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Warm Up
A. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a
B. Accept all correct answers.
C. Accept all correct answers.


A. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
B. 1. Naledi and Tiro are the two main characters. They are siblings.
2. The train was crowded because it was rush hour when many people travelled in the train.
3. The train was very crowded and the children were pushed out of the train due to the
force of passengers alighting the train. Once they alighted, they were unable to climb back
due to the rush of passengers at the door and Grace was also unable to get out of the train.
4. The police came to the railway station to check the passes of all passengers at
the railway station.
5. Naledi and Tiro went to the house of the unfortunate man. They informed his son that
his father had been arrested because he was not carrying his pass.
6. The boy wanted to stop the police van that was carrying his father. He shouted at the
policemen to stop the van but when they did not stop, he threw a stone because he
was angry that his father had been arrested.
7. The boy was angry that his parents were suffering due to the policy of apartheid
followed by the South African government.
C. 1. The black people needed a pass to stay in the urban areas so that they could seek
employment. The pass contained details of the person and his/her employment record.
This tell us that apartheid was a very discriminatory system and black people had to
face many hardships in South Africa.


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2. The children faced several hardships due to apartheid. They had to live apart from their
mother. They had to travel in compartments meant only for blacks, and these were usually
very crowded. Due to the crowd, they even got separated from their aunt on their way
to visit their mother. The children feared the police because they knew that the
police mistreated black children.
Life Skills and Values
Accept all correct answers.

A. 1. chuckled 2. delicate 3. combustible 4. satisfy
5. ate 6. mumbled 7. dumped 8. lucky
B. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. c
C. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. b
9. b 10. b 11. b 12. a 13. b 14. a 15 . b 16. a
D. Word Meaning Origin
1. faux pas blunder, mistake French
2. bon voyage wishing a good journey French
3. modus operandi method of operation Latin
4. carte blanche free to do as one pleases French
5. pro bono without fees Latin
6. status quo the state of affair that exists Latin
7. beaux arts fine arts French
8. prima facie apparent, on first view Latin
9. prima dona leading female singer Latin
10. nouveau riche new rich French
A. 1. Sarla hasn’t exercised for two weeks as she is not well.
2. The painting that Rana made is very beautiful. (Adj C)
3. My dog will eat whatever food I give him. (NC)
4. The man who is standing with Mukul is a doctor. (Adj C)
5. Rajan had to sit in the class until he finished his work. (Adv C)
6. If you don’t finish the food, you will not get the dessert. (Adv C)
7. Whoever leaves last should turn off the light. (NC)
8. The girl who has a bag in her hand is Lina. (Adj C)
B. 1. This lake is natural, not man-made.
2. Lina is a well-known artist.
3. I didn’t meet Lina—I only spoke to her over the phone.


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4. It was a terrible day… I mean everything went wrong.
5. I like this film very much— it’s one of the best Bollywood films.
6. He is the blue-eyed boy of the Sanskrit teacher.
7. The view of the snow-capped Himalayas was captivating.
8. It was an absolutely thrilling match—one couldn’t ask for more.
9. The owner of this car is a seventy-year-old gentleman from Chennai.
10. Everyone who participated in the essay writing competition—all my classmates did—
was given a storybook as a prize.
A. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F
B. Accept all correct answers.
C. 1. It takes a lot of time.
2. I was going to tell you.
3. It is a thorough report.
4. What time will you arrive?
5. What are you doing tonight?
6. The book is about pronunciation.
7. You need to pay attention all the time.
8. The airport is not far from the capital city.
Accept all grammatically correct answers.

Chapter 8. Across the Sahara on a Bicycle

A. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T
B. 1. The story of one of his Himalayan Heroes, H W Tilman, who had cycled from Kampala to
Cameroon, inspired Anindya to cycle through Africa.
2. The Morocco-Western Sahara- Mauritania route was the best because:
• it was possible to cycle this distance without carrying any camping gear, as one
could travel from one settlement to the next in a day.
• Anindya only had to carry 4 to 5 litres of water during the ride each day.
3. Anindya took help from his friends, gathered funds through crowd-funding, and used
his savings to fund the trip.
4. Visa complications forced Anindya to cut short his riding days.
5. At Tarfaya, Anindya could get a warm shower and a cosy hotel bed.
6. No-Man’s Land was roughly a 4-km stretch of desert between Morocco and Mauritania.
It didn’t belong to either country and was notorious for its landmines.


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7. The weather was windy through the day and large amounts of sand was flying on the
road to Nouakchott.
8. In the village of Tiguent, the writer met Ibrahim who was from Mali. In Tiguent, he
almost stepped on an Sahara scorpion. The writer enjoyed a fabulous meal cooked by
Ibrahim. In the evening, Ibrahim played Malian music on his mobile, and he and writer
danced and laughed together.
C. 1. Accept all correct answers.
2. It was a life-changing journey for the writer, as he learnt a lot during the trip as a human
being who had pitied himself against the vastness of the Sahara Desert. During the trip he
faced many hardship and even racial discrimination. He learnt to accept love and hatred
in his stride.
D. Accept all correct answers.
E. Accept all correct answers.
Life Skills and Values
Accept all correct answers.

