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Examen de ingles :V

What things do you have in your bethrom?

1-I have too many things in my room, but the most important things in that room are, for example,
my bed, my stuffed animals, my laptop, my clothes, and my pillows.

Descrive your mom

2- If I described my mother, I would say that she is the most wonderful woman I have ever seen.
She always accompanied me through thick and thin, and she always advised me.

What are your hobbies?

3-I have many hobbies but I will only name three of them



play guitar

what do you do in your free time?

4-In my free time I do too many things that are not interesting for other people, such as
sleeping, reading or thinking, and very rarely play video games.

Tell me 3 activities and the time what you do

5-First I get up at several hours since I'm on vacation. I think the most common is at seven am,
then at eight I prepare my breakfast, they are generally sandwiches, then at nine I prepare to go to
guitar lessons

What do you do everyday?

What I do every day is practically get up to watch YouTube videos, then do the chores to help my
mom and then I watch streams on twitch.

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