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Physiol Rev 98: 477–504, 2018

Published December 20, 2017; doi:10.1152/physrev.00039.2016


Robert Dantzer

Department of Symptom Research, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Dantzer R. Neuroimmune Interactions: From the Brain to the Immune System and

Vice Versa. Physiol Rev 98: 477–504, 2018. Published December 20, 2017; doi:
10.1152/physrev.00039.2016.—Because of the compartmentalization of disci-
plines that shaped the academic landscape of biology and biomedical sciences in the
past, physiological systems have long been studied in isolation from each other. This
has particularly been the case for the immune system. As a consequence of its ties with pathology
and microbiology, immunology as a discipline has largely grown independently of physiology. Ac-
cordingly, it has taken a long time for immunologists to accept the concept that the immune system
is not self-regulated but functions in close association with the nervous system. These associations
are present at different levels of organization. At the local level, there is clear evidence for the
production and use of immune factors by the central nervous system and for the production and
use of neuroendocrine mediators by the immune system. Short-range interactions between im-
mune cells and peripheral nerve endings innervating immune organs allow the immune system to
recruit local neuronal elements for fine tuning of the immune response. Reciprocally, immune cells
and mediators play a regulatory role in the nervous system and participate in the elimination and
plasticity of synapses during development as well as in synaptic plasticity at adulthood. At the whole
organism level, long-range interactions between immune cells and the central nervous system allow
the immune system to engage the rest of the body in the fight against infection from pathogenic
microorganisms and permit the nervous system to regulate immune functioning. Alterations in
communication pathways between the immune system and the nervous system can account for
many pathological conditions that were initially attributed to strict organ dysfunction. This applies in
particular to psychiatric disorders and several immune-mediated diseases. This review will show
how our understanding of this balance between long-range and short-range interactions between
the immune system and the central nervous system has evolved over time, since the first demon-
strations of immune influences on brain functions. The necessary complementarity of these two
modes of communication will then be discussed. Finally, a few examples will illustrate how dysfunc-
tion in these communication pathways results in what was formerly considered in psychiatry and
immunology to be strict organ pathologies.

I. INTRODUCTION 477 monly studied in different physiological systems using the

II. NEURAL AND HORMONAL ... 479 same tools. This is the case, for instance, for purinergic
III. IMMUNE INFLUENCES ON THE ... 485 signaling, which is investigated by immunologists for its
IV. ALTERATIONS IN THE ... 491 role in macrophage function and plasticity (57) and by neu-
V. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES 496 robiologists for its regulatory activity on synaptic plasticity
(203). Blurring of the boundaries between disciplines is
probably the main outcome of this wave of research. How-
I. INTRODUCTION ever, this situation is still relatively new, and the transition
to it has been very progressive.
Our understanding of physiology has benefited greatly from
the advances in molecular biology that have been at the This is well reflected in the history of the research efforts in
origin of the explosive development of genetics and -omic neural–immune interactions (TABLE 1) (1). What was ini-
techniques. What used to be a rarity a few decades ago, tially of interest to only a few practitioners in psychoso-
studying the expression and function of a given molecule matic medicine—the influence of personality factors and
within a different physiological system from the one in emotional states on sensitivity to disease, or more generally
which it was first identified, has now become the norm. the interrelationships among mind, body, and environment
Communication signals and signaling pathways are com- in health and disease— became an object of scientific inves-

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nications between the central nervous and the immune sys-

Table 1. The early decades of research that shaped the field tems. Such communication pathways had been suspected
of neuroimmune interactions before but not yet demonstrated. Therefore, they were not
Early Neuroimmune Research amenable to mechanistic analysis.

1. The psychosomatic approach: The field of research that studies the basic aspects of neural–
Psychological factors and emotions influence disease immune interactions was variously labeled neuroimmuno-
onset and progression (allergies, peptic ulcer, cancer, modulation, neuroimmunoendocrinology, or psychoneuro-
autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases)
immunology, depending on which scientific discipline pre-
2. The biobehavioral approach:
dominated at the time. However, this new wave of
Experimental stressors impact immune functions (1964:
Solomon proposes the term “psychoimmunology”) interdisciplinary research gained momentum in the scien-
The immune system can be modulated by conditioned tific community at large only when the pathways of com-
stimuli (Metalnikov and Chorine, 1926; Ader, 1974) munication between the nervous system and the immune
3. The cellular communication approach: system were elucidated. In a nonconcerted effort, neuro-
Immune cells express neurotransmitter receptors anatomists demonstrated the existence of a sympathetic in-
(Szentivanyi, 1958; Hadden, 1970–5; Pert, 1985)
nervation of primary and secondary lymphoid organs (71),
Immune cells produce brain and pituitary peptides
(Blalock, 1980)
neuroendocrinologists described the expression and func-
4. The neuroanatomical approach:
tion of neuroendocrine receptors on immune cells (95, 177),
Innervation of the spleen and other lymphoid organs by
and cell biologists showed that activated immunocytes ex-
the autonomic nervous system (Felten, 1980) press and release molecular factors previously identified in
5. The effect of immune factors on the neuroendocrine the neuroendocrine system, such as adrenocorticotrophin,
system: which is processed from proopiomelanocortin in lympho-
Interleukin-1 activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cytes in the same manner as in the anterior pituitary (212,
axis by acting in the brain (Besedovsky and Del Rey,
1975) 213). The emphasis on brain-to-immune, rather than im-
mune-to-brain, communication pathways was mainly due
to the active involvement of neuroendocrinologists in the
field and to the progress made in the elucidation of the
tigation in the 1950s, when it was brought into the labora-
chemical nature and receptor mechanisms of most neuroen-
tory to be subjected to a reductionist approach (139). Not
docrine factors (93).
surprisingly, retrospectively, but at the time difficult for hard-
core pathologists to admit, biobehavioral factors, in the form
of exposure to well-defined stressors, were found to influence Although the existence of an immune-to-brain communica-
the initiation and progression of various infectious and nonin- tion pathway had been inferred by Besedovsky et al. (17),
fectious diseases in animal models of pathology. Once it be- whose elegant physiological studies demonstrated activa-
came possible to assess immune functions in a routine manner tion of the HPA axis and the sympathetic nervous system
using techniques borrowed from clinical immunology, these during the peak antibody response in mice vaccinated with
influences were ascribed to modulation of immune responses a T-cell antigen, the molecular nature of this communica-
by activation of the stress pathways. The predominant stress tion pathway took longer to be elucidated. Cloning and
pathways that were investigated were the hypothalamic- recombinant expression of cytokines, the autocrine and
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the activation of which re- paracrine communication factors between immune cells,
sults in the release of cortisol or corticosterone (depending did not take place before the early 1980s (60). The ability of
on the species), and the sympathetic nervous system, the the first cloned cytokine interleukin (IL)-1␤ to activate the
activation of which results in the release of epinephrine and HPA axis and induce some of the physiological changes
norepinephrine. observed in a mouse model of antibody response to sheep
red blood cells was reported in 1986, shortly after the dem-
The study of psychological modulation of immunity, ini- onstration of the pyrogenic activity of this cytokine (16).
tially conducted at Institut Pasteur in Paris, France in the
1920s using Pavlovian conditioned stimuli (157), was re- As previously presented in Physiological Reviews, basic
vived in the 1970s by Ader and Cohen (2), who rediscov- communication mechanisms between the nervous and im-
ered the phenomenon of conditioned immunosuppression. mune systems include the immune production and function
Working at the University of Rochester Medical Center, of neuroendocrine peptide hormones (22), the effects of
they showed that it is possible to increase the immunosup- neuroendocrine hormones on the immune system and the
pressive effect of cyclophosphamide by presenting rats with innervation of lymphoid organs by the sympathetic nervous
the taste of a saccharin solution previously paired with ex- system (142), and the regulatory effects of cytokines on the
posure to the poisonous side effects of cyclophosphamide HPA axis (232). The objective of this review is not to update
(2). These were key experiments that indirectly revealed the this information but to introduce a new perspective: the
existence of an intricate network of bidirectional commu- fascinating complementarity between short-range and long-

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range communication mechanisms between the nervous rine, including vasoactive intestinal peptide, neuropeptide
and the immune systems. Y, substance P, Met-enkephalin, and neurotensin.

Studies of long-range communication mechanisms were ini- Most peripheral organs in the body are innervated by
tially favored, certainly because of the strong predominance branches of both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic
of neuroendocrinology and neuroanatomy in the emerging nervous systems. The immune system is apparently an ex-
field of psychoneuroimmunology. Communication from ception: no neuroanatomical evidence exists for a parasym-
the nervous system to the immune system was believed to pathetic or vagal nerve supply to any immune organ, with
take place exclusively via circulating hormones produced the possible exception of lymphoid tissue in the respiratory
by the neuroendocrine system (e.g., cortisol, but also and alimentary tracts (164). This is in contrast to results
growth hormone and prolactin) and via neurotransmitters from earlier tracing studies of innervation (37), which were
(e.g., epinephrine and norepinephrine) released in the vicin- subsequently corroborated by visualization of the synthe-
ity of immune cells by nerve endings in primary and second- sizing enzyme choline-O-acetyltransferase and the degrada-
ary lymphoid organs. However, the discovery that immune tion enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which act on the neu-
cells can themselves produce and release neuroendocrine rotransmitter acetylcholine (36). However, these observa-
factors and neuromediators led to a shift in interest from tions were dismissed because of the presence of artifacts in
long-range to short-range communication pathways. the tracing studies that were caused by the spillover of large
doses of tracers (142, 164) and the existence of a nonneu-
Similarly, communication from the immune system to the ronal acetylcholine expression system in lymphocytes (79).
brain was initially seen as involving circulating immune Lymphocytes contain all the components required to con-
factors acting indirectly on the brain via the formation of stitute an independent, nonneuronal cholinergic system, in-
brain-penetrant molecules (prostaglandins) in brain areas cluding acetylcholine, its synthesizing and degrading en-
where the blood-brain barrier is leaky, the so-called circum- zymes, and muscarinic and cholinergic receptors. The fact
ventricular organs. This was how endogenous pyrogens that expression of the components of this nonneuronal cho-
were perceived as being responsible for the development of linergic system varies during T-cell activation as well as in
the fever response to infectious pathogens. It took time for
response to cholinergic agents indicates that acetylcholine
neurobiologists to realize that brain innate immune cells
synthesized by T cells can act as an autocrine or paracrine
actually produce the same cytokines as those originally
factor (115).
characterized as endogenous pyrogens and that these lo-
cally produced cytokines are responsible for the various
The possibility of a parasympathetic innervation of lymphoid
components of the response of the host to infection. It took
organs was reexamined recently, thanks to a new neural-tract
even longer to recognize that cytokines produced locally by
tracing methodology based on specific labeling of choline
brain cells are responsible for intricate functional and struc-
acetyltransferase-expressing cells by the tdTomato fluorescent
tural interactions between endothelial cells, glia, and neu-
protein, which can be utilized in appropriate transgenic lines
of mice (81). Cholinergic innervation emanating from enteric
neurons was apparent only in the intestinal lamina propria of
II. NEURAL AND HORMONAL INFLUENCES the gastrointestinal tract. Cholinergic fibers were found to
ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM come in close contact with macrophages, plasma cells, and
lymphocytes located in the intestinal mucosa, and to a lesser
degree with immune cells within the gut-associated lymphoid
A. Innervation of Lymphoid Organs: tissue. Cholinergic innervation of the spleen is very sparse and
Sympathetic Versus Parasympathetic comes from a small subset of cholinergic sympathetic post-
Innervation ganglionic neurons located in the paravertebral and/or pre-
vertebral chains. These fibers are often associated with peri-
There is much anatomic and functional evidence for a role arteriolar catecholaminergic fibers. A few of them terminate
of the autonomic nervous in the regulation of immunity in lymphocyte-containing areas of the white pulp. Nonneu-
(142). Most of the neuroanatomical studies on innervation ronal choline acetyltransferase cells are clearly visible in the
of lymphoid organs were carried out during the 1970s– spleen and consist mainly of B cells and fewer T cells.
1980s. They revealed the existence of a dense sympathetic
innervation of all lymphoid organs. Sympathetic nerves Another factor of confusion in the identification of cholin-
travel with the vasculature but separate from it when enter- ergic innervation of lymphoid organs is the existence of a
ing lymphoid organs. They terminate in close contact with catecholaminergic-to-cholinergic transmission switch in
parenchymal T lymphocytes and plasma cells, forming some sympathetic fibers influenced by signals, such as leu-
what has been termed “neuroeffector junctions” (71). The kemia inhibitory factor, produced by the innervated target.
nerve fibers that innervate lymphoid organs contain various Although this is a marginal phenomenon, it has been de-
neuropeptides that are colocalized or not with norepineph- scribed in particular for the sympathetic fibers that inner-

