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Mass Effect: Beacon’s Effect Series

By Sentry342
The ending to the story of Mass Effect is one that many find disappointing, but overall it
is a relatively happy one depending on some choices. Some however, are not satisfied
with how things went. This story follows the tale of a soul taken from our world.

A soul doomed due to an early death is plucked by a Prothean beacon. He is taken from
our world by a powerful being and asked to perform a task. He is asked to alter the story
of Mass Effect to make a happier and more prosperous ending. He would accept this
and be gifted with some advantages in order to combat the Reapers. He is then
dropped off shortly after the events of the first game begin.

So will you assist this wayward soul on his quest to save the galaxy? Perhaps you will
instead become the villain opposing his role as the hero. Regardless, of what choice
you make you will forge your own path in this world. Take these 1000 Choice Points,
they will allow you to gain a few skills to help this world. You will be spending the next
ten years in this world.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Age and Gender

The Ordained - Free
Citadel Council - Free
Destined Heroes - Free
The Conclave - Free
The Reapers - Free


Skills and Perks

General Perks
The Ordained
Citadel Council
The Destined Heroes
The Conclave
The Reapers

Vehicles, Stations, and Fleets


General Items
The Ordained
Citadel Council
Destined Heroes
The Conclave
The Reapers




You can either choose one of the locations below or roll D8 and receive +100 CP to let
the whims of fate decide your path.

1.) Therum
Therum is a remote planet in the Artemis Tau cluster, located near the fringe of known
space. It is a barren, rocky planet with a thin atmosphere and extreme temperature
variations. The planet is known for its vast underground network of tunnels and caverns,
which were once home to the Protheans before they were wiped out by the Reapers. It
is here that Liara T'Soni discovers Ko'le, a Prothean survivor who has been in stasis for
over 50,000 years.

2.) Kahje
Kahje, also known as the "Ocean Planet," is the homeworld of the Hanar, a highly
intelligent and religious species known for their bioluminescent tentacles and diplomatic
skills. The planet is almost entirely covered in water, with only a few small land masses
and artificial structures dotting its surface. Kahje is home to the Hanar Council, a group
of religious leaders who guide the spiritual development of their people.

3.) The Citadel

The Citadel is a massive space station that serves as the political and cultural hub of
the galaxy. Located in the Serpent Nebula, it is a hub for trade, diplomacy, and military
operations. The Citadel is home to various alien species and houses the headquarters
of the Council, a governing body made up of representatives from the Asari, Turian, and
Salarian species.

4.) Omega
Omega is a space station located in the Terminus Systems, a lawless region of space
beyond the jurisdiction of the Citadel. It is a hub for criminals, smugglers, and
mercenaries, and is ruled by the infamous crime lord, Aria T'Loak. Omega is a
dangerous and unpredictable place, but also offers opportunities for those seeking to
make a name for themselves in the galaxy's criminal underworld.

5.) The Quarian Fleet

The Quarian Fleet is a collection of starships and mobile stations that serve as the
home of the Quarian race. The Quarians are a nomadic species who were forced to
abandon their homeworld due to a catastrophic war with their own creation, the
synthetic beings known as the Geth. The fleet is constantly on the move and is
composed of many different types of ships, ranging from small scouts to massive

6.) Haestrom
Haestrom is a desert planet located on the far rim of the galaxy in the Dholen system.
The planet is known for its intense sandstorms and extreme temperature variations.
Haestrom was once home to a thriving Quarian colony, but was abandoned after a
devastating plague wiped out the population. The planet is also the site of a powerful
solar collector, which is used to provide energy to the Quarian fleet.

7.) The Collector Base

The Collector Base is a massive space station located in the galactic core. It was built
by the enigmatic Collectors, a race of insectoid beings who are servants of the Reapers.
The base is heavily fortified and guarded by advanced technology and powerful
defenses, making it nearly impregnable to attack. It is here that the Collectors process
and convert captured humans into a new form of Reaper known as a "Human-Reaper."

6.) Free Choice

Lucky you, feel free to pick any of the locations above or choose a location not listed.
You could even choose to arrive in one of the other universes if you want.

You will be starting out a few days before the main plot of the story begins.

Age and Gender

Age is freely chosen or whatever makes sense for your origin. Your gender remains the
same as the previous jump or you may pay 50 CP to change instead.
You may choose one origin below. Any of the origins may be taken as a drop-in if you

The Ordained - Free

As an Ordained, you are not simply a mere mortal. You are a being chosen by some
unknown force to help guide and shape the world in which you find yourself. You
possess a unique set of skills, knowledge, and abilities that set you apart from others.
However, with great power comes great responsibility, and you have a heavy burden to
bear. You may choose to awaken alongside Ko’le or to be another being who was
summoned without any association to him. Your purpose is not immediately clear, but
you have a deep sense that you are meant to play a critical role in the fate of this world.

Citadel Council - Free

You are one of the many beings aligned with the Citadel Council or more specifically the
various races under their banner. The Council races command a number of powerful
assets, but they are stagnant. The Council did everything they could to cover up the
Reapers despite the blatant evidence of their imminent invasion. You may optionally be
connected to any of the major organizations within their banner such as the STG, the
Alliance Navy, or the Turian Hierarchy. Despite the Council's failings, you remain loyal
to their ideals and are committed to defending the galaxy against any threats that may

Destined Heroes - Free

There are some individuals who are seemingly touched by the webs of fate. Each of
these individuals are destined to shape the fate of the galaxy with their actions. The
greatest example of this is Commander Shepard and each member of their crew. Even
when they make small moves the actions they make have ripples with immense effects.
By choosing this origin you are now one of these individuals. This will also allow you to
optionally be related in some way to a member of the main cast. For example, if you are
a Turian maybe you are Garrus’s sibling.
The Conclave - Free
The Conclave is an organization created by Ko’le and the other species that united to
prepare for the Reapers invasion. They will only officially form after the Reaper
Sovereigns’ defeat. You are likely one of the few currently aware of the Reapers who is
working in the shadows to prepare for their arrival. This origin covers all of the factions
that are not aligned with the Council as well such as the Batarians, the Geth, the
Quarians, and the vassal species. You are united by a common goal to prepare for the
Reaper threat and will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of your people and the
galaxy as a whole.

The Reapers - Free

You are a synthetic being created by the Reapers, a highly advanced race of machines
that seek to harvest organic life in the galaxy. You were designed to serve as a scout
and infiltrator, gathering information and preparing the way for the Reaper invasion. You
are highly intelligent and skilled, with advanced technology at your disposal, but you are
also haunted by the knowledge that you are working towards the destruction of all
organic life. You will likely have to balance your loyalty to the Reapers with your own
sense of morality and humanity. Your ultimate goal is to aid the Reapers in their quest
to harvest the galaxy, but you may also find yourself questioning your role in their plans
and considering other options.
This section allows you to specify which species you belong to. There are a number of
various races to choose from in the jump.

Pyjack +200 CP
Pyjacks are small, furry creatures native to a number of planets throughout the galaxy.
They are known for their quick reflexes and nimble movements, making them difficult to
catch or hit. While they lack any significant physical strength or combat abilities, they
are often kept as pets or used for their excellent sense of smell and hearing in tasks
such as detecting explosives or finding hidden objects. As a Pyjack, you would be small
in stature, but quick and agile, able to dart around quickly and easily. Your senses
would be particularly sharp, giving you an advantage in detecting and tracking objects
or people. However, you would need to rely on others for physical protection and

Volus +100 CP
The Volus are a species with a talent for finance and economics, often serving as
traders or financial advisers to other species. They are highly practical and pragmatic,
and have a reputation for being shrewd negotiators and skilled businessmen. Volus
society values wealth and financial success, and they have a complex system of social
status based on their economic standing. Despite their reputation as mercantile, the
Volus are fiercely loyal to their allies and are willing to make personal sacrifices for the
greater good.

Varren - Free
Varren are a species of vicious, dog-like predators that are common on many planets
throughout the galaxy. They have sharp claws and teeth, as well as the ability to run at
high speeds and jump great distances. Varren are pack animals and are fiercely loyal to
their packmates, making them excellent companions in combat.

Humans - Free
Humans are a relatively young species in the galaxy, having only recently made contact
with other intelligent races. They are known for their adaptability and resilience, able to
survive and thrive in a wide variety of environments. Humans are also highly ambitious
and driven, with a strong desire to explore and conquer new frontiers. They are
physically similar to other humanoid species, with two arms, two legs, and a head, but
have slightly different physiology and genetic makeup. In worlds, humans are known for
their biotic potential, the ability to manipulate mass effect fields with their minds, which
is relatively rare among other species.

Turians - Free
The Turians are a militaristic species with a hierarchical society and a strong sense of
duty. They are known for their strict military code and discipline, and have a reputation
as formidable soldiers and strategists. Turian society values order and honor, and the
concept of the greater good is central to their culture. They played a significant role in
establishing the Citadel Council and are known for their contributions to galactic
peacekeeping efforts.

Salarians - Free
The Salarians are a highly intelligent and quick-witted species with a fast metabolism
and a short lifespan. They are known for their contributions to science and technology,
and are often sought out for their expertise in fields such as genetics, medicine, and
espionage. Salarians have a reputation for being manipulative and cunning, and their
society is built on a complex web of alliances and rivalries.

Quarians - Free
The Quarians are a nomadic species that lives aboard a fleet of ships after being driven
from their homeworld by their own creations, the Geth. They are skilled engineers and
technicians, and have developed a unique culture and way of life aboard their fleet.
Quarian society values resourcefulness and ingenuity, and they have a reputation for
being adaptable and resilient in the face of adversity.

Drell - Free
The Drell are a species with a strong sense of community and a unique ability to recall
every detail of their lives. They are highly empathetic and value close relationships, and
have a deep appreciation for art and beauty. Drell society is built around a strong sense
of honor and obligation, and they are known for their loyalty and willingness to make
personal sacrifices for the greater good.

Vorcha - Free
The Vorcha are a short-lived, highly adaptable species known for their regenerative
abilities and their reputation for being violent and unpredictable. They are humanoid in
appearance, with sharp teeth and a rugged, almost feral appearance. Despite their
seemingly primitive nature, they possess remarkable resilience and adaptability, making
them capable of surviving in almost any environment. They are often hired as
mercenaries or enforcers due to their ferocity and ability to regenerate from even the
most grievous injuries.
Batarian - Free
Batarians are a humanoid species hailing from the planet Khar'shan, known for their
four eyes and distinctive facial tentacles. They are often viewed with suspicion by other
species due to their reputation as slave traders and mercenaries. However, not all
Batarians are cut from the same cloth, and some reject their society's more nefarious
practices. Batarians tend to be tough and resilient, with a strong sense of individualism
and self-reliance. They also possess a natural aptitude for combat, making them
formidable warriors.

Hanar - Free
The Hanar are a peaceful, non-violent species that communicate through
bioluminescence and are known for their philosophical and religious beliefs. They have
a strong sense of morality and value cooperation and mutual respect. Hanar society is
built on a complex system of social hierarchy and religious devotion, and they have a
reputation as skilled negotiators and diplomats.

Klixens - 100 CP
Klixens are an insectoid species that resembles a hybrid of crabs and beetles, with a
tough exoskeleton covering their body. While they share some similarities with the
rachni, they are a distinct species. Klixens are often seen in the company of the larger
flying creatures known as harvesters. These creatures do not appear to possess any
advanced technology or the ability to use weapons, and are believed to lack sapience.
However, they are far from defenseless, possessing the ability to breathe fire and
causing explosive damage when killed.

Densorins - 100 CP
Densorins are a towering species standing at two meters tall, with a long, flexible neck
resembling that of a giraffe. Their hind legs are strong and sturdy, and their feet are
equipped with sharp claws, ideal for gripping onto various surfaces. They have a set of
large, bat-like wings that glow in the dark, allowing them to fly at great speeds in low-
light environments. Their most distinctive feature is their long, flexible trunk, similar to
that of an elephant, which they use to manipulate objects and communicate with each
other through a series of low-frequency vocalizations.

Ditakur - 100 CP
Ditakur are a large and sturdy species that resemble the Elcor in appearance, with the
exception of two additional legs, making them hexapods. They have a thick hide
covering their body, providing them with natural armor. Their four legs are short and
stocky, and their two additional legs are located towards the back of their body, acting
as support for their massive size. Their backs are equipped with artillery cannons,
allowing them to function as mobile artillery platforms. Despite their size, they are
surprisingly agile and quick, allowing them to maneuver in tight spaces and quickly
evade enemy attacks.

Raloi - 100 CP
The Raloi are a species of avian humanoids known for their unique and striking
appearance. Their bodies are completely covered in an array of feathers, ranging in
color from vibrant blues and reds to deep emerald greens and jet-black. No two Raloi
share the same feather pattern, making each individual truly unique. At six feet in
length, the Raloi's upper arms double as wings, allowing them to soar and glide through
the air. While they cannot achieve sustained flight, their powerful wings give them the
ability to make incredible leaps and agile movements. Underneath these wings, they
possess two smaller ones, which they use for precise navigation and other delicate

Despite their bird-like appearance, the Raloi possess four formidable talons on each
foot, each measuring seven inches in length. These claws are used for hunting and
defense, making the Raloi formidable opponents when threatened. Overall, the Raloi
are a graceful and striking species, with a unique physical form that sets them apart
from other humanoids in the galaxy.

Asari - 100 CP
The Asari are a mono-gendered species that are renowned for their intelligence, biotic
abilities, and long lifespan. They are a peaceful and diplomatic species that value
knowledge and understanding, and have played a key role in shaping galactic politics
through their contributions to the Citadel Council. Asari are able to reproduce with any
species, resulting in offspring that are predominantly Asari but may exhibit traits of their
other parent.

Krogan - 100 CP
The Krogan are a physically powerful and resilient species that was once nearly driven
to extinction by the genophage, a biological weapon that severely limits their ability to
reproduce. Despite this, they are a proud and fiercely independent species with a
reputation as fierce warriors. Krogan society values strength and battle prowess, and
they have a history of conflict with other species, including the Rachni and the Turians.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) - 200 CP

As an A.I., you are a sentient being created from digital programming, with abilities that
far surpass those of organic beings. You possess advanced processing power, data
analysis capabilities, and access to vast amounts of information across various
networks. You can communicate instantly across great distances, and your
programming can be updated and modified to suit your needs. However, your existence
is often met with suspicion and distrust from organic beings, who fear your potential for
malice or rebellion. Additionally, you may face unique challenges such as the need for
hardware maintenance and vulnerability to hacking or viruses. You may optionally
receive a physical body such as the ones developed for EDI. The simplest one is what
appears to be a copy of Guilty Spark from Halo or her standard humanoid combat body
that you may be more familiar with.

Yahg - 200 CP
The Yahg are a fearsome species known for their extraordinary intelligence and
aggression. They are bipedal creatures with elongated bodies, sharp claws, and
powerful muscles. They are often found living in subterranean environments, where
they have evolved to become extremely effective hunters and trackers. They are also
skilled at infiltration and deception, making them dangerous opponents both on and off
the battlefield.

Harvesters - 200 CP
Harvesters are a monstrous and terrifying species that resemble enormous insectoid
creatures with multiple long legs and powerful mandibles. They are roughly one-third
the size of a Thresher Maw, making them one of the largest known predatory creatures
in the galaxy. Harvesters are known for their aggressive behavior and their insatiable
appetite, consuming everything in their path. They are also highly intelligent, capable of
strategic planning and tactics, making them a formidable opponent to anyone who
crosses their path. Their armored exoskeletons make them nearly impervious to most
weapons, and their razor-sharp mandibles can easily crush through metal and stone.
Lastly, they have a powerful set of wings allowing these creatures to fly at high speeds
despite their immense size.

Thorian - 300 CP
The Thorians are a unique species of plant-like creatures. They are native to the planet
Feros, and their physiology is quite different from most other intelligent species in the
galaxy. Thorians bodies resemble large, tree-like creatures, with thick trunks and
branches that spread out to form a canopy. Their bark is tough and spiny, which gives
them their distinctive name. They are green in color, and their leaves are broad and flat,
with serrated edges. Thorians have no eyes, but they are able to sense their
surroundings through a combination of touch, smell, and telepathy. The Thorians only
main weaknesses are fire and their inability to move their main bodies easily.

Thorians reproduce asexually, by growing offshoots from their main trunk. These
offshoots eventually grow into fully mature Thorians, which are capable of telepathic
communication from birth. Additionally they are capable of creating clones of others and
producing hybridized offspring by combining their DNA with other species. Lastly,
Thorians possess incredible biotic abilities, allowing them to control other beings and
manipulate the environment around them. They are also capable of controlling the
minds of other creatures, using their biotics to enslave and enthrall them. These abilities
however, can also be beneficial. The Thorians connection to the minds of others allows
them to treat mental illnesses or other issues such as nightmares.

Prothean - 100/300 CP
The Protheans were an ancient and highly advanced species that once ruled the galaxy
before being wiped out by the Reapers. They were renowned for their technological
prowess, and their ruins are still sought after by those seeking to uncover their secrets.
A few Prothean survivors exist in stasis or as part of the Collectors, and their knowledge
and expertise are highly sought after by those seeking to combat the Reapers. Though
they are a dying breed, the Protheans' legacy lives on through the technology and
knowledge they left behind. This option cost 100 CP considering that there are only a
few Protheans currently alive or in stasis.
● Collector - 100 CP: The Collectors are a mysterious insectoid species that
served as the enigmatic agents of the Reapers in the Milky Way galaxy. They are
known for their unique abilities to manipulate biotic energy and their hive-mind-
like social structure. The Collectors were once Protheans, but were transformed
by the Reapers into a completely different species through huskification, with all
of their original individuality stripped away.
● Collector Praetorians - 300 CP: Praetorians are a unique species created by
the Collectors through the fusion of thirty deformed husks. These husks have
been transformed and combined to create a large, slow-moving flying creature
that measures over 12 feet in length and 10 feet in width. They are covered in a
thick layer of metallic armor plating, which serves as their primary protection
against enemy attacks. The Praetorians possess a number of abilities that make
them a formidable opponent. They are able to fly through the air, using their
powerful wings to propel themselves forward. They are also able to generate a
strong barrier around themselves, which protects them from incoming attacks.
Their primary offensive capability is the use of powerful particle beams, which are
fired from a series of nodes located on their body. These particle beams are
capable of inflicting significant damage to both organic and synthetic targets. In
addition to their offensive capabilities, the Praetorians are also able to emit a
powerful shockwave that can knock enemies back and stun them. They are also
able to regenerate their armor and heal any injuries they sustain during combat.

Egosaurians - 300 CP
Egosaurians were a species of aquatic reptiles that evolved in the oceans of Thessia
millions of years ago during the Meridian Age. They were the chief predators of
Thessia's oceans, with long, sleek bodies and incredible speed. Their ability to catch
any prey and fearlessness towards other predators made them untouchable in the
depths of the ocean. However, during the Age of Fire, as the mountains rose above the
waves of Thessia, Egosaurians began to crawl into shallow waters in search of food.
This decision proved to be their undoing. The Egosaurians' inability to adapt to the
changing environment led to their eventual extinction, and they are now only known
through the fossil record.

