15m
9G shot 10 4 7 $6 12m
9G slug 11 6 5 $7 18m
8G shot 11 4 8 $7 14m
8G slug 12 5 6 $8 20m
A magnum round is simply a conventional type of round that has a larger charge of propellant behind it to
make the projectile go faster out the barrel. Usually this is done by getting a bigger shell casing with more
propellant that is donated from a larger calibre weapon, the casing is ‘necked’ down to accept the standard
projectile. These have to be produced in significant quantities to be of any use, unfortunately this may
mean that it has to be handmade which makes it very expensive and rare. A skilled gunsmith can make
them to spec provided that they have the materials and tools. There is also the problem of reinforcing the
weapon to handle the hot round, new barrel, new magazines and new cycling mechanism is required.
Only pistols, bolt action rifles, non-cannon class sniper rifles and shotguns can be made into a magnum.
Anything with fully automatic fire just can’t accept the power and a magnum weapon always has a Rate of
Fire of 1 (one) and cannot accept a silencer because magnum rounds break the sound barrier (several times
usually!). However, for the assassin or killer looking to make a mess of someone and add their signature to
a kill, the magnum is the weapon of choice.

A magnum round will have over a standard calibre round-

+50% Damage +50% Penetration +25% Armour Damage (round down to nearest)
+50% more recoil and +50% more range (round up)

Magnum Conversion
First a weapon will require a new barrel, this is typically a heavier and stronger construction that has to be
re-bored to accept a different calibre. It adds to the weapons total standard weight. They are also 20%
longer than standard weapons to optimize the burn rate of the propellant.
Weapon Cost Weight
Pistol $600 +20%
Rifle $1000 +25%
Shotgun $800 +20%

Next will be the receiver which has to be reinforced and made to chamber a typically longer and thicker
round into the barrel. For a semi automatic rifle this means it will have to be converted to bolt action, semi
auto pistols and shotguns have to get a stronger frame, heavy-duty bolt and recalibrated springs. Revolvers
have to have their frame expanded to accommodate the bigger round and made stronger.
Weapon Cost Weight
Semi-auto pistol $600 +10%
Revolver $400 +5%
Rifle $800 +10%
Shotgun $700 +10%

Magazines will have to be custom made, cylinders for revolvers will have to be re-bored and the
underbarrel magazine of some shotguns enlarged and extended. For magazine fed shotguns use the rifle
price. The magazine capacity of the weapon will be –25% less than a standard weapon, as it has to pack
larger rounds into it.
Weapon Cost
Semi-auto pistol magazine $5 per round
Revolver cylinder $200
Rifle Detachable box magazine $10 per round
Shotgun underbarrel magazine $400

On a ‘double one’ roll the weapon jams and will require a Difficult Weapon maintaince roll to clear, taking
5 phases.

Magnum Ammunition
This is where the cost gets very expensive very quickly, the casing that is to be mated to the projectile has
to be made from scratch on a lathe or modified from an existing casing. Bought from a gunsmith they can
be procured at limited amount per day (and cost plenty), it is worthwhile for the owner to reclaim the lost
casings as they can be reloaded a second time assuming they aren't damaged.

Type Amount per Cost Amount per Reloaded

8hrs work 8hrs work
Pistol 30 rounds 15x normal 60 rounds 5x normal
Rifle 25 rounds 20x normal 50 rounds 10x normal
Shotgun 30 rounds 10x normal 60 rounds 5x normal
Tracer Ammunition
For machineguns, assault rifles and cannon that use full automatic rates of fire (5+ ROF) Thresher still
manufactures tracer ammunition as a low-tech way of gaining some firecontrol to assist the gunner in
seeing where their rounds are going. In a belt, magazine or ammunition bin the standard is to load every 5th
round with a tracer shell and some troops still load the last few rounds in their rifle magazine as a way of
quickly telling if they are about to run dry. The tracer round is a standard type of ammunition that has the
centre core filled with an inflammable chemical like phosphorus that ignites upon firing, leaving a trail of
sparks for several hundred metres. As a secondary effect the tracer rounds do on occasion set things on fire
so the gunner will have to be careful where they are stored and what he’s shooting at wont blow up in their
face. The downside to using tracer is that it is easier for the enemy to pinpoint where fire is coming from.