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vate sweat glands in mammalian footpads (69) and the Indifferent to the controversies surrounding the possible
periosteum (6). Because the density of catecholaminergic existence of a parasympathetic innervation of lymphoid or-
neurons that innervate inflamed tissue decreases in patients gans, Tracey (231) proposed that cholinergic vagal nerves
with rheumatoid arthritis, the possibility of a catechol- act on macrophages to suppress the production of TNF and
amine-to-cholinergic transition of sympathetic nerve fibers other inflammatory mediators. This neural communication
was investigated in a murine model of collagen-induced pathway from the central nervous system to the immune
arthritis. Cholinergic sympathetic fibers became apparent system was presented as being part of an anti-inflammatory
several weeks after the induction of arthritis under the in- reflex whose afferent arm was the production of inflamma-
fluence of leukemia inhibitory factor. However, cat- tory cytokines by activated innate immune cells (see sect.
echolaminergic-to-cholinergic transition only affected III) and whose efferent arm was the activation of cholinergic
those fibers that innervate healthy tissue adjacent to the efferents downregulating cytokine production by innate im-
inflammatory tissue (217). mune cells (FIGURE 1). Muscarinic cholinergic stimulation
was proposed to mediate the central component of the anti-
The remarkable saga of the anti-inflammatory cholinergic inflammatory pathway, whereas activation of nicotinic re-
reflex proposed by Kevin Tracey in the 2000s illustrates ceptors containing an ␣7 receptor subunit mediated the
very well the various ingredients of the controversy about downregulatory effect of acetylcholine on macrophages
the parasympathetic innervation of lymphoid organs (171). (242). What was still lacking in the characterization of this
The saga began with the discovery of unexpected pharma- anti-inflammatory pathway, however, was an anatomically
cological properties of a new anti-inflammatory drug devel- characterized target for the efferent vagal innervation
oped by Tracey for the treatment of sepsis, tetravalent gua- (137).
nylhydrazone (CNI-1493). CNI-1493 was developed on
the basis of its ability to inhibit the production of tumor This target was proposed to be the spleen, as sectioning of
necrosis factor-␣ (TNF) and other macrophage inflamma- the splenic nerves abrogated the anti-inflammatory signa-
tory cytokines in response to sepsis induced by administra- ture of splenic macrophages that developed in response to
tion of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Tracey discovered that vagal nerve stimulation (107). In the absence of a direct
this lead compound was much more potent when injected cholinergic innervation of the spleen, these findings were
into the lateral ventricle of the brain than when adminis- interpreted to indicate that sympathetic postganglionic
tered systemically (29). This finding was interpreted to in- splenic nerves indirectly transmitted the cholinergic vagal
dicate that CNI-1493 activates a neural pathway that links message to splenic macrophages (192). The problem was
the brain to peripheral macrophages. This neural pathway that this neuroanatomic circuit implied an adrenergic, in-
was claimed to be the vagus nerves, as cutting the vagus stead of cholinergic, transmission of the neural message to
nerves abrogated the anti-inflammatory activity of CNI- macrophages. The missing cholinergic link surfaced later,
1493, whereas electrically stimulating the peripheral end of with the discovery that T cells that produce and release
vagal nerves mimicked it (30). acetylcholine in the spleen could be called to the rescue

Brain Brain

Afferent Efferent Afferent Efferent vagus

vagus vagus vagus Acetylcholine
Splenic nerve

Proinflammatory Acetylcholine Proinflammatory Noradrenaline

cytokines cytokines

T cell
Spleen Spleen
Activated macrophage Activated macrophage

FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of the inflammatory reflex. A: the initial model of the inflammatory
reflex that was proposed originally by Tracey (231). Proinflammatory cytokines released by activated innate
immune cells activate the afferent vagus nerves. This sensory input activates in a reflex-like manner neuronal
cell bodies of the efferent vagus nerves. The resulting activation of the dorsal vagal complex recruits the
efferent cholinergic vagus nerves that downregulate inflammation. B: the revised model of the inflammatory
reflex. The parasympathetic branch of the vagus nerves activates the splenic nerves. Activation of this
sympathetic nerve results in the recruitment of acetylcholine-producing T cells that downregulate inflammation.

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(FIGURE 1) (193). Microdialysis of the spleen and mass spec- gut lymphoid tissue. The possibility that innervation regu-
trometry analysis of the dialysate samples were used to lates immune cell functionality by modulating blood supply
demonstrate that vagus nerve stimulation leads indirectly to of lymphoid organs requires further investigation.
the release of acetylcholine in situ. The lack of an effect of
vagus nerve stimulation in nude mice lacking T cells, to-
gether with adoptive transfer experiments of acetylcholine B. Influences of Catecholamines on Immune
containing T cells to nude mice, confirmed the role of T Cells
lymphocytes in the anti-inflammatory reflex. Still missing
was a demonstration that acetylcholine-containing T cells Innate immune cells express the ␤2, ␣1, and ␣2 subtypes of
expressed ␤2-adrenergic receptors and were located in close adrenergic receptors, whereas adaptive immune cells ex-
proximity to sympathetic splenic nerves. This was subse- press primarily the ␤2 subtype of adrenergic receptor (164).
quently confirmed by immunofluorescence analysis of Activation of ␤2-adrenergic receptors triggers a signaling
spleen sections in mice expressing enhanced green fluores- cascade involving the formation of cAMP, which activates
cent protein under the control of transcriptional regulatory either protein kinase A (PKA) or the guanine exchange pro-
elements for choline acetyltransferase (193). teins directly activated by cAMP (EPACs) (124). PKA sig-
nals via cytoplasmic kinases such as p38 mitogen-activated
Whether this last element of the puzzle puts a triumphant protein kinase (MAPK) or the cAMP response element-
final brick on the saga of the anti-inflammatory reflex (171) binding protein (CREB) transcription factor. EPACs fur-
is not yet certain. The existence of an indirect vagal inner- ther signal via the Rap family of small Ras-like GTPases.
vation of the spleen by splenic nerves has been disputed, Ligation of the ␤2 adrenergic receptor can also activate
because vagal preganglionic neurons do not synaptically
␤-arrestins that connect to multiple signaling pathways, in-
cluding p38, extracellular signal-regulated kinase MAPKs,
connect to sympathetic postganglionic neurons, and vagal
and nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-␬B).
nerve stimulation does not recruit splenic neurons (33).
These last negative findings are in accordance with the fea-
Not surprisingly, an abundant literature describes the in
tures of the very sparse cholinergic innervation of the spleen
vitro effects of various adrenergic receptors agonists and
described above (81). An alternative is that stimulation of
antagonists on immune cells and the signaling pathways
the vagus nerves actually recruits lymphocytes, including
involved in these effects. For adaptive immunity, most of
acetylcholine-synthesizing cells, from the lymphoid tissue
the research effort has focused on the consequence of acti-
of the gut that is innervated by vagal nerves. These T cells
vating ␤2-adrenergic receptors in CD4⫹ T cells, Th1, and B
would then be able to migrate to various organs, including
cells. Th2 cells do not express ␤2-adrenergic receptors, at
the spleen (148), and exert there their local anti-inflamma- least in the mouse system. Stimulation of ␤2-adrenergic
tory activity. As pointed out by Besedovsky a few decades receptors usually inhibits T-cell responses, although activa-
ago, immune-cell trafficking and recirculation require a tion effects have also been described. For instance, in vitro
tight control of blood supply to lymphoid organs, including exposure of CD4⫹ T cells to norepinephrine or terbutaline
the spleen. Interactions between locally produced cytokines decreased IL-2 production in response to polyclonal activa-
and sympathetic nerve fibers contribute to this control (187, tion with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (185). However,
188). During sepsis that drives the inflammatory reflex, as norepinephrine also promoted naive CD4⫹ T-cell differen-
studied by Tracey, there is a dramatic increase in splenic tiation into Th1 cells that produced more interferon (IFN)-␥
blood flow. This increase is secondary to an inhibition of than did nonexposed cells (224). In vivo studies show that
the sympathetic vasoconstrictor tonus at the postganglionic chemical sympathetic denervation decreases the intensity of
and prejunctional levels. This results in a decrease in the delayed-type hypersensitivity, confirming a positive role of
release of norepinephrine, and possibly other neuromedia- catecholamines in Th1 cell-driven immune responses (143).
tors, by sympathetic nerve fibers in response to locally pro- In B cells, the signaling pathway activated by ␤2-adrenergic
duced IL-1␤ (187). In other terms, nerve-driven changes in receptor activation involves a PKA-dependent, CREB-me-
functionality of immune cells in vivo could well be due to diated pathway that converges with that activated by CD86
cytokine-induced alterations in the blood supply of the lym- ligation to enhance the magnitude of an immunoglobulin
phoid organ under investigation, especially when this lym- (Ig) G1 response. Activation of ␤2-adrenergic receptors also
phoid organ is devoid of lymphatic circulation, which is the enhances the IgE response but via a PKA-dependent, hema-
case with the spleen. This observation necessitates reexam- topoietic tyrosine phosphatase/p38 MAPK-mediated path-
ination of the importance of sympathetic nerve endings in way (173).
controlling immune cell trafficking, circulation, and hom-
ing. Because macrophages and monocytes express ␣1-adrener-
gic, ␣2-adrenergic, and ␤2-adrenergic receptors, their re-
In conclusion of this section, innervation of the lymphoid sponse to adrenergic stimulation is more complex. In gen-
organs is predominantly sympathetic. Parasympathetic in- eral, the production of inflammatory cytokines is inhibited
nervation of lymphoid organs appears to be limited to the by ␤2-adrenergic receptor activation, whereas it is en-