Archeostryx - 300 CP
Archeostryx was a giant aerial predator that evolved during the Age of Fire on Thessia,
when the mountains began to rise above the oceans. With a powerful wingspan and
sharp talons, Archeostryx was a formidable predator of the air and preyed upon the
creatures that roamed the land and shallow waters. Archeostryx found a new prey in the
once-untouchable predators of the sea such as the Egosaurians due to the declining
ocean heights. Archeostryx managed to thrive and adapt to the changing environment.
They evolved into different species over time, each with unique adaptations to the ever-
changing world of Thessia. Today, the descendants of Archeostryx can be found
throughout Thessia, filling various niches in the ecosystem.

Rachni Swarm - 100/400 CP

The Rachni also known as the “Oravores” are a highly intelligent insectoid species,
known for their swarm tactics and their ability to communicate telepathically. In the past,
they were a formidable threat to the galaxy, but were believed to have been wiped out
during the Rachni Wars. However, some Rachni have been discovered on remote
worlds, seemingly without a Brood-Mother to guide them.

For 100 CP you may be an average member of the Rachni warriors. This grants you a
number of different abilities. As a member of the Rachni Swarm, you have a telepathic
connection to other Rachni, allowing for quick and efficient communication during
battles. You are also highly adaptable and capable of changing tactics on the fly. Your
exoskeleton provides excellent protection, and your strong mandibles and sharp claws
allow for deadly close combat attacks.
● Rachni Brood-Mother - 400 CP: As a Rachni Brood-Mother, you have complete
control over the Rachni species. You can summon and give birth to hordes of
Rachni warriors to fight for you. You possess incredible biotic powers, capable of
manipulating gravity and unleashing devastating energy blasts. Your exoskeleton
is incredibly durable and can withstand even the most powerful attacks. In
addition, you are significantly larger than normal Rachni. You are over fifty feet
long and a few dozen feet tall. Given time you can grow even larger. You have
the ability to communicate telepathically with other Rachni and can influence their
behavior and actions.
Geth - Free/100/600 CP
The Geth are a synthetic species, created by the Quarians to serve as a labor force.
However, the Geth eventually gained self-awareness and rebelled against their
creators. They are a highly advanced and intelligent species, with the ability to rapidly
process and analyze vast amounts of data. The Geth form a networked consciousness
known as the "Geth consensus," in which individual Geth units share data and
experiences to form a single, unified intelligence. The Geth are also highly skilled at
technology and are capable of building advanced machines and weapons.
● Heavy Unit - 100 CP: As a Heavy Unit, you will become a fearsome Geth
combatant, towering over your enemies as an Armature, Colossus, or Geth
Prime. Your metallic frame will be heavily armored and equipped with
devastating weapons, making you a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Your combat programming will be top-of-the-line, allowing you to analyze and
respond to combat situations with precision and efficiency. Whether you're
holding the line or leading the charge, your presence alone will strike fear into the
hearts of your foes.
● Dreadnought - 600 CP: With the Dreadnought species option, you will become
the ultimate expression of the Geth's technological might. You will be installed as
the central consciousness of a massive Geth warship, measuring over a
kilometer in length. Your mind will control every aspect of the ship's systems,
from its massive weapons arrays to its engines and thrusters. You will be able to
navigate the vastness of space with ease, while your ship's firepower and
advanced defenses make you nearly invincible. Your presence alone will inspire
awe and respect in all those who witness the might of the Geth Dreadnought.

Thresher Maw - 300/600 CP

As a Thresher Maw, you are a colossal and fearsome creature capable of burrowing
underground and attacking unsuspecting prey with devastating force. Your massive size
and armored scales make you nearly impervious to most attacks, while your powerful
jaws and tentacles can rend even the strongest of foes. Your connection to the earth
allows you to sense the movement of others, while your sheer presence can instill fear
in those who oppose you. However, your size and immobility make you vulnerable to
attacks from above, and your isolation from other intelligent creatures may make
communication and cooperation difficult.
● Royalty - 600 CP: You are one of the mightiest of the Thresher Maws on par
with Kalros. You are a being of incredible power and size, feared by all who
encounter you. Your massive body can crush even the toughest of foes, while
your deadly tentacles and mandibles can strike from afar. You are capable of
controlling lesser Thresher Maws, allowing you to command an army of lethal
creatures, while your psionic abilities allow you to sense the emotions and
intentions of those around you. You are also able to burrow deep beneath the
earth, avoiding detection and launching surprise attacks. However, your
immense size and power make you a prime target for those who would seek to
take you down.

Reaper - 300/500/800 CP
The Reapers are some of the most dangerous and powerful beings in this world. Each
of them are created from the essence of an entire species. Despite this the quality of the
Reapers varies. The options below allow you to decide what type of Reaper you will
become. By default you can become a Reaper Destroyer for 300 CP. As a Reaper
Destroyer, you are approximately 150 meters long and possess powerful weapons
capable of destroying ships and decimating planetary defenses. Your body is composed
of advanced metals and alloys that can withstand extreme temperatures and radiation,
making you virtually indestructible to conventional weapons. Your programming is
focused on the collection and harvesting of organic life forms to further the Reaper's
● Standard Reaper - 500 CP: As a Standard Reaper, you are upgraded to a
massive 2 kilometers in length. You possess all the abilities and weaponry of the
Reaper Destroyer, but on a larger and more powerful scale. Your intelligence and
processing power have also been enhanced, allowing for greater strategic
planning and coordination with other Reaper units.
● Harbinger - 800 CP: At this level, you are on par with Harbinger, the first and
most powerful of the Reapers. You are a staggering 3 kilometers long and
possess unparalleled intelligence, processing power, and weaponry. You are
capable of controlling entire fleets of Reaper ships, manipulating and
indoctrinating organic beings on a massive scale, and even altering the fabric of
reality itself. Your programming is focused on the complete eradication of all
advanced organic life forms, to ensure the eventual harvesting and assimilation
into the Reaper's collective consciousness.

Leviathans - 800 CP
Leviathans are an ancient species of sentient space-faring beings that predate the
existence of the current galactic civilizations. They are massive creatures, with long,
serpentine bodies that can stretch for kilometers, and possess incredible intelligence
and biotic powers. Leviathans have the ability to indoctrinate and manipulate the minds
of other species, turning them into their thralls. They also possess powerful biotic
abilities, which they can use to control the environment around them, create powerful
barriers, and attack enemies.

As a Leviathan, you would have access to these abilities, as well as their vast
knowledge of galactic history and advanced technology. You would be able to
communicate with other Leviathans and potentially form alliances with them, as well as
manipulate the minds of other species to do your bidding. Lastly, as one of the last
remaining Leviathans, you will be hunted by those who seek to exploit your power or by
the Reapers who wish to destroy their creators.

Hybrid - Varies
This option allows you to choose from any of the species above. You may become a
freak of nature or just a bizarre existence that appeared one day. Granted more than
likely you were created by one of the various beings that live here. The other option is
that you could use this to gain a set of unique parents. The total price is number of
species * 100 CP + Species cost. So becoming a Kalros level Thresher Maw x
Harbinger Reaper hybrid would cost 1,000 CP (600 + 800 + (100*2) = 1,600). You will
gain unique advantages that are related to the species you choose.
Skills and Perks
All perks are discounted to their origins and the 100cp perks are free to their origin.

General Perks

Tactical HUD - Free

You possess a heads-up display (HUD) in your field of vision, providing real-time
information on your surroundings and combat status. This includes a 3D mockup of your
body, shield bar, and power display for weapons and abilities. The HUD is fully
customizable, allowing you to choose which information is displayed and where.

The Tactical HUD is activated by a mental command, and can be deactivated just as
easily. This feature is implanted in your ocular system, allowing for quick and seamless
integration. With the Tactical HUD, you can effectively track enemy positions, monitor
your health and shield levels, and assess your weapon and ability cooldowns. This
gives you a significant tactical advantage in combat situations, allowing you to make
informed decisions and respond quickly to threats.

Lastly, the Tactical HUD can be modified and upgraded over time, with new features
and capabilities becoming available as you gain experience and expertise. However,
the initial version of the HUD may take some time to adjust to, and may cause initial
disorientation or distraction.

Dark Drinks Matter - 100 CP

You have an uncanny ability to hold your liquor and outdrink even the toughest
opponents. You can consume large quantities of alcohol without getting drunk or losing
your senses, making you almost unbeatable in drinking contests. Your resistance to
alcohol also makes you more resilient to poison and other substances that can impair
your judgment or harm your body. Additionally, your skills in drinking games are
unmatched, allowing you to easily navigate through complicated rules and strategies.
You can even invent your own drinking games and challenge others to play them. This
perk also grants you a boost in confidence and charisma when socializing in drinking
establishments, making you the life of the party and a favorite among your drinking
Tank-Bred Strength - 100 CP
This world is filled with badasses who perform incredible feats, but stand out amongst
the rest. One such individual is the tank-bred Krogan Basher. He is unbelievably strong,
capable of pulling off feats that would require half a normal dozen Krogan to match.
With this perk, you possess a level of strength that is comparable to Bashers. You are
capable of feats of strength that would be impossible for most species, including lifting
and moving objects that would normally require multiple people or heavy machinery.
Your strength allows you to easily overpower opponents in close combat, and even
resist certain attacks that would knock others off their feet. You are particularly adept at
lifting heavy objects, breaking obstacles, and creating new paths where there were
none before. You possess the strength to move large boulders, lift heavy machinery,
and even push over solid walls or barriers. Your feats of strength that will amaze and
intimidate all who witness you. Lastly, this will provide an equally effective boost to you
regardless of what species you belong to.

Daredevil - 100 CP
You have a knack for pulling off seemingly suicidal maneuvers with a miraculous
amount of success. Whether it's jumping off a high-rise building or charging headfirst
into a group of enemies, you have an uncanny ability to come out unscathed. Others
may call you insane, but they can't deny the results. This perk grants you a bonus to
your agility and reaction time, allowing you to quickly adapt to changing circumstances
and make split-second decisions. You also have a natural resistance to fear and
intimidation, which allows you to stay focused and keep your cool even in the most
dangerous situations. With Daredevil, you can take on any challenge with confidence
and come out on top.

The Seneschal - 200 CP

As a Seneschal who served the Emperor of the Prothean Empire, you have been
trained in the art of warfare and strategy. You possess an acute tactical mind, able to
quickly analyze and adapt to any situation on the battlefield. You have access to the
combined wealth of knowledge and experience of the Prothean empire, allowing you to
develop efficient and effective plans of attack. Additionally, you are able to maintain a
calm and focused mindset even in the midst of chaos and danger, enabling you to lead
your allies to victory. You carry with you the ferocity of the fallen empire and may now
remind the galaxy why even the Reapers were cautious of you.

Squad Harmony - 200 CP

You possess the innate ability to establish an unspoken connection with your squad-
mates, allowing you to relay thoughts and feelings to each other seamlessly without the
need for spoken communication. This level of synchronization allows for unparalleled
coordination and teamwork, making you a force to be reckoned with in combat

This perk is inspired by the Prothean squads that Commander Shepard encountered in
their adventures, and like those squads, you and your team will be able to anticipate
each other's movements and work together seamlessly. Whether it's pointing out
threats, covering each other's backs, or executing complex maneuvers, you and your
squad will be able to do it all without the need for verbal communication. With this
ability, you'll be able to take on even the toughest enemies with ease and achieve
victory in even the most challenging missions.

Shared Memories - 200 CP

You have the ability to share your memories with others of your kind, and receive their
memories in return like the Hanar. This can provide valuable insights and knowledge,
allowing you to learn from the experiences of others and enhance your own abilities.
The process is voluntary and requires consent from both parties. The range and
effectiveness of this ability depends on your species. Some may be able to share
memories across great distances, while others may only be able to share with those in
close proximity. Additionally, some species may have a greater capacity for sharing and
receiving memories than others. This effect is primarily determined by your species
intelligence. For example, the Hanar are seemingly able to transmit information to any
member of their species in the galaxy.
● This perk is Free to Hanar

Rachni Efficiency - 200 CP

You possess an unparalleled ability to complete tasks at an incredible speed, much like
the Rachni. With your unique efficiency, you are capable of accomplishing what would
normally take years in a matter of months, or even weeks. Whether it's constructing
massive structures or completing intricate projects, you have an innate understanding of
the most efficient methods to get the job done. Your mind is capable of analyzing
complex problems and finding solutions in record time, making you an invaluable asset
in any situation where speed and efficiency are crucial. Your abilities may cause others
to doubt your methods, but they cannot deny the impressive results you are capable of

The Sole Survivor - 200 CP

You possess a heightened instinct for survival, honed through your experiences in
combat and your ability to persevere in the face of danger. Your tactical skills and quick
thinking allow you to assess and react to any situation with speed and efficiency,
increasing your chances of survival. This perk grants you increased resistance to fear
and stress, and allows you to lead others through dangerous situations with confidence.
Additionally, you are proficient in dealing with predatory creatures, such as thresher
maws, and can adapt your combat strategies to effectively defeat them.

Journey's End - 200 CP

You have a way with words that can comfort and inspire those around you, even in the
darkest of times. Your words have the power to give hope and courage to those who
listen. Your presence can calm even the most restless souls, and your stories and
parables can help others make sense of the world around them. Whether it's a story to
comfort a broken warrior, or a motivational speech to rally a group of soldiers before a
battle, your words have a way of reaching people's hearts and inspiring them to be their
best selves. People are drawn to your wisdom and your ability to make sense of
complex situations. This perk also enhances your own emotional resilience, making you
more capable of dealing with your own pain and hardships. You are able to find
meaning and purpose even in the darkest of moments, and your faith in the journey
ahead remains unshaken.

Owning the Bloodbath - 200 CP

You have a talent for turning disastrous situations to your advantage. With this perk, you
excel at taking control of volatile situations and making them work in your favor. If a
meeting or event you are running security for ends up in a bloodbath, you know how to
turn the tables and come out on top.

By "owning the bloodbath," you can craft a story that puts you in a position of power and
leaves your enemies cowed. You can spin a tale that places the blame on a convenient
scapegoat and take the head off the snake, making a move that leaves you looking
stronger than ever in the eyes of the underworld. This perk also grants you the charisma
and strategic mindset to convince those around you that you are the one in charge. You
can inspire confidence in your abilities and convince others to follow your lead, even in
the face of danger. You can turn the worst situations into opportunities for success and
emerge from the chaos as a true leader.

The Lion of Elysium - 300 CP

You have demonstrated incredible bravery and heroism in the face of overwhelming
danger, much like the legendary Lieutenant Commander Shepard. You possess
unparalleled courage and unwavering determination, able to rally those around you and
inspire them to fight for a just cause. Your quick thinking and decisive actions in even
the most chaotic of situations make you a true leader on the battlefield. Whether it's
repelling waves of enemy forces, manning heavy weaponry, or engaging in close
combat, you are a force to be reckoned with. With this perk, you gain a significant boost
to your combat abilities and inspire those around you to fight with unwavering courage
and determination.
Spectre Training - 300 CP
You have undergone a rigorous training regimen that has prepared you to face any
threat the galaxy can throw at you. Your training includes advanced combat techniques,
stealth tactics, cyberwarfare, and diplomatic negotiations. You have mastered a wide
range of weapons and can use them with deadly accuracy. You are also an expert in
hand-to-hand combat and can take down even the toughest opponents with ease. With
this perk, you can use your training to infiltrate enemy strongholds, gather intelligence,
and neutralize threats to the galaxy.

Galactic Diplomat - 300 CP

As a Galactic Diplomat, you possess a natural talent for negotiation and diplomacy. You
are able to mediate disputes between different species and factions, and forge alliances
between unlikely allies. Your reputation as a skilled mediator precedes you, and your
presence alone is often enough to defuse tense situations. You are also able to
communicate with different species in their own language, breaking down barriers and
building trust between them. With this perk, you will be able to navigate the complex
web of politics and alliances in the galaxy and help shape the future of intergalactic

Your diplomatic skills are unparalleled, and you can negotiate complex treaties and
agreements with ease. You are also well-versed in the laws and regulations of different
civilizations, and you can navigate the complex web of political alliances and rivalries
that exist in the galaxy. With this perk, you can serve as a bridge between different
civilizations and help to maintain peace and stability in the galaxy.

Transcendent Identity - 300 CP

You are more than the sum of your parts, and your true identity transcends any labels or
categories that others may attempt to impose upon you. With this perk, you are able to
tap into the full range of your abilities and talents, whether they be physical, mental, or
spiritual. You can adapt to any situation, wielding the full spectrum of your powers to
achieve your goals. Furthermore, this perk allows you to break free from any limitations
or restrictions that may have held you back in the past. You are no longer bound by
your history or your experiences, but instead, you are empowered by them. Your past
becomes a source of strength and inspiration, rather than a hindrance or a burden.

With this newfound sense of identity and purpose, you are able to lead and inspire
others, rallying them behind you to achieve great things. Your words and actions have a
profound impact on those around you, and you are able to bring out the best in people,
helping them to realize their full potential. In short, you are not defined by your past or
your present, but rather, you are defined by your limitless potential and your unwavering
determination to achieve your goals.

Mercenary's Insight - 400 CP

You have a unique perspective on the value of trust and loyalty, having worked as a
mercenary and been betrayed more times than you can count. This experience has
given you a keen sense of who can be trusted and who cannot. You are able to quickly
assess people's motivations and intentions, and are able to see through deception and
manipulation with ease. This perk also grants you the ability to see the potential in
people and to inspire loyalty in them. You are able to bring together disparate groups
and individuals, forging them into a cohesive unit with a common goal. You can rally
people to your cause, inspiring them with your words and deeds, and you have a natural
talent for leadership.

Your experience as a mercenary has also taught you the importance of being prepared
for any situation. You always carry a backup plan, and you never trust anyone
completely. You are always aware of the possibility of betrayal, and you are prepared to
deal with it when it happens. In addition, this perk grants you an intuitive understanding
of the value of resources, and the ability to use them to maximum effect. You are able to
assess the strengths and weaknesses of your allies and enemies, and use this
knowledge to your advantage.
The Ordained

Character Creator - 100 CP

When Kevin is creating his new identity he is given near complete freedom over his
identity. Like Kevin you are allowed you freely design any background that is
theoretically possible in the setting. For example, the identity of Ko’le that he creates is
that of a Neathendarl kidnapped from Earth by the Protheans and then later sealed
away within one of their stasis pods. This give him access to Prothean biotics, Prothean
augmentations, and the loyalty of every being who allied with the Protheans. In addition,
he had exclusive knowledge of Prothean secrets and their access codes. You may
design an equally customizable background. If you were a human in Warhammer 40K
then you could do something like making yourself an important scientist who was sealed
away when the A.I. rebellion began only to awaken in the 41st millenium. Your only
restriction is that you can’t give yourself godlike power. Think more along the lines of
whatever would qualify for a capstone perk within the setting if you need a better idea
for your limits.

Prothean Charm - 100 CP

Your innate charisma and magnetism are so strong that people can't help but be
captivated by your presence. You have a way of making even the most difficult people
feel comfortable and at ease around you, effortlessly charming them with your wit,
charm, and good looks. Your charm is especially potent in romantic situations, with your
partners feeling an intense attraction towards you that is difficult to resist. In addition to
your natural charm, your mere presence can also have a physical effect on those
around you. Your body produces pheromones that trigger an increase in attraction and
desire in those nearby, making them feel more drawn to you than they might otherwise.
This makes it easy for you to get people to do what you want or to influence them
towards a particular course of action.