A. 1. h Landmine explosive device which is placed on or under the ground
and explodes when a person or vehicle touches it
2. a Civil rights the rights that people have in a society to equal treatment and equal
opportunities, whatever their race, sex, or religion
3. c Role model someone you admire and try to imitate
4. g Close-up a photograph or a picture in a film that shows a lot of detail because
it is taken very near to the subject.
5. b Quick tempered readily roused to anger
6. f Fundraiser an event which is intended to raise money for a particular purpose,
for example, for a charity
7. e Windmill a building with long pieces of wood on the outside which turn
around as the wind blows and provide energy for a machine
that crushes grain
8. d Get together when people meet to discuss something or to spend time together
B. 1. held up 2. gets on 3. set aside 4. pick up
5. made up for 6. broke in 7. called off 8. comes up
A. 1. Anya does not want go out because she has a bad cold.
2. Anamika has lived in Delhi since she was a child.
3. As it was raining, they decided to stay home.
4. Once you finish your work, we will go for the party.
5. Jenny is tall even though her brother is short.


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6. Whenever my grandparents come, we have a family get-together.
7. Shreya was watching TV when her mother arrived.
8. My cousins and I kept talking until the wee hours of morning.
B. 1. but 2. and 3. nor 4. but 5. so 6. or 7. but 8. so
A. 1. Miles of nothingness,
Canopy of blue.
If you’re able to live
this, Blessed are you.
2. The ride to Tarfaya,
They said it’s the best.
The wind thought otherwise,
And decided to take my test.
3. If you see camels on the freeway,
They could be anywhere, you see?
If you see a bicycle in a desert,
Could be a mirage, or may be its me.
4. After each day of pause,
My mind is put to a test.
Can I do it? Can I go on?
Don’t know yet but will do my best.
B. Accept all correct answers.
C. 1. The gi g antic dra g on sat by the sea.
2. The teenager was a g hast to see the stranger.
3. The giraffe and the g oose lived in the bi g g arden.
4. The g irl with g rey hair is walking through a giant g ate.
5. The taste of the ginger tea was g ood.
Accept all grammatically correct answers.

Chapter 9. The Slave’s Dream

A. 1. a. The poet is talking about a slave in America.
b. The person has a sickle in his hand.
2. a. The mist and shadow of sleep refers to the dream being dreamt by the slave.
b. The slave’s native land is in Africa near the Niger river.


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3. a. The dark-eyed queen is a reference to the slave’s lovely wife.
b. Their children are with her.
4. a. The slave has been found by the owner lying down, and they are whipping him to wake
him up.
b. He does not feel the whip as his body is lifeless and he has died.
5. a. The slave’s body compared to a worn-out fetter because his soul has broken the
chains(fetters) of his body and attained freedom after dying.
b. The slave has died, and his soul has been freed from slavery.
B. 1. The slave lay beside the ungathered rice because he was too tired to complete his assigned
2. The slave had a bare breast that signifies the barrenness of his life. His matted hair
was buried in the sand that shows that is slowly dying due to a tired body and soul.
3. The slave sees the Niger river in his dreams.
4. He sees himself as a king.
5. The slave imagines himself riding a horse swiftly along the banks of the Niger. He follows
the flamingoes and rides on till he sees the roofs of the huts of the caffre tribe. At night, he
hears the lions roar, the hyenas scream and the hippopotamus crush the reeds in a
marshy land.
6. This refers to the cry of his soul for freedom and liberty.
C. 1. Yes, the slave suffered from the harshness of nature, as the last stanza mentions the
‘burning heat of the day’ where he is lying in direct sunlight.
2. The slave’s dream was to get his freedom, so that he could visit his homeland in Africa
and meet his family.
3. The slave led a very sad life as he had no freedom. In a way he eventually did get
freedom because death is the only means of attaining freedom of any kind.
Life Skills and Values
Accept all correct answers.
1. Pathos
Students can explain in their own words. Answers may vary.
2. Personification
The moon is described to be playful and full of joy.
3. Metaphor.
Rajan’s voice is compared to music and his words to cotton candy.
4. Metaphor
These images appeal to all the five senses - sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.
Accept all correct answers.


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Warm Up
A. Accept all correct answers.
B. Accept all correct answers.
C. Accept all correct answers.