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hanced by ␣1-adrenergic or ␣2-adrenergic receptor stimu- and administration of reserpine to achieve sympathetic de-
lation (108, 110, 173, 215). However, adrenergic stimula- nervation did not alter the effects of ␣2-adrenergic agents
tion also promotes myeloid cell recruitment and migration eliminated the possibility that T cells or sympathetic inner-
to the site of injury, such that ␤2-adrenergic receptor antag- vation produce these effects. In addition, blockade of ty-
onism might be beneficial. This is the case, for instance, in rosine hydroxylase or dopamine-␤-hydroxylase diminished
mice submitted to repeated episodes of social defeat. Acti- the inflammatory response, whereas inhibition of the cate-
vation of ␤2-adrenergic receptors facilitates the recruitment cholamine-O-methyl transferase enzyme increased lung in-
and trafficking of monocytes to the brain, resulting in pro- jury. These results were interpreted by the authors to suggest
longed activation of microglia and development of anxiety- that the phagocytic system can function as a diffusely ex-
like behavior (250). pressed adrenergic organ. Enhancement of the local inflamma-
tory response by phagocyte-produced catecholamines was
It is important to note that this effect of ␤2-adrenergic re- found to be mediated by increased production of inflamma-
ceptor activation on egress of monocytes from the bone tory mediators via activation and translocation of NF-␬B (74).
marrow is opposite to that observed on egress of lympho-
cytes from lymph nodes (163). In the latter case, ␤2-adren-
C. Glucocorticoids
ergic receptor activation actually enhances retention of lym-
phocytes into lymphoid organs via chemokine receptors
1. Anti-inflammatory versus proinflammatory activity
(CC-chemokine receptor 7 for B cells and CXC-chemokine
of glucocorticoids
receptor type 4 for T cells). Catecholamines acting on en-
dothelial cell adhesion molecules and chemokines produce
In line with the original observation by Selye of an involu-
a similar dissociation in the modulation of the innate and
tion of the thymus and other lymphoid organs in response
adaptive immune system during the dark-light cycle. This
to stress (205) and the subsequent demonstration of the
dissociation is orchestrated by molecular clocks via adren-
immunosuppressive effects of glucocorticoids (101), gluco-
ergic nerves (155, 202). Periods of activity associated with
corticoids have traditionally been seen as the hormonal me-
high adrenergic tone are characterized by increased recruit-
diators of the immunosuppressive effects of stressors. We
ment of myeloid cells in tissues and sequestration of lym-
will not delve into the details of the vast literature on the
phocytes from general circulation into lymphoid organs. As
effects of stress on immunity, as this topic has been re-
proposed by Scheiermann et al. (202), this would help the
viewed on several occasions and it is not directly relevant to
innate immune system to be prepared for higher risk of
the present review (3, 9, 160, 169, 204, 220).
infection during the active phase of the cycle while keeping
the adaptive immune system at bay. Glucocorticoids act on their cellular targets by binding to
glucocorticoid receptors (GRs). GRs normally reside in the
In addition to serving as coordination molecules between cytosol in the form of a protein complex that brings to-
physiological and immune processes when released from gether heat-shock proteins and FK506 binding protein 52.
autonomic nerves, catecholamines can serve other roles Upon binding to their ligand, GRs dissociate from this com-
when produced locally (134). Epinephrine and norepineph- plex to form monomers or dimers and translocate to the
rine are produced and released by normal T cells and exert nucleus The anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids
their functions in an autocrine or paracrine manner via are mediated by transcriptional repression following nu-
classic adrenergic receptors on T cells. Lymphocytes con- clear translocation and tethering of monomeric GRs to the
tain the machinery to synthesize and degrade cat- glucocorticoid-response elements of transcription factors
echolamines, and they produce and release more cat- such as NF-␬B, activator protein (AP)-1, and IFN-regulat-
echolamines when activated (147, 182). This is particularly ing factor-3 (234). This results in the downregulation of
the case in lymphocytes from the mesenteric lymph nodes genes coding for inflammatory mediators, enzymes, and
(182), where catecholamines modulate lymphocyte traf- adhesion molecules. Although the hypothesis is still contro-
ficking, local vascular perfusion, cytokine production, and versial, GR dimerization and transactivation are thought to
functional activity of lymphocytes. play an important role in the anti-inflammatory activity of
glucocorticoids. This phenomenon is illustrated by data ob-
Phagocytic cells (macrophages and neutrophils) also are tained in GR(dim/dim) mutant mice that show reduced GR
able to release high levels of epinephrine and norepineph- dimerization and increased sensitivity to TNF-induced in-
rine when activated. This is associated with enhanced ex- flammation, and to experimental models of sepsis induced
pression of catecholamine synthesizing and degrading en- by LPS or cecal ligation and puncture (123, 235).
zymes (73). Blockade of ␣2-adrenoreceptors, but not ␤2-
adrenoreceptors, in a model of inflammation-induced lung Glucocorticoids can be proinflammatory under certain con-
injury reduced the intensity of vascular leakage, whereas ditions. This effect can be secondary to the selection of
administration of an ␣2-adrenergic agonist had the oppo- corticoid-resistant inflammatory cells, such as pathogenic
site effect. Experiments showing that depletion of T cells Th17 cells that overexpress IL-23 receptor and multidrug-

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resistance protein and that are found in inflamed gut tissue Thymocytes produce corticosterone in an age-dependent
from patients with Crohn’s disease (186). The proinflam- manner that is concurrent with thymocyte differentiation
matory effect of glucocorticoids may also result from inhi- into CD4⫹ and CD8⫹ T cells and thymus involution (181).
bition of the production and release of anti-inflammatory Several ingenious studies have confirmed the physiological
factors, or conversely from enhanced production and re- role in vivo of the local production of glucocorticoids in the
lease of proinflammatory mediators. In the first case, dexa- thymus and have demonstrated their independence from
methasone administered 24 h before LPS was found to en- circulating glucocorticoids (226). In general, the findings of
hance the placenta’s proinflammatory cytokine response to these studies confirm that thymic-derived glucocorticoids
LPS as a consequence of the inhibition of lipoxin A4 syn- locally regulate thymocyte development, the rate of naive
thesis (255). In the second case, it is the dose of glucocorti- T-cell formation, and the seeding in the periphery of recent
coids that makes the difference: as mentioned above, phys- thymic emigrants. This function of thymic glucocorticoids
iological glucocorticoid levels can be proinflammatory in would complement the role of adrenal glucocorticoids in
some circumstances, whereas high or pharmacological lev- regulating strong and systemic immune responses (226).
els are anti-inflammatory. For instance, low doses of gluco-
corticoids increase the production of macrophage migra- Extra-adrenal glucocorticoid synthesis has also been iden-
tion inhibitory factor, and this effect is sufficient to override tified in intestinal epithelial cells that are part of the prolif-
glucocorticoid-mediated inhibition of cytokine production erating cells of the crypts of the intestinal mucosa. Locally
and release by LPS-stimulated monocytes (39). formed glucocorticoids have both an inhibitory and a co-
stimulatory role in intestinal T-cell activation (45). On the
The proinflammatory effects of endogenous levels of corti- basis of observation that the expression of steroidogenic
costeroids have been demonstrated in the brain (214). As in genes is decreased in colon biopsies of patients with inflam-
the placenta, these effects are observed only if the glucocor- matory bowel diseases, it has been proposed that the local
ticoid response occurs ahead of the inflammatory stimulus. synthesis of glucocorticoids is important for controlling in-
Maier and his colleagues (76) have repeatedly observed that testinal inflammation and immune responses (48).
acute or chronic exposure to stressors 24 h before adminis-
tration of LPS sensitizes or primes the inflammatory re- Skin inflammation induces glucocorticoid synthesis by ker-
sponse to LPS. This priming effect is observed not only in atinocytes. As the skin possesses all the components of a
peripheral macrophages (112), but also in microglia iso- local HPA axis, glucocorticoid synthesis in the skin can act
lated from the hippocampus of stressed rats (75). The mi- in a manner complementary to the HPA axis to inhibit local
croglial release of high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1), an inflammation and promote wound healing (257).
endogenous damage-associated molecular pattern, has been
proposed to mediate stress-induced priming via activation
of Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and TLR4 and recruitment of D. Other Hormones and Neuropeptides
the NLRP3 inflammasome (77).
After showing that human leukocyte IFN-␣ has strong an-
2. Autocrine/paracrine signaling by extra-adrenal tigenic relatedness to adrenocorticotropic hormone
glucocorticoids (ACTH) and endorphins (24), Smith et al. (213) demon-
strated that induction of IFN-␣ in mice by inoculation with
Glucocorticoids are considered to be prototypical hor- a noncytotoxic avian virus, the Newcastle disease virus,
monal factors that are produced and released into the gen- simultaneously caused a time-dependent increase in corti-
eral circulation by the adrenal cortex to act on distant target costerone production by spleen lymphocytes. The culprit
organs. The discovery of extra-adrenal production and re- turned out not to be an ACTH-like moiety of IFN-␣ but
lease of glucocorticoids acting locally as paracrine or auto- leukocyte-derived ACTH produced by the processing of
crine communication signals was therefore unexpected leukocyte proopiomelanocortin in a manner similar to what
(226). The very first organ in which extra-adrenal steroid- takes place in the anterior pituitary. As proopiomelanocor-
ogenesis was identified was the thymus. This ran contrary to tin is at the origin of ␤-endorphin, the stage was set for a
the commonly held belief that the thymus is the main target quest for ACTH and opioid receptors and their signaling
for glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal gland. In the pathways in lymphocytes (23). Classic opioid binding sites
mouse, the thymus typically responds to glucocorticoids by had already been described on leukocytes (253), and it did
massive apoptosis of CD4⫹ CD8⫹ thymocytes and invo- not take long to confirm the presence of ACTH receptors on
lution (92). However, all the elements necessary for the lymphocytes (31, 46). Other precursors of opioid peptides,
local production and release of corticosterone are present in prodynorphin, which is at the origin of dynorphin and Leu-
murine thymic epithelial cells, as demonstrated in vitro enkephalin, and preproenkephalin, which is responsible for
(175). Furthermore, co-culturing of thymic epithelial cells Met-enkephalin and Leu-enkephalin, were found to be ex-
with thymocytes induced apoptosis of thymocytes. This ef- pressed in leukocytes of several species, together with their
fect was blocked by a GR antagonist as well as by inhibitors receptors (68, 252). Whether opioid peptides produced by
of the enzymes involved in the production of corticosterone. immunocytes function as communication signals within the

