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Year 6 Magazine

Why no one wants to do their chores

Parents, do you ever wonder why your children don’t want to do their chores? Well, I’m not
speaking for everyone here, but here are some reasons I don’t.

1. Because they are boring

One of the contributing factors to my not wanting to do my chores is that they’re not that fun. All
doing dishes is opening the dishwasher and sorting the dishes into the right places. All getting in
the laundry is taking pegs off clothes and chucking them in a basket. All cleaning the toilet is
gross. I think I have made my point. What you need to do is make it somewhat less boring.

2. Because I am probably doing something fun when asked.

Kind of related to the first one, I’m probably playing on the computer or watching youtube when I
get asked. There is one simple solution to this. Catch me at a time where I’m not enjoying what
I’m doing. Or while it’s a good place to pause. Although, I’ll enjoy it a whole lot less than normal
if you suggest it as a thing to do when I say I’m bored.

3. Because you ASKED.

Sometimes I have a weird urge to do my chores so I go to the kitchen and you say, “Ellie! Its
your day for dishwasher!” all of a sudden, I don’t want to do my chore. Because now it feels like
I have to do it. But even though I did have to do it if I did it willingly doesn’t feel like that.

Anyways in conclusion, I don’t like doing my chores. Don’t ask me to do it until the very last

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