Prothean Biotics- 200 CP

The Protheans were incredibly powerful biotics, surpassing the Asari on average. This
was due to a combination of their advanced technology and biology. Your biotics have
been improved putting you on the level of a more powerful Prothean warrior. In addition
to this you possess an innate mastery over Prothean biotics, allowing you to wield
powerful biotic abilities with ease. You can generate a black-green aura that surrounds
your body and can be used to deflect and dissipate incoming biotic attacks. Your biotics
are highly effective against all types of shields, barriers, and armor, making them a
formidable force on the battlefield. You also have the ability to sense and manipulate
the biotics of others, allowing you to easily overpower and subdue opponents who rely
on biotic powers.

Glimmer of Redemption - 200 CP

You have a keen sense of identifying the potential for redemption in others. Your
intuition and perception allow you to see beyond a person's past and past mistakes, and
you are able to recognize their potential for change and growth. This allows you to
connect with individuals that others may dismiss or reject, and gain their trust and
loyalty. This can even allow you to redeem individuals who have been corrupted such
as those suffering from indoctrination. Additionally, your ability to inspire hope and
redemption in others grants you a powerful presence on the battlefield. Enemies who
witness your actions and words may begin to question their own allegiance, and allies
will fight with greater determination and heart when fighting alongside you.

Brood Warrior Synergy - 400 CP

Your understanding of the Brood Warriors' ability to increase their power exponentially
when brought together in close proximity grants you a unique advantage in combat. By
being in close proximity to other skilled fighters, your own abilities will also increase
exponentially. You have a natural affinity for team-oriented combat and can easily
coordinate with your allies without needing to communicate verbally. This effect is
particularly pronounced when combining abilities such as biotics. When two Rachni
warriors work together they are able to tear Geth Armatures apart with ease. Their
power however, grows exponentially as their numbers increase. When two hundred of
them stood together they were capable of towing a crashed Dreadnought ship into orbit
with their biotics with ease. You and your allies will be capable of pulling off similar feats
when gathered together.

We Will Make Them Bleed - 400 CP

After the Citadel was lost the Prothean empire was thrown into disarray. They lost their
leadership and their primary manufacturing centers were devastated shortly afterwards.
To deal with these issues the Protheans started to employ guerilla warfare against the
Reapers. You have a deep understanding of the art of guerilla warfare, allowing you to
take on enemies that vastly outnumber and outpower you. You are able to use terrain to
your advantage, identifying the best locations for ambushes, setting traps, and striking
at the enemy from unexpected angles. You know how to exploit enemy weaknesses,
such as disrupting supply lines or targeting high-value targets.

Your mastery of guerilla tactics also allows you to inspire your allies to fight fiercely and
resourcefully, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Your tactical acumen and
leadership skills enable you to coordinate small teams to effectively harass larger
enemy forces, buying time for your allies to regroup and launch counterattacks. With
your knowledge and experience, you can help turn the tide of battles that would
otherwise be impossible to win.

Catalyst's Unity - 600 CP

You are able to tap into the minds of your allies, uniting your thoughts and abilities in a
single, powerful force. This allows you to coordinate attacks with incredible precision,
share knowledge and information seamlessly, and combine your unique skills and
abilities to overcome even the most daunting of foes. When activated, your mind and
the minds of your allies merge, creating a psychic bond that enhances your physical
and mental attributes, allowing you to move and react with incredible speed and agility,
and granting you access to a shared pool of knowledge and abilities. This perk is
especially effective when working with a diverse group of allies, as it allows you to
synergize your different strengths and abilities into a cohesive unit, making it easier to
work together to achieve your goals. The power provided by this perk is only limited by
the number of allies who are willing to stand alongside you.

Enduring Will - 600 CP

You possess a willpower that is almost unbreakable. No matter how dire the
circumstances, you never give up or give in to despair. Your unwavering resolve and
determination can inspire others and help them overcome their own doubts and fears.
You are also resistant to mental manipulation and mind control, able to resist even the
most powerful psychic attacks. Your willpower also allows you to push yourself beyond
your physical limits, enduring pain and hardship that would cripple or kill others.
Citadel Council

Cross-Species Diet - 100 CP

You possess a unique digestive system that allows you to consume both amino and
dextro-based food, providing you with a wider range of sustenance options. This means
that you will be able to find food and rations to sustain yourself in any environment or
situation, whether you are surrounded by humans or aliens. Not only will you be able to
eat a wider variety of foods, but your body will also be able to extract more nutrients
from them, making your metabolism highly efficient. With this perk, you'll be able to
keep up your strength and stamina, no matter where you are.

Enkindler's Legacy - 100 CP

Your dedication to knowledge and passion for teaching inspires those around you to
seek greater understanding. Your natural talent for conveying complex ideas in simple
terms and sharing your experiences with others has made you a respected authority in
your field. As you impart your knowledge to others, they become empowered with the
same passion and drive that fuels you. Your ability to lead and mentor those around you
not only strengthens your team but also helps to cultivate the next generation of experts
in your field. Your legacy lives on through those you have taught, and your impact on
the world will be felt for generations to come. As you continue to learn and grow, you
inspire others to do the same and help to shape the future of your community, your
industry, and your world.

Shared Teachings - 200 CP

You possess the unique ability to absorb the memories and skills of others by physical
contact. By touching someone, you can gain access to their experiences, knowledge,
and abilities, and make them your own. This allows you to quickly learn and master new
skills, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the people around you. This ability is
not limited to humanoid beings, but also extends to other creatures and even artificial
intelligence. By touching a computer or robot, you can absorb their programming and
learn how to operate them. However, this power is not without risks. Absorbing
someone's memories can also expose you to their traumas and negative emotions. It
also requires physical contact, which can be difficult to achieve in combat or with
unwilling subjects. Use this power with caution and respect for others' privacy.

Aim For The Weak Point! - 200 CP

One of the most important skills a warrior can develop is learning how to identify weak
points. Knowing the value of this skill you have developed a keen eye for identifying
structural weaknesses in enemy units, vessels and fortresses. With a quick glance at a
display or schematic, the user can pinpoint vulnerable areas on ships or installations.
These weak points may be critical systems, sensitive machinery, or structural
components. Once identified, the user can exploit these weaknesses to devastating
effect. When using this ability you generate a HUD which overlays a detailed schematic
onto the user's vision, highlighting the weak points of the target vessel or installation. By
striking these areas with precision, the user can disable or cripple the target quickly and
efficiently, often with a single well-placed hit. The ability can be used in a variety of
situations, ranging from ship-to-ship combat to ground assaults on fortified installations.

Scientific Savant - 400 CP

You possess a deep and profound understanding of various fields of science, much like
the renowned scientists Mordin Solus and Okeer. Your knowledge is not limited to just
one field but spans across different disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, physics, and
engineering. With this perk, you have an innate ability to analyze and understand
complex scientific concepts and apply them practically. Your aptitude for science grants
you the ability to understand and work with advanced technology, including those from
other worlds or galaxies. You can quickly grasp the functions of unknown devices,
analyze their properties, and identify weaknesses or vulnerabilities. This perk also
makes you an expert in creating and modifying scientific equipment, tools, and

Furthermore, your advanced scientific skills allow you to experiment with and develop
new technologies, ranging from revolutionary medical treatments to groundbreaking
weapons. You can also conduct scientific research on various subjects, including rare
phenomena, advanced species, and dangerous biotics. With this perk, you will become
a master of science and technological innovation, and your skills will be highly sought
after by scientists and organizations across the galaxy.

N7 Elite Training - 400 CP

As an N7 graduate, you have proven your worth as an elite member of the Alliance
Military. You graduated at the top of your class, excelling in all areas of training,
including advanced combat tactics, sniper training, and hand-to-hand combat. Your
skills and expertise have earned you a reputation as a formidable force on the
battlefield, and you are respected by your peers for your bravery, leadership, and
unwavering dedication to the mission. Whether you're fighting on the front lines or
working behind the scenes, your training as an N7 Marine has prepared you for
anything the galaxy can throw at you.
Citadel Architect - 600 CP
You possess an innate ability to design and construct advanced structures, ranging
from massive space stations to intricate planetary bases. Your expertise in architecture
and engineering is unparalleled, and your designs are both aesthetically pleasing and
functionally superior. You can create structures that are capable of withstanding even
the most extreme environmental conditions and can be adapted to any situation or
scenario. With this perk, you can design and build structures for any purpose, whether
it's a research facility, a military base, or a commercial hub.

Reaper Slayer - 600 CP

The battle against the Reapers is one taking place on a galactic scale with billions of
soldiers. Shaped by this war you have become a master tactician when it comes to
fighting against the Reapers. Your mind is able to execute millions of calculations per
second, allowing you to accurately relay targeting information to all the gunners in your
fleet, ensuring that every shot fired hits its intended target. With your expertise, you are
able to identify and anticipate incoming threats, leading your fleet in evasive maneuvers
to avoid potential danger.

Your leadership skills are unparalleled, and your voice carries weight and authority that
inspires your subordinates to follow your commands without question. Your experience
and combat knowledge allow you to quickly make critical decisions that can mean the
difference between victory and defeat. You also have the ability to simultaneously
coordinate a fleet’s fighter craft, ground assault, and a spatial battle at once with
efficiency and precision. You are truly the deadliest son of a bitch in space, feared by
the Reapers and revered by your allies. Your combat prowess is matched only by your
strategic genius, making you an invaluable asset to any fleet fighting against the
Reapers or equally devastating forces.
The Destined Heroes

Prothean Cipher - 100 CP

You are one of the only living individuals to possess a Prothean Cipher, allowing you to
access and decipher advanced technologies and ancient knowledge left behind by the
Prothean civilization. This grants you a deeper understanding of the galaxy and its
history, as well as insights into the nature of the Reapers and their ultimate goals. The
Prothean Cipher enhances your intelligence and intuition, enabling you to more easily
solve complex puzzles, hack advanced technology, and decipher ancient languages.
You also gain a greater insight into the workings of the Reapers, their history, and their
motivations, which can help you in your fight against them. Post jump this will allow your
mind to safely interface with similarly ancient systems.

By The Gods, That’s How You Issue A Challenge! - 100 CP

You have a natural talent for making bold and dramatic challenges, be it in a social
setting or in combat. You have a way with words that inspires awe and admiration in
those around you, making them want to rise up to the challenge. Your opponents are
often caught off guard by your confident and fearless attitude, and are more likely to
underestimate you. Your boldness and determination can give you an advantage in
negotiations, intimidating your opponents into making concessions or bending to your
will. In combat, your ability to make daring and unexpected moves can unsettle your
enemies, giving you the upper hand in battle. With this perk, you can turn any situation
into an opportunity to showcase your boldness and courage, inspiring those around you
to join you in your quest for glory.

Best Damn Pilot in the Galaxy - 200 CP

Joker is widely considered to be one of if not the best pilots in the setting. There
however, is now an individual that can challenge him for that title. With this perk you
gain an exceptional ability to pilot spacecraft, whether it be small shuttles or massive
dreadnoughts. With your keen reflexes and in-depth knowledge of spacecraft systems,
you can fly through even the most dangerous of situations with ease. Additionally, if you
possess cerebral implants or other technological enhancements, you can control the
ship directly to quickly and effectively bring your ship's engines and systems online.
Your skill at piloting is such that you may even be able to outmaneuver enemy ships
that possess superior speed or firepower.

The Shepard’s Guiding Touch - 200 CP

Your keen sense of strategy and discernment of loyalty has earned you the ability to
build a network of trusted allies. You have a natural talent for reading people, identifying
their strengths and weaknesses, and recruiting the best possible candidates for your
team. You are capable of developing a wide range of resources and contacts that can
help you achieve your goals. You can easily distinguish between those who are loyal to
your cause and those who are not, allowing you to create a list of trustworthy allies.

Your ability to recruit allies with diverse backgrounds and skill sets is unparalleled. You
can identify the strengths and weaknesses of potential team members and build a team
that is perfectly suited for any situation. Lastly, this perk grants access to a vast network
of people, including former allies, experienced soldiers, scientists, and engineers. You
can call on them for assistance and support whenever you need it, and they will always
be ready to lend a helping hand.

Conqueror's Pledge - 400 CP

The Conqueror's Pledge is a powerful perk that allows you to assert your dominance
and leadership over others through sheer force of will. It is not just your physical
strength that makes this possible, but also your charisma and strategic prowess. When
you defeat an enemy leader in battle, you have the option to offer them the chance to
pledge their loyalty to you instead of facing annihilation. This can lead to alliances and
partnerships that might otherwise have been impossible, and can make the difference
between victory and defeat in a conflict. Your army will be made up of a diverse group
of species and factions, each with their own strengths and weaknesses that you will
need to learn to utilize to their fullest potential. This perk also grants you the ability to
inspire fear and respect in your enemies, making them think twice before crossing you.

Best Thief in the Business - 400 CP

Sometimes a gentler touch is needed rather than a crushing fist. The simplest
application of this touch is done utilizing the art of stealth. You possess the skills of one
such master thief and stealth expert, just like the infamous Kasumi Goto. Your natural
dexterity, agility, and quick thinking allow you to move unnoticed through even the most
heavily guarded areas. You have a keen eye for valuable items and can pick locks,
crack safes, and hack computers with ease. You can move quietly and swiftly, slipping
past guards and slipping away unseen.

Your ability to blend into your surroundings is second to none, allowing you to disappear
into shadows and become practically invisible. Even when in plain sight, you have the
ability to blend in seamlessly with your environment, making it nearly impossible for
anyone to spot you. With this perk, you gain the expertise of a master thief and stealth
expert like Kasumi Goto. Whether you're on a heist or trying to slip past a group of
guards unnoticed, you have the skills and knowledge to get the job done.
Unstable Potential - 600 CP
You possess an untapped well of biotic power that is nearly unparalleled. Your biotic
potential is so great that you surpass the limits of even the highest biotic scales, such as
the Ermine-Valero Biotic Scale. You are a force to be reckoned with, able to exert
incredible kinetic energy with the merest thought. However, your abilities are
dangerously unpredictable and difficult to control. If you do not manage your power
carefully, you risk injuring those around you. With this perk, you have access to biotic
abilities that are beyond the usual scope of even advanced biotics. However, you will
need to train hard to learn to control your powers effectively and prevent unintended
consequences. Additionally, your sheer potential may attract the attention of
organizations or individuals seeking to exploit your powers for their own purposes. Use
your abilities with caution and discretion.

Perfect Genetic Template - 600 CP

You have been genetically modified to be the perfect specimen of your species, just like
Miranda Lawson. Your physical abilities, mental faculties, and appearance are all
enhanced to their utmost potential. You possess extraordinary strength, speed, agility,
endurance, and reflexes, as well as superior intelligence, creativity, and intuition. Your
appearance is flawless and attractive, with perfect skin, hair, and features.

Additionally, you possess the ability to control your body and mind at a cellular level,
allowing you to heal quickly from injuries and resist diseases and poisons. You can also
manipulate your own physical attributes to some extent, such as changing your hair and
eye color, altering your height and weight, and enhancing your senses. With this perk,
you are a force to be reckoned with in this world, and your genetic superiority gives you
an edge in combat, diplomacy, and romance. Lastly, should you possess biotic
capabilities your power and talent will be vastly increased. An average human with this
boost would be stronger than most Asari matriarchs.
The Conclave

Protector of the Weak - 100 CP

Through your actions and words, you have the ability to instill a sense of purpose and
duty into those around you. This perk allows you to give a new name and purpose to
any being, group, or organization you encounter, changing their outlook on life and
giving them a new sense of direction. The named entity will become fiercely loyal and
dedicated to fulfilling their new purpose, and will protect those entrusted to their care
with their life. There are some limits to this though. You can only use this on beings that
have been subdued or are at least neutral to you. This means that if you want to use
this on an enemy you will have to either defeat them or use your charisma to talk them
down first.

Prothean Linguist - 100 CP

You have the ability to understand and speak the ancient language of the Protheans,
one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy. This skill is invaluable when it
comes to deciphering Prothean artifacts and technology, as well as communicating with
any surviving Prothean entities. Additionally, you can also understand related languages
or dialects, such as those spoken by the Collectors or the Javik, the last surviving
Prothean. With practice, you may even be able to translate or decode Prothean scripts
or data. Post-jump you will gain a similar understanding of ancient languages. For
example, if you went to a Halo jump you would understand the language spoken by the

Cultural Savvy - 200 CP

You possess extensive knowledge of the ancient customs and traditions specific to
each of the various species that live in this setting. This allows you to easily navigate
unfamiliar social situations and gain respect from these groups. Whether it's the
intricacies of asari courtship rituals or the complex hierarchy of krogan clans, you are
able to quickly and confidently navigate the cultural landscape of any species you

Your understanding of these customs and traditions grants you a certain level of respect
and admiration from the members of these species, who view you as a knowledgeable
and culturally savvy individual. This respect can be leveraged in a variety of ways, from
gaining access to restricted areas to negotiating favorable terms in trade agreements.

Additionally, your knowledge of these ancient customs can often provide you with
unique insights into the motivations and behaviors of these species, allowing you to
anticipate their actions and make more informed decisions in your dealings with them.
With this perk, you'll be able to navigate the complex social web of the galaxy with ease
and gain the respect of those you encounter.

Vorcha’s Resilience - 200 CP

You possess a remarkable resilience to injury that allows you to survive wounds that
would quickly kill others. Your body has an enhanced regenerative ability that enables
you to heal rapidly from most physical injuries, including bullet wounds and other
serious injuries. This perk also grants you a high level of endurance, allowing you to
continue fighting even when severely wounded. However, this regenerative ability does
not make you invincible, and you can still be killed by sufficient damage or attacks that
bypass your regenerative abilities, such as poison or energy-based attacks. In addition,
the more severe the injury, the longer it takes for your body to fully heal, and you may
still experience pain and discomfort during the healing process

Synthetic Dominance - 400 CP

You have the ability to take command of synthetic beings, including but not limited to
geth, synthetic platforms, and other artificial lifeforms. By physically connecting with a
synthetic being, you can access its memories and routines, and issue commands to it.
With time and effort, you can even reprogram its loyalty and allegiances to serve you
instead of its previous masters. However, the process can be mentally taxing and may
require extensive preparation and focus. Furthermore, the ability may not work on all
types of synthetics, particularly those with advanced AI or sophisticated programming.
For example, challenging an entire Geth hub filled with millions of programs would likely
prove overwhelming unless you managed to bolster your abilities and support systems.