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immune system or between the immune system and the levels (43). These findings were initially interpreted to sug-
neuroendocrine system could then be investigated. gest that hyperprolactinemia mediates the immunosuppres-
sive effects of cyclosporine. However, further studies
On the basis of the observation that enkephalins promote showed that cyclosporine and prolactin compete with each
activity of immunocytes at baseline and suppress activity of other for binding to prolactin receptors on lymphocytes
activated immune cells, it was proposed that these mole- (196) and that part of the signal reaching prolactin recep-
cules function as fine tuners of the immune response (68). tors is actually a prolactin/growth hormone-related poly-
Evidence of immune-to-nerve communication for immune- peptide produced locally by stimulated lymphocytes (103,
derived peptides was extensively described in the field of 195).
inflammation-mediated pain. Opioid-containing immuno-
cytes migrate to the site of inflammation, where they release The immunomodulatory activities of growth hormone and
␤-endorphin that activates peripheral opioid receptors on prolactin have been reviewed extensively in the past 25 yr
sensory nerves to attenuate pain (38, 207, 219). The release (61, 116, 117, 236, 248), and there is no need to reiterate
of opioid peptides from immune cells is mediated by several this information. We know now that the production and
signal molecules, including corticotrophin-releasing hor- release of growth hormone and prolactin are regulated by
mone, norepinephrine, and IL-1␤, the production and re- immune factors in both the pituitary gland and in lympho-
lease of which are upregulated at the site of inflammation cytes, and the many different effects of these peptides on
(FIGURE 2) (218). immune cells can be explained by the intervention of post-
transcriptional and posttranslational processes generating
The possibility that prolactin and growth hormone regulate various isoforms and variants of these peptides (176, 246).
immunity by a paracrine/autocrine, rather than hormonal,
mechanism was recognized early in the study of the immune
properties of these peptides. As with other hormones, the E. Summary
hormonal role of these peptides was described first. The
initial observations were made in hypophysectomized rats Numerous studies carried out in vitro and in vivo show that
in which both the deficient antibody response to sheep red catecholamines released by sympathetic nerve fibers have
blood cells and the delayed-type hypersensitivity response potent modulatory effects on immune cells. Some of these
to dinitrochlorobenzene could be restored by replacement effects are mediated by alterations in monocyte and lym-
treatment with exogenous prolactin or growth hormone phocyte trafficking. In addition, immune cells can produce
(162). This effect could be easily explained by the presence catecholamines that act locally as paracrine or autocrine
of specific binding sites for prolactin and growth hormone communication factors in similar or different physiological
on T and B lymphocytes. Unexpectedly, the potent immu- processes. However, the importance of this last mechanism
nosuppressive drug cyclosporine was found to increase cir- in immunophysiology and immunopathology has not yet
culating levels of prolactin, and administration of the do- been fully appreciated. Like catecholamines, glucocortico-
pamine agonist bromocriptine blocked cyclosporine’s im- ids can be produced by immune cells in lymphoid tissues
munosuppressive properties when administered at doses and exert local actions on different physiological processes
that abrogated cyclosporine-induced increase in prolactin that are in general complementary to those mediated by

Local release
of endogenous
opioid peptides
Extravasation of
opioid-containing FIGURE 2. Role of opioid-containing leu-
– kocytes in the regulation of inflammation-
induced pain. Proinflammatory cytokines
Corticotropin Sensory nerve
PAIN released by activated innate immune cells
releasing hormone endings
sensitize sensory nerve endings, resulting
+ in an amplification and prolongation of the
initial pain reaction triggered by activation
Fibroblasts of nociceptors in response to the injury.
The pain response is downregulated by en-
dogenous opioid peptides released by lo-
cally infiltrating opioid containing leukocytes
Inflammation in response to corticotropin releasing hor-
mone produced by fibroblasts. [Adapted
from Stein et al. (218).]

Tissue damage

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circulating glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal gland. ologists reasoned that, like any other physiological system
This action is not necessarily immunosuppressive as gluco- in the body, the immune system requires two levels of reg-
corticoids can be proinflammatory in some conditions. The ulation: a self-regulatory process that is intrinsic to the im-
same duality in the modality of action of other hormones mune system, and an external regulatory loop that makes
and neuropeptides is also apparent. use of the central nervous system and its means of commu-
nication with the rest of the body, i.e., the autonomic ner-
III. IMMUNE INFLUENCES ON THE vous system and the neuroendocrine system. While main-
NERVOUS SYSTEM stream immunologists focused primarily on the self-con-
tained, self-monitored immune system, Besedovsky and
Sorkin relentlessly searched for evidence of extrinsic regu-
A. Historical Perspective lation. They hypothesized that if extrinsic regulation exists,
it should make use of immune factors able to signal the
The existence of immune influences on the nervous system brain to recruit neuroendocrine factors with immunomodu-
took longer to be recognized and studied than that of neu- latory activity. Pivotal to their research was the demonstra-
roendocrine influences on the immune system. The reason is tion that the mounting of an antibody response was associ-
that the molecular nature of immune communication sig- ated with increased activity of the HPA axis and the sym-
nals (monokines and interleukins, generally grouped to- pathetic nervous system (18); before this discovery, the
gether under the name of cytokines) was not elucidated immune response was believed to be regulated only intrin-
until the 1980s, and these molecules were just not available sically within the immune system. In mice and in rats in-
for physiological studies. The first cytokine to be cloned and jected with sheep red blood cells (a T-cell-dependent anti-
produced by recombinant technology was actually a mono-
gen), the peak of the immune response coincided with an
kine, IL-1. Research on cytokine actions in the brain
increase in glucocorticoid blood levels (18). In addition, this
stemmed from two independent lines of research. The first
peak was preceded by decreased norepinephrine in the
one was the physiology of fever, which was and still is part
spleen that was inversely related to the magnitude of the
of mainstream physiology. The second one was immuno-
immune response (54). At the functional level, Besedovsky
physiology. This last line of research took longer to emerge
and Sorkin showed that the glucocorticoid response to an
because of its very marginal place at the boundary between
antigenic stimulation is required for antigenic competition.
immunology and physiology.
Antigenic competition refers to the inhibition exerted by an
immune response to a first antigen relative to the immune
Fever can be defined as a regulated increase in the set point
response to a second non-cross-reactive antigen. This form
for temperature regulation. Because the set point for tem-
perature regulation is elevated, the feverish organism gen- of competition does not occur in adrenalectomized mice,
erates more heat by thermogenesis and actively maintains it which are unable to mount a glucocorticoid response to the
by minimizing thermolysis. Fever is not caused by a direct first antigen (19). To search for the immunological factors
action of microbial pathogens on the brain thermoregula- that signal the ongoing immune response to the brain neu-
tory centers. It is induced by soluble factors that are roendocrine circuits, Besedovsky and Sorkin injected super-
released by activated leukocytes, the so-called endoge- natants of in vitro activated lymphocytes into naive mice
nous pyrogens. The problem faced initially by fever phys- and identified what they called a “glucocorticoid increasing
iologists was that the molecular identity of endogenous factor” (20). In collaboration with Dinarello, who had
pyrogens could not be characterized based solely on their just cloned IL-1 and had obtained sufficient quantities of
in vivo pyrogenic activity, because available assays a recombinant form of it to inject to mice, Besedovsky
lacked specificity. This difficulty was eventually over- and his colleagues were then able to demonstrate that this
come by the development of an appropriate in vitro as- cytokine activated the pituitary-adrenal axis in a manner
say, the lymphocyte activating factor assay (83, 84). similar to the glucocorticoid increasing factor (16). Be-
Based on this assay, the first endogenous pyrogen, IL-1, cause there was still some uncertainty about the exact site
was cloned in 1984 (8, 140). Other cytokines that have of action of IL-1 to induce glucocorticoid release, it was
since been found to act as endogenous pyrogens include important to show that this effect was mediated in the
IFN- ␣, TNF, and IL-6 (59). IL-1 represents two different hypothalamus, rather than in the pituitary or the adrenal
cytokines, IL-1␣ and IL-1␤, produced by two different cortex (14). With this demonstration of the role of IL-1 in
genes. Most of the early literature on IL-1 refers to IL-1␤. a brain-mediated immunoregulatory loop, the stage was
Unless mentioned otherwise, we keep this convention in finally set for further studies on the mechanisms of these
the present review. regulatory processes.

The understanding that immune signals could control the As we will see, studies of the influence of immune commu-
immune system via a downregulating neuroendocrine feed- nication signals on the central nervous system followed the
back loop involving cytokine action on the brain emerged same path of reasoning as the one that led to our under-
within the context of immunophysiology. Immunophysi- standing of the influence of neuroendocrine communication

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signals on the immune system. The consideration of long- In terms of communication, the concept that predomi-
range interactions between the immune system and the nated initially was that proinflammatory cytokines were
brain via hormonal-like factors predominated for some released by innate immune cells into the general circula-
time; gradually, however, the study of short-range interac- tion and acted at distance. Because of their big molecular
tions based on immune factors produced locally in the ner- size and their hydrophilic nature, proinflammatory cyto-
vous system gained favor. kines could not cross the blood-brain barrier. They acted
instead on those parts of the brain that are devoid of a
blood-brain barrier, the so-called circumventricular or-
B. Pyrogenic Effects of Cytokines
gans. In the case of the fever response, the target circum-
ventricular organ was the organum vasculosum laminae
The conventional view of fever in infectious diseases
terminalis (OVLT). At the level of the OVLT, cytokines
holds that the fever response is mediated by endogenous
induced the synthesis of prostaglandins E2 (PGE2). PGE2
pyrogens released by activated mononuclear phagocytes
are formed from arachidonic acid by cyclooxygenase
into the general circulation. This explains why most ex-
(COX-1 and COX-2)-dependent synthesis of prostan-
perimental studies of fever involved intravenous injection
of endogenous pyrogens into naive experimental ani- glandin H2 and further transformation by prostaglandin
mals. This route of injection continued to be used even synthases. PGE2 diffused inside the brain parenchyma
after recombinant cytokines became available, despite and activated PGE2 receptors located on thermosensitive
the fact that cytokines do not behave as circulating com- neurons in the anterior preoptic area of the hypothala-
munication factors. mus (25). This mode of action of proinflammatory cyto-
kines was well accepted in the scientific community of
The sequence of events leading to the production of inflam- fever physiologists until further studies revealed a much
matory cytokines by innate immune cells in response to more complex circuitry than originally anticipated (70,
pathogenic microorganisms has been identified. Specialized 194, 200).
monocyte/macrophage membrane receptors identified as
Toll-like receptors recognize specific molecular moieties of Fever in response to LPS is characterized actually by a
pathogens called pathogen-associated molecular patterns biphasic course. The first wave of fever originates in the
(PAMPs) (72, 191). Activation of Toll-like receptors by liver. It is mediated by activation of the complement cas-
PAMPs and by danger-associated molecular patterns cade and release of constitutive COX-1- and COX-2-
(DAMPs) that are released by damaged cells from the dependent PGE2 by liver macrophages (Kupffer cells)
host triggers a signaling cascade that culminates in the (26). The released PGE2 activates vagal afferents that
synthesis and release of proinflammatory cytokines terminate in the nucleus tractus solitarius and project to
(170). LPS, for instance, activates Toll-like receptor-4 the ventromedial part of the hypothalamus via the ven-
(TLR4) on monocytes and macrophages. This requires tral noradrenergic bundle. The second wave is mediated
the association of LPS to a specific binding protein, LPS- by the production of inflammatory cytokines at the pe-
binding protein (LBP). The LPS-LBP protein complex riphery. These cytokines induce the synthesis and release
associates with still another membrane protein, cluster of of brain cytokines, including IL-6 which is mainly pro-
differentiation 14 (CD14), before recruiting another ex- duced by astrocytes. Brain cytokines ultimately stimulate
tracellular protein, myeloid differentiation factor 2 (MD- the production and release of PGE2 by perivascular cells
2). Activation of TLR4 recruits two pathways, a myeloid
and cerebral endothelial cells; this occurs mainly along
differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88)-de-
venules after induction of the PGE2 synthesizing enzymes
pendent pathway and a MyD88-independent pathway.
COX-2 and microsomal PGE synthase-1 (70, 200). Cen-
MyD88 recruits IL-1 receptor associated kinases (IRAKs)
trally produced PGE2 activate PGE2 receptors 3 (EP3)
and the adaptor molecules TNF receptor-associated fac-
that are present on thermosensitive neurons in the me-
tors (TRAF6) that lead to activation of both mitogen-
activated protein kinases Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) dian preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus. This second
and p38, and transcription factor nuclear factor-kappaB wave of fever is supported by the synthesis and release of
(NF-␬B). JNK and p38 activate, respectively, CREB and PGE2 by cerebral endothelial cells. The neural circuitry
activator protein 1 (AP1). CREB, AP1, and NF-␬B are activated by PGE2 acting on EP3 receptors involves two
important for the synthesis of proinflammatory cyto- populations of preoptic GABAergic neurons that ulti-
kines. The MyD88-independent pathway recruits mately control cutaneous vasoconstriction and adipose
TRAF3 and induces interferon-regulatory factor (IRF3) tissue thermogenesis via the autonomic nervous system
signaling leading to expression of type I interferons and (200). The gradual recovery of fever is mediated by the
interferon-inducible genes (170). The MyD88 pathway is production of anti-inflammatory cytokines both periph-
shared with other TLRs including TLR2, TLR5, and erally and centrally (194) and by the dampening of cyto-
TLR11 while the MyD88-independent pathway is shared kine synthesis in activated macrophages under the effect
with TLR3. of heat stress (66, 70).

