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DC's Green Lantern Continues To Be Sought-After Role With Another Actor
Campaigning For The Part1

The DC Extended Universe is an evergrowing place, with Warner Bros. producing
a slew of exciting movies over the next few years. A number of projects have also
been announced, although there's no indication of when they might become a
reality. One of these DC blockbusters in development hell is Geoff Johns' Green
Lantern Corps., which will bring the titular group of intergalactic heroes into the
shared universe. This is a logical place for famous Green Lantern John Stewart to
be adapted into live-action for the first time, and plenty of actors have voiced
their interest in the role. Now there's one more, as Arrow alum Michael Jai White
has expressed interest in becoming John Stewart.
Countless Green Lanterns have joined the Corps. on the comics, including a
handful of humans. Aside from Hal Jordan, John Stewart is one of the most
popular Lanterns, particularly due to the animated series Justice League
Unlimited. A handful of actors have already campaigned for the role, and now
Michel Jai White has joined the fight as well. He recently spoke to the
possibility of playing Stewart, saying:
“So, I was asked what character would I like to play from the Marvel or DC
universe and that answer would have to be from the DC universe, a
character called John Stewart because that's what everybody wants me to
play. So, can't let down the fans.”
There you have it. Michael Jai White has his ear to the ground regarding what his
fans want, and it looks like the people are ready to see the actor/martial artist
join the DC Extended Universe as Green Lantern John Stewart. Of course, there's
no indication as to when/if the character will join the shared universe.

1 Source

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