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Day to Day Life of an Idiot

Do you ever wonder what it's like to be in someone else's shoes? Well, what you're about to
read might help you with that thought. Although the shoes you're about to be in are the shoes of an
idiot, which is me.

How my days go aren't really that extraordinary or whatever. I usually wake up at around 4 to
4:30 in the morning on school days. Then of course I get ready for school, preparing all the things I need
like a powerback charger, double checking my notebooks, pens and oslo papers (for my elective)
because I have quite a bad memory.

In class, I would already take out my quizlet before our English subject because the teacher likes
to do drills often. I check my notes right before them and try to make sure to atleast review everything
from the previous day so I can do decent enough on the drills. After we check our answers on the drills,
I go on another separate note of mine that has all my other seatworks, drills, quizzes or groupings.

As you can tell, you may probably be thinking I like having notes alot. But I just have my notes
because as I have mentioned earlier, I don’t really have the sharpest memory. I have 3 types of notes
that I check, one on my phone, then on my notebook and my classmates’ notes. It’s just so incase I
forget 1, I won’t forget the other 2.

My after school experience is nothing out of the ordinary either, before I leave I still double
check my things just incase then prepare my keys since I live with my cousin and they aren’t usually
home often. Then as soon as I get home I just take a shower, cook, clean my uniform and again, check
my notes obviously to see the assignments I need to do. After my assignments, I try to do household
chores like do the dishes, clean my room, mop the floor and whatever.

After all of those, I get ready for the gym and spend like 1 to 2 hours there. Then when I get
home from the gym, if my cousin isn’t home I just cook my own dinner or buy food outside. After dinner
and everything, I spend the rest of the hours of my day watching tiktoks or chatting people on discord
and messenger. Now that would be a casual glimpse of the day to day life of an idiot, yours truly, me.

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