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C. Activation of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary- unclear (154), although there is evidence for direct cytokine
Adrenal Axis by Cytokines action on the pituitary in conditions of prolonged exposure
to cytokines after ACTH release has been initiated by CRH
The neuroendocrine response to an infectious agent cannot (208). Folliculo-stellate cells in the anterior pituitary act as
be monitored with the same temporal precision as varia- an important source of IL-6 that influences hormonal out-
tions in body temperature. This certainly explains why the put from the anterior lobe in a paracrine manner (56, 58).
response of the HPA axis to peripheral immune stimulation
is usually described as monophasic rather than multiphasic. CRH-containing parvocellular neurons in the rat hypothal-
Nonetheless, two phases can be distinguished: an earlier amus also produce vasopressin, which strongly potentiates
phase occurring 1–2 h after injection of LPS, and a sus- CRH-induced ACTH secretion and augments several ac-
tained response still apparent 6 h after treatment (64). Ear- tions of extra hypothalamic CRH in the brain. The acute
lier studies of the ACTH and corticosterone response to an effects of IL-1 on the HPA axis are mediated predominantly
intraperitoneal injection of IL-1 revealed that these re- by CRH, since they are abolished by CRH immunoneutral-
sponses took longer to develop than the usual response to ization (14). However, CRH immunoneutralization is less
an exteroceptive stressor, 2 h for the peak ACTH and cor- effective after repeated administration of IL-1. This is due to
ticosterone response instead of 15–30 min (16). The sus- phenotypic changes in the expression of CRH and vasopres-
tained phase of the HPA axis response to LPS is dependent sin in hypothalamic parvocellular neurons, with vasopres-
on the production and release of PGE2 by the brain vascu- sin dominating over CRH (230). A similar increase in vaso-
lature in a COX-2- and mPGES-1-dependent manner (64). pressin stores in CRH-containing neurons occurs several
PGE2 acts in a paracrine manner to stimulate EP1 and EP3 days after injection of a single dose of IL-1. This phenotypic
expressing catecholaminergic neurons in the ventrolateral switch affecting CRH-containing neurons is not specific to
medulla of the brain (150). These neurons project to CRH IL-1; it is also observed after endotoxin administration and
containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the in response to electric foot shocks and social defeat, but not
hypothalamus (67). The late phase of the HPA axis is tem- after other types of stressors. The increased expression of
porally dependent on an inducible PGE2 synthesis interact- vasopressin in CRH-containing neurons is responsible for
ing with an earlier neuronal afferent signal involving con- the cross-sensitization phenomenon that can develop in re-
stitutive COX-1-dependent PGE2 synthesis in perivascular sponse to stressors occurring in succession: administration
cells and endothelial cells of the brain vasculature (64, 80). of IL-1 at a given time point sensitizes the response to a
The relative involvement of perivascular cells and endothe- different stressor that occurs later (229).
lial cells depends on the stimulus: IL-1 appears to activate
only perivascular cells, while LPS activates both perivascu- The activating effects of cytokines on the HPA axis are
lar cells and endothelial cells (206). In addition, perivascu- limited by the glucocorticoid resistance that develops in
lar cells exert an inhibitory effect on the response of endo- response to inflammation. Glucocorticoid resistance typi-
thelial cells to LPS that becomes apparent once they are cally occurs in humans in response to repeated injections of
artificially eliminated. However, this account of the role of IFN-␣. It takes place at the level of the hippocampus rather
perivascular cells in the HPA axis response to IL-1 does not than the pituitary (87). This is not an artifact due to the
fit with immunohistochemistry data showing a selective ex- administration of exogenous cytokines, since it also devel-
pression of IL-1 receptors in brain endothelial cells but not ops in virus-infected organisms (13, 158). Mechanisms in-
in perivascular cells (128). Cell-specific deletion of IL-1 re- clude disruption of glucocorticoid receptor translocation
ceptors confirms the immunohistochemistry data. Mice and DNA binding, and alterations in glucocorticoid recep-
lacking IL-1 receptors in hematopoietic cells including tor phosphorylation status (172).
perivascular macrophages still respond to IL-1 injected sys-
temically by increased plasma levels of ACTH and cortico-
sterone; this is no longer the case in mice lacking IL-1 re- D. Behavioral Effects of Cytokines
ceptors in brain vascular cells (151).
The most visible face of the response to an infectious agent
The possibility that LPS acts in the adrenal cortex rather is the sickness behavior that develops in ill individuals. In-
than in the hypothalamus to increase circulating corticoste- activity, decreased responsiveness to external stimuli, sleep-
rone levels was ruled out by studies of mice with adreno- iness, decreased appetite, and social withdrawal are the
cortical cell-specific deletion of MyD88. This did not impair usual signs of a microbial infection. Agitation can occur as
the HPA axis response to systemic LPS, confirming the ef- a prodrome, but this is rare. These behavioral alterations
fects of LPS take place at the level of the hypothalamus or are often associated with malaise and pain. They are part of
the pituitary (113). There is evidence that cytokines, includ- a whole repertoire of disease-control strategies that enable
ing IL-1 and IL-2, can act directly on pituitary cells and organisms to adapt to the very expensive metabolic cost of
increase the release of various pituitary peptides, including mounting an immune response and a fever (99, 100). Be-
ACTH (15, 114). However, the relevance of this activity for cause behaviorists are usually not interested in the behavior
the in vivo HPA axis response to immune stimuli is still of sick individuals and physiologists rarely engage in

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lengthy descriptions of behavioral activities, the study of way, as demonstrated by subdiaphragmatic vagotomy ex-
cytokine-induced sickness behavior lagged behind studies periments (27) or by reversible inactivation of the dorsal
of cytokine-induced fever and HPA axis activation. It be- vagal complex using local injection of bupivacaine (149).
came more mainstream only after identification of the rela- Recruitment of neural communication pathways combines
tionship between sickness behavior and symptoms of de- with activation of macrophage-like cells in circumventricu-
pression (53). lar organs by circulating pathogen-associated molecular
patterns. This results in the local synthesis of proinflamma-
The behavioral alterations that develop in animals injected tory cytokines that slowly diffuse into the neural compart-
with LPS or cytokines recapitulate those observed in ill ment by volume diffusion while actively recruiting macro-
individuals (37, 81). The intensity and duration of sickness phages and microglia “en passant” (52, 126, 239). The
behavior can be easily measured by reduction in spontane- involvement of brain proinflammatory cytokines in sick-
ous activities such as exploration of a novel conspecific or ness behavior induced by systemic administration of cyto-
ambulatory activity in a familiar or novel environment kines or LPS has been repeatedly demonstrated by blocking
(119). Reduced appetite can be measured by decreases in experiments in which cytokine antagonists such as IL-1RA,
food and water intake. More elaborate indexes of sickness a specific antagonist of IL-1 type I receptor, have been ad-
behavior include decreased motivation in tasks requiring an ministered into the lateral ventricle of the brain in rodents
effort to access the reward and impaired cognitive abilities injected with cytokines or LPS at the periphery (51, 118,
in tasks based on recognition of a novel object, acquisition 127). The specific brain areas that mediate sickness behav-
of context-dependent fear conditioned response, and spa- ior have been difficult to delineate. There are several reasons
tial memory (49, 50, 156, 180). for this, starting with the diffuse nature of microglial acti-
vation in the brain in response to systemic inflammation, as
Neal Miller was the first researcher to propose that the evidenced by positron emission tomography with ligands of
changes in behavior that develop in ill individuals are the the 18-kDa translocator protein (TSPO) in monkeys and
expression of a motivational state that competes with usual humans injected with endotoxin (96, 198). TSPO is ex-
behavioral activities, rather than just a decrease in these pressed on the outer mitochondrial membrane of microglia
behaviors. He based this hypothesis on the observation that and is prominently upregulated in response to inflamma-
rats injected with endotoxin were less willing to work for tion. Its level of expression in resting microglia is normally
food, water, and a rewarding electrical stimulation in their low but increases rapidly in activated microglia. This ex-
lateral hypothalamus, but they were still able to increase plains why imaging expression of TSPO is used as a marker
their response rate for gaining some rest when put into a of microglial activation despite the many limitations of the
forced wheel-running apparatus (159). This flexibility in currently available TSPO radiotracers (240).
the behavioral response to a stimulus depending on the
environment and the consequences of the response is typical The second reason for the difficulties encountered in delin-
of a motivated behavior. Competition between the motiva- eating the brain areas that mediate sickness behavior is that
tional state of sickness and another form of motivated be- these brain areas differ according to the behavioral process
havior, maternal behavior, was elegantly demonstrated in affected by inflammation. Decreases in food intake culmi-
later studies carried out in lactating mice injected with LPS. nating in anorexia are unlikely to be mediated by the same
LPS-treated dams behaved in a sick way by lying immobile neuronal networks as fatigue or even anhedonia. Most of
and being apparently indifferent to their pups. However, the research on neuroanatomy of sickness behavior has fo-
when their pups were dispersed in the cage and the nest cused on endotoxin-induced anorexia and the role of pros-
removed and replaced by cotton wool, dams emerged out of taglandins and feeding modulating peptides, including pro-
their apathy and actively engaged in retrieving pups to the opiomelanocortin, leptin, neuropeptide Y, agouti-related
cage location where the cotton wool was placed. They still protein, and ghrelin, and their neural targets in the hypo-
did not engage in nest building unless submitted to an am- thalamus (e.g., Refs. 62, 178, 200). This field of research
bient temperature of 6°C (7). The interoceptive feelings as- has expanded beyond sickness behavior because of the
sociated with sickness behavior have been studied in human somewhat paradoxical role of hypothalamic inflammation
volunteers inoculated with typhoid vaccine or injected with in the resetting of energy homeostasis that is associated with
a small dose of LPS. Depressed mood, anhedonia, and fa- obesity (233). More in tune with the concept of sickness
tigue are the typical symptoms that develop in these condi- behavior, decreased social interactions in rats in response to
tions (35, 63, 97, 130). LPS have been shown to be mediated by forebrain IL-1
acting on the central amygdala and dorsolateral bed nucleus
The inflammatory signals that mediate sickness behavior of the stria terminalis in a prostaglandin-independent man-
are transmitted to the brain by the neural afferents that ner (127). In addition to causing social withdrawal, LPS has
innervate the site of the body at which the inflammatory aversive properties that can be evidenced using conditioned
response takes place. When LPS is injected into the perito- taste aversion or conditioned place aversion (78, 247). Ac-
neal cavity, the vagus nerve is the predominant neural path- quisition of a conditioned place aversion in response to LPS