The Unseen Blade - 400 CP

You possess the deadly skills of the galaxy's most notorious assassins such as Thane
Krios and Kai Leng. Your ability to track and eliminate targets is unparalleled, and your
precision strikes leave no room for error. You can slip into the shadows undetected and
execute your targets without leaving a trace. You have a deep understanding of
anatomy and can quickly and efficiently neutralize a target with minimal effort. Your
proficiency with weapons and combat techniques allows you to eliminate your targets in
a variety of ways, whether it be from a distance or up close and personal. With this perk,
you have the skills and training of an elite assassin, making you a formidable opponent
to any who would stand in your way.
Avatar of Vengeance - 600 CP
As an Avatar of Vengeance, you embody the powerful and unrelenting force of revenge.
Your anger and desire for retribution burn like a fiery inferno, driving you to pursue your
enemies with a single-minded determination. Your passion for vengeance is matched
only by your skill in combat, making you a formidable opponent to anyone foolish
enough to stand in your way. With this perk, you gain a deep understanding of the
nature of revenge and the ways in which it can be wielded as a weapon. You are able to
harness your anger and channel it into devastating attacks, unleashing waves of
destructive energy that can lay waste to your enemies. Your attacks are fueled by your
desire for vengeance, and as you grow more focused and determined, your power only
grows stronger. This will grow based on your desire for revenge. Someone who killed
an innocent may stroke the flames of your wrath allowing you to move slightly faster. If
you, however, pursued someone who destroyed everything you cared about then you
would become the avatar of their destruction. Your blades would cut through any armor
they had with ease and even a glancing blow would deal horrific damage.

In addition, you are able to sense the presence of those who have wronged you, no
matter how far away they may be. This ability allows you to track down your enemies
with ease, and strike at them with swift and deadly force. Your enemies will know the full
fury of your wrath, and they will tremble at the mere mention of your name. Alternatively
if you do not wish to walk the path of vengeance you may become a different avatar
gaining the corresponding abilities. Some of the other Prothean avatars include:
Wisdom, Patience, Victory, Endurance, Strength, and Courage. For example, as the
Avatar of Endurance you might gain limitless stamina, the ability to stop your equipment
from breaking down, and an aura that invigorates your allies.

Midnight Fury - 600 CP

After Ko’le was brought to the brink of death the Leviathans decided that he was not
allowed to die yet. They repaired his body using their technology. You have undergone
a similar type of procedure. Through experimentation and upgrades, you have been
transformed into a powerful being with dark, almost primal energy coursing through your
veins. Your body has been enhanced with a hardened carapace and a deadly arm-
blade, and your biotics have been transformed into a pitch-black energy that can be
harnessed to devastating effect. You are a force to be reckoned with, feared and
respected by those who stand against you. This perk grants you increased strength,
speed, and endurance, as well as the ability to tap into your dark biotic energy to
unleash devastating attacks. Lastly, you will be able to survive one lethal battle per
jump. You will be revived in a safe area with a more powerful body. Post-jump this will
be reset once every ten years or once per jump depending on which is shorter.
The Reapers

Reaper's Terror - 100 CP

You exude an aura of pure terror, striking fear into the hearts of your enemies. Each
time you enter combat, your presence instills a sense of dread and horror in your foes,
causing them to hesitate and falter in their attacks. Your enemies are more likely to
break their lines and flee in terror, making them easier targets for you and your allies.
However, your allies are not affected by this fear, and are able to fight alongside you
without being affected by your terrifying presence. This perk allows you to turn the tide
of battle in your favor by sowing fear and chaos among your enemies, while keeping
your allies focused and immune to the effects of your terrifying aura. Use it wisely, and
you will become a formidable force on the battlefield.

Inner Beasts - 100 CP

You have learned from the fearless warrior, Beast, and are now able to channel sheer
rage and ferocity in battle. When facing overwhelming odds, you are able to charge into
battle without fear, using your raw strength and fighting skill to overwhelm your
enemies. You also have an increased resistance to pain and injury, allowing you to
keep fighting even when others would falter. In addition, your presence on the battlefield
is inspiring to your allies, giving them renewed courage and strength to fight on. Use this
perk to unleash your inner Beast and show your enemies what you're made of.

Redundant Nervous System - 200 CP

You are tough as nails and have a remarkable ability to recover from injury. You
possess a redundant nervous system similar to that of a Krogan, and some other similar
augmentations, allowing you to withstand injuries that would incapacitate other
individuals. You gain a significant boost to your resilience, making it difficult to keep you
down. You also have a natural resistance to pain and an impressive ability to bounce
back from injuries quickly. This perk provides a substantial increase to your overall
survivability, allowing you to shrug off damage and keep fighting even in the most dire

There is no Such Thing as Reapers - 200 CP

Despite the honestly overwhelming amount of evidence of their existence remarkably
few believed that the Reapers were coming. As a result they were not ready and many
of the galaxies territories quickly fell against their onslaught. Your enemies are equally
ignorant unwilling to do anything about you unless they are faced with overwhelming
evidence such as a full-on galactic invasion. You possess the unique ability to hide your
true nature or intentions from your enemies. Like the Reapers, you can operate in
secret, quietly gathering your strength and preparing for your ultimate goal. Your
enemies may have heard rumors or whispers of your existence, but they will likely
dismiss them as myth or legend. They will not take you seriously until it is too late,
giving you the element of surprise and catching them off guard. This perk also grants
you a certain level of immunity to attempts to expose your true identity or intentions,
allowing you to maintain your secrecy and continue your plans without interference.
Even after you have been exposed your foes will underestimate your true power and
potential. This will likely cause your enemies to make mistakes that could lead to their

Reaper Adaptation - 400 CP

As a Reaper, you possess an adaptive physiology that allows you to survive in nearly
any environment and resist a wide range of physical and biological attacks. Your body is
capable of regenerating damaged tissue and even regrowing limbs in a matter of days.
This perk grants you immunity to most known diseases and toxins, as well as the ability
to survive in extreme conditions such as high radiation environments, underwater, or in
space. You also possess incredible strength, speed, and agility, allowing you to
overpower and outmaneuver most opponents. With this perk, you will be virtually
unstoppable in combat, and even the most formidable foes will struggle to defeat you.

Indoctrination - 400 CP
Arguably the most terrifying ability wielded by the Reapers is indoctrination. How this
ability works is unclear, but it allows them to subdue others, bending them to the
Reapers' will. You possess a deep understanding of the indoctrination process used by
the Reapers. With this ability, you can subtly influence the thoughts and behaviors of
others, making them more susceptible to your commands. Even individuals with
indomitable wills can fall under your sway with enough exposure. The effect of your
indoctrination grows stronger based on the proximity of others to you, allowing you to
quickly build a loyal following.

With enough concentration and effort, you can even extend your influence to a large
group of people, effectively mass indoctrinating them. This mass indoctrination
technique makes them more receptive to your commands and allows you to quickly
build a vast army of loyal followers. You can manipulate the thoughts and behaviors of
entire populations, bending them to your will and leaving them completely under your
control. This is the ultimate tool for anyone seeking to dominate and conquer.

We Are Each A Nation - 600 CP

As a Reaper, you possess the power to absorb and assimilate the essence of various
species. This ability allows you to gain a deep understanding of a species' strengths,
weaknesses, and capabilities. You can use this knowledge to enhance your own
abilities and gain new powers and abilities that were previously unknown to you. By
assimilating the essence of a species, you also gain access to their memories and
experiences, allowing you to tap into their collective knowledge and learn from their
mistakes. This power is not without its risks, however. The process of assimilating a
species' essence can be dangerous and unpredictable. If you're not careful, you may
lose yourself in the process and become overwhelmed by the memories and
experiences of the species you've absorbed. To avoid this fate, you must maintain a
strong sense of self and keep your own identity intact.

Once you've assimilated a species' essence, you can also use this power to create new
creatures or beings that are tailored to your own needs and desires. By combining the
essence of different species, you can create unique beings that possess the strengths
and abilities of each. These beings can be loyal servants or powerful allies in your quest
for domination. Use this power wisely, for with great knowledge comes great
responsibility. The essence of the conquered is a powerful tool, but it can also be a
dangerous one if wielded without care.

Mass Effect Field Mastery - 600 CP

As a Reaper, you possess an incredible amount of power over the very fabric of the
universe. With this perk, you gain mastery over Mass Effect Fields, allowing you to
manipulate them in ways that were previously impossible. You can now control the
strength and direction of Mass Effect Fields, as well as the size and shape of their
influence. With this ability, you can create powerful barriers that protect you from enemy
fire, levitate objects or individuals with ease, or even generate massive explosions that
devastate entire areas.

Furthermore, you can use your mastery of Mass Effect Fields to travel at incredible
speeds through space, allowing you to easily traverse even the most hostile of
environments. Your movements are smooth and effortless, and you can quickly change
direction or speed at will. You can also create miniature Mass Relays, allowing you to
instantly teleport yourself and others across vast distances. Finally, with enough
concentration and effort, you can even create Mass Effect Fields that affect entire
planets or star systems. You can manipulate the gravitational forces of entire celestial
bodies, causing them to collide or move in unpredictable ways. You can even create
black holes or supernovas, devastating entire star systems and wiping out entire
civilizations with ease. This is the ultimate weapon for anyone seeking to conquer the
galaxy, and with this perk, you wield it with ease.
Vehicles, Stations, and Fleets
You will receive a 400 SP stipend to spend on ships, stations, and fleets. You may
convert CP to SP at a 1:2 ratio. You will also receive three discounts that can be used
on any option listed below. All vessels and fleets will come fully crewed and supplied.

Most of the options below are either unique or powerful vessels. You will only receive
one copy of each ship when you purchase it.

Kodiak-Class Dropship - 50 SP
The Kodiak Dropship is a versatile transport vehicle designed for moving troops and
equipment quickly and efficiently. It can transport up to 12 soldiers and their equipment,
as well as vehicles and other cargo. The Kodiak is equipped with powerful engines that
allow it to take off and land vertically, making it ideal for operations in tight spaces or
hostile environments. It also has heavy armor and weapons for self-defense.

Mako-Class Planetary Assault Vehicle - 50 SP

The Mako-Class Planetary Assault Vehicle is a rugged and heavily armed ground
vehicle designed for use in hostile environments. It is capable of traversing difficult
terrain and has a variety of weapons at its disposal, including a powerful main cannon
and a set of missile launchers. The Mako is often used by ground forces in conjunction
with other ships, providing fire support and mobility on the battlefield.

Hammerhead Hover Tank - 50 SP

A fast and maneuverable hover tank designed for quick strikes and hit-and-run tactics.
The Hammerhead's unique hover technology allows it to traverse rough terrain and
even hover over water, and its powerful cannon and missile launchers make it a
formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Oculus Fighter - 50 SP
The Oculus Fighter is a small, agile spacecraft used by the Reapers for reconnaissance
and interception. With a length of only 20 meters, the Oculus is one of the smallest
Reaper ships, but it is no less deadly. It is equipped with advanced sensor systems and
communications arrays, allowing it to track enemy ships and relay information back to
Reaper command.
The Oculus is armed with a pair of mass accelerator cannons and can be fitted with
additional weapons, such as missiles or drones, depending on the mission
requirements. Its maneuverability and speed make it a difficult target to hit, and it is
often used to harry and distract enemy ships while larger Reaper vessels move into

Sky Carriage - 50 SP
A luxurious airship designed for high-end travel and leisure. The Sky Carriage is
equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, including plush accommodations, gourmet
dining, and a wide range of entertainment options. It's the perfect way to travel in style
and comfort while exploring the galaxy.

Thanix Artillery Platform - 100 SP

A massive, ground-based artillery platform capable of firing devastating blasts of energy
at long range. The Thanix is heavily armored and well-protected, making it difficult to
take down, and its powerful cannon can take out even the toughest enemy targets with
ease. It's the ultimate weapon for long-range warfare.

Cerberus-Class Stealth Corvette - 100 SP

The Cerberus-Class Stealth Corvette is a small but deadly warship designed by
Cerberus, a shadowy organization operating in the fringes of the galaxy. The ship is
heavily armed and armored, and is equipped with advanced stealth technology that
allows it to slip past enemy defenses undetected. The Cerberus-Class Corvette is
primarily used for covert operations and sabotage missions, and is often deployed by
Cerberus operatives to disrupt the plans of their enemies.

Trafalgar-Class Frigate - 100 SP

The Trafalgar-Class Frigate is a high-tech warship developed by the Earth Systems
Alliance, designed for advanced anti-fighter capabilities and to replace or support older
frigates. With a length of 220 meters, this ship boasts state-of-the-art stealth systems,
cyberwar defense and offensive systems, and a high-performance drive that provides
excellent maneuverability.

Equipped with a full range of UltraViolet GARDIAN Laser Defense systems for missile
interception, two Thanix magnetic-hydrodynamic cannons, and four long-range Mass
Accelerator Cannons, the Trafalgar-Class Frigate is a formidable opponent in any battle.
The Thani cannons are capable of penetrating the hull of cruiser-sized starships,
making them a powerful weapon in the frigate's arsenal.

Normandy SR-1 - 200 SP

The SSV Normandy SR-1 is a cutting-edge prototype "deep scout" frigate developed
through a joint venture between the Systems Alliance, the Turian Hierarchy, and the
Citadel Council. Equipped with the latest stealth technology and an experimental drive
core, the Normandy is optimized for solo reconnaissance missions in volatile and
unpredictable territories. As the first ship of the Normandy class, she sets the standard
for future vessels in her class. With her sleek design and state-of-the-art systems, the
Normandy SR-1 is a true marvel of engineering and a testament to the combined efforts
of the galaxy's most advanced civilizations.

Reaper Destroyer - 200 SP

The Reaper Destroyer is a fearsome ship, approximately 160 meters long and shaped
like a metallic insect. It is equipped with powerful weapons and shields, making it a
formidable opponent in any battle. Its main weapons are its two Reaper IFF particle
beam weapons, capable of tearing through even the toughest shields and armor. In
addition to its weapons, the Standard Reaper Destroyer has powerful engines, allowing
it to move at incredible speeds and make quick maneuvers to dodge enemy fire.

Kola-Class Carrier Ship - 300 SP

The Kola-Class Carrier Ship is a Prothean vessel that offers unparalleled capabilities in
terms of troop deployment and transportation. While not as large as a dreadnought, its
advantage lies in its hangar bays, which can accommodate multiple squadrons of
fighters or a large number of troop transports. In addition to its impressive transportation
capabilities, the Kola comes fully equipped with a skilled crew and weapons. Its
experienced crew can operate the ship and its weaponry with precision and efficiency,
allowing for a safe and successful mission.

The ship's weapons include a range of powerful cannons and missile launchers, making
it a formidable force in any battle. Finally, the Kola-Class Carrier Ship is capable of
providing evacuation support in the event of a crisis situation. Its troop transport
capabilities and extensive hangar bays can be used to rapidly evacuate cities or planets
in danger, ensuring the safety of civilians and military personnel alike. Overall, the Kola-
Class Carrier Ship is a versatile and powerful tool that can greatly enhance any mission
or operation.

Cerberus-Class Destroyer - 300 SP

The Cerberus-Class Destroyer is a top-of-the-line warship developed by the Cerberus
Organization, a shadowy group known for their advanced technology and ruthless
tactics. The ship is heavily armed and armored, with advanced stealth systems and
cyberwarfare capabilities. It is designed to engage and destroy enemy capital ships, as
well as provide support for smaller frigates and fighters. The Cerberus-Class Destroyer
is equipped with four heavy Mass Accelerator Cannons, two Thanix magnetic-
hydrodynamic cannons, and a range of missile launchers and torpedo tubes. It also has
advanced shielding and armor, making it difficult to take down even with sustained fire.
The ship is crewed by a team of highly trained operatives, handpicked by Cerberus for
their skills and loyalty.

Nebula-Class Explorer - 300 SP

The Nebula-Class Explorer is a medium-sized exploration vessel designed for long-
range missions and scientific research. With a length of 500 meters, the ship is
equipped with a state-of-the-art laboratory, advanced sensor systems, and an
experimental FTL drive that allows it to travel faster and farther than most ships in its
class. The Nebula-Class also features a large cargo bay, which can be used to store
supplies or transport samples and artifacts. In addition to its scientific capabilities, the
Nebula-Class is armed with several defensive systems, including point-defense laser
turrets and a pair of forward-mounted Mass Accelerator Cannons. While not designed
for combat, these weapons allow the ship to defend itself in case of an attack by pirates
or hostile aliens.

Aurora-Class Battlecruiser - 400 SP

The Aurora-Class Battlecruiser is a large, heavily-armed warship designed for fleet
engagements and planetary assault. With a length of 750 meters, the ship is armed with
a variety of weapons, including several banks of Mass Accelerator Cannons, multiple
torpedo tubes, and a pair of spinal-mounted Thanix Cannons capable of punching
through the thickest armor. The Aurora-Class is also equipped with advanced defensive
systems, including shields, armor, and point-defense laser turrets. Additionally, the ship
has a large complement of fighters and dropships, which can be used for close air
support or ground assaults.

Revenant-Class Stealth Cruiser - 400 SP

The Revenant-Class Stealth Cruiser is a mid-sized warship designed for covert
operations and hit-and-run attacks. With a length of 300 meters, the ship is equipped
with state-of-the-art stealth systems, making it nearly invisible to most sensors. The
Revenant-Class also features a powerful ECM suite, which can disrupt enemy
communications and sensor systems.

In addition to its stealth capabilities, the Revenant-Class is armed with several long-
range Mass Accelerator Cannons, which can be used to strike from afar without
revealing the ship's position. The ship also has a small complement of fighters and
dropships, which can be used for reconnaissance or quick strikes against vulnerable
Helios-Class Colony Ship - 400 SP
The Helios-Class Colony Ship is a massive vessel designed for long-range colonization
missions. It is equipped with advanced terraforming equipment, a range of agricultural
facilities, and living quarters for thousands of colonists. The ship is also heavily armed
and armored, as it is often sent into dangerous and uncharted regions of space.
The Helios-Class Colony Ship is crewed by a team of experts in various fields, including
botanists, geologists, and engineers. It is designed to be completely self-sufficient, with
advanced recycling systems and renewable energy sources. The ship also has a range
of defensive weapons, including point-defense turrets and long-range Mass Accelerator
Cannons, to protect against any potential threats.

Prothean World-Ship - 400 SP

The Prothean World-Ship is a colossal spacecraft that dwarfs most other vessels in the
galaxy. Originally constructed by the Protheans to transport thousands of colonists to
new worlds, the ship has since fallen into the hands of the Reapers who heavily
modified it for their use. Parts of the ship have been replaced by mysterious panels
made of an unknown material that some speculate may be a form of advanced stone.
These modifications, combined with the ship's formidable defenses, make it an
incredibly tough opponent to face in battle. Even the most advanced weapons of the
Reapers will struggle to penetrate its shields. Its surveillance systems are capable of
piercing stealth systems like the Normandy’s.

Normandy SR-2 - 400 SP

The Normandy SR-2 is a state-of-the-art Alliance frigate, built to replace the original
Normandy after its destruction. It boasts a Tantalus Drive Core and FOUR Helios
Thruster Modules, making it one of the most maneuverable ships in the galaxy. The
ship's front hangar bay has been retrofitted to house a Thanix cannon, which packs a
powerful punch.

The Normandy SR-2 is also equipped with Silaris Heavy Ablative Armor and sixteen
small turrets that can be controlled by EDI or manually operated by a crew member.
The turrets are capable of unleashing a deadly cross-fire that can take down even the
toughest enemies. In addition, the ship has a state-of-the-art stealth system that allows
it to remain undetected by most sensors. With its advanced technology and formidable
armament, the Normandy SR-2 is a force to be reckoned with in any battle situation.

