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Writing activity

Teens 4 Saturday morning

valerie alzate idarraga

In my house there are several things like the television and I think that today we are going to
see a movie around the time of Halloween, and I will also be on the computer also watching,
there are the cell phones that my father is going to write and send messages, this too Phones
like my mom who will always talk on the phone every day and finally there is the sound system
to listen to music and stuff and where we are going to listen to songs while they make lunch.

You did not use “superlatives”

Grade: 4,0

Angelina Lagos
in my house there are many things. In my room I have different things, for example the most
beautiful mirror with lights, the biggest TV in the house, the best led lights that surround my
room, I also have many stuffed animals. Today I am going to take many photos in front of my
mirror and I am going to use my lamps. I will have to organize the living room of my house
where the most decorated wall in the house is, this one also has a television but it is the
smallest, the bathroom is the most illuminated place in the house and the kitchen the most
used, today I will have to go out and buy some things that are necessary to have the most
beautiful house.


Juan Jose Mejia

objects from my house There are different objects in my house for example, I will always go to
watch television on Saturdays and on Sundays I will go riding a bike, the most common is to go
to the room to use the cell phone or maybe go to watch a movie on the computer, my Mom
will always use the motorcycle to go to work, she uses it from Monday to Sunday and I will
always use the bicycle to be in shape.

Grade: 5,0

juan jose sierra

In my house there are many things of great importance and others not so much, the most
important thing is my computer since with it I can see my classes, another very important
element is my cell phone with which I can communicate with my classmates, the most likely
thing is that I will be on my computer for a long time, then I have what is in every house, the
beds, bathrooms, kitchen, etc. to finish I will go to study, see you later.
Grade: 5,0

Manuel Alejandro Quintero Flórez

My home has 3 floors and is the largest, the kitchen has a good space to cook, the meals are
the largest, my computer is the most powerful and my mother uses a lot to work and I to study,
play and watch movies, On the weekend I get up and go to turn on my computer for English
class, the patio is also very large, in the patio there is a washing machine, and a large space to
hang clothes and to store bicycles, in the week I wake up and I'm going to take my cell phone
to start classes since my mother has the computer all afternoon and in the morning to work
when night comes, I take the computer to play

Grade: 5,0

laura sofia Marin

What I appreciate most in my house is the kitchen since it is where my mom's delicious recipes
come from, something of the most expensive is the car which I will use on Monday, the TV is
the flattest thing in my house which I will watch in the afternoon with my mom, what we use
most in the house is the kitchen bar which we share every night and the biggest thing is the
playground which I will use tomorrow with my dogs.

Grade: 5,0
Juan Andrés Urrea

In my home there are different things, there are 4 TVs and mine is the largest, there is a
refrigerator, a console, an oven, there is a bed in each room, a few pieces of furniture, which is
where I spent most of my time, although it should go out more, and these are some of the
objects that are in my house

You have 63 words/ you did not use superlatives / you did not use will/going to.

Grade: 2,8

 Emmanuel Ochoa

In my house there are many things that I use ... 1 My digital tablet: it is the smallest gadget that
I have, the computer: it is very important it is the gadget that I use the most, especially in
virtual classes, I also have the television, which one It is the largest device I have and what I will
use at night to watch novels or series and some movies. one that is not very necessary but I use
it is the night lamp, this is very little useful, I only use it at night to have a drink or do
something, but anyway it enters the list of gadgets

Grade: 5,0

Jerónimo Villegas Gómez

There are many things in my house and they have many differences. First The refrigerator is.
The car of my dad is the most expensive thing the highest and coldest that my family has and
it's broken so we needed to call someone to repair it. The television is the biggest device and I
will use it this night. The car is the most expensive thing we have and I will learn to use it Today.
and finally, the most important in my opinion the laptop i play with it, i study with it, i relax with
it is very useful and I’m going to use it all day.

Grade: 5,0

Susana Zuluaga

the objects that can be found in my house if at night we use the television, when we get up we
use the toilets that are very indespensible then in the bathroom we use a sponge to bathe after
we use a towel to dry it is very important to agree when we use The shoes because we must tie
the shoes very well then it is very good to put on a watch to know the time when we want it is
very important that we use many accessories because we can see ourselves well with them
among these can be the rings, the handles and the earrings for Having breakfast is very bad
not to use cutlery for that reason we use plates, spoons, forks and knives, it is always better to
drink water or juice, I take it in a glass when we brush our teeth, it is very good to use the
colgate and a brush in addition to dental wax and mouthwash to It is important for us to have
a clean house and to be very igenic, for that we always use the cloth, a cloth and the broom
when do we clean our bathroom we use cleaned brushes to clean and a cloth and a mop to
shake and dry when we cook we use the pots as pails soup pots and large ladles

you did not use superlatives/ you did not use will/going to

Grade: 3,0

laura isabel marin

In my house there are objects of all kinds, I still have my childhood toys that will be for my
children, the oldest of my children will pass them on to my youngest son; There are many
pictures that my mother paints and they are the most beautiful in the world; There are three
beds, the largest is for my parents, another is mine and another is for guests; There are many
furniture with the most beautiful colours, those colours will be for a needy family, we also have
televisions that will be for needy families and so with the material things that we do not need.

Grade: 5,0

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