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EDUC 253



Last semester, that is 2nd semester 2021-2022 I took up Quantitative Data Analysis
under Dr. Orongan and as expected it is indeed challenging and difficult. In this
semester, here comes again a subject in research and this time it is Qualitative Data
Analysis. The first question that comes in my mind as of now, what is the difference of
this two types of research specially in nature. Im pretty sure this will all be clear as I go
along with our class. Another question that comes in my mind is that what are the
cases or problems that Qualitative Assesment will be the best type of research that must
be used? Im looking forward to discover the ideas and answer behind this question of
mine. The subjects are growing harder and harder now that I am at this educational
level, which is to be expected. I must pay close attention to what my professor says and
perhaps complete some advanced reading. It would be a really exciting time in my
academic career because new teachings and concepts would be introduced. Although
passing this subject will be extremely difficult for me, I will make every effort to achieve
so. To avoid confusion, I must comprehend everything and must inquire if something is
unclear to me.

This class makes me nervous and enthusiastic at the same time. I am delighted to
discover new approaches of research that I didn’t know previously and to become
much better in the field of research. I am also expecting for a face to face class in order
to have a much better understanding of what is this type of research is all about. Virtual
classes is also good yet there are so many factors specially the signal problem within the
different ISP’s. On the other hand, I am concerned that I will not give it my best  but I
am confident that with the appropriate guidance and assistance from my professor, Dr.
Denis Tan, I will be directed to the next step in attaining my goals.

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