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has been shown to be mediated by COX-1-dependent syn- In summary, the effects of pathogenic microorganisms on
thesis of PGE2 by endothelial cells of the blood-brain bar- thermoregulation, the HPA axis, and behavior are depen-
rier. PGE2 acts on EP1 receptors located on dopamine D1 dent on the de novo production of cytokines by activated
receptor-expressing neurons, with expression of the aver- innate immune cells. Transmission of this peripheral im-
sion being dependent on GABA-mediated inhibition of do- mune message to the brain involves multiple communica-
paminergic cells (78). The predominant involvement of tion pathways with a possible relay in visceral organs such
prostaglandins rather than brain cytokines in this behavior as the liver. These communication pathways ultimately re-
is probably due to the time interval between injection of LPS cruit either other communication signals elaborated by
and conditioned place aversion training (10 min). This time brain microvascular endothelial cells, e.g., prostaglandins,
interval is much too short for induction of a cytokine cas- or the same communication signals, e.g., IL-1, produced by
cade in response to LPS both at the periphery and in the brain innate immune cells (perivascular macrophages and
brain. micoglia). Prostaglandins are prominently involved in very
short-term responses to inflammation (⬍1 h), whereas
brain cytokines are more important for relatively longer
Systemic inflammation caused by injection of LPS or proin-
responses (several hours) (FIGURE 3).
flammatory cytokines is associated with motivational defi-
cits that can best be characterized using effort tasks, in
which animals have to exert a sustained effort to obtain an E. Role of Brain Cytokines in Synaptic
expected reward. In mice trained to obtain a sweet milk Plasticity
reward according to a progressive ratio 10 schedule (requir-
ing 1 response for the first reward, 10 for the second, 20 for Cytokines are not only expressed in the brain in response to
the third, and so on), administration of IL-1 decreased the peripheral immune stimuli. They are also present constitu-
breaking point, i.e., the ratio at which mice stopped re- tively in the brain. Despite their expression levels being
sponding for the reward (131). This was not due to a de- much lower than those of their inducible counterparts, they
creased sensitivity to reward, since LPS-treated mice trained play an important role in synaptic physiology and plasticity.
to nose poke a switch key for a highly preferred food (choc- One example is the constitutive regulation by glial TNF of
olate pellets) by responding 10 times in succession and an- the surface expression of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-meth-
other key for a less-preferred food (grain pellets) by re- yl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors on hip-
sponding only once continued to respond more on the key pocampal neurons. Exposure of cultured hippocampal neu-
giving them access to the highly preferred food than on the rons to TNF increased the levels of surface AMPA receptors
key giving them access to grain pellets (237). In terms of in the plasma membrane of synapses, whereas blockade of
neurotransmitters, inflammatory stimuli have a profound endogenous TNF by treating cultures with a soluble form of
depressive effect on activity of orexin-expressing neurons the TNF receptor 1 had the reverse effect (12). Similar ef-
(82, 91). Orexinergic neurons are located in the perifornical fects were obtained in hippocampal slices. In both cases, the
lateral hypothalamic area and regulate motivational influence of TNF on AMPA receptor trafficking resulted in
arousal, thanks to their widespread projections to the rest of rapid changes in synaptic strength at glutamate excitatory
the brain. These neurons are inhibited by neurotensin-ex- synapses. Further studies showed that these effects are spe-
pressing GABAergic interneurons that sense systemic in- cific to TNF and do not generalize to other inflammatory
flammation indirectly via alterations in leptin (91). The link cytokines (221). They are mediated by TNFR1 and phos-
phoinositol-3-kinase activation. In addition, TNF also in-
between orexin and motivation is provided by orexin-de-
creased the endocytosis of surface GABAA receptors, result-
pendent glutamatergic projections onto dopaminergic neu-
ing in a decrease in inhibitory synaptic transmission. The
rons in the ventral tegmental area (28).
adaptive role of TNF in the regulation of synapses varies
depending on the brain area. While cortical pyramidal cells
Despite its strong relatedness to fever, there is clear evidence
and motor neurons behave like hippocampal neurons in
that sickness behavior is mediated by mechanisms different their response to TNF, this is not the case for striatal neu-
from those of fever. The range of behaviorally active cyto- rons. TNF drives the internalization of AMPA receptors
kines does not fully overlap with that of pyrogens; for in- and reduces corticostriatal synaptic strength on GABAergic
stance, IL-6 has no behavioral effect despite its potent py- medium spiny neurons of the dorsolateral striatum (135).
rogenic activity and its activating effects on the HPA axis
(133). In the same manner, subdiaphragmatic vagotomy TNF acts not only on neurons but also on astrocytes. Con-
abrogates decreases in social exploration induced by LPS stitutive TNF is able to control glutamate release from as-
but has inconsistent effects on the fever response (141). In trocytes, as demonstrated by the inability of astrocytes from
addition, injections of IL-1RA into the lateral ventricle of TNF or TNF receptor knockout mice to release glutamate
the brain abrogate LPS-induced decreases in social interac- in response to the activation of P2Y1 receptors by ATP
tions but have no effect on fever and activation of the HPA released during synaptic activity. Because of this deficiency,
axis (127). the process of gliotransmission is impaired. The lack of

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Brain Brain
A B Microglia Brain
PGE2s Perivascular proinflammatory
macrophages mediators


Proinflammatory Proinflammatory
cytokines cytokines
Pathogen-associated Pathogen-associated
molecular patterns molecular patterns

Activated macrophage Activated macrophage

FIGURE 3. Immune-to-brain communication pathways. In response to pathogen-associated molecular pat-
terns such as lipopolysaccharide sensed by Toll-like receptors and the inflammasome (not represented in the
figure), activated macrophages produce and release proinflammatory cytokines in their microenvironment,
including IL-1␤ (red circles). As presented in A, proinflammatory cytokines were initially supposed to be
released in the general circulation and act at the level of circumventricular organs (CVO) where the blood-brain
barrier is fenestrated. Proinflammatory cytokines were proposed to induce there the release of lipophilic
prostaglandin E2 acting as secondary messengers on neurons. However, the demonstration that immunelike
cells in the brain including meningeal and perivascular macrophages and microglia produce and release brain
proinflammatory cytokines led to a different representation illustrated in B. The peripheral immune signal is
relayed to the brain by afferent nerves. This neural message together with slowly diffusing cytokines produced
at the level of circumventricular organs and prostaglandins produced by brain endothelial cells in response to
circulating pathogen-associated molecular patters results in the production of brain cytokines by activated
microglia. Overspill of cytokines in the general circulation can also be transported for some of them into the
brain side of the blood-brain barrier (not represented in the figure).

astrocyte-dependent activation of presynaptic N-methyl-D- complement cascade that is part of the innate immune sys-
aspartate (NMDA) receptors compromises both synaptic tem. Working on the mouse reticulogeniculate system, Ste-
transmitter release and synaptic strengthening at the level of vens and colleagues (201, 223) demonstrated in an elegant
glutamatergic synapses (199). series of experiments that the complement protein C1q, the
initiating protein in the classical complement cascade, and
In contrast to what was thought originally, constitutive the downstream complement protein C3 localize to imma-
TNF is produced not by neurons but by microglia. Micro- ture synapses and are necessary for the developmental prun-
glia are the resident macrophage population of the central ing of nonfunctional reticulogeniculate synapses. C1q and
nervous system. Beyond their role as phagocytic cells in the C3 bind to C3 receptors that are expressed by microglia.
central nervous system when activated by injury or micro- These receptors are upregulated in microglia during the
bial infection, microglial cells are also involved in the devel- period of synaptic elimination and are downregulated later
opment and maintenance of normal synaptic function. Like on. Furthermore, C3 receptor knockout mice displayed re-
most tissue macrophages, microglia do not originate from duced microglial phagocytic function and sustained deficits
blood monocytes or meningeal macrophages but from yolk in eye-specific segregation of synaptic inputs in the reticu-
sac primitive macrophages during early development (65, logeniculate system and in synaptic connectivity (201).
85). They persist by self-renewal in the central nervous sys- What is remarkable here is the analogy of function in the
tem until adulthood and do not need to be replenished by immune system and in the central nervous system: in both
peripheral cells from the circulation (86). Their differentia- systems, complement proteins clear cellular material that
tion and maintenance are dependent on CSF-1 and IL-34 has been tagged at its membrane surface for elimination
(90, 179, 243), both acting via CSF-1 receptors. (222). In the central nervous system, this process requires a
close cooperation between synapse targets and microglia.
The formation of mature neural circuits requires the activ-
ity-dependent elimination or pruning of inactive synapses. Microglial cells interact with neurons and synapses via sev-
Microglia play an important role in this process, as demon- eral signaling pathways other than the complement cas-
strated by their ability to engulf synaptic material during cade. One of these signaling pathways involves the chemo-
postnatal development in the mouse (174). They make use kine CX3CL1, also known as fractalkine, and its receptor
of several signaling pathways for this, including the classic CX3CR1. Chemokines are used by hematopoietic and non-

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hematopoietic tissues to attract immune target cells by che- these systems on intercellular communication molecules
motaxis. In the central nervous system, CX3CL1 is mostly used by the other system, any alteration in one of the sys-
expressed by neurons and CX3CR1 is uniquely expressed tems has the potential to impact the functioning of the other
on microglial cells (5, 138). Mice lacking the fractalkine system. It is beyond the scope of this review to describe all
receptor displayed a transient deficit in synaptic pruning possible instances of the reciprocal alterations in the com-
during the second and third postnatal weeks, together with munication between the immune and the nervous system
electrophysiological signs of synaptic abnormalities (174). that contribute to pathophysiology. Only two examples
However, this was probably due to the role of the CX3CL1/ will be presented to illustrate this notion, one example of a
CX3CR1 signaling pathway in microglia migration into the disorder affecting the brain, major depressive disorder, and
brain during development rather than to the involvement of one example of a pathology involving the immune system,
this pathway in the tagging of synapses to be eliminated, cancer. In both cases, the research agenda has been the
given the reduced microglial density in the brains of same: long-range communication between systems were in-
CX3CR1 knockout mice compared with littermate con- vestigated first before the possibility of short-range commu-
trols. nication mechanisms was considered. In the context of psy-
chiatric disorders, the exact communication mechanisms
Another signaling pathway makes use of LBP that tags syn- between the immune system and the brain are not yet fully
apses in the developing hippocampus (245). In the innate elucidated, as the research is still mainly at the description
immune system, LBP acts as an acute phase protein and is level. In the context of stress and cancer, the attention has
necessary for LPS to bind to membrane-bound CD14 on shifted from long-range to short-range communication
macrophages before being able to activate TLR4 (258). LBP mechanisms involving the sympathetic nervous system,
is also temporarily expressed on hippocampal synapses dur- These two examples illustrate the important concept that
ing development, in close association with CD14 surface pathological processes develop on the basis of an intricate
molecules present on microglia cells (245). In rodents, early network of short-range and long-range cellular and molec-
life stress in the form of daily brief pup-dam separations is ular mechanisms of communication.
well known to cause increased anxiety-like behavior at
adulthood. Early life stress decreased the expression of syn-
aptic but not plasmatic LBP. Genetic deletion of LBP re- A. Major Depressive Disorder
sulted in increased spine density and abnormal spine mor-
phology in the hippocampus, and this was associated with Given that antidepressant drugs are medications that in-
increased anxiety-like behavior at adulthood. These in- crease the synaptic availability of serotonin and other
triguing results point to a possible role for LBP in the devel- monamines in the central nervous system, depression is usu-
opment and function of hippocampal synapses during the ally conceived of as resulting from a deficiency in these
first weeks of life (245). neurotransmitter systems. However, the monoaminergic
theory of depression cannot account for all the features of
F. Summary depression and its response to medication. This has led to a
reformulation of the original hypothesis. The modern neu-
The neuroendocrine perspective that initially dominated robiology of depression emphasizes the role of neu-
studies of the neural effects of cytokines left little room for rotrophic factors and synaptic plasticity, making depres-
the possibility of a local action of these molecules in the sion the result of long-term alterations in synaptic strength
central nervous system despite the fact that cytokines were in brain regions that regulate mood, with brain-derived
initially described by immunologists as autocrine and para- neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as a key transducer of the ef-
crine communication factors. It is only after cytokines were fect of antidepressant drugs (165).
identified in the brain with their receptors that this notion
changed. Cytokines are not only induced in the central ner- This brain-centric view of depression leaves little room for
vous system in response to peripheral immune stimuli but in mechanisms linking depression to immunity. The first stud-
addition they are expressed there constitutively and serve as ies on immune functions in depressed subjects focused on
important plasticity factors in the formation and stabiliza- the apparent immunosuppression in these subjects, evi-
tion of neuronal circuits during development. denced by reduced proliferative responses of lymphocytes
to mitogens, decreased natural killer cell activity, and alter-
IV. ALTERATIONS IN THE ations in numbers of several white blood cell populations
COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE (102). However, subsequent studies revealed a much more
IMMUNE AND THE NERVOUS complex picture with signs of activation of the monocytic
SYSTEM: FROM PHYSIOLOGY TO and lymphocytic arms of cell-mediated immunity, charac-
PATHOLOGY terized by increased numbers of peripheral blood leuko-
cytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, and elevated circulating
Because of the bidirectional communication between the levels of inflammatory cytokines and acute-phase proteins
brain and the immune system and the reliance of each of (145). This association between depression and inflamma-