Using tracer gives a +1 to Autosupport, cumulative with other aiming mechanisms and systems, adding
more than 1 in 5 tracer will not increase this.
Damage, Penetration and Armour damage are the same as a Regular type of round
Cost is twice the normal cost of Regular ammunition

EMP munitions
Of considerable concern to SLA and Darknight forces is the ongoing threat of sabotage from Thresher
units carrying these munitions which have started to make themselves felt distinctly. The non-nuclear
payload in the 55mm grenade launcher and 58mm mortar round is technically non-lethal to humans but
long term effects on armoured troops have caused lowered immune systems, cancers and sterility. The
main concern though is the destruction of electrical systems, communications and power supplies, unlike
the HERF weapon, which can be protected against by installing frequency buffers (until the HERF
operator changes frequency at least!) the Electro magnetic pulse is far harder to stop.
The 100mhz output over 400 nanoseconds from the spark gap field is both long ranging and is capable of
overloading primary, secondary and any other redundant shock protection by burning out sensitive
components quicker than can be compensated. Even powered down systems and power sources are at risk
of an EMP attack, hardened circuitry provides little protection against such an overload and there is a 50%
chance that the system will not reboot successfully and be permanently damaged. The exact manufacturing
specifications for the peizo-electric crystal in these munitions remain a closely guarded secret but it is
believed to be a combination of rare earth elements and Nanotechnology.

55mm Grenade Cost- $80 each Blast radius- 40m Arms after 80m
58mm Mortar Cost- $200 Blast radius- 100m Arms after 200m

Many soldiers in the field dislike using these devices as they are completely indiscriminate and require a
lot of distance between them and the target. More than one has been caught in their own blast radius or
fried their communications because depending on the weather and altitude, the pulse may travel further.

Modifying the TH M450 'Behemoth' APC

You're gonna need a bigger boat.
The M450 is a versatile vehicle capable of accepting a lot of different formats in its design layout, the
standard model is the Command vehicle which is what the starting PC can choose with a 30pt advantage.
While it was never designed for mainline combat the machine frequently finds itself being a target for
enemy assaults and relies on its ability to detect them before they attack. The vehicle has ample amounts of
armour and ability to soak up copious amounts of damage it is nowhere near that of a main battle tank or
has any of the agility of an APC so drivers are warned not to use them in a frontline role. Because it is
basically a support vehicle, a very large one at that, which is as easy to hit as the proverbial barn.
Internal layout is at best cramped for larger species but not completely unusable, there is a central corridor
which runs from the cockpit back to the rear cargo area on two levels.
Inside the cockpit is room for a single driver and a dedicated navigator.
The upper deck contains the tactical communications room, sensor suite and medical bay.
The lower deck houses the engine room, sleeping quarters and a basic maintenance area.
At the rear is the loading/cargo bay, which has a folding hydraulic rear ramp- interior space is 10m long,
7m wide and 4m high and can carry up to 25 tons of cargo.
Additional entry doors are on the sides behind the first 3 wheels toward the rear on both sides and there are
2 top hatches above the comms suite and the cockpit.
NBC overpressure protection is standard with high volume filtration systems and the hull can be
completely sealed to survive hard vacuum with 3000 man-hours of recycled air.
Sensors consist of an Active Sensor array with 5 times the range of the powerarmour system and long
range 300x optical, IR, UV periscope, which can extend up to 4m above the hull. Additional sensor
systems cost 4 times the price of the powerarmour version and have 5 times the range. Communications
consist of an ALEPH band long-range radio with 5 light year antenna and a massive computer databank
dedicated to encryption, decryption and information storage.