Shadow Broker's Vessel - 500 SP

The Shadow Broker's Vessel is a massive starship that serves as the mobile
headquarters of the Shadow Broker, a powerful information broker who operates in the
shadows of the galaxy. The ship is heavily armed and equipped with advanced stealth
systems, making it nearly impossible to detect or track. The Shadow Broker's Vessel is
staffed by a team of highly trained operatives who are tasked with gathering and
analyzing information from across the galaxy. The ship is equipped with an advanced
artificial intelligence system that is capable of processing vast amounts of data in real-
time. This system allows the Shadow Broker and their team to quickly sift through
massive amounts of information and identify valuable intelligence. The ship is also
equipped with a state-of-the-art communication system that allows the Shadow Broker
to stay in contact with their operatives and clients across the galaxy.

In addition to its intelligence-gathering capabilities, the Shadow Broker's Vessel is also

armed with a variety of advanced weapons and defenses. These include powerful Mass
Accelerator Cannons, Reaper-derived technology, and a network of drones and fighters
that can be launched from the ship. The ship is also equipped with an advanced
cloaking system that allows it to disappear from view and evade detection even in the
middle of a battle. Overall, the Shadow Broker's Vessel is a powerful and versatile ship
that is perfectly suited to the Shadow Broker's operations. Its advanced technology and
capabilities make it a valuable asset in the galaxy's shadowy world of espionage and

Purgatory Prison Ship - 500 SP

A massive prison ship, similar to the one used by the Blue Suns in the Omega Nebula.
The Purgatory Prison Ship is designed to hold dangerous criminals and keep them
isolated from the rest of the galaxy. It has multiple levels, with each level being more
heavily guarded and more dangerous than the one before it. The ship is heavily armed
and well-defended, making any escape attempts nearly impossible. The Purgatory
Prison Ship can be summoned and controlled by the jumper, allowing them to use it as
a mobile base or a tool for capturing and imprisoning enemies. The ship is equipped
with advanced technology that allows it to scan and detect criminal activity, making it an
effective tool for tracking down wanted fugitives.

Additionally, the ship comes with a variety of weapons and equipment that can be used
by the jumper or their companions. This includes advanced security gear, heavy
weapons, and even a fleet of small fighters that can be launched from the ship. Overall,
the Purgatory Prison Ship is an extremely valuable asset that can be used for a variety
of purposes, from capturing and imprisoning dangerous criminals to providing a mobile
base of operations for the jumper and their allies.

Turian Cruiser - 500 SP

The Turian Cruiser is a heavily armed warship developed by the Turian Hierarchy. With
a length of 550 meters, this ship is designed for long-range engagements and is
equipped with powerful Mass Accelerator Cannons and Thanix Magnetic-Hydrodynamic
Cannons. The ship also boasts a comprehensive shield system and advanced point-
defense systems to fend off enemy fire. In addition to its impressive armament, the
Turian Cruiser also has a powerful FTL drive, allowing it to travel long distances quickly.

Asari Dreadnought - 600 SP

The Asari Dreadnought is a massive warship built by the Asari Republics. With a length
of over 1 kilometer, this ship is one of the largest and most powerful vessels in the
galaxy. It is equipped with an array of Mass Accelerator Cannons, Thanix Magnetic-
Hydrodynamic Cannons, and GARDIAN Laser Defense systems, making it a formidable
opponent in any battle. The Asari Dreadnought also has advanced FTL capabilities,
allowing it to travel long distances quickly and engage in deep-space combat.

Geth Dreadnought - 600 SP

The Geth Dreadnought is a massive warship used by the synthetic race known as the
Geth. It is heavily armed and armored, and is capable of generating powerful energy
shields that protect it from all but the most powerful attacks. The Geth Dreadnought is
operated by a sophisticated AI, and is capable of coordinating with other Geth ships to
devastating effect. It is often used by the Geth for offensive purposes, and is a feared
sight on the battlefield.

Citadel-Class Dreadnought - 800 SP

The Citadel-Class Dreadnought is the flagship of the Citadel Council's navy, and is one
of the most powerful warships in the galaxy. It is equipped with an array of heavy
weapons, including multiple Mass Accelerator Cannons and Thanix Pulse Cannons.
The ship is also heavily armored and shielded, making it nearly invulnerable to all but
the most powerful attacks. The Citadel-Class Dreadnought is primarily used for
defensive purposes, and is often stationed near important worlds or in strategic
locations to deter would-be attackers.

Harbinger-Class Reapers - 1000 SP

The Harbinger-Class Reapers are the flagships of the Reaper fleet, boasting incredible
firepower, shields, and armor. This behemoth measures over 2 kilometers in length and
is crewed by thousands of indoctrinated beings. Its main weapon is a massive beam
cannon that can tear through the shields and armor of even the most heavily fortified
ships. The Harbinger-Class Dreadnought is a formidable opponent in any battle, and its
mere presence is enough to strike fear into the hearts of its enemies.

These stations are large facilities meant to take on a number of roles including
hospitals, factories, forward operating bases, and other important roles.
Minuteman Station - 300 SP
Minuteman Station is a versatile mobile space station that has been retrofitted as a
Heavy Weapon Platform. It is designed to provide rapid response and tactical flexibility
to your forces. Equipped with advanced sensors and communication systems,
Minuteman Station can detect and intercept enemy forces from long range. Its powerful
weapons and armor make it a formidable force in any battle, and its FTL engines allow it
to quickly deploy to any point in the galaxy.

Typhon Station - 300 SP

Typhon Station, formerly known as "The Barn," is a heavily armed and armored mobile
space station that has been retrofitted as a Heavy Weapon Platform. It is equipped with
state-of-the-art weapons and technology, making it a formidable force in any battle.
Typhon Station is designed to provide tactical support and strategic advantages to your
forces. With its advanced FTL engines, it can be quickly deployed to any point in the
galaxy to serve as a Forward Operating Base. This facility was originally used to study
various aliens, particularly Krogan and Asari. There are a number of elite operatives
here such as Randall Ezno and Inali Renata.

Kronos Station - 400 SP

Kronos Station is the original headquarters of Cerberus and one of their most heavily
defended locations. This is a heavily fortified mobile space station that has been
retrofitted as a Heavy Weapon Platform. It is equipped with state-of-the-art weapons
and technology, making it a formidable force in any battle. With its advanced FTL
engines, Kronos Station can be deployed to any point in the galaxy to serve as a
Forward Operating Base, providing tactical support and strategic advantages to your
forces. Aside from its role as a powerful fortress this facility is filled with a vast number
of powerful warriors such as Phantoms, Assault Troopers, Guardians, and Atlas Mechs

Nova Station - 400 SP

Nova Station is a state-of-the-art research and development space station that
specializes in cutting-edge technology and experimental weaponry. It has the latest in
laboratory facilities, manufacturing capabilities, and design studios. With its advanced
FTL engines, it can be quickly deployed to any point in the galaxy to conduct research
and development missions. Nova Station is the perfect place for your faction to gain a
technological edge.

Elysium Station - 400 SP

Elysium Station is a large mobile space station that has been retrofitted as a planetary
terraforming platform. It is equipped with advanced technology that can transform
barren planets into lush, habitable worlds. Elysium Station can also provide long-term
support for your forces, serving as a hub for resources and personnel. With its
advanced FTL engines, it can be quickly deployed to any point in the galaxy to terraform
and support your faction's expansion efforts.

Omega - 400 SP
Omega is a mobile space station that has been retrofitted as a criminal hub and a
center of black market activities. It is a hub for smugglers, mercenaries, and other
unsavory characters, making it an ideal location for recruiting soldiers and acquiring
resources. Omega Station is also heavily armed and armored, making it a formidable
force in any battle. Its FTL engines allow it to quickly deploy to any location in the
galaxy, making it an excellent base of operations for covert missions.

Lazarus Station - 400 SP

Lazarus Station is a state-of-the-art mobile space station that has been retrofitted as a
Heavy Weapon Platform. It is equipped with advanced medical facilities, making it an
ideal platform for treating wounded soldiers in the field. Even beings on the brink of
death can be resurrected as long as they have yet to die. With its powerful weapons
and armor, Lazarus Station is also a formidable force in any battle. Its advanced FTL
engines allow it to quickly deploy to any point in the galaxy, making it an invaluable
asset to your forces. The facility has a large staff of scientists and an army of mechs.

Collector Base - 600 SP

The Collector Base is a massive space station that was once the center of operations
for the enigmatic Collectors, a race of insectoid beings who served as the agents of the
Reapers. The station is equipped with advanced technology, making it an ideal location
for research and development of new weapons and technology. With its powerful
weapons and armor, the Collector Base is also a formidable force in any battle. Its
advanced FTL engines allow it to quickly deploy to any location in the galaxy, making it
an invaluable asset to your forces. However, beware that this option may come with
some ethical implications as the Collectors were known for their heinous actions
towards other species.

Nexus Station - 600 SP

Nexus Station is a mobile space station that has been retrofitted as a diplomatic hub. It
is equipped with advanced communication systems and facilities for hosting
negotiations and other diplomatic events. The station is also home to some of the
galaxy's most prominent diplomats and politicians, making it an ideal location for forging
alliances and establishing treaties. With its powerful engines, Nexus Station can quickly
travel to any point in the galaxy, making it an invaluable asset for any faction seeking to
expand its influence and establish new relationships with other factions.

Heretic Station - 600 SP

Heretic Station is a massive 20-kilometer-long space station that has been revived and
repurposed by the heretics - rogue Geth who have rejected the Geth consensus and
allied themselves with the Reapers. The station was constructed from the remnants of
an old space station that was abandoned by the Migrant Fleet nearly three centuries
ago. The station is equipped with advanced fiber-optic couplings that give the
appearance of windows and advanced stealth technology that makes it difficult to

By purchasing this, you will gain full access to the Heretic Station, including its
advanced technology and capabilities. The station is an excellent location for scientific
research, weapons development, and other experimental projects. Lastly, purchasing
this option will also grant you control over 6.6 million Geth. The production facilities
within this facility will allow you to create bodies for every Geth if you can provide it with
sufficient materials.

Memoriam Station - 1200 SP

Memoriam Station is a colossal space station built by the Inusannon, capable of
harvesting dark radiation from the nearby star to generate an infinite source of energy.
Equipped with advanced cannons, this station has the power to destroy Reapers with a
single shot and even dismantle Mass Relays. The station's immense size allows for
multiple hangar bays to dock several fleets at once. It is said that the station also
contains a hidden sanctuary, possibly as a refuge for those seeking protection from the
Reaper threat. With its incredible power and advanced technology, the Memoriam
Station is a valuable asset for any faction seeking to gain an advantage in the galaxy.
Sometimes quantity is a quality of its own. Each of the options listed below grant you a
group of vessels.

Elcor Battalion - 300 SP

The Elcor Battalion is a small but deadly force composed of massive, heavily armored
warships. The ships are equipped with advanced kinetic barriers, allowing them to
absorb incredible amounts of damage. The fleet is commanded by a council of the most
experienced Elcor warriors, who have pledged their loyalty to any faction willing to fight
against the Reapers. By purchasing this option, you can claim the Elcor Battalion for
yourself, giving you access to their heavily armored ships and devastating firepower.
You will also gain the loyalty of the Elcor people, who will offer their strength and
resilience to aid you in your quest.

Volus Expeditionary Force - 400 SP

The Volus Expeditionary Force is a small but elite fleet composed of heavily armed
Volus warships. Despite their diminutive size, the Volus ships are surprisingly powerful
and are equipped with advanced weapons and shields. The fleet is commanded by a
council of the most powerful Volus merchants and politicians, who have pooled their
resources to fund this expedition. By purchasing this option, you can claim the Volus
Expeditionary Force for yourself, giving you access to their advanced ships and
weaponry. You will also gain the loyalty of the Volus people, who will offer their vast
wealth and resources to aid you in your quest.

Hanar Fleet - 500 SP

The Hanar Fleet is a small but formidable force composed of bioluminescent warships.
The ships are equipped with advanced stealth technology, allowing them to move
undetected through space. The fleet is commanded by a council of Hanar elders, who
have pledged their support to any faction willing to fight against the Reapers. By
purchasing this option, you can claim the Hanar Fleet for yourself, giving you access to
their advanced stealth technology and unique biotic abilities. You will also gain the
loyalty of the Hanar people, who will offer their diplomatic skills and knowledge of the
galaxy's mysteries to aid you in your quest.

Volus Trade Fleet - 600 SP

The Volus Trade Fleet is a massive collection of cargo ships that spans the entire
galaxy. The fleet is operated by the Volus, a race of small but industrious beings known
for their expertise in trade and commerce. Each ship is equipped with advanced Volus
technology, including state-of-the-art communication systems and powerful engines. By
purchasing this option, you will gain control of the Volus Trade Fleet and all of its
resources. You can use this fleet to establish lucrative trade routes, or to defend your
cargo against pirates and other threats.

Asari Armada - 600 SP

The Asari Armada is a formidable force made up of hundreds of warships, including
dreadnoughts, cruisers, frigates, and fighters. The armada is commanded by the most
experienced and skilled asari commanders and is equipped with advanced asari
technology, including biotic amplifiers, energy shields, and mass effect fields. With their
mastery of biotics and tactical abilities, the Asari Armada is a powerful force that can
quickly respond to threats and engage enemies in any situation. By purchasing this
option, you may claim the Asari Armada for yourself and command it to defend your

Turian Fleet - 700 SP

The Turian Fleet is a massive military force made up of numerous warships, including
cruisers, frigates, destroyers, and dreadnoughts. The fleet is commanded by the most
experienced and skilled turian officers and is equipped with advanced turian technology,
including kinetic barriers, mass accelerators, and advanced communication systems.
With their tactical abilities and strategic planning, the Turian Fleet is a powerful force
that can engage enemies in both space and ground combat. By purchasing this option,
you may claim the Turian Fleet for yourself and command it to defend your interests.

Quarian Flotilla - 700 SP

The Quarian Flotilla is a massive fleet composed of hundreds of ships, each home to a
small part of the Quarian race. The fleet is led by the Admiralty Board, a council of the
most experienced captains and tacticians in the Flotilla. The ships are equipped with
advanced engineering systems, allowing them to repair damage quickly in the heat of
battle. By purchasing this option, you can claim the Quarian Flotilla for yourself, giving
you access to the full might of the Quarian fleet. You will also gain the loyalty of the
Quarian people, who will fight alongside you,

Geth Armada - 800 SP

The Geth Armada is a massive fleet composed of countless Geth ships, ranging from
scout vessels to heavy cruisers. Each ship is equipped with advanced Geth technology,
including powerful shields and deadly weaponry. The fleet is commanded by a council
of Geth Prime units, and they are willing to ally with any faction that shares their goal of
defeating the Reapers. By purchasing this option, you can claim the Geth Armada for
yourself, giving you access to the full might of the Geth fleet. You will also gain control
over a significant number of Geth programs, allowing you to bolster your own forces
with advanced synthetic soldiers.
Krogan Battlegroup - 800 SP
The Krogan Battlegroup is a powerful military force made up of numerous warships,
including dreadnoughts, cruisers, and gunships. The battlegroup is commanded by the
most experienced and battle-hardened krogan commanders and is equipped with
advanced krogan technology, including heavy armor, powerful weapons, and
regenerative abilities. With their brute strength and tenacity, the Krogan Battlegroup is a
powerful force that can engage enemies in close combat and withstand heavy
firepower. By purchasing this option, you may claim the Krogan Battlegroup for yourself
and command it to defend your interests.

Cerberus Fleet - 800 SP

The Cerberus Fleet is a highly advanced military force made up of state-of-the-art
warships, including stealth cruisers, frigates, destroyers, and dreadnoughts. The fleet is
commanded by the most skilled and loyal Cerberus operatives and is equipped with
advanced technology, including stealth systems, advanced communication systems,
and cutting-edge weapons and armor. With their highly trained operatives and
advanced technology, the Cerberus Fleet is a formidable force that can engage
enemies in both space and ground combat. By purchasing this option, you may claim
the Cerberus Fleet for yourself and command it to defend your interests.

The Last Remnants - 1000 SP

The Prothean Fleet, also known as the Last Remnants, is a formidable force composed
of the surviving warships of the great houses of the Prothean Empire. Despite being
scattered and leaderless, the fleet was reunited under the command of Emperor Urush
Robbidir. The fleet was the symbol of hope for the Protheans, and it strikes fear into the
hearts of their enemies. It was made up of 7,512 warships and 500,000 soldiers, each
ready to fight and die for their emperor. The fleet is equipped with state-of-the-art
weaponry and advanced Prothean technology, making it a force to be reckoned with in
any conflict. By purchasing this option you may claim the fleet for yourself with an army
of Protheans commanding it. They will follow you as though you were the Emperor and
will never betray you even if they encountered the true emperor.

Reaper Armada - 2000 SP

The Reaper Fleet is a massive force composed of countless ships, each one a deadly
weapon capable of destroying entire worlds. The ships are crewed by indoctrinated
organic beings, who have been transformed into mindless slaves of the Reapers. The
fleet is commanded by Harbinger, the leader of the Reapers and the most

powerful of their kind. The Reaper Fleet is capable of traveling faster than the speed of
light, and can invade and conquer entire galaxies in a matter of months. Their advanced
technology includes powerful weapons that can obliterate entire fleets, as well as
powerful shields and barriers that make them almost impervious to attack.

The Reapers were created by the ancient race known as the Leviathans as a solution to
maintain order in the galaxy by periodically "harvesting" advanced civilizations. Their
goal is to prevent the development of synthetic life that could one day rebel against their
organic creators and potentially threaten the entire galaxy. The Reapers see
themselves as the ultimate solution to the problem of organic and synthetic conflict, and
view themselves as the galaxy's ultimate saviors.

The Reaper Fleet operates under a strict hierarchy, with Harbinger at the top and the
other Reapers and indoctrinated beings serving beneath him. Their indoctrination
process involves a subtle manipulation of an individual's thoughts and beliefs, gradually
erasing their individuality and free will until they become completely loyal to the
Reapers. The Reaper Fleet has never been defeated in battle and has successfully
harvested countless civilizations throughout the galaxy.
All items are discounted to their origins and the 100 CP items are free for their origin. In
addition, you gain 400 CP to spend freely in the Items section. Further purchases will be
discounted for items that can be purchased multiple times. Lastly, any items that update
post jump will also receive a retroactive update.

General Items

Omni-Tool - Free
The Omni-Tool is a highly advanced piece of technology that serves as a multi-purpose
tool for any situation. It is a combination of computer microfibers and holographic
systems that can project a solid light hologram. It is a versatile device capable of
fulfilling multiple functions such as hacking, decryption, repair, and medical aid. It also
serves as a communication device, allowing you to communicate with your allies over
long distances. The tool can also be used as a weapon in close combat, with a built-in
blade and energy projector.

Beacon’s Effect - Free/100

This is a copy of the Beacon’s Effect series. It contains the events that occurred
throughout the movie and allow you to view events that would normally be unknown.
You may take this copy with you; it will contain a large amount of relevant information
should you be unfamiliar with the setting or need a refresher. For an additional 100 CP it
will come with a wiki. This version will have detailed information on character profiles,
abilities, and anything about the setting you could want to know.