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tion has been since confirmed by several meta-analyses (94, Bacille Calmette-Guerin, an attenuated form of Mycobac-
104, 106). Such an association is not necessarily surprising, terium bovis, to stimulate the immune system chronically
in view of the likely degradation of body care and hygiene rather than acutely (167).
habits that occurs in depressed subjects compared with the
general population. However, this did not discourage re- The initial hypothesis for explaining IDO’s role in inflam-
searchers from investigating the possibility that inflamma- mation-induced depression was that its activation decreases
tion plays a causal role in depression, given their potent the bioavailability of tryptophan for the synthesis of the
effects on sickness behavior and the similarity between brain neurotransmitter serotonin (53). This hypothesis had
some of the symptoms of sickness and the symptoms of the advantage of fitting the monoaminergic theory of de-
depression (254). In addition, prospective epidemiological pression. However, a fine-grained analysis of the levels of
studies confirmed that adults with high levels of circulating tryptophan, kynurenine, and kynurenine metabolites in the
IL-6 have a higher probability of developing a major depres- blood and cerebrospinal fluid of IFN-␣-treated patients re-
sive disorder within 11–16 yr (122), and the same was true vealed that tryptophan decreased only in the blood but not
for children aged 9 yr when examined for mental disorders in the cerebrospinal fluid, whereas kynurenine and its me-
at 18 yr of age (120). In animal studies, some of the behav- tabolites increased in both compartments (183). These re-
ioral alterations that develop in rodents injected with LPS sults mean that the brain can compensate for the decrease in
resemble the anhedonia and decreased sensitivity to reward peripheral tryptophan levels, probably by allowing more
that are characteristic of depression. In particular, rats in- tryptophan to be transported into the brain by the large
jected with LPS displayed a reduction in preference for amino acid transporter LAT1. Blood-brain barrier trans-
food, a decrease in consumption of a saccharin solution, port experiments in gerbils showed that nearly all of the
and a suppression of sexual behavior. All of these responses kynurenine that is found in the brain in response to systemic
were alleviated by chronic but not acute treatment with LPS comes from the periphery (121).
imipramine, a typical antidepressant drug (254).
Brain kynurenine is further metabolized into neurotoxic
Understanding about the mechanisms of inflammation-as- kynurenine metabolites by the immune-inducible enzyme
sociated depression began to accrue in the late 1990s with kynurenine monooxygenase, which is present in microglia.
studies in patients with metastatic melanoma or kidney can- One of these neurotoxic kynurenine metabolites is quino-
cer treated with IFN-␣ and IL-2 to stimulate the immune linic acid, an agonist of the NMDA receptor. When acti-
system and to help eliminate tumor cells that do not re- vated in response to immune stimulation, microglia also
spond to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. All patients release glutamate extrasynaptically. This release takes place
respond to this form of immunotherapy with sickness via the cystine-glutamate exchanger that regulates biosyn-
symptoms, in the form of fatigue, reduced appetite, and thesis of the intracellular antioxidant glutathione. In addi-
sleep disorders. However, one-third to one-half of patients tion, astrocytes that normally uptake glutamate to recycle it
develop symptoms of depression within a few weeks of via the glutamate-glutamine cycle become much less effi-
treatment (40, 41). These clinical observations indicate that cient for doing so in conditions of inflammation, because of
depression develops on a background of immune-mediated the downregulation of their high-affinity glutamate trans-
sickness, probably via an additional mechanism triggered porters (89). The net result is a spillover of glutamate into
by inflammation. the extrasynaptic space, which, in combination with quino-
linic acid, activates extrasynaptic NMDA receptor. This
Insight into this mechanism came from the observation that explains why blockade of NMDA receptors by ketamine is
the intensity of symptoms of depression is correlated with able to abrogate the depression-like behavior induced by
signs of activation of the tryptophan metabolizing enzyme LPS in mice (241). It is important to note that characteriza-
indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) (42). IDO is an im- tion of this glutamatergic pathway does not discard a role
mune-inducible enzyme that metabolizes tryptophan along for serotonin in inflammation-induced depression. There is
the kynurenine pathway and plays an important role in evidence in particular that inflammation activates the sero-
immunoregulation (161). The causal involvement of this tonin transporter, which results in a decrease in the amount
metabolic pathway in the pathogenesis of inflammation- of serotonin available at the synapses (10).
induced depression was confirmed in mice injected with LPS
at a dose that activated IDO. These mice developed depres- During inflammation tetrahydrobiopterin is turned away
sion-like behavior characterized by increased immobility in from its role as a cofactor for the hydroxylase enzymes that
the forced-swim test and in the tail-suspension test, and catalyze the formation of 5-hydroxy-tryptophan from tryp-
decreased sucrose preference when given the choice be- tophan and tyrosine and dihydroxyphenylalanine from
tween a sucrose solution and tap water for drinking. Phar- phenylalanine, to be mainly consumed for the formation of
macological or genetic blockade of IDO activation abro- neopterin and nitric oxide by activated immune cells. This
gated depression-like behavior in LPS-treated mice (168). results in a decrease in the biosynthesis of monoamines
The same effect was obtained in mice inoculated with (216).

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The mechanisms of inflammation-induced depression are asked to prepare and present an impromptu speech and to
summarized in FIGURE 4. From this figure it is apparent that perform a difficult mental task in front of a nonresponsive,
much has been learned about how synaptic function is af- intimating audience, can lead to the increased production of
fected by immune mediators produced by brain immunelike IL-6 (190). The same elevations in circulating IL-6 are
cells. Much less is known about the exact nature of the found in individuals exposed to chronic stress. It is not
immune-to-brain communication pathways that are ulti- known yet whether this IL-6 derives from immune or non-
mately responsible for neuroinflammation. Recruitment of immune sources. Interestingly, stress-induced elevations in
the brain machinery is supposed to be dependent on circu- IL-6 are higher in subjects with a history of early life stress
lating factors represented either by kynurenine as a conse- (44) and in subjects with low socioeconomic status (34).
quence of peripheral IDO activation or by pathogen-asso- The fact that these conditions are associated with chronic,
ciated molecular patterns originating from the gut or other low-grade inflammation and activation of immune-to-brain
barrier organs, especially with alterations in the microbiota communication pathways (166) makes it very likely that
(144, 211). These circulating factors do not need to directly psychosocial stress-induced IL-6 is released by activated
reach the brain to induce depression. They can modulate the innate immune cells, possibly via a ␤2-adrenergic-depen-
activity of brain regions involved in the processing of emo- dent mechanism.
tions by activating afferent autonomic nerves, as demon-
strated very elegantly by neuroimaging experiments in hu- Most of the preclinical studies that address the question of
mans experiencing depressed mood in response to typhoid how nonimmune stressors can activate the innate immune
vaccination (98). system rely on the social defeat paradigm, in which a resi-
dent male mouse is exposed to attacks and defeat from an
It is not yet clear whether the mechanisms that underlie the aggressor, another male mouse that is larger and trained as
development of inflammation-induced depression also ac- a fighter. The defeat episode lasts for only a few minutes,
count for depression related to other causal factors, includ- after which mice are typically separated to limit the extent
ing stress. The issue that still needs to be investigated is how of wounding. Social defeat is repeated daily for several days
these neuroimmune interactions can be activated in the and in some of these experiments, the resident mouse is
brain in the absence of overt inflammation. At the clinical forced to cohabit with its aggressor after it has been at-
level, there is evidence that even relatively minor stressors, tacked, although it is protected from further attacks by a
such as the Trier social stress test in which participants are perforated divider separating the cage into two compart-

Periphery Brain

Pathogen-associated Tryptophan Inflammatory

molecular patterns mediators
+ Transport KMO
Kynurenine Quinolinic
Immune-to-brain dysfunction
Toll-like receptors communication
Inflammasome pathway Glutamate

Activation of
innate immunity
proinflammatory NMDA glutamate Hypodopaminergic
cytokines receptor activation neurotransmission
MAP kinases)


FIGURE 4. Mechanisms of inflammation-induced depression. In addition to activation of the immune-to-brain

communication pathways represented in FIGURE 3, peripheral proinflammatory cytokines activate the tryp-
tophan metabolizing enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) that transforms tryptophan into kynurenine.
Kynurenine produced at the periphery is transported into the brain where it is further metabolized into
neurotoxic kynurenine metabolites including quinolinic acid by another microglia-associated enzyme, kynurenine
monooxygenase (KMO). Together with glutamate released by activated microglia, quinolinic acid activates the
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Independently of this pathway, inflammatory mediators released by
activated microglia and brain endothelial cells can also downregulate dopaminergic neurotransmission via
oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Activation of NMDA receptors and deficient dopaminergic
neurotransmission both result in depression symptoms.

