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My routine during the quarantine

To be honest, my routine during the quarantine changed a lot. I used to get up at 7am,
to go to school. Now, if my mother doesn’t wake me up to have lunch, I could sleep all day.

I get up at 1pm, have lunch, have a shower and then I just stay in my living room,
listening to music, or avoiding housework. As I have school work to do, I go to my bedroom,
and stay there studying. After I study, I usually watch a movie or read a book, as a way to avoid
the housework that my mom tells me to do again.

After I watch the movie or read the book, I search on the internet for culinary recipes,
and try to do cakes with my sister. We try to make a different cake every day, and as we are 4
people living in my apartment, we can eat the whole cake without a problem.

As I’m bored and I don’t have much to do, I try to do things I wouldn’t do if I was at
school, for example, build my own camp by using pillows and destroying the living room (and
then, of course, I have to clean it all). That can be childish, but honestly, I think that’s why I do
it: because I miss being a little child.

That’s my routine during the quarantine, and honestly, I find it quite fun and less tiring
than my school routine.

Catarina Vieira, nº19, 9ºA

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