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Zoe Corbo

FCE curse

What I’d safe in a fire

Have you ever thought about which possession you’d? choose to save if your house was on
fire? Well, for me it would definitively be my phone. Obviously, I’d rescue my family and my
dog first but after that it would be my precious phone and books.
By simply looking at my phone you wouldn’t be able to see how important it is to me. It’s an
expensive apple model and modern to look at. If you started it up, you’d find difficult to use
because of the high-tech but then it’s user-friendly.

So, what makes it so special to me? Well, a great deal of sentimental value comes from the
fact it was a sixteen-birthday gift from my parents. Since then, it has become increasingly
important to me because of the hundred’s photos stored in it along with all my friends’ details.

The main reason I’d grab my laptop first in a fire is because I’d be heartbroken to lose all my
photos which have so happy memories for me. What’s more, the effort of my parents to be
able to buy it

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