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ments. Mice exposed to repeated social defeat show social sode (152, 153). These features are not restricted to im-
avoidance when tested with a new male mouse and de- munity but extend to immune-to-brain communication.
creased mobility in potentially frightening environments. Adoptive transfer of lymphocytes from immunocompe-
tent mice submitted to repeated social defeat into immu-
Despite resembling anxiety more so than depression, these nocompromised stress-naive mice prevented the develop-
behavioral alterations are reversed by chronic but not acute ment of anxiety-like behavior in these mice, probably by
antidepressant treatment (88). In addition, they are associ- decreasing the inflammatory response to the stress of
ated with reduced synaptic plasticity, chromatin remodel- defeat both at the periphery and in the brain (32). This
ing, and transcriptional activation, which also are respon- effect was not limited to social defeat and prevention, as
sive to antidepressant treatment. Each defeat episode leads adoptive transfer of lymphocytes from mice exposed to
to an intense activation of the HPA axis and the sympa- repeated social defeat into immunocompromised mice
thetic nervous system, and this activation is sustained by that had been made anxious by repeated exposure to
cohabitation. Socially defeated mice show increased num- restraint normalized their behavior. These intriguing
bers of highly inflammatory and glucocorticoid-insensitive findings confirm the idea that exposure to psychological
bone marrow-derived myeloid cells in their general circula- stressors could program the adaptive immune system to
tion. The release of myeloid cells is mediated by activation confer resistance to stressors (136), but the exact mech-
of ␤2-adrenergic receptors. Myeloid cells are recruited to anisms remain to be elucidated.
the brain in a chemokine-dependent manner (251). This
results in the activation of resident microglial cells and the
B. Cancer
local production of inflammatory cytokines that negatively
affect synaptic plasticity (249). These effects could also be
The nonscientific literature is replete with anecdotal refer-
mediated downstream of brain cytokines by microglial
ences to the role of personality factors, repressed emotions,
COX-1-mediated production of PGE2 acting on EP1 recep-
and psychosocial stressors in the development of cancer.
tors on GABAergic neurons located in the medial prefrontal
There have been many attempts to strengthen this narrative
cortex. Activation of EP1 would lead to inhibition of meso-
through experimental studies of the influence of stressors on
cortical dopaminergic neurons (227).
the proliferation and dissemination of tumor cells. The
golden age of psychoneuroimmunology has produced some
There are individual differences in the response to repeated
examples of this, with publications in high impact factor
social defeat. Approximately two-thirds of the mice develop
journals describing the influence of the lack of control over
a susceptible behavioral phenotype, whereas other mice are
electric shocks on tumor growth in xenograft models of
resilient. Mice can be characterized as susceptible or resil- cancer (209, 238). Current research in this field is now
ient on the basis of their IL-6 response to the first episode of decisively mechanistic and builds on our current under-
social defeat: those with higher circulating IL-6 levels were standing of tumor biology. In an elegant series of experi-
more likely to be susceptible than were those with lower mental studies on the effect of repeated immobilization
IL-6 (105). This elevation in circulating IL-6 was due to a stress on the progression and dissemination of cancer in
higher number of circulating leukocytes and an increased murine models of solid epithelial tumors, oncologists col-
responsiveness to LPS stimulation. Furthermore, adoptive laborating with psychologists have clearly demonstrated a
transfer of bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells iso- definitive role for activation of the sympathetic nervous
lated from susceptible mice into naive wild-type mice or system in modifying the tumor microenvironment and the
IL-6 knockout mice increased the probability of social immune response to the tumor (FIGURE 5) (4, 47, 109, 132,
avoidance in the bone marrow chimera mice when they 210, 228).
were submitted to a subthreshold repeated social stress par-
adigm. Conversely, transfer of hematopoietic progenitor Not surprisingly, most of these effects are mediated by ␤2-
cells from IL-6-deficient mice into naive wild-type mice de- adrenergic activation of multiple local intracellular signal-
creased the probability of social avoidance. Both IL-6 ing pathways involving protein kinases, CREB, EPAC, and
knockout mice and wild-type mice that were administered MAPK. The net results include inhibition of DNA damage
IL-6-neutralizing antibodies had a higher probability of re- repair and p53-associated apoptosis, activation of onco-
silience (105). These results show that leukocyte-derived genic signaling pathways, increased inflammation by en-
sources of IL-6 are critical in mediating the behavioral ef- hanced expression of proinflammatory cytokines, recruit-
fects of repeated social stress, although it is not yet clear ment of macrophages into the tumor parenchyma, produc-
how peripheral IL-6 modulates susceptibility. tion of tumor growth factors (including transforming
growth factor-␤, vascular endothelial growth factor, and
Immunological memory is also affected by repeated social matrix metalloproteases), activation of mesenchymal cells
defeat. The experience of repeated social defeat is associ- present in tumor stroma, promotion of angiogenesis, inhi-
ated with an augmentation of memory T-cell populations in bition of anoikis, and increased resistance to chemotherapy.
response to a viral infection occurring after the stress epi- In addition, activation of sympathetic nervous system sig-

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ACTH Sympathetic

Adrenal gland Spleen and lymphoid tissue Liver Adipose tissue

Myeloid Insulin Adipokines

Cortisol progenitors Glucose resistance Inflammation


Immune cells & fibroblasts Tumor cells Tumor metabolism Vascular endothelial cells
Myeloid derived suppressor cells Oncogene activation Aerobic glycolysis/ Angiogenesis
Cytotoxicity NK cells EMT oxidative phosphorylation Prostaglandins E2
Cellular immune response Apoptosis inhibition HIF-1α
Macrophage recruitment & DNA repair inhibition PI3K/AKT, PKM2
inflammation MMP2, MMP9

FIGURE 5. Mechanism of stress-induced tumor progression and dissemination. Stress facilitates the devel-
opment of immunotolerance by activation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis which results in decreased
cytotoxicity of natural killer cells (NK cells) and reduced cellular immune responses to the tumor antigens. At
the same time, activation of the sympathetic nervous system induces profound alterations in tumor cells and
in the tumor microenvironment both directly by sympathetic nerve endings innervating the organ in which the
tumor develops and indirectly via the liver and adipose tissue. Red arrows represent communication via the
general circulation, dashed blue arrows represent communications via nerves, and blue arrows represent
communication within the tumor microenvironment. NK, natural killer; EMT, epithelial-to-mesenchymal trans-
lation of cancer cells; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; HIF-1␣, hypoxia inducible
factor-1␣; PI3/AKT, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B signaling pathway; PKM2, M2 isoform of
pyruvate kinase. [Adapted from Cole et al. (47).]

naling contributes to the escape of tumors from immuno- prostate cancer in immunocompetent mice, tumor growth
surveillance by inhibiting type I and II interferon signaling was associated with infiltration of autonomic nerve fibers
and by suppressing the cytotoxic function of T lymphocytes into the tumor mass. Chemical or surgical sympathectomy
and natural killer cells. as well as genetic deletion of ␤2-adrenergic receptors pre-
vented the early phase of tumor development. Pharmaco-
Nerves innervating solid tumors and their microenviron- logical blockade or genetic disruption of the stromal type 1
ment mediate the influences of stress on tumor progression muscarinic receptor abrogated tumor dissemination (146).
and dissemination. Female mice with orthotopic or sponta- Similar results have been obtained in a mouse model of
neous mammary tumors responded to restraint stress by gastric cancer (256). Sensory neurons can also play a role,
increased turnover of norepinephrine in sympathetic nerves as demonstrated by the slower initiation and progression of
innervating the tumor (225). The peripheral nerves that cancer after sensory neuron ablation by neonatal injection
innervate the tumor are not restricted to those preexisting in of capsaicin in a model of pancreatic ductal adenocarci-
the tissue in which the tumor develops: tumor cells can noma (197).
actually promote neurogenesis. In two murine models of
cancer, including an orthotopic xenograft model of human In general, the notion that the peripheral nervous system
prostate cancer cells in nude mice and a genetic model of is able to adapt to an ongoing disease process and con-

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tribute to its evolution is not totally new. For instance, C. Summary

complex interactions between neurons, glial cells, im-
mune cells, and endocrine cells have been shown to take We have restricted ourselves to only two examples to illus-
place during pancreatitis. They modulate inflammation trate the possibility that pathological processes develop on
and cancer growth, while at the same time undergoing the basis of an intricate network of short- and long-range
cellular and molecular mechanisms of communication.
plastic changes in the proportion of autonomic and sen-
These examples are not the only ones, and there are many
sory fibers innervating the affected organ and in the
other instances of altered communication mechanisms be-
quantity of mediators they release. This form of neural tween the immune system and the nervous system in the
plasticity has been well studied in pancreatitis and its pathophysiology of many disorders. This intricacy explains
progression to pancreatic cancer (55). The outgrowth of at least in part the important psychological comorbidity of
nerves in solid tumors is driven by the production of physical illness and provides some clues as to how to better
neurotrophic factors, such as nerve growth factor (NGF), treat these disorders.
by cancer cells (111). Knocking down NGF or its recep-
tors, or administering an NGF receptor inhibitor, atten-
uated the proliferation and migration of pancreatic can-
cer cells in vitro (11). This dependence on neurotrophins In the earlier ages of psychoneuroimmunology, Blalock (21)
could account for the perineural invasion that character- proposed that the immune system may function as a diffuse
izes tumor metastasis in several solid malignancies, such sensory organ specialized in the detection of the nonself in a
as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (189). manner complementary to that employed by classic sensory

Central nervous Central nervous system
system Local molecular interactions
between neural cells and
resident immune-like cells

Neuroendocrine Neuroendocrine system
system Local molecular interactions
between neuroendocrine cells and
resident immune-like cells

Vasculature of
lymphoid organs
-> trafficking of immune cells Neural

Immune Immune cells

system Local interactions between immune
mediators and neuroendocrine
mediators produced by immune cells

FIGURE 6. Schematic representation of neuroimmune interactions. A: the initial notion that neuroimmune
interactions take place via mediators released in the general circulation by the neuroendocrine system. B:
summary of the knowledge presented in this review showing that long-distance communication between the
central nervous system and the immune system takes place mainly via neural pathways and much less so via
circulating neuroendocrine factors. Long-distance communication via neural pathways is bidirectional, from the
central nervous system to the immune system and vice versa. Long-distance communication pathways
modulate the functioning of local or short-range communication pathways that involve intricate interactions
between resident immunelike cells (mainly microglia and astrocytes, but also endothelial cells) and neuronal
cells in the nervous system, and between immune mediators and neuroendocrine mediators produced locally
by immune cells in the immune system in addition to mediators released locally by nerve endings. The immune
phenotype of the microenvironment of the affected organ can be modified by alterations in immune cell
trafficking induced by noradrenergic or more rarely cholinergic modulation (not represented in the figure) of the
vasculature of lymphoid organs. This is more likely to take place at the periphery than in the nervous system
that is protected by the blood-brain barrier even if it can become leaky in some conditions. Blue arrows
correspond to neural communication pathways and red arrows to humoral communication pathways.

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organs. He speculated that “in the future, it may be difficult mune system and more specifically the trafficking of CD8⫹
to distinguish the receptors and signals that these systems T cells into the dorsal root ganglia (129). This means that a
use for communication within and between one another.” treatment targeting the immune system could actually be
Because of the reluctance of the scientific community to detrimental when given at the wrong time point in the dis-
accept this concept despite the convincing examples of com- ease process.
munication Blalock provided, the original review paper he
submitted was ultimately published as an opinion piece. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
This reluctance was still apparent a few years later, when
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: R.
the first review paper on the neuroimmune mechanisms of
Dantzer, Dept. of Symptom Research, Univ. of Texas MD
sickness behavior was submitted (119).
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77005 (e-mail:
Thanks to the research work that has been carried out since
then, the situation has changed considerably. It is now fully GRANTS
recognized that the nervous system and the immune system
do not function independently from one another, but that This work was supported by National Cancer Institute
the central nervous system utilizes cellular and molecular Grants R01CA193522 and CA183736, National Institute
elements of immune communication for its own purposes, of Mental Health Grant R21MH104694, and National In-
while the immune response is regulated in part by neuroen- stitute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Grant
docrine mediators produced by immunocytes (FIGURE 6). R01NS073939.
The intricate interactions between these two systems play a
key role in health and disease. Several examples of this
necessary communication between immune cells and neu-
ronal cells have been provided in this review, and their
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared
implications for pathology have been discussed. Not only
by the author.
does the immune system have a considerable impact on
neural functions, but conversely the somatosensory and au-
tonomic nervous systems play an active role in the coordi- REFERENCES
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