Weaponry, the M450 doesn't come with any turrets as standard. Thresher use enclosed systems both for
better protection and to retain the hull integrity against NBC attacks. It can mount one revolving turret
(which uses the top hatch above the comms suite) and a point turret on the front facing forward and one
point turret on each side.
The revolving type turret-

Cost Weight Recoil* PV ID Remote Ops** Arc

$3000 2 tons 80points 30 800 +$300 each 360 degrees
The point type turret-
Cost Weight Recoil* PV ID Remote Ops** Arc
$400 200kg 35points 30 As hull +$300 each 180 degrees
*Amount of weapon recoil the turret can absorb
**Turrets can be rigged for remote operation but this requires additional servo mechanisms and running the connectors down to
a central fire-control station (usually the cockpit)
Towing Capabilities
The M450 command variant comes with an electromagnetic couple at the rear of the vehicle rated to tow
200 tons, whilst the machine is not geared for speed it does have some impressive low down torque with
2000nm being delivered independently to each wheel. The M450 cargo variant is even more powerful and
can tow twice the amount that a Command M450 can and are more often found as a land-train around
starports and in the rear of military action bringing artillery, MBT’s, MRL’s and smaller APC’s toward the
front lines.

Type Weight Cargo Cost PV ID Number In tow

AEITS M310 9000kg See THV.3 $45000 25 3500 3 (-15km/h each)
Enclosed Cargo trailer # 35000kg 80000kg $20000 15 2000 1(-40km/h)
Powered Cargo trailer ## 40000kg 55000kg $30000 20 3000 3 (-10km/h each)
Flat top trailer + 15000kg 100000kg $15000 15 2000 2 (-25km/h each)
Powered Flat top trailer ++ 20000kg 90000kg $25000 15 2500 4 (-10km/h each)
# 20m long x 10m wide x 5m high
## 18m long x 9m wide x 5m high and draws power off the M450 to turn its 8 wheels
+ 20m long x 10m wide open flat top trailer
++ 20m long x 10m wide open flat top trailer and draws power off the M450 to turn its 8 wheels

Vehicle Maintaince Costs

One of the easy parts to working for SLA was the fact that the company looked after the vehicles to some
extent, now that a character is ‘owning’ their first car so to speak there is a downside to this. Sure, it’s your
vehicle, not Mr Slayers, but someone has to change the oil, bash out any dents from it, they still run on fuel
and use up spare parts when some wear out.
PC’s may look at this as being a way of depriving them of a lot of money really quickly, but would they
really want a vehicle in less than premium condition when their lives rely on it? GM’s may also find this to
be a convenient way of getting the pilot to spend their money on other things, rather than finding ways of
strapping more damn guns on their machine J
This can be done over time however, with routine maintaince and servicing.

The chassis is the framework running through a vehicle that gives it structural integrity, some vehicles are
so solidly constructed that their chassis is never under enough stress that it ever fails. Others are highly
tuned performance machines that are tested to their limit everytime they fire up. (Includes things like
suspension, rotor blades and landing gear)
Chassis Overhaul cost Total operation time Downtime
Motorbike/trike $200 100,000 hours 6 man hours
Powerarmour $200 - $800 15,000 hours 24 man hours
Powersuit $500 - $1000 10,000 hours 30 man hours
APC-IFV $12000 250,000 hours 40 man hours
Heavy APC –Truck $20000 300,000 hours 70 man hours
Car – Jeep $1000 150,000 hours 12 man hours
Light fixed wing plane $1500 20,000 hours 60 man hours
Helicopter $3000 15,000 hours 48 man hours
Small Ion Drive shuttle $15000 50,000 hours 90 man hours
Small Ion ship $50,000 500,000 hours 120 man hours
Power Plant and engines
Vehicles in Thresher mostly use a fusion generator and either an electric, turbine or Ion engine to propel
them. Others like a Thresher jump pack use a plasma ramjet, batteries are a standard feature on most
vehicles and only need to be recharged rather than replaced.

