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My Daily Routine

To become successful, everybody should follow a strict schedule or routine. Especially in

student life, we need to maintain our time properly. Today I am going to tell you about my
daily routine and how I manage my time properly. I considered the morning the most
important part of the day. I usually wake up at 6:00 am in the early morning which is the
best time to relax my body and mind while you are opening my eyes. After that, I usually
have my breakfast on the rooftop since it’s very chilly there. Sometimes I watch the
spectacular sunrise which is very sightseeing. Having a delicious morning breakfast was
nice but it’s not nicer than reading a book about your favorite movie while sleeping in the
hammock. I always read a book about trivia things such as space and others, but one of
my favorite books I always read would definitely be Harry Potter. When I read a book, I
always get lost in my imaginary world. After daydreaming for hours, my mom usually
comes and says ‘’ Hey, get up you have school ‘’. I have school at 8 in the morning which
was annoying but pretty great because I have to meet my lovely friends. We sometimes
do some projects which are really interesting. After about 10 I got a break time for 20
minutes. I showered and got dressed for my other school at 1. As usual, I have to attend
the second part of the class. The class usually finishes at 12. As I mentioned I have class
at 1 so I eat my lunch quickly and go to school. Mostly I arrived at 12:30. Before the
class starts me and my friends usually play games and sometimes watch movies on the
screen projector. We sometimes get caught by the teacher. School ends at 4 o’clock in the
afternoon so after that, I went back home. Sometimes I go to Junction Center which is
very near to our house. Mostly on Thursday and Friday, we buy snacks there. On Monday
to Wednesday, I have Nelc class at 6pm, so I have to eat my dinner at around 5:30. Nelc
class lasted about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Afterward, I do my homework or maybe watch
television. I sleep around 9 to 10 so I read a bedtime story with my cousin, and I enjoyed
my day.

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