Chapter 10. Dear Dad

A. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T
B. 1. In the telegram, the boy wrote to his father that he had no money so was not able to have a
good time.
2. On receiving his Father’s reply, the boy wrote to his mother and complained that his father
had ignored his request for money. He also suspected that the mother was not aware of his
telegram and she would have been more considerate about his request for sending money.
3. The boy thinks that the mother’s phone is in her handbag and the handbag is filled with
so many things that she is unable to hear it ring.
4. The school was located far away from any town or city.
5. The students are allowed to go to the town once a month. They go to a market to eat
food of their choice. Most go to a dhaba to each tandoori chicken.
6. The boy gave many reasons for asking for money:
• He had lost weight because the food being served was not as nutritious as the
food prepared by her mother.
• He had missed watching a movie that the teacher had recommended for
value education.
• He also mentioned that it was the 21st century and things had become expensive.
7. The boy had not scored good grades in the term so he could not argue about money
with his parents at the end of the term.
C. 1. Tbe boy calls the school a ‘bored-ing’ school because he was bored. He is trying to be funny
because ‘bored-ing’ rhymes with boarding.
2. Answers may vary. Accept all correct answers.
3. Answers may vary. Accept all correct answers.
D. Accept all correct answers.
E. Match each sentence part with the correct hyperbolic expression.
1. e 2. d 3. h 4. c 5. f 6. g 7. a 8. b
Life Skills and Values
Accept all correct answers.


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A. 1. broke 2. rubbish 3. went on
4. check 5. say hello to them for me 6. crook
B. 1. netizen: Internet + citizen 2. smog: smoke + fog
3. webcam: Web + camera 4. edutainment: education + entertainment
5. emoticon: emotion + icon 6. dumbfound: dumb + confound
7. Internet: interconnected + network 8. faction: fact + fiction
C. 1. Do you know there are three angels in a triangle? angles
2. I am pleased to except the gift. accept
3. The brakes on a bicycle work by fraction. friction
4. Punctuation means doing things on time. punctuality
5. He had to use a fire distinguisher to put out the fire. extinguisher
6. He is a golf in sheep’s clothing. wolf
7. Mom says the monster is just a pigment of my imagination. figment
8. My sister has an extra-honorary perception. extra-ordinary
9. We are completely against racial incrimination. discrimination
10. The students are performing experiments in the lavatory. laboratory
11. Nobody knows the nationality of the author as the book is unanimous. anonymous
12. My neighbour, an expiring guitarist, practises for hours every day. aspiring

A. 1. Rita asked me who my teacher was.
2. Raza asked them why it took them so long to come.
3. I asked the new boy where he had studied earlier.
4. Aryan asked me where I was going.
5. Zara asked Zoya how long were her holidays.
6. He asked me where I lived earlier.
7. The boys asked the teacher when the new session will start.
8. The man asked the receptionist who the head of the art department was.
9. Mr Nanda asked the team why they had lost the match.
10. The teacher asked the students when the project will finish.
B. 1. My friend asked me if it was my car.
2. My friend asked me if I jogged every day.
3. My friend asked me if I had gone to the mountains last summer.
4. My friend asked me if my brother knew cycling.
5. My friend asked me if Sameer had visited me since he had left the town.
6. My friend asked me if my sister played cricket when she was young.
7. My friend asked me whether I was going to her birthday party.
8. My friend asked me if my cousin owned a pet.


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C. 1. My mother asked me to call her once I reached home.
2. My mother requested me to close the door.
3. My mother told me not to play with the matches.
4. My mother advised me to study hard.
5. My mother told me to clean my room.
6. My mother requested me to water the plants.
7. My mother told me not to bother my brother.
8. My mother asked me to come home early.

A. 1. hostel 2. dormitories 3. warden
4. together 5. common 6. extra-curricular
Accept all grammatically correct answers.

Chapter 11. The Cookie Thief

A. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a
B. 1. a. The cookie bag was in between the woman and the man.
b. The woman tried to ignore because she did not want to pick up a fight and make
a scene at the airport.
2. a. ‘Mine’ refers to the packet of cookies that the woman found in her bag.
b. ‘He’ refers to the man who was sitting next to the woman at the airport. He tried
to share his cookies with her.
C. 1. The woman was going to read a book and munch some cookies.
2. The woman tried to ignore when he started taking cookies because she did not want
to pick up a fight and make a scene at the airport.
3. The woman was getting angrier because she felt that her cookies were being finished
by the man.
4. The man broke the last cookie into half and offered her one half.
5. The woman thought that the man was bold, inconsiderate, and thankless.
6. The woman gasped in surprise when she opened her bag because she found a packet
of cookies in it. All the time at the airport, she thought that the man sitting next to her
was eating her cookies. In reality, she was the one eating his cookies!
D. 1. The woman, who thought she was a very nice person, was not friendly with the man. On
the contrary, the man behaved in a very friendly way with her. The man was generous
and kind while the woman was pretentious and not very caring.
2. Answers may vary. Accept all correct answers.


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Life Skills and Values
Accept all correct answers.

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