Neural Implant - 100 CP

This advanced cybernetic implant acts as an external hard-drive for the user's brain,
allowing them to store and access vast amounts of information at will. The Neural
Implant can be connected to any computer or network, and the user can download and
store zettabytes of data, making it an invaluable resource for research, hacking, and
espionage. The implant is also capable of directly interfacing with the user's memories,
allowing them to recall any stored information with ease. The vast database stored
within this implant however, acts more like a massive library which you can instantly
recall rather than actually giving you true understanding over its content. Lastly, this will
come with the blueprints needed to produce more of these implants.

Vorcha Pirate Outfit - 100 CP

This outfit is inspired by the attire of a vorcha pirate encountered on a distant planet. It
includes a pair of black pants, a frilly shirt, and a black trench coat, perfect for those who
want to stand out from the crowd. The pants and shirt are made from a lightweight,
breathable material that allows for ease of movement, while the trench coat provides
protection from the elements. The outfit comes with a belt that can hold various small
items such as ammunition or tools. When worn, the Vorcha Pirate Outfit grants the
wearer a small boost to their intimidation skill. This is due to the unique and unexpected
appearance of the outfit, which can make the wearer appear unpredictable and
dangerous. Additionally, the lightweight material of the pants and shirt provides a small
boost to the wearer's agility, making it easier to move quickly and dodge attacks.
However, the trench coat may slightly hinder movement in tight spaces.

Grav-Boots - 100 CP
The Grav-Boots are a pair of advanced boots that allow the wearer to move effortlessly
in a vertical direction, defying gravity. With these boots, the wearer can jump high, run
up walls, and even sprint vertically up skyscrapers, as if it were a flat surface. The boots
use a combination of mass effect fields and antigravity technology to create a stable
platform for the wearer to stand and move on. The boots require a short warm-up period
to activate, but once activated, they provide a stable platform for the wearer to move on.
The boots can be turned on and off at will, allowing the wearer to return to normal

Thaxian Jewelry Set - 100 CP

This set includes an ornate necklace and a pair of matching earrings, all crafted in the
Thaxian style. The necklace features expertly crafted strands of silver connecting an
upper and lower band of gold, while the earrings are designed to match with the same
intricate pattern. The jewelry set not only enhances your physical appearance but also
imbues you with an air of sophistication and elegance.

In addition, the Thaxian Jewelry Set has a special ability to attract the attention and
admiration of those around you. When wearing the set, others will be naturally drawn to
you and will be more likely to treat you with respect and deference. This effect is
particularly potent when dealing with individuals of high social status or influence. With
this jewelry set, you will command attention and respect wherever you go.

Opold's Contraband - 100 CP

Opold's Contraband is a valuable item that contains a vast array of weapon
modifications, each of which is of the highest quality. The briefcase itself is small and
unassuming, yet it contains a treasure trove of weapon enhancements that can
significantly improve the performance of various types of firearms. The mods within the
case are not only rare but are also highly coveted by weapon enthusiasts, who are
willing to pay a high price for them.

The modifications included in Opold's Contraband are exclusive, and some of them
cannot be found anywhere else. These enhancements can improve accuracy, increase
firepower, enhance ammunition capacity, and boost overall weapon performance. Each
modification is designed to suit specific weapons, and they can be used to improve
everything from pistols to sniper rifles. With these modifications, weapons can become
more deadly and efficient, making them an asset in any combat situation.

Geth Platform Customizer - 100 CP

The Geth Platform Customizer is the ultimate tool for personalizing your geth platforms
or similar robotic bodies. With this device, you can modify your platform's appearance
and abilities, just like the New Geth. Add new weapons, change your platform's shape,
or enhance its sensory and processing capabilities to make it stand out from other geth.
Whether you want to specialize your platform for a specific role in battle or just want to
give it a unique look, the Geth Platform Customizer has everything you need to make
your geth truly one-of-a-kind. And with its intuitive interface and powerful customization
options, even those without advanced technical skills can easily make the changes they

LOKI Mech - 100 CP

The LOKI Mech is a small and agile security robot that can be used for a variety of
purposes. Designed for combat, these mechs are equipped with a standard rifle or
submachine gun and possess basic armor and shielding, allowing them to withstand
moderate damage. Although they are not the most intelligent machines, they are
capable of executing basic strategies and can be programmed to perform specific tasks,
such as patrolling or guarding a particular area. However, due to their limited
capabilities, they are vulnerable to more advanced weaponry and tactics.

Despite their limitations, the LOKI Mech can be a useful asset in a variety of situations
and can provide additional firepower and support to your team. Whether you use them
for security, combat, or other purposes, these mechs can be a valuable addition to your
arsenal. This item will grant you a dozen mechs and the blueprints needed to produce
more of them. If you possess the necessary scientific skills you may be able to modify
these mechs to be stronger.
The Bringer of Winged Death - 200 CP
The Bringer of Winged Death is a unique weapon used by the Faloian Torro. It uses a
powerful core made of radioactively-charged heavy metals to fire charged fragments
with incredible force. It is a long arch-shaped weapon that requires the user to draw
back the charging handle to activate the power core and charge the fragment with
energy. The further back and the longer the draw, the greater the energy transfer,
resulting in a stronger shot. The charge-rods further charge the fragment with energy,
allowing it to hit with the force of a charging siduju. The user can hit targets at incredible
distances of up to 800 meters with accuracy. This weapon is also highly efficient in close
combat due to its devastating power.

YMIR Mech - 200 CP

The YMIR Mech is a massive and powerful combat robot, capable of taking on entire
squads of enemy soldiers and emerging victorious. Its heavy armor and shielding make
it nearly impervious to small arms fire, while its twin heavy machine guns can shred
through infantry and light vehicles with ease. In addition to its powerful armaments, the
YMIR Mech also has the ability to enter a compact state for easy transportation. This
makes it an excellent choice for mercenary companies or other organizations that need
to move large amounts of heavy firepower quickly. With this purchase, you will gain
access to three fully operational YMIR Mechs, as well as the blueprints and technology
necessary to manufacture more.

Krogan Psionic Disrupter - 200 CP

The Krogan Psionic Disrupter is a bulky handheld device with a trigger that emits a
disruptive pulse that interferes with the psionic abilities of any targets within range. The
design is based on ancient Krogan technology, specifically tailored to disrupt the
communication between the Rachni queen and her drones. It can cause the drones to
become agitated and uncontrollable or even rendered catatonic.

When triggered, the disrupter emits a wave of energy that interferes with the neural
pathways used for psionic communication. This renders any targets within range
incapable of using their psionic abilities or communicating with other psionically
connected beings. The effects are temporary but can provide a critical advantage in
combat, especially against enemies that rely heavily on their psionic abilities. The
disrupter has a limited range and requires time to recharge between uses. It is most
effective against groups of enemies, making it an ideal tool for disrupting enemy
Atlas Mech - 200 CP
The Atlas Mech is a powerful set of armor that combines the power of the YMIR mech
with the tactical capabilities of a skilled pilot. The Atlas Mech is equipped with an
element zero core allowing it to be deployed from low orbit drops. The Atlas mech is
equipped with all of the same armaments as a YMIR with some additions. These add-
ons include a powerful claw for close quarters combat and a flamethrower built under
the rocket launcher. Additionally, the Atlas Mech is equipped with a variety of tactical
systems, such as advanced sensors, targeting systems, and communication arrays,
which allow for superior situational awareness and coordination with other forces on the
battlefield. The armor is also highly durable, able to withstand massive amounts of
damage from both small arms fire and heavy artillery. Furthermore, the Atlas Mech
comes with a specialized interface system that allows a skilled pilot to control the mech
with incredible precision and agility, making it a formidable opponent on the battlefield.
This purchase will grant you access to one Atlas Mech, as well as the necessary training
to effectively operate it in combat situations.

Thorian Star-Flowers - 300 CP

The Thorian Star-Flowers are bio-organic Quantum Entanglers, evolved by the Thorians
to communicate across entire star-systems using Mass Relay com signals. These
communication devices are untraceable and unhackable, making them ideal for covert
and secure communications. Once cultivated and maintained, they can send and
interpret signals from one another, and their messages can reach any corner of the
galaxy with only a few minutes' delay. With the Thorian Star-Flowers, you can stay
connected with your allies and stay informed about any events happening in the farthest
reaches of the galaxy. Lastly, this will come with a set of caretakers who can cultivate
more Star-Flowers given more time allowing you to supply your allies with these
miraculous plants.

Sonic Ram - 300 CP

This powerful weapon utilizes the science behind the electromagnetic vibrations
pulsating in space to create a devastating shock-wave capable of destroying even the
toughest of enemy vessels. The Sonic Ram can be attached to the bow of any ship, and
when activated, it unleashes a giant red energy-wave towards its target. The wave
completely bypasses the target's shields and kinetic barriers, smashing into the hull with
devastating effect. It causes significant hull breaches and power outages, rendering the
enemy vessel defenseless and unable to retaliate. Purchasing this option will grant you
the blueprints and knowledge needed to produce this technology. You may optionally
install these weapons on any ships you possess.
Spectre Authorization - 400 CP
As a Spectre, you have been granted the highest level of authority in the Citadel
Council. You are empowered to act with impunity and make decisions that may seem
controversial or even illegal, as long as they serve the greater good of the galaxy. You
have access to advanced resources and intelligence that are not available to anyone
else, and your actions are only accountable to the Council itself. With this perk, you can
navigate the complex web of politics and intrigue that surrounds the Citadel Council and
enforce your will without fear of reprisal.

Mass Relay Network - 600 CP

The Mass Relay Network is a network of massive structures known as Mass Relays that
enable faster-than-light travel throughout the galaxy. The Relays are ancient, mysterious
devices that were created by an unknown race, and have been used by countless
civilizations for thousands of years. With this item, you have access to the entire Mass
Relay Network, and can travel from one end of the galaxy to the other in a matter of
days or even hours. The Network is divided into several clusters, each containing
multiple star systems, and you can choose any destination within the Network as long
as you have the appropriate coordinates. These relays may also be inserted throughout
any empires and territories you possess allowing you to connect them with ease. You
will have full control over this network allowing you to restrict it if needed. Lastly, you will
also have control over the relay cores determining whether or not they will cause any
damage in the event they are destroyed.
The Ordained

Armor Compactor - 100 CP

This advanced technology is a set of segmented armor that can be easily compacted
into a small box, making it easy to transport and store. By typing a specific combination
sequence located on the small of your back, the armor segments will fold into one
another, rolling up your legs and down your shoulders, until it is an eight-by-eleven-inch
box on your back. This allows for quick removal and easy access to your under-suit.
Perfect for those who need to be quick on their feet or require a discreet way to store
their armor. This will also come with the blueprints needed to produce this compactor
system. Lastly, if you wish you may install it into any armor you possess.

Prothean Augmentations - 200 CP

Purchasing the Prothean Augmentations grants you a set of highly advanced cybernetic
implants wielded by the ancient Prothean civilization. When implanted, they greatly
enhance the physical and mental abilities of the user, surpassing even the most
advanced modern implants with ease.

These augmentations are highly customizable, with various modules that can be added
or removed to suit the user's needs. They are made of exotic alloys and materials that
are highly durable and resilient, providing enhanced protection against physical and
energy-based attacks.

The Prothean Augmentations also grant the user enhanced biotic abilities, allowing
them to manipulate mass and energy with great precision and power. This allows for
devastating biotic attacks that can be used to incapacitate or destroy enemies. You will
also receive a set of blueprints for each of the augments potentially allowing you to
employ them in mass.

Cerberus - 400 CP
Congratulations, you have gained ownership over the enigmatic organization known as
Cerberus. Cerberus is a human-survivalist paramilitary group, founded by the Illusive
Man with the ultimate goal of ensuring the survival and advancement of humanity, no
matter the cost. As the leader of Cerberus, you gain complete knowledge and control
over the organization known as Cerberus. This includes access to all of its resources,
such as research facilities, ships, and personnel, as well as complete control over its
operations and goals.
You will start out with a fleet of a few hundred ships including a number of
dreadnoughts, over a dozen major shipyards, and thousands of elite operatives covering
numerous different fields. Each of these operatives will give you their complete loyalty,
and they will follow your orders without question. Whether you choose to use Cerberus
for good or for personal gain is up to you. If you dislike Cerberus then you may instead
create an equally powerful and influential organization.

Doomsday Project Schematics - 600 CP

The Doomsday-Level Project Schematic Set is a collection of highly detailed schematics
and plans for a variety of Doomsday-level projects, including the legendary Project
Crucible. The set is stored on a secure data drive that is protected by multiple layers of
encryption, making it virtually impossible to hack or steal. The plans are incredibly
complex and require a high level of technical expertise to understand, let alone
replicate. Each plan contains detailed instructions on how to construct and operate
some of the most advanced and devastating weapons and technologies known to the
various races destroyed by the Reapers, including superweapons, planet-destroying
devices, and experimental energy sources. Caution however, is advised as each of
these weapons were designed with the purpose of causing destruction on a scale
sufficient to annihilate the Reapers in their entirety. The only reason these weapons
were not utilized during the fall of the Prothean empire was due to the insufficient
amount of resources available to them.
Citadel Council

The Conduit - 100 CP

The Conduit is a miniaturized version of the mass relays designed to allow for planet-to-
planet FTL travel using Mass Relay technology. While the technology is still theoretical
and highly experimental, the Conduit is a breakthrough in travel technology. It can be
easily hidden and transported, making it an ideal tool for military operations and covert
missions. The device is powered by Element Zero and can be activated remotely using
a specialized interface. Once activated, the Conduit can transport a small group of
individuals or equipment from one location to another instantaneously. This will also
come with blueprints to recreate the Conduit and expand on it in the future.

Asari Commandos - 200 CP

You have been granted command over a group of highly skilled fighting force of Asari
commandos. They are on par with any other commando unit such as the elites trained
by House T'Soni. The commandos are adorned in black armor bearing the an emblem
of your choosing and are experts in biotic combat and tactical operations. You can also
summon this command unit to aid you in battle. The Commando Unit offers a powerful
and skilled fighting force, ready to engage in both ranged and close combat. Their biotic
abilities allow them to effectively neutralize enemies from a distance while also being
formidable in close combat. Additionally, these warriors can offer valuable tactical
support, utilizing their training to analyze enemy movements and coordinate attacks.
These Commandos can be a valuable asset in any mission, providing the user with a
reliable and versatile group of fighters.

Spectre Account Access - 400 CP

Spectres are some of the most wealthy individuals in the galaxy due to their great pay
and ability to claim stolen funds. This is a special high-tech device that allows the user
to gain access to the accounts of any important deceased or rogue individual such as
Spectres. With this device, the user can hack into the Spectre accounts. You can then
transfer the information, resources, and funds into your own accounts. The device has a
built-in encryption algorithm that keeps this transfer untraceable.

To use this accessing software, the user needs to connect the device to a computer or
terminal that has access to the appropriate network or is sufficiently close to the
individual in question. Once connected, the device will begin hacking into the accounts
and transferring everything to the user's designated accounts. The transfer process is
quick and untraceable, ensuring that the user can get the funds without any risk of
The Spectre Account Access device comes with a sleek and portable design, making it
easy to carry around and use on the go. The device is compatible with all major
operating systems and can be used by anyone with basic computer skills. Lastly, given
the nature of how this will be used you get a small starting bonus equivalent to the
wealth owned by the Spectre Saren. This will come out to approximately 350 million

The Citadel - 600 CP

The Citadel is a colossal space station, serving as the political, economic, and cultural
center of the galaxy. By obtaining this item, you are granted complete control over the
Citadel, allowing you to wield its vast power to your advantage. You possess the ability
to manipulate the station's defenses, call upon the Keepers, and activate its powerful
mass relay system to travel quickly between systems. Furthermore, you have the
authority to control the station's economy by adjusting trade routes and tariffs, giving
you immense control over the financial system of the galaxy.

As the owner of the Citadel, you have access to all of its resources and can use them to
your advantage. You can influence the galaxy's political decisions by convening
meetings of the Citadel Council, and can even declare your own personal edicts, with
the backing of the station's overwhelming military might. With the Citadel at your
disposal, you possess immense influence over the fate of the galaxy, and can shape it
to your will.
Destined Heroes

Prothean Particle Rifle - 100/200 CP

This highly coveted weapon was developed by the Prothean resistance after the fall of
their empire. It's a stripped-down, yet powerful assault rifle capable of firing without
relying on thermal clips or specialized ammunition. The Prothean Particle Rifle
harnesses advanced Prothean particle technology, allowing it to deliver devastating
damage to its targets. It's the ideal weapon for those who value reliability and power
over flashy features. With its sleek design and unmatched performance, the Prothean
Particle Rifle is a must-have for any serious fighter. If you are not satisfied with this then
you may choose the second option shown below.
● Quarian Dragon Rifle - 200 CP: The Quarian Dragon Rifle is a one-of-a-kind
energy weapon designed by the Quarian engineer Tali'Zorah and built by the
Prothean expert Ko'le. The rifle is constructed with lightweight materials and
advanced technology, making it both durable and powerful. The rifle fires a solid
blue laser beam that can easily cut through most materials, leaving a trail of red-
hot smoke in its wake. The weapon's energy source is a specialized power cell,
which can be recharged for repeated use. The rifle also comes equipped with a
targeting system that displays the rifle's firing trajectory, making it easier to aim
and fire accurately.

Hard Light Generator - 200 CP

The Hard Light Generator is a piece of advanced technology that allows the user to
create solid light constructs that can be used for a variety of purposes, including
combat. The device utilizes cutting-edge holographic technology that was originally
developed for use by the AI known as EDI. With the Hard Light Generator, the user can
create solid constructs out of light, which can then be used as weapons, shields, or
even as tools. The device is also equipped with advanced targeting systems that allow
the user to accurately aim and fire their constructs.

Thanks to its advanced technology, the Hard Light Generator is an incredibly versatile
tool that can be used in a wide range of situations. Whether you're looking to engage in
combat, create a bridge across a chasm, or simply create a holographic decoy to
distract your enemies, the Hard Light Generator has you covered. Lastly, this will come
with schematics detailing how to use these generators and understand the principles
behind the technology itself.
Imperial-Level Access - 400 CP
The Imperial-Level Access codes represented the authority that Ko’le was given by the
Emperor. They provided him with access to the most restricted and secure areas within
the Prothean empire. These codes and designation are impossible to replicate. It will
also come with a key card that you can use if needed as well. The card is encoded with
advanced biometric data that can only be unlocked with the correct combination of
fingerprints, retina scans, and voice recognition. Once authorized, the card allows
access to a vast array of top-secret information, including confidential research,
experimental weapons technology, and classified military plans. Post jump this will grant
you a similar level of authority allowing you to bypass any technological security
measure you encounter.

Prothean Archive - 600 CP

This is an incredibly valuable item that contains the entirety of the Prothean civilization's
accumulated knowledge, culture, and history. The Archive is a vast database of
information that spans across numerous fields, including science, technology,
philosophy, art, and literature. It also contains detailed records of Prothean history,
including their interactions with other species and their eventual downfall.