Fusion Reactor Overhaul cost Total operation time Downtime

Micro- Powersuit $200 2000 hours 6 man hours
Ground vehicle $300 100,000 hours 12 man hours
Airborne $800 20,000 hours 10 man hours
Small Space craft $3000 500,000 hours 70 man hours
Engine type Overhaul cost Total operation time Downtime
Small electric- bike $100 50,000 hours 6 man hours
Ground vehicle – $300 100,000 hours 12 man hours
Plasma Ramjet- Jump $300 1500 uses 3 man hours
Plasma Ramjet- Flight $1000 1000 hours 12 man hours
Airborne- Turbine $2000 40,000 hours 20 man hours
Small Ion drive $2000 500,000 hours 40 man hours

Tyre and Track Wear

One of the advantages over tracked vehicles with using a wheeled vehicle is that the running costs are
generally cheaper over a long period of time. Track locomotion, often called caterpillar tracks can support
a greater amount of weight and has better cross country capabilities than a wheeled machine, they do
however require a greater amount of maintaince due to the stresses placed upon them. Small tracked
vehicles like the Thresher IFV V-Vorth use a very dense, flexible ceramic-metal compound called SHEL-D
which is also finding its way into the vehicle armours in limited amounts. Extra track sections are usually
draped over the front an along the sides of the vehicle, both as a convenient way of carrying it and to add
an extra amount of protection to the inhabitants. For wheeled vehicles most combat types carry them either
on the sides, front, rear or in an underbelly section of the vehicle. Most are made of a solid rubber-like
compound that contains a honeycomb lattice of similar material inside that allows it to be ‘holed’ and still
function completely normally, unlike a pneumatic tyre, and keep going until it is utterly destroyed.

Type Cost (each) Operation time/km Replacement time Weight

Bike/Trike $150 20,000hrs/km 30min 15kg
Car/Jeep $200 70,000hrs/km 45min 30kg
Truck/APC $900 100,000hrs/km 60min 500kg
Tank Track $2000 20,000hrs/km 90min 2400kg
Fuel costs
For those running a battery-powered vehicle, life is cheap as the vehicle can be recharged for next to
nothing at anything with a fusion reactor or mains power. Fusion reactors on the other hand use De-ionised
water, which is relatively cheap and available from most large homeworlds that maintain the technology to
manufacture it. Normally it doesn't cost much but the refineries are often popular targets for sabotage,
which can result in a price hike if sources dwindle. The actual process of removing ions from water is
relatively simple and could be done in small amounts by an engineer with the right equipment and
materials, I wont go into it here but you can find it on the internet if you're really interested.
Larger reactors once filled are generally quite economical as they have more efficient systems, smaller and
‘micro’ units tend to cut corners to make them more compact and go through de-ionised water much faster.
For sheer kilowatts to weight ratio, nothing beats the fusion reactor.
De ionised water costs $100 for 100ml

Reactor Size Full Capacity Uses

Micro (Powersuits) 100ml 100ml – 720 hours
Small (Car-Jeep) 500ml 50ml –1440 hours
Large (APC-Chopper) 10,000ml 50ml –1440 hours
Ion shuttle 15,000ml 300ml – 2160 hours
Small Ion ship 100,000ml 200ml – 2160 hours

Suggested Vehicle Repair costs

So, you've managed to drive your vehicle into a situation where either it was crashed into something very
hard or shot up by SLA. It happens, hopefully you either stole it or didn't borrow it off anyone you know
and dont have your signature on a lease from the military. Being accountable for a machine is a wonderful
part of any young person’s life, and like a lot of things in life a learning experience is often painful and
expensive. Doing your own repairs is one way to reduce costs, but it is no guarantee it gets done properly.

Vehicle Amount of ID Cost – Labour Cost – Materials Downtime

Powersuit 10 $15 $5 30mins
Bike/Trike 5 $10 $5 20mins
Car/Jeep 10 $15 $10 30mins
APC/Truck 20 $10 $10 20mins
Flying vehicle 10 $10 $15 20mins
Shuttle 20 $15 $15 30mins
Ion ship 50 $30 - $50 if EVA $20 60min
Remote scouting devices
One of the most important things that a small, outnumbered force has to learn quickly is where to pick its
battles and where to apply what force it has for greater effect. Sometimes having troops on the ground and
a pair of eyes on the ground isn't always available, a good commander will always know that they cant rely
on their technology too much to do the job a trained person would do. Much was learned from the failure
of such devices like the dreaded SLA Manchine and the clumsy Tektrex drones which tended to cause
more problems than they ever solved for their ‘owners’. As such, artificial intelligence is still a dirty word
for many people and even with the comparative higher levels of technology that Thresher possesses they
dont make much use of it as an independent entity. Rather, the devices and machines are used to augment
the ability of a controller, make it easier to use with little training and cheaper to produce as it had no
higher level decision making functions.

