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1.Flowchart-map out the current state of organizational processes

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Awareness – create awareness among employees what change is occurring and why

Desire – build desire among employees to support change so that they would do it naturaly instead of
forcing them ti do so

Knowledge – help employees by giving training program, job aids coaching in order for them to support

Ability – improve their ability through feedback and evaluations

Reinforce the change- give incentives and reward to employees so that they do not go to their old
ways,identify champion, learn from early mistakes

3. culture mapping

Visualized company cultures according to values, norms, employees behavior, etc – these help to
identify positive enablers and how to minimize risks

Identify subcultures – identify groups that belong to different subcultures, identify 5-6 si people to
represent these groups ex finance, IT

Carry out intervies- find out cultural blockers and enablers reinforced intentionally or unintentionally by
the management

Organize information – such as enablers, blockers, current and desired outcome

4. Force field Analysis

Define plan for change- what is your goal

Brainstorm forces for change-what are the forces that are blocking you

List down driing forces (positive) and restraing forces (obstacles for change)

5. Stakeholder Analysis

Identify stakeholers according to different factors suc as geography, income group, occupation, legal
requirement. Fingd out who your project’s stakeholder sre and why the project is important to them
Prioritize the stakeholder –who will be affected or inaffected

6. Gantt Chart

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