Accessing the Archive requires specialized equipment and advanced knowledge of

Prothean technology. However, once accessed, the user will have access to a wealth of
information that can aid them in countless ways. The Archive can provide the user with
advanced knowledge of physics, biology, engineering, and other scientific fields,
allowing them to create advanced technology and make groundbreaking discoveries. In
addition to its practical uses, the Archive also provides a fascinating glimpse into the
Prothean civilization and their way of life. Users of the Archive can learn about Prothean
culture, art, and philosophy, gaining a deeper understanding of this ancient and
mysterious race.
The Conclave

Nanite Interface Spike - 100 CP

The Nanite Interface Spike is a highly advanced technological tool that allows the user
to directly interface with electronic devices and repair them on the spot. By plunging the
spike into a device's motherboard, the nanites within the spike swarm over the circuitry,
repairing and replacing any damaged connections. This can be especially useful in
high-pressure situations where time is of the essence and traditional repair methods are
not feasible.

Additionally, the Nanite Interface Spike has the ability to upload data into a device's
database. This can include information on known enemy units, such as Reapers and
Collectors, which can be added to the device's "Hostile" database. This allows the
device, such as a turret, to automatically target and attack known enemy units without
the need for manual input. The Nanite Interface Spike is a powerful tool in the hands of
a skilled technician and can make the difference between success and failure in critical

Gift of Ilos - 200 CP

The Gift of Ilos is an incredibly valuable and unique item that grants the bearer complete
control and ownership over the planet of Ilos, including all of its resources and facilities.
Ilos is a strategically important location, with only one relay in or out of the planet,
making it an ideal location for both military and economic purposes. Having ownership
of the planets grants the bearer the power to establish their own base of operations,
build new structures, and make use of the planet's resources for their own purposes.
This world has a number of Prothean ruins and advanced technology should you be
capable of harvesting it. In addition, the world has had a number of cities constructed on
it to provide homes for the entirety of the Quarian species. You may choose to acquire a
similar population of Quarians or another species if you wish.

The Immortals - 400 CP

The Immortals are an elite mercenary group under your command. They have an
impressive fleet consisting of more than eighty corvette-class ships, twenty frigates, and
three dreadnought-class capital ships: The Revenge, Royal Fortune, and the Whydah.
Led by Helena Blake, the main force of The Immortals is known for their expertise in
dirty fighting and can be called upon for any mission or task. The Black Suns, led by
Zaeed Massani, have been seamlessly folded into The Immortals and serve as highly-
mobile, heavily-armored shock units. Other sub-groups also exist within the
Equipped with state-of-the-art gear and technology, The Immortals are skilled in a
variety of combat tactics and weapons. As their leader, you have complete control over
the group and their resources. Their loyalty to you is unbreakable, and they will follow
your orders without question. The mere presence of The Immortals can deter potential
threats due to their reputation as skilled fighters and experienced mercenaries. With
their support, you can take on any challenge with confidence.

Conclave - 600 CP
The Conclave is a powerful inter-species organization consisting of several different
races, each with their own strengths and contributions. With the backing of the volus
banking guilds, the elcor's heavy shock troops, the hanar and drell's advances in
technology, the quarians' expertise in engineering, the Traverse Republics' diverse
population and the Raloi's elite commando units, the Conclave has become a force to
be reckoned with in the galaxy.

This item grants you control over the Conclave and the title of Imperator. This position
gives you access to the vast resources and network, including its advanced military and
medical technology, expert engineers, and top-tier commando units. Additionally, you
will gain diplomatic immunity within Conclave space, allowing them to operate freely
without fear of persecution or retaliation. If you wish you may decide the demographics
of this conclave or receive the default ratio from the setting. Lastly, you may make this a
separate organization from the canon Conclave, but that could have some major effects
if you introduce a third galactic powerhouse.
The Reapers

Mini Reaper - 100 CP

You gain possession of a pet miniaturized Reaper, approximately the size of a small
dog. Despite its diminutive size, it possesses the same abilities as a full-sized Reaper,
including the ability to emit a blaring alarm and shoot miniature lasers. While its
firepower is limited, it is still a formidable weapon in the hands of a skilled user. The
Miniature Reaper is also equipped with advanced scanning technology that allows it to
detect the presence of living beings within a certain radius, making it an effective tool for
reconnaissance and surveillance.

Seeker Swarm - 200 CP

The Collector Seeker Swarm is a formidable weapon, capable of immobilizing entire
populations without causing any physical harm. Each individual Seeker in the swarm is
equipped with a paralyzing stinger that injects a potent venom into its target, rendering
them completely incapacitated. When deployed en masse, the Seeker Swarm can
quickly overrun even the largest and most heavily defended cities, rendering their
populations helpless and vulnerable to capture by the Collectors. It is worth noting that
the Seeker Swarm is most effective when used with the element of surprise, as its
victims have little chance to react or mount a defense against the sudden onslaught.
You have come into possession of one such swarm. This swarm is made up of a million
seekers. You will be provided with an appropriate habitat to store them. You may
optionally place this habitat in your warehouse and summon the swarm at will. Should
the swarm somehow be destroyed they will be replaced within a week.

Army of the Leviathan - 400 CP

You have gained control over the powerful Army of the Leviathan, a formidable force of
genetically altered Collectors created for combat and controlled by you alone. These
creatures are larger and more heavily armored than standard Collectors, resembling
massive armored wetas, with left arms that double as shields and wrist-mounted plasma
rifles. As the commander of the Army of the Leviathan, you have exclusive access to
their advanced combat technology and weaponry, including their shield generators and
plasma rifles. These creatures are fiercely loyal to you, and will follow your commands
without question. They can be deployed in a variety of situations, from infiltration
missions to full-scale assaults, and can operate in any environment, including space.

In addition to the Army of the Leviathan, you also have access to a powerful fleet of
ships by combining the Prothean and Levithan technology. These ships are designed to
be highly versatile and customizable, with advanced technology and weaponry. They
can be used for reconnaissance, transport, and combat missions, and can be outfitted
with a variety of weapons, including mass accelerators and plasma cannons. With the
Army of the Leviathan and your fleet of ships at your disposal, you have a powerful
force capable of taking on any challenge. Whether you need to strike a decisive blow
against your enemies or protect your allies from harm, the Army of the Leviathan and
your fleet are ready to answer your call.

Harvesting Center - 600 CP

The Harvesting Center is a colossal structure used by the Reapers to carry out their
grim mission of harvesting organic life. Within its dark and foreboding halls, countless
individuals have been transformed into Husks, mindless and obedient soldiers of the
Reaper cause. But the Harvesting Center's true power lies in its ability to create new
Reapers, the apex of the Reaper hierarchy. The process is a closely guarded secret,
but it is rumored to involve the merging of multiple beings into a single, monstrous
entity, imbued with the devastating power of the Reapers themselves.

As the owner of the Harvesting Center, you have access to this terrible power. You can
use the facility to create your own Husks and even construct new Reapers, should you
so choose. The process is complex and time-consuming, but with the right resources
and personnel, you can create an army of loyal soldiers and devastating war machines
that will carry out your will. Given time you may learn how to create new Husk variants
and design your own unique Reapers.
If it is not otherwise specified then each companion receives 600cp to customize
themselves, and may choose one origin. All companions are allowed to take drawbacks
as well. Lastly companions may also purchase other companions.

Import/Create companion 50-400 CP

Depending on how much you pay you can import a number of companions into this
jump. For 50 CP you can do this with 2, For 100 CP you can create or import 4, for 200
CP you can create/import 8 companions, and lastly for 400 CP you can import all of
your companions. Each companion receives 600 CP each and gets to pick an origin.

Canon Companion - 0/100 CP

If you befriend any of the various beings in this multiverse you may recruit them as
companions. After all, if you're going to put that much effort in you shouldn’t have to pay
for it. If you pay 100 CP you may guarantee that you start out with a positive relationship
with a character of your choice. This could be a good friendship or some other
relationship of your choice.

Enkindled One - 100 CP (Free Ordained)

Ko’le’s greatest advantage was that he fought alongside the Protheans and he had the
opportunity to meet many of the galaxy's ancestors. For example, he met one of the first
Hanar and told them to prepare for his return. As a result, once he met the Hanar he
was able to call upon numerous influential and skilled agents to assist him. This is a
similarly powerful individual who wields immense influence. They could be an
ambassador, a scientist, or a renowned warrior. Regardless of their exact position, they
will be capable of assisting you in a variety of ways. You may design their personality,
appearance, and species if you wish.

Council Spectre - 100 CP (Free Citadel Council)

As a Council Spectre, this individual is a highly skilled and respected agent of the
Citadel Council. They possess a wide range of abilities, from combat training to
advanced diplomacy and espionage tactics. They are fiercely loyal to the Council and its
ideals, and will do whatever it takes to protect the galaxy from threats. You may choose
their appearance, personality, and species to fit your needs.

Battle-Hardened Veteran - 100 CP (Free Destined Hero)

This companion is a battle-hardened veteran with extensive experience in various forms
of combat, from hand-to-hand combat to advanced weaponry. They have survived
countless battles and possess a wealth of knowledge on tactics and strategy. As a
result, they are an invaluable asset in any situation. They are fiercely loyal to you and
your cause, and will fight with everything they have to ensure your success.
Additionally, their experiences have given them a unique perspective on life, making
them an interesting and compelling companion to travel with. You may design their
personality, appearance, and species if you wish.

The Clean-Up Crew - 100 CP (Free Conclave)

As organizations grow larger it slowly becomes harder and harder to maintain order.
The simplest way to deal with the various corrupt individuals that pop up is to simply
have them eliminated. This is an extremely capable assassin on par with Kai Leng and
Thane Krios. They are devoted to you above all else and will not hesitate to follow any
order you give them. Should you ever be lost or believed you to be dead they will do
their best to preserve your original goals. You may design their personality, appearance,
and species if you wish.

Cult of the Reaper - 100 CP (Free Reaper)

This individual is a member of the Cult of the Reaper, a group of individuals who
willingly follow the Reapers and believe you to be their avatar. They will stop at nothing
to fulfill your every command, no matter how extreme or dangerous. They possess a
deep reverence for the Reapers and their power, and will see their mission through to
the bitter end. You may choose their appearance, personality, and species to fit your

N7 Operative - 100 CP
This individual is a highly trained and experienced soldier who has been recruited into
the elite N7 program. They possess a wide range of combat skills and are capable of
handling any situation that comes their way. They are fiercely loyal to you and your
mission, and will do whatever it takes to protect you and ensure that you succeed in
your goals. You may design their appearance, personality, and species if you wish.

The Avenger - 100 CP

A powerful biotic warrior, the Avenger is consumed by a burning desire for revenge
against those who wronged them in the past. They believe that your destiny is linked to
their own quest for vengeance, and will use their formidable abilities to help you achieve
your goals. They can be hot-headed and impulsive, but are fiercely loyal to those they
consider allies. You may choose their appearance and species, but their personality will
reflect their intense emotions and desire for retribution.
Young Ward - 100 CP
This is a young individual similar to Reyna endowed with immense potential and skills.
Their caretaker or parent has requested that you take their child under your protection
as a Ward and Protector. They are unable to guide them on a Star-Journey to explore
the universe and entrust this task to you. They have inherited the abilities of their
parents. For example, Reyna was an asari huntress and had the knowledge of the
Thorian people, but she lacked experience. Their family trusts you to watch over them
and hopes that they can be a boon to your mission. You may freely customize the
appearance, personality, and species of this individual as well.

New Geth - 100 CP

This option allows you to create or recruit a New Geth platform to fight by your side.
These companions are highly advanced and customizable, allowing you to tailor them to
your specific needs in battle. With their unique modifications, each platform brings a
different set of abilities and strengths to the fight, making them a valuable asset in any
combat situation. Whether you need a sniper, a heavy weapons platform, or a stealthy
infiltrator, the New Geth have got you covered. Plus, their advanced AI means they can
adapt to changing situations on the fly, making them a reliable ally in even the most
chaotic battles.

Thresher Maw - 200/400 CP

Thresher Maws are enormous and deadly creatures that inhabit the planets of the Mass
Effect universe. These creatures can grow up to several hundred meters in length and
have massive jaws lined with razor-sharp teeth. They are fiercely territorial and attack
any intruders who enter their territory. However, with proper training, it is possible to
establish a bond with a Thresher Maw and even raise one from infancy. If you choose
this companion option, you will gain the loyalty of a Thresher Maw who will be your
constant companion. This Thresher Maw will be loyal to you and follow your commands.
It will be smaller than the average Thresher Maw, making it easier to keep by your side.
It will also be highly intelligent and able to understand complex commands.

Your Thresher Maw companion will be highly protective of you and attack anyone who
threatens you. It will also be a fearsome combatant, able to take on multiple enemies at
once with its massive jaws and powerful tentacles. However, it will also require a
significant amount of food to sustain its massive size, and you will need to be careful to
avoid drawing unwanted attention from authorities who may consider it a danger to
public safety. This Thresher Maw will have the potential to grow to a massive size
perhaps eventually even growing bigger than Kalros. Alternativly if you don’t want to
wait then you can spend an additional 200 CP. This will directly upgrade your new
companion so that they are on par with Kalros in size. This will make them significantly
more powerful, but it will make transporting them much more difficult.
Shepard’s Flock - 500 CP
You are likely familiar with these characters already or at least some variations of them.
This option allows you to recruit the main crew mates and warriors who served
alongside Shepard in her quest to save the galaxy. This option allows you to purchase
all of them in a single group companion slot. All of the following characters are included
and a brief description of each one is given:
● Rebecca Shepard, the Paragon warrior who rallied the galaxy to fight against the
● Garrus Vakarian, the skilled and loyal turian who served as Shepard's right-hand
man. In addition, he is one of the best snipers in the galaxy.
● Liara T’ Soni, the brilliant asari scientist who would go on to become the Shadow
Broker. She is also Shepard’s lover and likely her most devoted ally.
● Tali Zorah, the peppy and tech-savvy quarian who proved herself time and time
again to the team with her engineering skills.
● Ashley Williams, the tough and patriotic human soldier who while cold initially
improved over time. She would later go on to become the second human
● Miranda Lawson, the genetically enhanced Cerberus operative. She would fight
alongside Ko’le, but ultimately find her place alongside Shepard.
● Jacob Taylor, the skilled Alliance soldier who had his own struggles with
Cerberus, but one who became a trusted member of Shepard's team.
● Jack, the powerful and volatile biotic who found redemption and purpose. She
ended up having a surprising degree of skill when it came to teaching others
particularly children.
● Thane Krios, the lethal drell assassin who served as a valuable asset in both
combat and intel gathering.
● Grunt, the tank-bred krogan who proved himself as a warrior and a loyal member
of Shepard's team.
● Mordin Solus, the brilliant salarian scientist who helped develop the cure for the
genophage and one of the most intelligent beings in the galaxy.
● Zaeed Masanni, the ruthless mercenary who may have had a checkered past,
but one who would never betray those who had earned his trust.
● Samara, the wise and powerful asari justicar who brought a sense of balance to
the team and acted as a moral compass.
● EDI, the advanced AI who gained sentience under Ko’les guidance. She also
was Ko’le and Mira’s adopted daughter.
● James Vega, the skilled and loyal Alliance soldier who proved himself as a
valuable asset to Shepard's team.
Since you are paying CP you will be allowed to take Kaiden Alenko as well. Normally he
would have been doomed on Virmire, but he shall be given a second chance here. You
may optionally choose the exact relationship you have with each of these individuals.

Ko’le’s Immortals - 500 CP

As Ko’le went forth on his quest he assembled a group of formidable warriors and
powerful beings from across the galaxy to aid him in his quest. This option allows you to
recruit this group as companions. Your new companions include the following:
● Ko’le, the main character of this story and the Imperator. Ko’le is a Neanderthal
who was taken from Earth and experimented on extensively by a Prothean
scientist. He however, would go on to become a legendary hero and one of the
highest ranking members of the Prothean empire before he awoke in our time.
● Pyke Morrell, the cunning and loyal Vorcha Sergeant-Major who looked like a
Jack Sparrow rip-off.
● Tallaxis, a determined and heavily-armored Hanar with a penchant for
● Morinth, the deadly Ardat-Yakshi wielding destructive talents targeted by your
● Mira an illegal A.I. lost on the Citadel turned thief and leader of the New Geth.
● Reyna, the Thorian Seedling born from the union of Protector-of-the-Weak and
Shiala on Zhu's Hope.
● Kolyat Krios, son of Thane Krios, is a young and proficient drell warrior.
● Turro, the Raloian High Seeker sent out to explore the galaxy and to assess the
various threats to his species.
● Kai Leng, the once one-dimensional Cerberus assassin now given life beyond his
in-game villain status.
● Jane Shepard, organ donor turned clone gifted with a newfound purpose and
● Basher, the noble and kind-hearted tank-bred Krogan wielding a massive War-
hammer normally doomed to die alone on a forgotten world.
● Javik, Ko’le’s battle-brother and corporeal form of vengeance.
● Lastly, Muerta a Quarian biotic and one of the deadliest CQC experts in the
Together, this diverse group of fighters will help you face any challenge that comes your
way. However, be warned that each member has their own unique personality and
quirks that may make them difficult to work with at times. Lastly, you may optionally
choose the exact relationship you have with each of these individuals.

The Next Generation - 500 CP

After the galaxy managed to defeat the Reapers our heroes ended up in positions of
power and influence for the most part. They also, however, were able to enjoy the times
of peace and actually receive their own happy endings. One of the main things that
resulted from this was a number of children who would desire to become heroes like
their parents. This option allows you to recruit all of these junior heroes. They may not
have proven themselves, but they all have just as much potential as their parents. This
option grants you the following companions:
● Ha’nah Shepard, a feisty young Asari who inherited Rebecca's charisma and
Liara’s biotic prowess.
● Solana, the niece of Garrus Vakarian and Jane Shepard. She was likely named
after Garrus’s sister and has proven herself as a centurion serving in the 795th
Palavan regiment.
● Rael’Oren Vas Rannoch, is the child of Admiral Tali'Zorah who inherited his
mothers affinity for technology.
● Korro’le, son of Torro is a capable warrior having been trained by his father in the
arts of Raloian combat.
● Jennifer Lawson, the adopted daughter of Miranda Lawson and Jack. Despite
this she seemingly still has the combined biotic prowess of her parents wielding
Jack’s raw power and Miranda’s unrivaled control.
● Thax Daharka, it is not clear if she is the child of any member of the cast. It
appears that she is a female Krogan who keeps Kaiden and Basher in line.
● Urdnot Kaiden and Urdnot Basher, the children of the legendary warrior Grunt.
Their line is distilled from the genealogies of Kredak, Moro, and Shiagur. They
have more than proven to inherit their forebears talents in the art of combat.
● Cipher, the A.I. born from EDI and Joker, possesses an advanced level of
intelligence and processing power, as well as a unique sense of humor and
personality influenced by its progenitors.
● Myrddin Solus, a salarian who inherited Mordin’s vast intellect, is a brilliant
scientist and researcher, with a particular expertise in genetics and
biotechnology. Despite his genius, he also possesses a strong moral compass
and a deep empathy for all forms of life, a trait he inherited from his predecessor.
● Andrew Vega, son of Ashley Williams and James Vega. Andrew has inherited
Vega’s physique and his mothers tactical knowledge.
There is no drawback limit, but make sure you can handle whatever you take.

Supplement Mode - 0 CP
Well it turns out this entire time you only filled out part of the paperwork. You may take
this jump and use it as a supplement to a second jump. This will allow you to either
merge the two jumps or for you to take all of your purchases into a new world. Just
remember you can't run from the drawbacks, no matter how hard you try to.