Control Loom
To save time and money on building a dedicated remote control unit Thresher development teams made a
wiring loom and software that would mate the standard Scour compact PC with a long range ALEPH band
radio. Seeing as most Thresher employees native to the company had a good education with computers and
many of them undoubtedly spent their time in amusement parlors and playing computer games at home the
acclimatisation is easy for most. With the Scour PC or one of its more powerful cousins there is also the
capability to have a ready amount of memory to store recorded information from a drone in the field and
then distribute it as needed. Software to connect the radio to the computer is provided along with the loom,
separate software is bought individually and includes the basic controls along with some practice
simulations so that the operator can get used to the device before going into the field with a live unit.
Operators can only control one device at a time, any extra devices have to be left to loiter. Range of the
units is typically limited to their own onboard transceivers and there have been occasions that the signal
has been jammed. The only way to overcome jamming is to have a bigger radio than the enemy does.

Skill to use is Computer Use but Computer Games is also a relevant skill to control the device with
initiative based on Diagnose rather than Dexterity.

Having the device engage in combat (assuming it can) is Autosupport for vehicle mounted weapons.

Cost of the Wiring loom is $80

Software for the PC-Radio is $100 and will work on all standard Thresher computers and radios.
Crawling about on its 6 tiny, spindly ceramic legs the ‘RBD4’ as is more commonly known, has a history
dating back to a toy made by an engineer 300 years ago to entertain his children. Even in its current high
tech form the little mobile bug has a certain charm that would appeal to young boys, but its function is far
more serious.
Most of the tiny 30gram chassis is a compact powersupply, listening device, two micro camera’s capable
of seeing in low light conditions and a transceiver to relay information back to its owner. They are capable
of climbing any surface, which will afford its limbs a surface to grip and electromagnets on its lower
appendages allow it to climb a bare metal surface. They aren't smart, they couldn't hurt anyone physically
and a 3year old kid could kill it. But the little RBD4 is deathly quiet, hard to see and can get into places
that make it hard to find.
Roving Range- 4000m ID: 2 PV: 0
Weight: 32 grams
Size: 40mm tall- can lower itself to climb through a 15mm gap
60mm legspan
Speed: 1m per phase
Powersupply: 1000hours
Unit Cost: $200
Software cost: $20

TH 3499/001 Mk.1 ‘Makkie’

The durable if slightly unlovely and retarded ‘Makkie’ is a larger, 4 legged version of the ‘RBD4’ that has
its place as a long range recording unit. Coming standard with a 100x monocular IR/UV camera, 8000m-
laser rangefinder and long-range boom microphone it is the drone of choice for surveillance in an outdoor
environment. They aren't very smart and frequently get confused when confronted with a difficult obstacle
and send a request back to their operator of how to proceed. For this reason operators get frustrated when
moving them about as the drones bleeping for help every 10 seconds drives them nuts, once in a suitable
position they are just usually left in a single position and hide amongst whatever cover is available.
While the unit is ungainly in appearance they are actually quite nimble and fast. To keep weight down,
make them harder to find the chassis is an all ceramic composition that is both water, electrical and shock
proof as well as being resistant to a wide variety of temperature and chemical extremes. As tough as they
are the Mk.1 isn't a combat unit designed to withstand any type of gunfire.
Roving Range- 10,000m ID: 20 PV: 0
Weight: 3kg
Size: 300mm tall
600mm legspan
Speed: 6m per phase
Powersupply: 3000hours
Unit Cost: $400
Software cost: $20

