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FRI 29 APR 2022 - 13:57

SPY now - vs 10 vs 2015 - Rough map

of our thinking with 5 waves

Future s , Options , andCurre ncy, CDF or any othe r s tructure dproducts trading allhave large pote ntial
re wards , but als o large pote ntialris k. The y are not s uitable andmay be appropriate only for
s ophis ticate dinve s tors .

Inve s tors s houldne ve r inve s t or trade withmone y the y cannot affordto los e . This is ne ithe r a
s olicitationnor anoffe r to Buy/Se llfuture s , options , curre ncie s or any othe r ins trume nt or
participate inany trading s trate gy but for pure ly informative re as ons . Pre s e nte dmate rial
s houldnot be
cons ide re dor re garde dby re cipie nts as s ubs titute for ownre s e arch, judge me nt or actions . No
re pre s e ntationis be ing made that any account willor is like ly to achie ve profits or los s e s . Inde e d,
e ve nts canmate rializ e rapidly andthus pas t pe rformance of any
trading s ys te mor me thodology is not
ne ce s s arily indicative of future re s ults particularly. Any s imulate dor hypothe ticalpe rformance re s ults
have ce rtaininhe re nt limitations . While price s may appe ar withina give ntrading range , the re is no
guarante e that the re willbe e nough
liquidity/volume to e ns ure that s uchtrade s couldbe actually
e xe cute d.

Hypothe ticalre s ults thus candiffe r gre atly fromactualpe rformance re cords , anddo not re pre s e nt actual
trading s ince s uchtrade s have not actually be e ne xe cute d, the s e re s ults may have unde r-or
ove r-compe ns ate dfor the impact, if any, of ce rtainmarke t factors , s uchas lack
liquidity. Simulate dor hypothe ticaltrading programs inge ne ralare als o s ubje ct to the fact that the y
are de s igne dwiththe be ne fit of hinds ight andback te s ting. Suchre pre s e ntations inthe ory couldbe
alte re dby Wars , Sove re ignDe bt De faults or Force Maje ure e ve nts . It
s hould
not be as s ume dthat the me thods , te chnique s , or indicators pre s e nte dinthis publicationwillbe
profitable or that the y willnot re s ult inlos s e s s ince this cannot be a fullre pre s e ntationof all
cons ide rations andthe e volutionof e conomic andmarke t de ve lopme nt.

Pas t re s ults of any individualor trading s trate gy publis he dare not indicative of future re turns s ince
allthings cannot be cons ide re dfor dis cus s ionpurpos e s . Inaddition, Northe rnRave n's analys is is
provide dfor informationalande ducationalpurpos e s only ands houldnot be
cons true d
as inve s tme nt advice or a s olicitationfor mone y to manage s ince mone y manage me nt is not
conducte d. The re fore , by no me ans is this publicationto be cons true das a s olicitationof any orde r to
buy or s e llany s e curity or as s e t. As s uch, this informations houldnot be
re lie don
s ole ly inmaking any inve s tme nt. Prior to e nte ring into a trans actionyous houldcons ult with
your ownle gal, re gulatory, tax, financialandaccounting advis e rs to the e xte nt youde e mne ce s s ary to
make your owninve s tme nt, he dging andtrading de cis ions .

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