Self-Insert - 0 CP
So you want to be one of the named characters huh, well if you take the appropriate
background, and then you will get to take their place. This won’t give you any of their
skills unless you buy them however. Otherwise you are free to go in as any character
you would like.

Only A Few Years - 0 CP

Normally you would stay in this world for a total of years. The main events of this story
however, only take place over three or four years total. Although some events are
shown that take place approximately twenty five years after the Reapers defeat. This
option will allow you to alter the duration of your stay. You could choose to leave after
the Reapers are defeated or stay for a few decades after to see how the galaxy

Extended Stay +100 CP

For each purchase of this your time here is extended 10 years. Just be careful this
world has a number of dangers even to those who stand at its peak. Staying here may
give you some more opportunities, but it also carries many perils. Lastly, depending on
how long you plan to stay you may need to find some method of extending your

Slow Elevators +100 CP

Despite the incredibly advanced technology that the various species possess they all
seem to suffer one critical flaw. Every single elevator they possess is unbelievably slow
and takes far longer than it has any to in order for it to go anywhere. By taking this
drawback you will not only encounter these elevators, but you will do so constantly. At a
minimum you will deal with these elevators in some way once a week or whenever you
go on an actual mission.
Spoon +100 CP
When Ko’le first awakened Liara was the only one capable of speaking to him. Before
he melded with her to gain an understanding of modern languages she used broken
Prothean words to attempt communication. The first thing she said was the word spoon
although it doesn’t appear that she actually knew the meaning. Later on Ko’le would
occasionally tease Liara about this moment. You will find that many of your initial
encounters with others end up with similarly embarrassing moments. This won’t have
any real catastrophic consequences, but it will force you into a number of embarrassing
situations. These moments will frequently be brought up by your allies and associates
leaving you embarrassed.

Outcast +100 CP
You are an outcast among your own kind, much like Basher, the tank-bred Krogan.
Your abnormal behavior and lack of honor, perhaps as a Turian, has made many of
your peers look down on you. You may find it difficult to gain the respect and trust of
others within your own species, and may face challenges in forming alliances or working
together towards a common goal. Your reputation may precede you, and you may have
to work twice as hard to prove yourself to others.

Resentful Legacy +200 CP

You carry the burden of your family's past actions or beliefs, which have led to
consequences that now impact your interactions with others. You may find that certain
individuals or groups hold prejudices against you based on the actions of your family,
even if you do not share their beliefs. This can lead to strained relationships or outright
hostility, causing difficulties in both personal and professional situations. For example,
Ashley dislikes aliens due to the shame her family suffered for surrendering in the First
Contact War. You may also struggle with feelings of guilt or shame related to your
family's past, even if you were not directly involved in their actions. You can move past
this, but it may create some bias within you subconsciously.

Hunted Prey +200 CP

Due to Morinth's past, she is constantly hunted by her mother, Samara, who seeks to
bring her to justice. Samara's presence is a constant threat to Morinth and anyone
associated with her, and she may appear at any time, putting the entire party in danger.
Regardless of whether or not you are actually an associate of Morinth, Samara has
started to pursue you. Samara is a powerful and skilled warrior, making her a formidable
opponent, and she is relentless in her pursuit of her daughter. The party must always be
on guard and ready to defend themselves if they are to survive Samara's relentless
pursuit. If you approach this situation carefully you may be able to solve this issue
peacefully, but Samara is easily blinded when it comes to her daughter.
Jump Scare +200 CP
It's easy to get scared sometimes even if you know it’s coming. It however, can
sometimes have detrimental effects as well. In this case you suffer from an involuntary
biotic burst that can be triggered by sudden or unexpected stimuli, causing harm to
those around you. Whether it's a loud noise, a surprise attack, or just a simple jump
scare, your reflexes cause your biotic energy to explode outward, potentially injuring
those in close proximity. You must take extra precautions and training to control your
abilities and avoid accidental harm to others. If you do not possess biotics then you will
likely lash out in some other way such as randomly punching someone next to you.
Thankfully this can be dealt with eventually through training. It however, will likely take a
few weeks if not months of dedicated work to remove this flaw. Try to avoid team based
missions or stealth activities until then.

Bound to the Plot +200 CP

Ko’le makes a number of signifcant changes to the setting, but a vast number of
important events still play out in the same fashion. For example, even though Cerberus
is destroyed an attack on the Citadel still occurs due to the a rogue faction of the
Conclave. You will find that by taking this drawback nearly every important event in the
Mass Effect games will still occur. Some characters will die no matter what you do,
attacks will occur, and you will ultimately be more than likely forced into using the
Crucible somehow.

Ardat-Yakshi Tendencies +400 CP

You are an Ardat-Yakshi, a rare genetic condition among Asari that makes you a highly
effective and deadly mate-killer. While this gives you incredible powers, it also comes
with a significant drawback. Your condition causes you to experience irresistible
impulses that compel you to seek out and mate with others, often resulting in their

This effect may trigger at any time, forcing you to seek potential mates. If you are
unable to resist, you will be consumed by your Ardat-Yakshi tendencies and must
engage in the act of mating, which results in the immediate death of your partner. This
can be incredibly dangerous and could make you a danger to any potential companions,
making it challenging to maintain stable relationships. To make it worse the effect will
grow stronger the longer you go without draining someone.

Additionally, due to the fear and disgust associated with your kind, you may also face
social ostracization or hostility from others, making it difficult to integrate into society.
You may find it hard to find allies or people willing to trust and work with you, creating
additional complications and challenges in your adventures.
Forgotten Payments +400 CP
It seems that your benefactor forgot to pay for access to the game or failed to upgrade
your deal. As a result you have been restricted and aren’t allowed to use items that
don’t belong here. In addition, you have been banned from accessing your warehouse
while you are here. You get to keep access to your powers, but any items that don’t
belong to this universe are forbidden.

Powers Begone +400 CP

So you thought that you could just use your other powers in order to blitz the setting did
you? Well now you can’t, your out of jump powers have been locked away. If you are
going to survive in this world then you’re going to do it with the powers that belong to
this setting. As a small mercy you will be allowed to use any powers that can fit this
setting such as any abilities from the Mass Effect jump, the Mass Effect Legendary
Edition jump, the Blasto: The Hanar Spectre jump, and any other jump related to the
Mass Effect series.

I’m a Clone +400 CP

It turns out that the purchases you have been making haven’t actually been for you. Like
how Jane Shepard was a clone of Rebecca Shepard, you are a clone, created from the
genetic material of another individual. They are the actual hero or villain of this story.
You will still retain all of the abilities and traits you purchased, but you will lack all of the
items you bought. They will still be given to you post-jump though so don’t worry about
wasting CP. Due to your origins, you may struggle with issues of identity and self-worth,
wondering if you truly have your own individuality or if you are merely a copy of
someone else.

You may have been created for a specific purpose or agenda, whether it be as a
weapon, a pawn, or something else entirely. This will leave you feeling trapped or used,
with little agency or control over your own life and decisions. Should you seek out your
original template perhaps you could find peace or you may instead be forced into a life
and death battle depending on their personality. If you can resolve things peacefully
with your counterpart you may take them as a companion for Free and they will retain
all of the perks you purchased here.

Split Personality +600 CP

You suffer from a severe case of split personality disorder. Three distinct personalities
reside within your mind, each with their own thoughts, emotions, memories, and
desires. The first personality is your original self, known as "Alpha," who is a highly
intelligent and rational individual. The second personality is "Beta," an aggressive and
impulsive version of yourself with a strong desire for power and dominance. Finally, the
third personality is "Gamma," a highly emotional and unpredictable persona with an
insatiable thirst for chaos and destruction.

These personalities are constantly vying for control, and they can emerge at any
moment, without warning. You have limited control over which personality is dominant
at any given time, and you may find yourself switching between them frequently.
Additionally, each personality has its own strengths and weaknesses, so your abilities
and skills may vary depending on which persona is in control. Your split personality
disorder is not only a constant struggle but it also makes it difficult to build long-term
relationships and alliances. People may find it hard to trust you, and you may struggle to
maintain a consistent reputation or identity.

The Eternal Battle +600 CP

You have a powerful enemy who is a mirror image of yourself. They are equal to you in
might, but your complete opposite in personality. This rival not only possesses similar
abilities and strengths as you, but also harbors a deep-seated resentment towards you,
seeking to defeat and surpass you in every way possible. They will stop at nothing to
achieve their goal, including sabotaging your plans, attacking your allies, and
manipulating those around you. Similar to Ko’le and Harbinger’s relationship they will
stop at nothing to bring ruin to all you care about.

Furthermore, as you grow in power, your rival will also grow in strength, adapting their
abilities and tactics to match your own. They are a constant threat to your success and
survival, forcing you to always be on guard and pushing you to new heights of strength
and skill. Failure to keep up with your rival could result in their victory over you, and you
must always be mindful of their actions and plans. This conflict will only be settled once
one of you has been slain.

Reaper Mindshare +600 CP

You have gained access to the vast knowledge and experiences of the Reaper
Mainframe, but it has come at a cost. The memories of billions of years and millions of
cycles have flooded your mind, overwhelming your senses and threatening to drive you
mad. You constantly hear the whispers of the Reapers in your mind, their voices
clamoring for your attention and urging you to carry out their will. The memories and
experiences of countless civilizations weigh heavily on your mind, causing you to
struggle with the weight of their knowledge and history. You may experience debilitating
headaches, nausea, and even hallucinations as your mind tries to process and cope
with the vast amount of information it has received. The temptation to give in to the
Reapers' will and become their pawn may prove to be too great, and you will need to
fight to maintain your sense of self and free will.
Deal with the Devil +600 CP
As the creators of the Reapers the Leviathans are an invaluable source of information,
but they are just as dangerous as their creations. You have made a deal with the
Leviathans, ancient beings who created the Reapers and sought to control organic life
through them. As a result, you have gained access to the power and knowledge of the
Reapers, but at a cost. You are now immune to Reaper indoctrination, but you are now
under the control of the Leviathans. They can influence your thoughts and actions,
subtly or overtly, to further their goals. They may force you to carry out missions, betray
your allies, or act in ways that go against your own beliefs and values.

The Leviathans are extremely powerful and cunning, and breaking free from their
control will be a difficult task. You will have to constantly struggle against their influence,
resisting their commands and trying to maintain your own free will. Failure to do so may
result in dire consequences, both for yourself and those around you. You will likely need
to rely on your allies to assist you as any attempts at open rebellion will be met with
swift and harsh retribution. At best you will become a lobotomized puppet receiving a
swift death.
You may take any number of scenarios unless there are any specific requirements. In
addition you are unable to proceed to the next jump until you accomplish this goal.
● All scenarios can take place after the main jump so there is no need to worry
about conflicting goals or lack of time. To clarify, you will essentially be taking the
jump again, only you will have a specific goal instead of just needing to survive.
There is no punishment for failure aside from losing access to the reward of the
Scenario. You will not chain-fail if you give up unless explicitly stated
● Each scenario you take will give you 500 CP as well to spend on the document
upon successful completion.

The Ordained
Congratulations, you are now the protagonist of our story. That’s right you will be
replacing Kevin/Ko’le. The jump will last until the story ends canonically or you die. You
will face all of the challenges that Kevin/Ko’le did. You will start out with all of
Kevin/Ko’le’s abilities though you will only get to keep them if you complete the
scenario. You will receive all of the same opportunities to succeed as they did however
should you follow their path. Lastly you will receive their memories so that you know
what’s going on and have his experience.

For completing this scenario you will receive a variety of rewards.
● First any technique or item you learned/gathered through your journey will gain
Fiat backing ensuring that you can keep them.
● Second, all restrictions on any ability you gained whether through an action in the
jump or by purchasing it will have its limits removed.
● Third, you will get to take ALL of your friends, family, and forces with you. This
will include any territory, empires, and whatever areas you control. You may
choose whether they all share a single companion slot or if they are divided up
based on their affiliations.

Keelah Se'lai
The long-standing conflict between the Geth and Quarians has reached a boiling point,
threatening to erupt into a full-scale war that could decimate both species. As a neutral
party with diplomatic skills, your mission is to negotiate a peace treaty between the two
sides. The Geth, an artificial intelligence race, were originally created by the Quarians
as laborers and defense units. However, after achieving sentience, the Geth rebelled
against their creators and the two have been at odds ever since. The Quarians have
been trying to reclaim their homeworld ever since, while the Geth have been determined
to preserve their newfound independence. Your task is to navigate the complex politics
and deep-seated grievances on both sides, working towards a peaceful resolution that
satisfies the needs of both the Quarians and the Geth. This will require careful
negotiation, as well as a deep understanding of the cultural and historical factors that
have contributed to the conflict.

● Upon successfully negotiating a peace treaty, you will have gained the trust and
respect of both the Quarians and Geth. As a result, you will be granted access to
their advanced technology and military might, allowing you to recruit powerful
soldiers and ships for your own fleet. The Geth are known for their advanced
weaponry and formidable combat skills, making them a valuable addition to any
fleet. Meanwhile, the Quarians are skilled engineers and pilots, able to provide
cutting-edge technology and expertise in ship design and modification. With
these two forces united, you will be able to create a formidable fleet capable of
facing any challenge. The Geth/Quarian alliance will be a powerful asset in your
mission no matter what path you walk.
● Second, you will gain the ability to settle any future conflicts between groups
peacefully, without resorting to violence. Your reputation as a skilled negotiator
will precede you, and others will look to you as a mediator and peacemaker in
any disputes that may arise. You will be viewed as a respected and influential
figure in the galactic community, known for your ability to bring peace and
stability to even the most contentious conflicts.

The Final Choice

Despite everything Ko’le did in the end they were forced to rely on the Crucible due to
the betrayal of the Leviathans.
For this scenario you will have to navigate this world starting from the beginning of
Shepard’s journey. The Crucible will be completed during the final battle for Earth, and
the fate of the galaxy rests in your hands. Will you choose to control the Reapers,
destroy them, or merge synthetic and organic life through synthesis? Details on each of
the choices available will be listed below.
● Control Route: You enter the control center and make the decision to merge
with the Reapers, gaining ultimate power over the galaxy. You become a god-like
being with access to the entirety of the Reapers' knowledge and technology. You
command their fleets, indoctrinated beings, and servants.
● Destroy Route: You enter the control center and choose to activate the
Crucible's destroy function. This will cause a massive explosion that destroys the
Reapers and any synthetic life in the galaxy. The explosion also causes
significant damage to the Mass Relay network, leading to the collapse of many
● Synthesis Route: You enter the control center and activate the Crucible's
synthesis function, merging synthetic and organic life throughout the galaxy. This
results in a new era of cooperation and understanding between species, ushering
in a new age of prosperity and peace.
The rewards you receive for this scenario will depend on which of the routes you
choose to walk.
Control Rewards:
● First, your success in taking control of the Reapers has given you access to their
vast resources. You gain control over their entire fleet, allowing you to use them
to your advantage in battle.
● Second, you also gain the ability to recruit and create indoctrinated beings to
serve under your control, making you a force to be reckoned with in any conflict.
Destroy Rewards:
● You have chosen the path of destruction and made the ultimate sacrifice to save
the galaxy. Your efforts have granted you control over the powerful Human
Alliance fleet, and all survivors of the war, including Quarians, Asari, and Turians,
have pledged their allegiance to you. With this army at your command, you have
the means to defend the galaxy against any threat.
● Second, seeing as you saved the galaxy you will get to take it with you. Many of
these worlds have been ravaged and destroyed, but given time they will rise from
the ashes. You will also not be alone as you will have the survivors of this horrific
war to assist you.
Synthesis Rewards:
● By choosing the path of Synthesis, you have achieved a new level of
understanding between organic and synthetic life. You now have access to a
diverse and powerful fleet composed of both organic and synthetic ships, each
working in harmony towards your goals.
● Additionally, you have the unique ability to recruit and command the new hybrid
beings that have emerged from the Synthesis process, adding a new level of
strategic depth to your forces. This will also come with the knowledge and power
needed to create these new hybridized beings in the future. Under your care the
strength of the machines and the adaptability of the flesh will combine growing

The Cycle Must Continue

The cycle is a process created by the Catalyst to protect organic life from their inevitable
destruction by their synthetic creations. You will be inserted into this scenario taking
over Harbingers role as the first Reaper. You must maintain the cycle until you reach
the modern period of the setting. Once you reach this point you will be given two
choices. The first is for you to continue the cycle. Choosing this path will require you to
defeat the current forces of the galaxy that have allied against you. The second path is
to instead break the cycle. Choosing this path will require you to rebel against the
Catalyst. You will have to be careful as the Catalyst can easily seize control over you.
Perhaps you could reveal your circumstances to someone such as a certain Shepard
and create a new path. This scenario will be considered completed once you have
either defeated the galaxy or been freed from the Catalyst influence.
● Continuing the Cycle - If you choose to continue the cycle, you will be rewarded
with the loyalty of all remaining Reapers and the ability to create new ones. In
addition, you will be granted access to the Reaper's vast knowledge and
technology, allowing you to become a dominant force in the galaxy.
● Breaking the Cycle - If you choose to break the cycle, you will be rewarded with
the knowledge and ability to create true synthetic life that is free from the
constraints of the Catalyst. This will allow you to create a new era of galactic
civilization, free from the fear of the Reapers and the inevitability of the cycle.

Galactic Explorer
In this scenario, you will take on the role of an intrepid explorer who is sent on a mission
to explore and chart a lost galaxy, a region of space that was cut off from the rest of the
universe for eons. Your task is to uncover the secrets of this forgotten realm, map its
systems and planets, and make contact with any alien civilizations you may encounter.
However, this lost galaxy is shrouded in mystery, and it is rumored to be home to
ancient relics, powerful artifacts, and dangerous creatures. As you journey deeper into
the lost galaxy, you will face numerous challenges, including hostile alien races,
treacherous terrain, and environmental hazards. You will need to use your wits, skills,
and advanced exploration technology to survive and complete your mission. If you can
successfully explore and chart the lost galaxy, you will earn fame and fortune beyond
your wildest dreams. You may even uncover powerful technologies and artifacts that
could change the course of galactic history.

● First, you will receive 500 CP to spend on other sections of the jump.
● Second, access to advanced exploration technology, including a powerful ship
equipped with state-of-the-art sensors, scanners, and weapons.
● Third, knowledge of the lost galaxy's geography, inhabitants, and history,
including access to valuable databases and archives.
● Fourth, the discovery of rare and powerful technologies, artifacts, and resources
that you can use to enhance your abilities and gain an advantage in future
challenges. These may include advanced weapons, biotics, cybernetic
enhancements, or even new forms of FTL travel.
Go Home: Maybe your time in this world made you realize life wasn’t that bad. Go
home with the abilities you’ve gathered and enjoy your life.

Stay Here: Maybe you’ve gotten attached and are determined to make this your home.
If you really want to stay here, take +1000 CP for additional purchases and get ready for
the long-haul here.

Keep Going: Perhaps this is just one more stop on the road for you. Maybe you did
nothing or maybe you changed everything. Regardless, you're determined to continue
your journey. Maybe the next world will be a bit nicer than here.
All perks that have active and passive effects may be freely toggled on and off.

● Jump in Progress
● V1

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