TH 4600/02 FTLR
The ‘Flitter’ is a small reconnaissance drone that has an advanced suite of 360degree IR/UV and
movement sensors, which are coupled to some very advanced avionics software. At ranges of less than 5
metres its tiny twin rotors are barely audible as it speeds around its dedicated patrol routes or is piloted
directly by an operator. While they aren't able to carry any weaponry they can carry other small bugs in
their landing claw or even a TH1034/RBD-AIRD drone and deposit them where they can listen in on
enemy conversations. Alternatively they can be powered down and parked somewhere overlooking an
enemy encampment to watch the comings and goings, about the biggest drawback to the ‘Flitter’ is its lack
of loiter time in the field which limits how far it can go and return back to the operator. Apart from that
they do make a good active defense around an encampment and are cheap enough to have a few of them
doing it.
Roving Range- 5,000m Ceiling: 250m
ID: 5 PV: 0
Weight: 0.4kg
Size: 80mm tall body
220mm rotor width
Speed: 12m per phase
Powersupply: 12 hours
Unit Cost: $300
Software cost: $60
Onboard Skills- Detect: 8, Fly: 6 Navigation: 5
Initiative- 11 DEX
TH 9906/HARD ‘Harbinger’
Thresher first deployed the HARD in some numbers in 687SD on the war world of Charlie’s Point to find
enemy forces hiding under the thick canopy of trees that cover the planet. It got its nickname ‘Harbinger’
by the enemy and was widely feared by SLA and DN soldiers, not because it carried any weapons but
because of its unerring ability to find them and shooting at it only brought in highly accurate artillery
Onboard the single turbine glider is the now legendary TH/PES system, a high power thermographic
camera and a Doppler radar, which makes it invaluable as a reconnaissance craft. Its extended airborne
loiter period, high altitude capability and stealth coating lets the drone stay aloft for months if need be and
they are very hard to find. Other uses for the drone include mapping of unexplored worlds and the location
of downed aircrews.
Roving Range- 15,000km Ceiling: 6250m
ID: 200 PV: 10
Weight: 230kg
Size: 2.2m long, 3.6m wingspan (collapsible for storage- 1.8m x 0.3m x 0.3m)
Speed: 480km/h
Powersupply: 10,000 hours
Unit Cost: $4900
Software cost: $90
Onboard Skills- Detect: 12, Fly: 10 Navigation: 8
Initiative- 10 DEX
NB: Requires 50m of flat ground to take off and land

TH 00120/HKD Mk.12 ‘Carcharodon’

There are no major organs remaining

There is no mistaking the Mk.12 as anything but an airborne killing machine which, has on more than one
occasion not been particularly fussy about ‘exactly whom’ it killed if left to its own devices. Earlier models
in particular had a tendency to just keep going about their business if they got out of range or the signal
back to the operator was broken, most where recalled or shot down but some still turn up and are banned
on Thresher homeworlds. The Mk.12 is a slightly ‘dumber’ model than its predecessors, the addition of a
micro fusion reactor meant that at least its killing sprees would discontinue after 30 days and its overall
power to weight ratio was better than the recycling-battery systems of earlier models.
Propulsion is provided by three 2800kw turbines, which enable it to take off and land vertically as well as
perform extreme high G maneuvers that would kill a human pilot. At idle the machine is whisper quiet
with the waveform phase counter emitters making it virtually silent at all but full throttle and it has ECM
coating to prevent detection from radar and heat sensors. Its own onboard sensors include a TH/PES
system, Active Sensor array, a high power thermographic camera and a Doppler radar making it virtually
impossible to hide from.
Offensive capabilities include a ventral turreted 55mm grenade launcher with 100round internal magazine
and a variable loadout, nose mounted ball turret which can take either two 11mm machineguns (with
2500round internal magazine) or a VAPH III cannon (1300round internal magazine).
Operators either love or hate the machine for its “Weapons free” ability to murder entire platoons of enemy
forces, most everyone else just hates and fears them.

Roving Range- 10,000km Ceiling: 4250m

ID: 900 PV: 18
Weight: 1800kg loaded
Size: 4.8m long, 3.4m wide
Speed: 1200km/h
Powersupply: Micro fusion reactor – 720hours
Unit Cost: $19900 (doesn't include weapons)
Software cost: $190
Onboard Skills-
Detect: 12, Fly: 12 Navigation: 8, Autosupport 12, Tactics 8, Hide 10, Sneak 10
Initiative- 17 DEX

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